Official Immortal

Vol 5 Chapter 4:

When Lin Haichao and his party arrived in Phoenix. It was almost nine o'clock in the night, but Yu Xiao was inquiring everywhere on the road. When they arrived in Phoenix, they had found the most suitable intermediary. That's right, Zhang Zhihui, the boss of Phoenix Hotel, had known the world and his nephew. He is also Chen Taizhong’s correspondent. He is indeed a long-sleeved dancer, and he deserves the title of "Dirty Zhang Zhizhi". Through the relationship between the publicity department and the people, Mr. Zhang first got the Phoenix TV’s "Urban Direct Interchange" column and successfully persuaded him. The column postponed the material captured today, and then the training department went to Chen Taizhong, telling him that Lin Haichao had come in person, and he took this matter very seriously and hoped too:

Can you take the time to see, in fact, Chen Taizhong has been harassed enough now. Although Duan Weihua made up his mind, he still asked Yang Qianqian to call and ask him to pay attention to the scale. He Hongju, the director of the Water Resources Bureau, also came:

On the phone call, Lin Ying used to call the local power grid. It is naturally not difficult to contact Director He. Xiao Dong, a member of the joint defense team, also called and said that Secretary Wang had a heart attack. In the words, the meaning was clear, Chen Director, you are enough. Lin Haichao can force Wang Hongwei to give training questions. This shows that Ya is not a simple businessman, but he is also doing dirty work. Xiao Dong's level must be a little lower than Zhang Zhihui, Chen Taizhong When I received the call from Mr. Zhang, I was really unbearable, and finally accepted, “That’s OK, I will see him, but it’s nine o’clock now, I’ll see you tomorrow morning if I have anything to do,... Mr. Zhang, I’m here. But it’s all up to your face”, “Tomorrow tomorrow”. Hearing that he did not refuse, Zhang Zhihui was already content. Since Gan was willing to come forward, he naturally understood the cause and effect. This is obviously The Lin Family’s loss, and Erzhong was willing to accept the meeting. It was already quite a favor for his family. Of course, Mr. Zhang believed that the Lin family’s loss was not based on the Lin family’s extortion. "This kind of thing is not common but also It's not worth the surprise. He just simply thinks that Lin Chao's son provoked opponents who shouldn't be provoked at the wrong time and place, so Lin Jiayou.

Actually, if it weren’t for self-reliance, Chen Taizhong wouldn’t care if he saw Lin Haichao now. It’s really a bit overwhelming and troublesome. However, leaving aside his identity, there is another one between the Chen family and Lin Xun whether they can leave Phoenix today. So, even if Lin Fu came here late at night, he would disappear if he didn’t see a loss. Take Qiao. You take Qiao. Lin Haichao doesn’t mind Chen Taizhong’s rudeness. In fact, he can’t care about who is under the eaves. Dare not to bow your head? Seriously, it’s time to take a look at his son, Yan is not, what has suffered, but it is a pity that Lin Haichao did not see his son after tossing in the Hengshan branch for a long time. This is not only because Chen Taizhong was born in Hengshan, here It’s the home of the five poisons secretary. More importantly, the crime of drug trafficking and hiding is really too serious. It really doesn’t take much courage to refuse certain workarounds. On the contrary, you really want to do something. If you can work around, you have to take great risks. One inch is the risk of offending Chen Taizhong. Everyone knows that Director Chen is not a good talker, and the relationship between the branch director Gu Ting and Chen Taizhong is simply walking. Yeah, so in the evening, Lin Li didn’t even say to leave Phoenix. He didn’t even see his father in front of him. He just learned from a talkative police officer that he was here and entangled in the branch for a while, but after all Being able to see himself, this rumor made Young Master Lin agitated, and at the same time added a lot of technical worries out of nowhere. In his impression, the old man is basically omnipotent. Okay, even if you say so evenly. It's an exaggeration, but the master who can make my father suffer is not in Subo, but in Beijing. Where is Feng, a small officer can do it?

"This Phoenix man does things more savagely than our Zhangzhou people," Lin Li muttered bitterly, and then he was plunged into endless fear and confusion. He was not only in the small black room but also attacking the single room. The silence and darkness of this night are difficult to fall asleep. Director Gu originally wanted to sit in Hengshan to completely cut off some people’s unrealistic ideas. However, even Wang Hongwei and Chen Taizhong could not be bothered by it. How could he escape from the person in charge? !

In the end, he simply handed over the specific matters to the people below. Director Gu himself went away, and did not forget to confess, "Without me, Lin Li is not allowed to be interrogated, and he is not allowed to do anything with the outside world. In fact, Gu Ting is the one who most deeply felt the martial universe, the holy king made the sacred king, the night kills the god, the **** seal, the throne seeks the devil, the strongest abandonment, the great Zhou royal family, the night kills the god, the **** seal, the throne seeks the devil and proud world The Nineth Heaven is the strongest abandoning the young man, the Zhou imperial family moves the universe and the night kills the god, God seals the throne to seek the devil The master of Zhou’s imperial family’s visit to the Lin family, for example, the executive mayor Guo Yu did not dare to find Chen Taizhong and Wang Hongwei, but instead called his mobile phone, "Fan Chang is very concerned about this case, and Gu listened to you so that you can do it yourself", Under the banner of Fan Xiaojun, Mayor Guo did not get the instruction of the Executive Vice Governor. He:

I know that Lin Haichao has a good relationship with Fan Xiaojun, and Lin Ying found him again. That's it. There are many other people who come to exert pressure. It's okay. For example, the head of the Hengshan Police Department did not make a difference. Hengshan The district party committee, the municipal police station, and the municipal law committee did not have enough people to come. The biggest of them was the municipal law committee’s deputy secretary Yue greeted three waves. The province’s well-known private entrepreneur, Gu When you are handling the case, you must be cautious on the basis of respecting the objective facts, so as not to cause irreversible effects and losses. What makes Gu Ting especially depressed is that the reporter station of Xinhua News Agency in Tiannan was initially arrested. After removing the suspicion against the British, he dared to threaten him, "I will keep a high degree of attention to this case, Xinhua; there are internal references, and you must know Director Gu."

"Welcome high attention. I always think that only by fair law enforcement can you be worthy of the name of the police, worthy of the trust of the party and the people, and the work of journalists should be like this?" