Obey Your Orders

Chapter 32: 034


Alo stayed asleep until noon the next day before waking up. After waking up, he rubbed his still-swollen head and looked aside. The little boy was nowhere to be seen.

Thinking of what happened before the pain passed out last night, Allo quickly got out of bed and opened the door. He saw the little boy sitting behind the desk reading a book. When he came out, he raised his head and smiled: "Allo, you are awake."

Clyde's smile was the same as before, but his voice did not sound as energetic as before.

Allo felt distressed, walked over and squatted in front of Clyde, looked at him and said, "Are you still angry?"

Clyde looked at him for a few seconds, then cast his eyes down and shook his head.

Alo pursed his lips, reached out and hugged the little boy, and touched his head and said: "If there is a chance... if there is a chance, I will definitely come back to you and Lydia."

As long as the war between Finney and Clichy slows down, Alo will definitely find a way to come back to see them no matter what the relationship between the two countries is.

Clyde leaned on Allor's shoulder, sniffed the smell of Allor's body and closed his eyes. Allo couldn't see Clyde's expression, he heard the boy "um" and said softly: "You must come to us, Allo."

After this incident, the relationship between Allor and Clyde seemed to be the same as before.

Clyde is still very sticky to Allor, and Allor is also always paying attention to Clyde's emotions. Because this matter is destined to disappoint Clyde, he spoils Clyde more in other aspects, hoping to be able to As a make up.

Regarding Gustav, Allor could not think of any way to deal with it for the time being. Fortunately, the pirates, as he said, did not force Allor, so Allor's life was not disturbed.

So in the next few days, Allor urged Clyde to read, and at the same time he also prepared for the boys' Lanyin Academy trials.

Apart from the trials, there is no other way to practice the use of mechas for Klichy, so Allor can't teach Clyde too much in actual combat.

What he did to Clyde was physical training and theoretical knowledge supplementation.

Clyde's body is too thin, and now there is a prize for the game, Allor asked Lydia to ask him to prepare three meals a day-Allor suggested before, but Lydia was embarrassed to let Allor come. Doing these things, so resolutely refused-now to pay attention to Clyde's diet, Lydia really has no extra energy, so she embarrassedly handed the matter to Allor.

So Allor helped Clyde improve his diet while taking Clyde to exercise.

The rest of the time is to give Clyde the various skills he will use in mecha battles through theoretical knowledge.

In order to make Clyde better understand, Allor will even talk about his real combat experience, and Clyde will look at him sensitively.

After Allor finished speaking, Clyde silently slipped into his arms and held him without speaking.

Allo asked in a low voice, "What's the matter?"

Clyde muffled: "I feel so far away from you."

Allo was taken aback, and finally tightened his arms and whispered softly: "It's not far, I'm here."

In this way, the life of one big and one small becomes extremely fulfilling.

For Allor's training, Clyde cooperated extremely well and was as good as usual, which made Allor worry a lot. But maybe it was because he was racking his brains every day to figure out how to teach the little boy more. On the contrary, Allor was more tired than Clyde, and often fell asleep as soon as he touched the pillow.

After he fell asleep, the boy would lie on his side and watch him for a long time.

Clyde became stronger at a speed visible to the naked eye, and his complexion improved a lot. Alo was particularly pleased to see it, and the Lanyin Academy trials soon ushered in the second round.

The second round of the competition is still an online virtual mecha competition. Before the first round of the competition, 200 participants were selected, and 50 people were screened out in this round.

The game is a three-on-three battle in the form of a group of six. The scoring rules are the same as the first round. The score is not calculated on the basis of winning or losing, but on the basis of scoring points. The ranking is based on the score. The top 150.

On the day of the game, Allor, Gappa and Joshua all came to watch the game.

Among the people who were in the same group with Clyde, there were two others who were quite outstanding-but at this time Allor's special training showed results-Clyde has matured a lot of mecha manipulation skills. , The flexible response and rapid action switching in the battle are awe-inspiring. Anyone who remembers the "little genius" can feel that the progress of the "little genius" is simply a qualitative leap!

