The next day, at three o'clock in the morning, Yang Xiaolong sat up from the bed in a daze.

Last night, I dreamed that I had caught more than a dozen tuna, and I was pulling hard, and the picture turned into a tiger shark, with a bloody mouth, and he was shocked into a cold sweat.

I can't sleep when I lie back in bed, so I just get dressed and get up, there are quite a lot of things to prepare for going to sea today, and it's too late to hurry up.

Get up and wash up, it's not dawn yet, today he is the first one to get up, the first in the village.

Seeing that they were still sleeping, he went out lightly without waking them.

"It's cold. As soon as Yang Xiaolong went out, he shrunk his neck and wrapped his coat in a gust of wind.

The pier in late autumn is a bit bleak, and the flow of people is not very large.

Yang Xiaolong came to the cold storage and booked the bait that was going to sea today, and the boss was very polite when he saw that he was smoking and pouring tea.

Since he came, a lot of goods have been available, and he can be regarded as a big customer.

"Boss Yang, are you going over there this time?"

"I don't know, just go around." The

owner of the cold storage took a puff of cigarette and said: "Recently, the sea is not calm, Dongyi Port knows, I heard that there are two fishing companies over there, which are competing with each other, and five or six boats are out every day, forcing the scattered households to have no way to live, and they can't even catch a hair in the near sea." "

Dongyi Port?" Yang Xiaolong fell into deep thought after listening to the boss's words, no wonder he didn't see any fish when he went to sea yesterday, the fishing company was ruthless, and all the big and small fish were collected.

Yang Xiaolong took the manifest and was just about to leave, when he saw an acquaintance coming over, Jing Wangwang.

Anyway, I haven't seen him for many days, and I wasn't with Wang Mingfei yesterday, and the two are usually inseparable.

Jing Wangwang swaggered over, just in time to see Yang Xiaolong oncoming, and smiled after losing his mind slightly: "Yo, Yang Xiaolong, where are you going?"

Jing Wangwang saw that he couldn't bird him, so he stepped forward to stop him, "Yang Xiaolong, you won't know each other after two days?"


What are you doing, take gunpowder early in the morning?" Jing Wangwang said as he straightened his clothes, and deliberately flicked a tag on his chest, the bronzing tag was very eye-catching, and the words "ocean fishing" were engraved on it.

"See, distant-water fishing, big companies.

Yang Xiaolong shook his shoulders and ignored him, turned around and left, he still had to go to the fishing tackle shop to make up for some new equipment.

Jing Wangwang rolled his eyes when he saw him go, "What the hell, don't let me see you on the sea." "

Boss, are we going to have the bait ready?" Jing Wangwang knocked the glass window.

"It's coming, it's coming, knocking on it!" said the cold storage owner with a calm face.

"I said what's the matter with you, do you still want to do business, the boss is waiting to use the bait, and you can take responsibility for delaying it?"

The boss was itching the root of his blocked teeth, but when he thought that he couldn't get along with the money, he was now a person from the distant-water fishing procurement department, so he couldn't be easily offended, so he changed his smile and said: "Isn't this time coming, don't worry, it will definitely not be delayed."

Jing Wangwang took the cigarette, put it on his hand and knocked it on his mouth before putting it on his mouth, the boss was good at observing words and feelings, and took out the fire to help him light it.

Jing Wangwang took a puff of enjoyment and spit out the smoke ring.

He and his parents are now employees of the distant-water fishing company, and it is a coincidence that his third master is the manager of the distant-water fishery, and he happened to get the family in through the back door, and now he is easily 10,000 or 20,000 a month.

Yang Xiaolong went to the fishing tackle shop, took some spare hooks with the boss, and some commonly used bait, and was fooled by the boss into buying a new sea fishing rod, saying that it was no problem to catch 400 catties of fish.

When I got home, it was already six o'clock in the morning, Jing Tian and the others also got up and prepared to go to the seafood restaurant.

Before going out, Jing Tian said: "Brother Long, your food and daily necessities Yixuan have been taken to the boat, I wish you all the best!" "

Well, you should also pay attention to your arms, don't do heavy work." "

Got it!" Jing Tian stuck out her tongue with him, and then rode an electric car to the store.

Back at the dock, Encyclopedia was already standing on the boat, and the refueling guy was refueling with a fuel gun, and greeted Yang Xiaolong politely when he saw him.

Last time, I used up almost the oil for a week, and today I have to add 10,000 yuan, which is distressing to think about.

An hour later, the refueling brother drove the tanker truck away, and today he gave him a lot of soybean oil napkins, saying that it was an activity.

The bait and ice cubes on the cold storage boss's side were also prepared, and Encyclopedia checked the hatch and the equipment on board, and after confirming that there was no problem, he reported to Yang Xiaolong.


Yang Xiaolong Xi habitually pressed the whistle, and the Waterfowl set sail again, and today they were going to Golden Beach.

The golden sand beach is almost 200 nautical miles from the coastline, and it takes eight hours to sail to get there, so he asked the encyclopedia to go over and rest first, and then come to change him later, people on long voyages can't stand it.

Yang Xiaolong sailed for a while, and he found that there were two big boats behind him that were also sailing in this direction, and both boats were bigger than his.

Five hours later, Yang Xiaolong's Waterfowl had sailed most of the way.

At this time, the rested encyclopedia came to replace him.

"Brother Long, go sleep for a while. "

Well, call me anytime anything. "

Got it.

Yang Xiaolong returned to the lounge, the sheets and quilts were all newly changed by Jing Tian, a faint fragrance, lying on the bed was still a little uneasy, so he let the octopus attached to the hull of the boat explore the way, in case it hit the reef or something, it would be troublesome.

Confirming that there was no problem, Yang Xiaolong's upper eyelids and lower eyelids fought, he got up too early in the morning, and now he was sleepy.

At the same time, on the two big ships behind him, Jing Wangwang's family was closing their eyes in the lounge.

Jing Erniang was lying on the bed picking at the dead skin of her feet, and from time to time she sniffed it before her nose and went up.

Jing Wangwang was bored with a telescope and looked around, thinking that there would be a lot of people going to sea this time, and there would be one or two girls on the boat, but when I came up, I realized that there were women, but they were all in their forties.

I knew that it was better to be with Wang Mingfei.

After holding back for a long time, Jing Wangwang suddenly found a familiar shadow in the telescope, and it seemed that it was a waterfowl sailing ahead.

"Mom, look!" Jing Wangwang stuffed the binoculars into her mother.

"What's the surprise?" Jing Erniang blew the dead skin on her hand and said impatiently.

"Our Waterfowl.

"Really? I'll take a look. Jing Erniang picked up the binoculars, stretched her head and looked at it, "No, where to put it?"

Jing Wangwang rolled his eyes when he heard this: "Mom!

"Oh, I said I couldn't see it clearly. Jing Erniang looked at it again, it was really the Water Bird, and the road was really narrow.

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