Official Immortal

Vol 5 Chapter 6:

Chapter 1455: Zu Baoyu's caution

Zu Baoyu's remarks had a strong taste of rejection, and Luo Jing was taken aback when he heard them, "Mayor Zu...What do you mean?"

Mayor Zu is really tired and crooked. He said that I am not for your cousin's sake. I really don't care about you. I don't know how to advance or retreat? "It's a bit inconvenient for me now, Ronaldinho, it's been less than half a year since I became the deputy mayor."

As soon as he said this, Luo Jing finally realized that the foundation of his lover had not been stabilized. His request was really too much, so he quickly smiled and toasted, "Hehe, I didn't expect this cup to be an apologize."

Of course, at this point, Mr. Luo couldn't be embarrassed to ask Chen Taizhong about the Phoenix Campus Network, or else he was beating Mayor Zu in the face?

He didn’t ask, Chen Taizhong would naturally not eat and hold to mention it. In fact, someone in Chen was quite happy. Zu Baoyu helped me block it to save my buddies. Xiao Ziling confessed?

However, even so, he still has to. Don't face the fact that with the expansion of the buddy's network and the expansion of power, in the future, it is very likely that he will be overwhelmed for certain things.

The situation in front of you can be a proof: Jing Ziling. Want to take the job on the campus network, Yuan Wang is jealous. After all, Mr. Yuan knows his relationship with Ziling and is willing to fight, but if another Luo Jing comes out, How to divide it?

Well, well, this is all commercial behavior and has little to do with officialdom, but there are also such problems in officialdom, isn’t it? For example, Wu Yan no longer serves as the mayor of Hengshan District. Jiang Shijie and Zhang Xinhua both want to fight for this position-who should I support?

To be a qualified leader, you must first learn to choose! At this moment, Chen Taizhong realized a little bit. In fact, with his ability to call the wind and rain in the Phoenix, there is no need to have a headache for such trivial matters. Whoever he wants to support is just a matter of one sentence. Who has the courage to jump out. No objection?

However, it is very regrettable that what he wants to summarize is the law and not the individual. For example, yes, Luo Tianshang’s journey to the red dust is to learn some original things. If you use a computer game to metaphor, it is that he wants to figure out Source code rather than pure customs clearance skills.

In this way, it is easy to have internal fighting, and it is easy to make oneself cold. Heart-Wang Qibin's experience is a typical example. Because Guo Ningsheng did not do a good job in the distribution of benefits within his camp, he is now being tricked by the Provincial Discipline Inspection Commission. went.

Thinking of this, Mrs. Zhong couldn't help being a little distracted. If his power was small, he would be easily suppressed, but when his power was large, it would be prone to internal problems. This officialdom is really uncomfortable.

He wondered here that Wang Qibin was hitting a snake with a stick, entangled Zu Baoyu, "Zhao Xicai really does not look like a mayor, his level is too bad, and the overall situation is not strong. In the future, I will only recognize the words of Mayor Baoyu. , Other people... I really don't believe it anymore."

This is a loss of honesty, but this is normal. Since Dai Fu has gone to the Federation of Trade Unions, Minister Wang has been lonely and wild for many years. Although Zu Baoyu is a relatively weak deputy mayor, his rank is there. If he can get a little closer, he can feel confident.

Of course, the most important thing is that there is Chen Taizhong behind the mayor, and he has the ability to let go no matter how troublesome things happen. Wang Qibin doesn't want to take refuge in others today, and he fell back in a few days-he has eaten enough. I really don't want to take risks anymore because of unorganized losses.

"Hehe, you are too faithful and faithful," Zu Baoyu replied with a smile, and didn't say anything. As for the meaning of this sentence, there can be many explanations, depending on how the listener wants to understand.

In fact, although Mayor Zu is weak, he really doesn't want to accept this person into his circle, but he doesn't think that the other person is slight, but for other reasons.

