Obey Your Orders

Chapter 38: 040


As soon as the aircraft landed on the top floor of the hospital, medical staff ran up to meet it.

Clyde was put on the hospital bed, Allo ran along with the medical staff and sent Clyde into the rescue room, and finally stopped in front of the door, his face blank.

Moore went to the dean, while Gustav stepped outside the rescue room.

"What is the relationship between you and this boy?" he asked.

On the night of the arena, his attention was all on Allo, and it was naturally impossible to notice a small child.

But once the kid became a blue leaf, it was different.

Their pirates trade with people on this planet to study the connection between people on this planet and insects and beasts.

In the interstellar society, the most advanced technology at present has only reached the point where it can create robots with its own thinking. However, robots and humans are always different, and their thinking levels cannot be compared.

A command, a complex environment, and the results and effects of thinking and non-thinking will be completely different. Once the mystery of people on this planet controlling insects and beasts can be thoroughly studied, Gustav can fully imagine How many people will rush to the results of this research.

Especially, once they can apply this kind of control to a person-to-person situation-in that case, the incumbents of countless star nations will be crazy about it.

This is also the reason why they did not choose to grab and grab, but reached a deal with this race in a peaceful way—they wanted to eliminate any possibility that other interstellar forces would know about this treasure. Before they researched the results, they wanted to. Temporarily hide this gleaming planet.

And the more special the individual, the more able to stimulate the advancement of research.

Lan Ye is the most special person on this planet.

The birth of Blue Leaf is not only important to the people on this planet, but also important to their pirates.

Gustav knew about Allor's special situation, so Allor didn't need to cover it up, and said hoarsely, "Their family took me in."

"They still don't know where you came from?"

"…he knows."

Gustav froze for a moment, then smiled: "Oh, he seems to be a smart guy."

The blond young man in front of him was not the kind of person who would tell others his identity casually, so the only possibility was that the boy had guessed everything himself.

Allo sat on the chair, staring at the ground in a daze.

The birds and beasts were called by Clyde just now.

Clyde turned out to be Blue Leaf...

Leaving aside the shock that this incident had caused him, Allo was thinking about it all that "his friend" actually intended to kill Clyde.

Is this a coincidence?

No, it's impossible.

At this moment, Allor had made it very clear that "his friend" wanted to kill Clyde because he knew that Clyde was Blue Leaf.

Allo tried to recall the conversation between himself and the other side when he met the "teacher" outside the stadium.

Thinking about it at this time, although the person's voice was low and rough, it was indeed somewhat similar to the voice of Star General Michelle.

-That person is Michelle star general.

Star Michelle recognized him, but did not recognize him, why?

Is it because Star General Michelle tempted him at the time, and he showed intimacy with Clyde, Star General Michelle felt that he would hinder his plan?

Alo closed his eyes, his face was tense and there was silence for a while, then suddenly opened his eyes—

Star Michelle will be coming for Clyde, and even when Star Michelle will see him, he will know that he is coming with Clyde. Why?

How did the Michelle star determine that Clyde is Blue Leaf?

-Is it because Michelle Star once tried to regain control of him, but was blocked by Clyde?

-Is it just based on Clyde's actions that day?

Although Alo is not very familiar with the affairs of the Clichy, he still understands the basic common sense. As in today’s situation, if it weren’t for the presence of Lan Ye Moer himself, he would soon be skeptical about the gathering of birds and beasts. Go to Clyde, and then think of the blood of Blue Leaf. However, before today's incident, Clyde showed no signs of blue leaf bloodline at all-no one knew that Clyde was of blue leaf bloodline, how did Michelle know that?

Does Lan Ye have other performance characteristics, but he and Clyde don't happen to know?

But how did Michelle know that Clyde will participate in today's interview?

From murder to skinning to mixing into the examination room, Michelle star general's series of actions were obviously premeditated.

Alo always felt that the clues were too messy, and something faintly revealed, but he couldn't catch it for the time being.

He scratched his hair anxiously, then held his head.

Suddenly, he raised his head and asked, "Your compass only reacted to me?"

Gustav raised his eyebrows: "Of course not, what's the matter?"

"There are other people like me?" Allo clenched into a fist. "If your compass responds to other people, does that mean those people come from the same origin as me?"

Gustav looked at Allor for a few seconds and asked, "Didn't you say that you came alone?"

