Official Immortal

Vol 3 Chapter 1416: Quite satisfactory

Is it easy to support? "Zu Baoyu laughed as he listened. He saw that Mrs. Chen refused to say it, but he knew it and didn't go to the bottom of the question, "I'll be there on call. You can call me in the middle of the night." ."

    \"Hey, Brother Zu, also ask me what I can do, this is really meaningless," Chen Taizhong smiled and spread his hands and shrugged his shoulders.\"Hehe, I feel quite a failure."

\"If you don't tell me, I won't ask," Mayor Zu laughed again, but his expression was indifferent.\"I rarely regard others as my own brothers, but I am absolutely not afraid of life for my own brothers. , What else to ask?"

     Mayor Zu speaks like this, it's very sensational. This guy needs to learn a lesson. Chen Taizhong smiled and nodded, \"Then I will tell the truth...The reporter named Lei Lei has a good relationship with me."

     He said while observing Zuzu Baoyu. Seeing that there was no response from him, he went on to say, \"Leaving Zhao Xicai, I will be very busy this time...So, I want to help her up."

\"This is easy to say, just say what you need to do," Zu Baoyu smiled and nodded, and then his face changed slightly.\"But too loyal, the young man is very lustful, have to control it appropriately, so many people are planted. In a woman, you are still young and have a bright future."

    \"Brother Grandpa, you seem to have a lot of experience?"; Taizhong laughed and teased him.

\"That is, your ancestor was also young," Zu Baoyu gave him a white look, and then laughed again, \"When you get to my position, you will understand that women in the system are the most superstitious of power, you can only ask for anything What you look down on is what you can't get...especially young girls nowadays, they are more practical.

    \"I seem to have reached this level," Chen Taizhong scratched his head,\"But fortunately, I have a principle that rabbits do not eat grass on the edge of their nests, so the trouble should be less.


    \"That’s the right way to think about Baoyu’s thigh. At this moment, there seems to be no age limit as much as thirty years old between the two. They are more and more like brothers\"moving. Don't move your eyes as long as your reputation goes out. Women in other places recognize you even more...Oh. I forgot. Your place’s reputation is already very loud. "

     after a few sentences. Chen Taizhong got up to leave. Zu Baoyu sent him to the door and saw the unlisted era Superman disappearing from his vision. He just turned around but recalled the things just said.

\"This. The charm of personality is so strong that the other party actually tempted him to say a lot of absurd things when he was unwilling to show others, and when he was young. ==Langlang Novel Network ==M Zu Mayor smiled and shook his head. Time thought about the past. Land days. Not long. He thought of the regrets that made him feel sorry again: If his Japanese father is still alive. And he didn't stay in the village. I followed the troops south. Why should I do it? Even the deputy office shrank his head and no one dared to mess with it?

     Missed is missed. Tangled in the past. Nothing to do with the future! Zu Baoyu shook his head. Just about to get rid of these troubles. Look up. But I saw Shi Zhengjie ran to his place. "Mayor Zu. Secretary Wu's local secretary, Director Ji, called and asked. I want to know ‘what is going on with mental illness. He also said that Secretary Wu is very angry."

    \"Tell him. I'm checking." Zu Baoyu waved his hand impatiently. But he can no longer care about speaking carefully. \"It's just a deputy director of the office. You can call Zhao Xicai if you have the ability. You will bully the honest people. What is it."

     Chen Taizhong negotiated. It didn't last long. It was about noon. He called Mayor Zu. "Brother Zu. Everything is done. Lei Lei, Liu Xiaoli and I are waiting for you at the Marriott Hotel. By the way. The little teacher doesn't have to follow."

Without a secretary, that would be a secret thing. Zu Baoyu could understand it, and he had to send the person in front of him away. He stood up and walked out. Shi Zhengjie hurried to follow him when he saw it, but he didn't prevent Mayor Zu from watching. He glanced,\"You don't have to follow."

     Seeing the figure of his own leader disappear outside the door, the secretary of the division was taken aback for a moment, then slowly shook his head: I want to get the real approval of the boss, I still need to work harder.

     In fact, his thoughts are a bit incorrect. Chen Taizhong is going to talk about it now is really too important. Someone Chen even wants to invite Zu Baoyu to the villa in Zizhuyuan to talk.

Although the villa in Zizhuyuan was lent to him by Han Zhong, it was Chen Taizhong’s secret stronghold in Subo. Choosing to talk here is not only unobtrusive, but also a hint to Mayor Zu: I But I really didn't treat you as an outsider.

Appropriately exposing a little bit of oneself is a means of making heart-to-heart with others. Thinking that Zu Baoyu has talked so much with himself today, Chen believes that he can't hide himself and always refuse to be a thousand miles away. The appearance is not conducive to the cultivation of feelings.