After he was full, he drove Luo Jing away and dragged Wang and Chen to the foot-washing room to soak his feet. Only then did he reveal his true intentions, "Xiao Wang, it is really troublesome for Guo Ning to come back from birth, since Zhen Changxi has If you want to win over you, then you just need to fight against the surname Guo."

Behind Zhen Changxi is Wu Haibin, and although Guo Ningsheng is also leaning on Wu Haibin, but this time the incident, Secretary Wu not only stood by and acted as a guarantor for Wang Qibin. After this incident, there was no possibility of cooperation between Guo Wu and Wu.

Anyway, Secretary Guo was able to turn the danger into a bargain this time because he got on the line of Zhao Xicai, so as long as Wang Qibin clearly fights him, Secretary Wu will not stop him, and will almost certainly support it in private.

"What then?" Chen Taizhong was moved when he heard. Wang Qibin asked him what to do just now. He also hesitated. There are many ways to deal with it, but it is questionable which method is most suitable. After all, the boss has spoken, no Let him provoke Zhao Xicai again.

Therefore, he asked Minister Wang to come for dinner, not only wanted to knead the circle in his hand, but also wanted to get some advice from Zu Baoyu. Now that he heard Mayor Zu explain this, he couldn't help asking.

"Then that's it," Zu Baoyu replied with a grin. "Little Wang doesn't rely on anyone. Let's hold on for a while. Maybe Wu Haibin will see him fighting happily and push him up."

"Secretary Wu has too many candidates in his hand, why would he push me?" Wang Qibin heard a wry smile, dare to believe that the mayor of the ancestor did not want this relationship to be exposed. What I said just now is considered useless. People who are not organized are suffering. what.

"Who is right about this?" Mayor Zu smiled, with a clear taste, "It is not necessarily the leader's confidant who can go up. You don't think it is important, but Wu Haibin may not think so... "

Hearing this explanation, Chen Taizhong and Wang Qibin fell into deep thought at the same time. For a while, Chen Taizhong smiled and replied, "It is true, Minister Wang is the best candidate for Zhao Xicai...This is a nail in Guo Ningsheng's eyes. Up."

"And with your support, Zhao Xi can't touch the tiger's skin of the boss in this matter," Mayor Zu smiled like a weasel who stole seven or eight chickens. "If I were Wu Haibin, I would never let this opportunity go. "

"Listening to Mayor Zu said that, I think the same is true," Wang Qibin replied with a smile, but he felt a little bitter in his heart: I might have thought of this too. The problem is that from now on, my life will never be peaceful again. Won't come down.

Most people in the officialdom would not want to be the eye of the storm, and there are so many big bosses involved in the fight, and the rule of "the higher the risk, the greater the profit" may not be reflected here, and the possibility of being broken. Sex is a little bit bigger. Minister Wang is very clear about this.

But now, does he have other options?

Chen Taizhong thought differently. From his point of view, Zu Baoyu’s analysis was very reasonable. Wu Haibin supported Wang Qibin, which was profitable but not harmful. What others saw was that Secretary Wu played a role in the struggle with Mayor Zhao. With the upper hand, who would have thought that Wang was not actually Wu Haibin's person?

Moreover, Wang Qibin's roots are shallow. The real backer is his deputy far away in Phoenix. It is not easy to make waves, and at the same time maintain the relationship with Mengyi. Why not Wu Haibin?

"Mayor Zu's analytical ability, I admire Xiao Chen," Chen Taizhong was not talking nonsense, he really admired it.

"Hey, it's just being overshadowed by someone, and lying at home thinking about it for a while," Mayor Zu sighed, his tone became a little bit difficult, "It's an epiphany to see far after suffering a disadvantage... I finally feel shallow."

You have a very thorough understanding. Watching the door was pushed open and the little girl pinching feet came in, Chen Taizhong stopped talking, but felt a little funny in his heart, so you don’t want to publicize the relationship with Wang Qibin in preparation for a critical moment. Use it--to put it bluntly, I am afraid of getting involved in the battle between Zhao Xicai and Wu Haibin...