"He, which mode is he using now!" Gappa was dumbfounded, and he really couldn't tell.

"Now it's still manual control system." Allor was a little proud.

"Manually? Is it still manual?" Gapa was stupid.

If in Clyde’s last game, the level of manual control was almost as good as that of others’ body control, then in this game, he and the two excellent contestants who used body control in a group were both Has been completely overwhelmed by Clyde under the manual control system!

Gappa suddenly thought of a question, weak and weak: "I just felt that Clyde seemed a lot stronger than before, his body manipulation..."

Before that, Gappa could be sure that Clyde was absolutely unable to use the body control system to use mechas.

Allo raised the corners of his lips and said, "Look at it."

As soon as his voice fell, he saw a golden mecha flipped its body in the air on the playing field, and then it ejected like a cannonball, and the smoothness of the movement increased by several levels compared to before. !

Many people in the audience stood up, all stunned!

Before this game, Allor told Clyde that he could try his body manipulation when he felt it was suitable during the game.

Clyde’s talent for mechas has reached the point that even Allor would be amazed. Once the physical condition itself can bear the pressure of starting mechas, then the mechas under Clyde’s body control will definitely become the playing field. The most amazing figure on the world.

And everything is just as Allor thinks-Clyde on the field is really dazzling!

Even though Clyde’s use of body control in the late game caused some instability in the mecha, and the score did not rank very high, but the "little genius" did once again cause a storm in the game, and it was not allowed. The competitors who had entered the final stage of the trial together became jealous.

Three days after the end of the second round, they received an invitation letter from Lanyin Academy.

Regarding the interview, Gappa, who is unknown, is even more worried than Clyde, who needs to participate in the interview: "I asked about it on the Internet. The Interview Wheel of Lanyin Academy still values ​​the control ability of insects and beasts. Clyde is like this. It’s too difficult to get in under the circumstances!"

—After being in the Arena Club that day, apart from Sano asking for words, Gappa and Joshua didn’t even think of asking Clyde how they were doing, because they never thought about Clay. De can awaken the bloodline-Clyde is already ten years old. The ten-year-old bloodless person suddenly awakened the bloodline. This is nothing short of a miracle, something that only happens in a novel!

Alo heard it, smiled, and when he wanted to speak, he heard Gapa talk to himself and continued: "Speaking of which, my brother seems to have friends in the top 150..."

Thinking of Gapa's brother, Allo raised his eyebrows: "Did you tell your brother that Clyde is also promoted?"

Gapa said: "Of course I didn't say it, but even if I don't say it now, my brother will know it as soon as the day of the game."

Allo asked, "Do you know where your brother is currently ranked?"

Gapa "hehe" smiled: "Of course I asked, in more than ninety people, it's quite mysterious, it's not comparable to Clyde!" This is actually the reason why he didn't tell his brother about Clyde. One-if he knew that Clyde is now the fifteenth "little genius", his brother and friends would probably be hit hard!

However, in Gapa’s view, the current rankings are still not counted—as he said earlier, the ability to control insects still accounted for a large part of the interview round. No matter how high Clyde’s current ranking is, no Once the identity of the bloodline person is revealed, it is really hard to say what will happen then.

After this time of getting along, Gappa has also seen Clyde as a brother, and said: "If Clyde does not enter the interview round, please let him not be too disappointed as an idol! I heard my brother say that Lanyin Academy After the trials for "Cyde", many schools will gradually start preparing for the flying mech department. Clyde mecha has such a good grade, there is always a school that will accept him as a bloodless person without paying attention to him!"

Allor felt amused, and didn't tell Gappa that Clyde was already a super thing. He answered vaguely and hung up the phone.

And after another week, the interview round for the Lanyin Academy Trial Tournament arrived.

On the day of the interview, Allor went with Clyde.

The interview site was at Lanyin College. The two got up early and took a bus ride for a long time before they arrived. There were already a lot of people and a lot of media at the entrance of the college.