     However, he still hesitated a little bit. If I do this, it is certain that I can win over Zu Baoyu, but will people feel that they are not stable enough, and thus give rise to certain opinions? That would be a bit of a waste. You must know that lack of stability is one of the most taboo characters in officialdom.

     can realize these, have to say

The EQ of      is growing too fast, and the current entanglement is actually related-it depends on what Zu Baoyu himself cares more about. Yes, the subtleties of official communication often vary from person to person.

     Fortunately, this is a very small thing in the end. Lei Lei denied Chen Taizhong's plan with a single word. She also wanted to keep this villa secret. After all, it was a happy place for "us".

Therefore, Chen Taizhong set the location at the Marriott Hotel. Mayor Zu came in anxiously, but he left with a blushing face. It was not because he drank too much, but because he was in a good mood - although he did drink so much. Two white wine.

For Zu Baoyu, the four-person meeting at noon was a life-saving move, because the secretary of Wu Haibin called again when he went to work in the afternoon.\"Mayor Zu, Haibin Secretary, please come over... "

     Looking at Zu Baoyu who was sitting in front of him, Wu Haibin was also a little bit conflicted. As a member of the Provincial Party Committee, he certainly knew that the other party could sit on the position of deputy mayor, and Mengyi had named him.

But there is no doubt that Baoyu is not a Mongolian artist, otherwise he would not have been so low-key after taking office, and Zhao Xicai would never follow this guy, so Secretary Wu easily came to the conclusion: this person has survived There must be some factors in it to be able to take up the post after the Shuanggui.

But even if there are some factors, the guy is still a lonely person after all. Think about the health director Jin Changqing is actually Zhao Xicai's person. In Wu Haibin's heart, he can't help but develop a little sympathy for this weak deputy mayor-I know it's none of your business. It's, but who made you stand up?

     sighed, Wu Ji finally put away all his thoughts and watched Zu Baoyu speak lightly, \"The reporter was forced to be treated by the mental hospital for no reason, what happened?"

    \"There is such a thing," Zu Baoyu nodded and admitted frankly, \"But after I got the news, I rushed to the scene as soon as possible and asked the hospital to release the reporter."

    \", do you think... the release is over?" Wu Haibin looked at him slightly, the expression in his eyes was quite interesting.

\"It's definitely not the end. I have decided to suspend the office director of the Health Bureau Hot Springs, and Li Yi, the deputy director of the mental hospital, the other person directly responsible, is unconscious and is still being rescued," Zu Baoyu answered. It is quite satisfactory.\"At the same time, I am considering and suggesting an investigation into the malfeasance of Jin Changqing, Director of the Health Bureau."

    \"Is it just necessary to investigate them?" Secretary Wu's mouth was sneered with disdain, \"Mayor Zu, you have no responsibility at all, are you?"

     I know you don’t care about me! Zu Baoyu was not intimidated by these words, and still replied in a constant voice, \"I have made an oversight error, but I have tried my best to remedy it. In fact, you also know...The Health Bureau has never accepted me as the leader in charge. ."

     At this point, a wry smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

    啧, this guy is telling the truth, I still have nothing to do, and Wu Haibin also feels a bit of a headache. How about an upright attack at any time is the most difficult to resist? He has admitted that he can't manage his team well, what else can he do? Blaming the other party for incompetence-is it interesting?

Zu Baoyu's guess is correct. Secretary Wu's gun is really not for him. Regardless of whether Mayor Zu is from Secretary Mongolia or not, he only said that the boss of Meng had personally pushed this person to this position, Wu Haibin. You have to consider the consequences of moving this person-the provincial party secretary's face is not so Moreover, Zu Baoyu is still quite weak, belonging to the kind of harmless humans and animals, but Zhao Xicai is the city Long because he is really leaning on the boss of Meng, he is a bit strong now. Yes, Wu Haibin is more willing to take the matter to beat Mayor Zhao.

\"Now the newspapers outside the province have been published," Secretary Wu didn't say anything about team management, picked up the newspaper in hand and shook it, looking at him faintly, \"Have you read it? Do you want to be with me? take a look?"

    \"I've seen it," Zu Baoyu's reaction was really slick and unpredictable, and he didn't give the slightest handle to others.

    \"The public sentiment is infuriated. They want to know the reporter's mental illness, what is the cause?" Wu Haibin looked at him calmly, "Mayor Zu, your investigation, won't you make any progress?"

I knew that you wanted to beat Zhao Xicai with this. Thinking of this, Zu Baoyu would be grateful. If there is no wine at noon, he really doesn't know how to answer now. Yes, Secretary Wu spoke upright and can't tolerate it. What means does he play.

    \"The cause is... "Tiannan Daily" reporter Lei Lei, and Shang Daily reporter Liu Xiaoli, they heard that there are management staff in the drug rehabilitation center selling drugs," Mayor Zu's answer finally was not quite satisfactory.

    \"What?" Secretary Wu couldn't believe his ears.

     The winter solstice is here, and spring is not far away. Where is the spring of "Official Immortals" on the monthly ticket list? )

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