After the incident came to an end, Chen Taizhong was finally able to return to Phoenix. Now the atmosphere of the New Year is getting stronger and stronger, and the things that everyone has on hand are gradually divided into two types: "Do it again next year" and "Handle it as soon as possible."

Of course, the work of the agency is quite coherent. Most things are temporarily stopped, and there are not many things that are worth handling as soon as possible.

At this moment, Chen Taizhong was called over by the mayor Qiao Xiaoshu, "Xiao Chen, now some people have responded to the city, saying that your Science and Technology Commission used all the funds from the Torch Program and Spark Program to provide benefits to employees. "

"This is the way to chew your tongue in idleness," Chen Taizhong was a little bit dumbfounded. Part of the money from the Torch Project was used to allocate cars to the leadership, but in his opinion, this is not embezzlement. Mayor Xiaoshu, you know the use of funds very well...we are not afraid of them checking."

The special funds in Liang Zhigang's hands are more than 5 million spent on related projects. It is just that the torch plan in Phoenix is ​​different from elsewhere. It is funded by funds, and the money for buying a car can be said to be with torches. The funds of the plan are earned. Other agencies use funds to buy cars. We are here to raise funds to buy cars. Do you want to talk?

"The key is that your year-end benefits are too high," Qiao Xiaoshu laughed. "Even ordinary employees, even with bonuses and real goods, are worth more than two thousand. They are too rich... so some people are jealous."

"Come on, then our Science and Technology Commission deserves to be poor?" Chen Taizhong understands it better. This is not someone who wants to oppose him. It is a red eye attack. This makes him more and more angry. "Mayor Xiaoshu, poor Not socialism."

"But you should also pay attention to this. It won't be good if you stabbed it up." Mayor Qiao pointed upwards, meaning the province. "Anyway, in theory, the Science and Technology Commission is financially responsible. If you spend too much money here, the funds and allocations for the coming year...I'm afraid it will be a little troublesome."

"The problem is that we earned the money. The Science and Technology Commission now has so many factories and companies," Chen Taizhong was really annoyed when he heard it. "Furthermore, the Science and Technology Commission Building will be built as a Phoenix landmark... "Technology is the primary productive force"."

The first thousand and fifty-six chapters are jealous

Chen Taizhong's mention of the Science and Technology Commission Building at this time is certainly not so simple. The city leader in charge of the Science and Technology Commission Building with an investment of 30 million yuan is you, Qiao Xiaoshu. You spend the money very happily. sentence?

"Oh, it's the work of the unit that the unit spends money. Not to mention the 30 million investment in the Science and Technology Commission Building. Even if the final settlement is 50 million, no one will say anything. It is worthy of the current reputation of the Phoenix Science and Technology Commission. This is public. thing."

Qiao Xiaoshu sighed, not like a deputy mayor at all, "But the money sent to the employees is a personal matter. What others are jealous of is your treatment, year-end bonus and benefits. These are also policies. Yes, do you know? Enterprises are all subject to restrictions, let alone our institutions and institutions."

"Huh," Chen Taizhong just hummed, but wanted to say something, and found that he had nothing to say. Mu Xiu Yu Lin Feng would destroy him, and the science committee treatment was up, everyone was jealous, and he couldn't do it anymore. Everyone is the enemy, right?

Yes, no one else talks about the distribution of cars led by the Science and Technology Commission. They are mainly aimed at ordinary staff of the Science and Technology Commission. However, it is conceivable that the Science and Technology Commission will certainly increase other agencies and departments by issuing money and goods. Leaders’ pressures are all government workers, so why is the gap so big?

So he pondered and sighed, "Then Mayor Xiaoshu, how should we deal with it? Anyway, the bonus and benefits for the end of this year have already been announced... This time it will definitely not be changed, or else this The team is not easy to bring."

"Let's do this this year. I will also say hello to you in advance, once and a half, I, the mayor in charge, can still help you talk," Qiao Xiaoshu smiled and nodded, "but these benefits will be distributed later. And bonuses, find some reasonable reasons."