However, this interview academy is not intended to be open to the public, so no matter whether it is a miscellaneous person or the media, it is blocked. Only the contestant who is invited to participate in the interview and only one relative or friend with him can enter.

Allor and Clyde handed in the invitation letter and Clyde's ID card to the staff of the academy. The lights of the media flickered at the two, and the microphones were desperately squeezed in front of Allor. The reporters asked eagerly. Said: "Hello, what is the virtual name you used in cyber warfare? Do you have confidence in this interview? Excuse me—"

The staff member who scanned the invisible code on the invitation letter and checked the ID card looked at Clyde in amazement. It took two or three seconds before he came back to his senses. He turned to the side and said, "Two of you, please come in."

As soon as the two of them entered, they ran into Silai at the bottom of a teaching building.

There was a taller man standing next to Xilai, and Allo looked at him calmly, thinking that this man should be the friend of Xilai who had entered the interview round in Gapa's words.

Xilai smiled a little at this man, Yu Guang looked at the two and turned his head a little dazed: "You—"

The man noticed that Xilai's gaze also looked over, and he directly stared at Allor: "Is also here for the game?"

Allo still held the invitation letter in his hand.

Xilai also noticed the thing in Allo's hand at this time, and he was shocked: "You also participated in this trial? Who are you? What is your name on the Internet?"

Clydra adjusted Raalor's clothes, and Allor provocatively raised the invitation letter in his hand to Silai: "Guess?"

After that, he ignored Xilai's reaction and walked in the direction of the roadside sign.

Xilai was still shocked. His friend asked, "Anyone you know? What's your level?"

Xilai's face turned green when he thought of the experience of being threatened by violence by the blond young man.

How is the level?

…Of course it is very high.

But this time is a mecha competition. The weird man named Allor has a high force value. Is it even the mecha operation level is so high?

Xilai couldn't believe it.

Upon seeing this, his friend said directly with a sullen face: "Let's go too."

The interview venue was the stadium of Lanyin College.

As a family member of the contestant, Allor was blocked outside the stadium. This was the limit he could reach with Clyde. After that, he could only rely on Clyde himself.

There were a total of one hundred and fifty contestants. Some brought friends or family members, and some went alone. But no matter what, the outside of the stadium was bustling with hustle and bustle. Many people were secretly observing the surroundings, because Most of these people around will become their opponents in the next interview.

The people who passed by Allor and Clyde basically focused their eyes on Allor.

Allor sorted out his clothes for Clyde, and carried him in a small school bag, which was filled with water and bread—I don’t know how long this interview will take. In order to prevent Clyde from getting hungry, Allor had prepared the day before It's quite enough.

Allor put his hands on Clyde's shoulders and asked, "Are you nervous?"

Clyde shook his head: "Don't be nervous."

"It’s good if you don’t be nervous. Even if the mecha test is conducted today, you should not be allowed to fight again. After all, the first two rounds of selection have been compared enough, and the venue here is not enough for you to fight mecha," Ah Luo Xu murmured, "When you need to review your control ability, just tell them generously that you have awakened your blood. As for the level—"

Allor hesitated.

Clyde said firmly: "I will tell them that I am only one level."

This is the average level of children of Clyde's age.

Allor touched Clyde's head and nodded: "Then level one."

Clyde reached out and hugged Allor again, looking reluctant, Allor was made to laugh by him: "What are you doing?"

"Allor," Clyde nudged Allor, "you wait for me outside, I'll be out soon."

"Is this something you can be the master?" Allor squeezed Clyde's ear and smiled. "Just do a good interview, don't think about it, I will wait for you outside, and I will ensure that you can see it as soon as you come out. I."

"Yeah!" Clyde nodded heavily.

At this moment, they passed by two people, one of them was talking excitedly about the possibility of coming into contact with real mechas, dancing and dancing.

Clyde paused, then suddenly asked: "Alo, you wanted to participate in this trial before, was it just to get the mecha?"

Allo froze, and he didn't expect Clyde to bring up the matter suddenly.

Clyde glanced at him, then lowered his eyes and said, "I just thought of it just now."

Allo pursed his lips.