"I didn't say that, you guessed it by looking at my expression," Allor frowned, "I need to know if your compass has pointed to other people just now.".

"No, and," Gustav paused and said deliberately, "Even if the compass points to a person, it only means that that person is from the same origin as you, but not necessarily from the same hometown as you."

"What the **** do you mean?" Allor was completely annoyed by Gustav, who was still playing mystery at this time.

"I said, you told me what I want to know, and I will tell you what you want to know. I can still buy one get one free and take you home," Gustav raised his lips. " So, the most critical question is, are you ready to say it?"

Is he ready to talk?

Allo stared at him.

Once he said that, he even revealed Fini's military secrets.

But let alone, with the tendency of Michelle Star to avoid him now, it may be difficult for Allor to understand everything.

But even Michelle star general... Allor couldn't stand him hurting Clyde like this.

Perhaps Alo's consciousness as a soldier was too low, but the person he was careful about was hurt and turned into this appearance, Alo really couldn't stand it.

Thinking of this, Allor was also gloomy. Why would Clyde be abducted to such a place by Michelle? He inevitably thought of one thing—the two quarreled several times for the question of his "going home". Did Clyde know he would leave immediately if he met Michelle star, so he arbitrarily Run to meet Michelle?

In this way, wouldn't it be that he made Clyde the way he is now?

Allo clenched his hands tightly, almost regretful in his heart. Regardless of how to deal with Clyde's problems at the time, Alo would never want to see Clyde like this now.

Allor used to respect Michelle star general, and he and Clyde did know him not long ago, but for him at this time, Michelle star would not be able to compare with Clyde.

Star General Michelle is just a general. He had a few conversations with him and was respected by him. It could not be said that he was a familiar or a stranger.

And Clyde, his little fool, a witty man, is the one he treats as his family.

Allor looked away from Gustav. He looked at the door of the rescue room for a while and said coldly, "Give me another night."

Although Clyde remained awake on the way, the rescue process was extremely long.

Lydia came here soon. She was brought by Moore's assistant. She had already learned everything on the way, swaying, almost fainting.

Allo held her to the seat in silence, feeling guilty in his heart.

He and Clyde had hoped to wait for the results to give Lydia a surprise, but they didn't expect Lydia to face such a situation suddenly.

Moore arrived shortly afterwards and said to them: "I asked them to do an expedited bloodline test, and the test results have come out."

Lydia supported Allor and looked at Mor with a slight trembling.

Moore solemnly said: "Clyde really awakened the Blue Leaf bloodline."

Lydia covered her chest, panic all over.

Clyde was injured and entered the rescue room. At this time, Lan Ye actually told her that Clyde had awakened the Lan Ye bloodline. Lydia was terrified and excited, covering her face and crying.

"Preliminary investigation has also been done on the school side." Moore was supported by his assistant and sat opposite Allor.

Moore said: "At the time, the corner where Clyde and the murderer were located was not directly photographed by a camera, so they could only use the surrounding cameras to investigate. The man attacked Clyde and brought Clyde... to the blind spot. It was photographed, but no camera captured the picture of him leaving."

"What does this mean? Has the place disappeared?" Gustav raised his eyebrows.

Moore sighed: "Judging from the monitoring results, it does seem to have disappeared in place."

"First of all, it is impossible for the campus surveillance equipment to be hacked," Moore's assistant added. "Even the public cameras outside the school, we have applied to the relevant administration for investigation, and no suspects have been found. Figure."

"Then what's going on..." Lydia asked uneasily.

"We need to investigate this matter again," Moore calmed Lydia, "but don't worry, we will find out a result."

After another three hours, the lights in the rescue room finally went out.

The group immediately stood up.

The door was opened and the medical staff pushed Clyde out.

Seeing the boy with his head wrapped and various tubes inserted, Allo felt dazzling.

"How long will Clyde wake up?" Lydia asked, crying.

The medical staff explained quietly.

The boy's injury was really serious. Although the operation was successful, the boy may not be able to wake up so quickly, so he has to wait in the intensive care unit.

The intensive care unit is blocked from outsiders.

Allor looked at Clyde out of the window for a long time.

The little boy can maintain a trace of energy on the aircraft, but now he is completely asleep.

Allo turned around and walked to Moore's assistant and asked, "Can you show me the surveillance video?"

Moore's assistant was taken aback, and asked for Moore's meaning.

Moore nodded.