"A reasonable reason?" Chen Taizhong was taken aback when he heard it. He was a little ignorant of this suggestion, "Can you elaborate more?"

"What's so hard to understand? It's nothing more than changing to overtime pay, labor insurance, vacation travel, etc.," Qiao Xiaoshu opened his mouth and said, "Learn about other systems such as finance, taxation, industry and commerce, and don't send money or things at once. Too many, broken into pieces, don’t you know about Chairman Mao’s guerrilla warfare?"

This is simple. Chen Taizhong understands it, but when he heard the examples of the industry that Mayor Qiao gave, he felt unhappy, "In fact, this thing issued by the Science and Technology Commission is much worse than many industry. ."

"Yes, more than two thousand is really nothing," Mayor Qiao nodded with a smile, "I know this in my heart. In fact, I know the reason why you don't pay the money until the end of the year. Keep the money to prepare for good projects that may arise. , But the problem is... others don’t think so."

"To put it bluntly, it is better not to see the Science and Technology Commission," Chen Taizhong couldn't help being angry when he heard this. "The Telecommunication Bureau of the Inland Revenue Department should pay the money. Our Science and Technology Commission made a mistake."

"Come slowly. It takes a process to change everyone's cognition. Don't make people feel like a nouveau riche." Qiao Xiaoshu enlightened him earnestly, "It might be better in one or two years... Oh, yes, The budget of the Science and Technology Commission Building may be a bit less."

Ok? Chen Taizhong was stunned. When did Mayor Qiao learn to "teleport" just like Secretary Zhang? Why are you looking for me today? Do you want to increase the investment of a building by telling people about things?

Considering that Mayor Qiao has said it twice. He is a little sure of this guess, so he shook his head with a wry smile, "30 million investment, a lot... It seems that even the price increase has been taken into consideration."

"Nowadays, science and technology are changing with each passing day. The design a few months ago has already fallen out of date. I inspected many places and came to this conclusion," Qiao Xiaoshu said in that kind of earnest and earnest tone, "We will either not build this building. , If we want to build, can we not reflect the foresight of the science and technology committee for technological development?"

This is true. Chen Taizhong also admits that the final account is always higher than the budget, but obviously you can’t open it like this. Or, if you mayor Qiao turn around and give me the final account to 100 million, what can I do? So he hesitated and said, "Or else, remove some unnecessary equipment and facilities?"

You kid... Qiao Xiaoshu was a bit speechless for a while. I said that I understood it. You and I pretended to be ignorant. With so much money from the Science and Technology Commission, would you die if you increase your budget?

Fortunately, Mayor Qiao also knew that Chen Taizhong's head was difficult to shave, and he didn't have much hope that things would be done once persuasion, so he smiled and shook his head, "The design schemes are all useful, where are there unnecessary things? Well, you go back and think about it. I will also ask more here to see if we can control the cost again... Anyway, I have an attitude towards the Science and Technology Commission Building. We either don’t build it or build Tiannan. the best."

I also hope that it is the best in Tiannan, but the budget cannot be changed randomly, right? Chen Taizhong smiled and nodded. He didn't speak any more, but he muttered sadly in his heart: The equipment is useful or not. Isn't that a leading word?

It seems that I have been too good to talk recently. When I walked out of Qiao Xiaoshu’s office, Chen Taizhong was secretly ruthless. I agree that you are responsible for the preparation of the Science and Technology Commission Building. It is a respect for the leadership. Later, you made the "big contract" suggestion. Have you adopted it?

But you still want more investment, 50 million...20 million more than the budget. How do you return my respect? For a while, he was a little bit dumbfounded. He really did things against the current in officialdom. If you retreat a little, others will enter a little.

No wonder so many people cling to the power in their hands and refuse to relax, and dare to be forced by the environment, people's desires are really endless.