In these days, the two of them don't mention this topic very much, and occasionally mention it, the atmosphere is always so low.

He sighed and admitted: "Yes."

Clyde trembled and asked in a low voice, "Then why didn't you let me help you later?"

Allo said, "Because I don't want to use you to do things that will make you sad."

Clyde looked up at Allor.

Those eyes are the clearest water blue in the sun, and they are full of undisguised pity.

Clyde felt his heart tightened.

He blurted out: "Alo, I love you."

Allo was taken aback, and smiled: "I love you too."


Clyde looked at Allor and thought, this kind of love is completely different from the love he once confessed to Allor, and the love Allor said to him at this time.

Allor noticed the difference in Clyde's eyes, and was a little bit startled. Silay and his friend quickly rushed behind them.

The two of them were obviously chasing them, and they looked at Allo's gaze without concealing hostility.

Xilai was panting, also in a mixed mood.

This weird man named Allo appeared so suddenly that he was terribly startled.

On the way, he told his friend all the abnormalities of this man, and his friend's face became more and more ugly.

Xilai was a little bit silly, and could only say: "It's okay, my teacher has already contacted me and will try to help you."

He and this person used to be classmates, but they didn't meet much, and the two hadn't seen each other for two or three years. The reason for contacting now is that Xilai has been paying attention to those with strong family background among the people he has been in contact with. Therefore, as soon as the other party was selected for the interview round of Lanyin Academy Trials, Xilai knew the news and immediately followed it. Going up, after all, he happened to be a graduate student at Lanyin College, and even his mentor was just in charge of a part of this trial.

Although it is not a very important person, this trial is very tightly organized. It is very rare to find such a breakthrough. Xilai also knows that this is what this person who had never looked at him before was willing to contact him this time. the reason.

But this is not the most important thing. The most important thing is that if this person can help successfully this time, this person will remember his help, and Xilai will be able to get the care of this person's family in the future.

Therefore, to be honest, he may be as nervous as his friend himself, and he hopes that no mistake will be made.

Of course, the error has actually occurred.

—In fact, they haven't been able to contact his teacher until now.

His friend is already very irritable, and Xilai can only calm down: "Maybe the teacher is busy, I didn't notice. The teacher is going to attend the interview, there will be no problems!"

His friend snorted and said, "I hope so."

However, his friend met Allor as soon as he had calmed down. Silay felt vaguely that he was going to suffer today. Coupled with the conflicts with Allor before, his sense of crisis "choked up". , I was staring at Allo alone in his eyes immediately, and I always felt uneasy if I didn't stare, and I couldn't do anything even if I stared.

Seeing Allor's coldness and warmth to Clyde, his mouth became pitiful again, and he muttered: "What are you doing with the kids for such an important interview? Are you a spring outing?"

It's even more strange to notice Clyde's clothes, and he sarcastically said, "I really came here with a small schoolbag? Did you let Clyde wait for you outside the stadium while doing his homework?"

Alo listened to Silai murmured and sneered.

He said to Clyde, "Clyde, don't be bullied, do you know?"

Clyde nodded obediently.

"Of course, no matter whether he succeeded in bullying you in the end, as long as he really bullied you, you will tell me when you come out and I will help you beat him."

Clyde nodded obediently again.

Xilai heard clearly from the side, and suddenly said angrily: "Do you want to repeat the same tricks as last time? This is the school, with security guards!"

"What if there are security guards, I still beat you!" Alo squinted.

Xilai: "..."

Xilai's friend sneered, "Beat him? It is you and me who will enter the stadium, who have the ability to compete with me."

As Allor was about to speak, Clyde suddenly took two steps forward.

The little boy's expression was unusually calm.

He just raised his head and looked at the tall man next to Xilai, and said, "You and me are going to enter the stadium. It is me who is going to compete with you. Make no mistake, uncle."

The author has something to say: Sancai threw a landmine

Readers "sway and sway", irrigation nutrient solution +1

Reader "Three Colors", Irrigation Nutrient Solution +1

Thank you friends for the mine and nutrient solution=3=

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