The video had already been sent to the assistant's contact device. He raised his wrist, clicked on a holographic screen, turned the screen to Allo, and played the video they collected from various cameras.

Allo watched the video motionlessly.

He saw the man attack Clyde from behind and threw him on the park stairs.

Seeing him hit Clyde's head, pinch Clyde's neck, and knock Clyde's head on the ground.

Finally, he grabbed Clyde's hair and dragged the boy out of the camera's field of view like trash.

Allor clenched his fists.

Michelle star general.

The smiling, elegant Michelle star general.

In the video, his eyes are crazy.

Allor's head aches violently.

He groaned painfully, covered his forehead, took two steps back, and staggered to the ground.

The sky has completely dimmed. Outside the city, in the small woods—

The moon was covered a lot by dark clouds, making the small woods covered by layers of leaves even darker.

I only heard rapid footsteps on the soil and fallen leaves. There was obviously no wind, but the grass on the ground swayed for no reason. During the period, there was a gasp, and a faint smell of blood floated in the air.

At a certain moment, under a muffled hum, someone fell to the ground.

In the next second, a human figure appeared in a clearing.

There were several wounds on the man, most of them concentrated on the upper body, and one on the trembling left leg that he could not use normally. The blood soaked through the dark cloth, and he could not see clearly in the night. Can smell fishy.

What is particularly strange is a wound on his face—the opening fell obliquely on his right cheek, and the skin around the wound was slightly turned up, loose, and not bleeding much. If you look closely, you will see it. There is a layer of skin underneath.

The man propped himself up from the ground, panting, pressed his tongue against the flesh of his cheek, moved his mouth, and the skin on his face even wrinkled.

Then he directly raised his hand and lifted it off, took the entire face off his head, and threw it aside, revealing a young face and silver hair underneath, lying on his back on the grass, breathing calmly.

He took off a button on his chest, looked at it with a reluctant gleam of moonlight, and then threw it away into the grass not far away.

It's scrapped, this invisible button is the last tool. After it's scrapped, he won't have any weapons.

His left leg is completely dead.

He clenched his teeth and fleeing here desperately, but his left leg had no other feeling except the pain, and he couldn't move.

However, the man is not dead yet.

He clenched his hand, smashed the ground fiercely, closed his eyes and roared, his chest swelling up and down.

He kept himself calm, but while cursing in his heart, cursing the cunning of the opponent, cursing that the blonde contestant he met today deceived him, causing him to relax his vigilance, temporarily changed his plan, and cursed. Due to time constraints and the school's protective measures like a copper wall and an iron wall, he was unable to carry the saber that killed the man in the first place. At the same time, he thought of the prisoner many years ago, and that man also lied to them!

His heart was overwhelmed, sometimes thinking of what happened just now, sometimes thinking of the long-lasting thing, despairing for a while, anger for a while.

However, after a while, he suddenly opened his eyes as if he had received some induction, widening.

There are dots of light in his eyes, gradually converging into one piece.

And those rays of light slowly lit up his own flames, and he reappeared, first he was stunned and couldn't believe it, then he was excited and ecstatic. He hurriedly sat up from the ground, looked up at the starry sky almost reverently, grinned slowly at the corners of his mouth, and laughed from his throat.

No, he still has a chance.

Fate hasn't abandoned him yet!

The army-the army has arrived!

He slapped his palm happily, then turned his eyes and remembered-he still has a tool to use, and when the time comes, it will also be a sharp weapon.

Seeing that the situation at the hospital was almost the same, Gustav planned to leave for a while because there was nothing he could do to help.

Before leaving, he thought of what Allo said.

One night...

He thought for a while, and laughed.

Things really become quite interesting.

He just waited for the little blonde beauty to come to him.

This idea just came out, and a communication was connected to his contact device, and it came from his little partner.

"Gustav, something has happened!" The little friend's voice was very anxious.

Gustav lazily asked, "What's the matter?"

"Where are you? Look at the sky!" The little friend shouted, "We didn't detect it at all! Suddenly it appeared—the interstellar army! I don't know where the interstellar army surrounded the entire planet!"

Gustav's face changed, pushing away the nurses and patients who were coming and going in front of him, and amidst the exclamations and complaints of those people, he ran out of the lobby on the first floor of the hospital and came outside.

He looked up.

The night sky is bright and dense.

But those are not beautiful stars.

It's murderous.

The author has something to say: everyone getready~

But rest assured, the main content next is not fighting

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