With such emotion, he returned to the Science and Technology Commission and wanted to catch Wen Hai and ask if the welfare of the unit had caused some rumors, but after another thought, this piece was originally the responsibility of the director of literature, and this guy and Qiao Xiaoshu had recently left. It was relatively recent, and what he said would inevitably be unfair, so I simply went to Sun Xiaojin to find out.

Secretary Sun is the most idle person among the nine leaders of the Science and Technology Commission. When he is idle, he will go around the various departments and enterprises of the Science and Technology Commission. Others really have a headache for the discipline inspection secretary. But although they are new, they are "developing and reforming." The members of the "Members of the Association" have the power to monitor cadres in their hands, and no one dares to scratch the tiger's beard.

In short, it was just delicious and delicious. But not long after Secretary Sun came to the Science and Technology Committee, his face was fat. Chen Taizhong was shocked when he saw him, "Secretary Sun, I have only been away for ten days. I'm a little fatter again."

"I feel a little uncomfortable recently, it's swelling," Sun Xiaojin explained with a grin, but he was secretly sullen in his heart, and he will really go on a diet in the future, "What is Director Chen looking for?"

After he listened to Chen Taizhong’s question, he hesitated and explained it cautiously, “I have never heard of this news, but as far as I know, many people are dissatisfied with the fact that our Science and Technology Commission has not been admitted... Maybe it’s because of this. ?"

"If you don't enter, you will be dissatisfied... Then let them in, they will be paid?" Chen Taizhong was dumbfounded, but he was a little clear in his heart. No wonder places like the China Merchants Office, where most of the entries are related, the Science and Technology Commission If there are such a group of related households, others want to ask questions, but they have to weigh them.

The existence of related households is also necessary! However, Chen is a person who accepts death, but it is not easy to restrain the related households. Don't ruin a pot of soup because of a mouse **** then?

"Huh, it's easy to enter. We welcome those who have special skills. Niu Dongsheng can withstand the pressure. I can't stand it?" He sneered when he remembered that Zheng Zaifu's son couldn't enter the Transportation Bureau. "But I always think, yes Some people think our Science and Technology Commission is not pleasing to the eye."

Sun Xiaojin nodded when he heard the words, and echoed, "This kind of thing is normal, I'm sorry, you don't think about it, it hurts others and disadvantages yourself, many people do things like this... By the way, Director Chen, the new Director Liang of the Electric Power Bureau I want to ask you some time to sit down."

"The Electric Power Bureau?" Chen Taizhong frowned and looked at him, wondering if your kid is eating inside and out? "Lao Sun, you said...Could it be that the Electric Power Bureau made it bad?"

"How is it possible?" Sun Xiaojin smiled and shook his head. "The treatment of the Electric Power Bureau is much higher than that of us. I contacted Liang Fengming, and I felt that the book was still more angry and his speech was straightforward."

"Yeah," Chen Taizhong nodded calmly Yanbing gave me a face in front of He Baohua, I haven't had time to settle the account of this matter, "Then you continue to contact him, he wants to have You can tell me what you think."

However, Liang Fengming's desire to see Chen Taizhong was too strong. Later that day, Zhong Yunqiu also conveyed the same meaning to Chen Taizhong.

Since Wu Yan and Chen Taizhong became neighbors, Zhong Yunqiu has acted very low-key. There are too many discerning people in the world, and there has never been a lack of irresponsible gossip in officialdom.

But this time Zhong Yunqiu still bit the bullet. She already knew that Taizhong stretched out his brother's father-in-law, and even Minister Wang personally called her to express her gratitude. She must show her respect for Taizhong's care.

So, she ran to Secretary Wu’s house after work, bought a few dishes and cooked two dishes by herself, and asked Chen Taizhong to eat through the "closet door". It was okay, and Wu Yan could understand her mood-facts Above, as long as Xiao Zhong doesn't set foot in Chen Taizhong's room, Secretary Bai doesn't care to entertain Chen Taizhong in his own home. Isn't it the same when he is in the building?

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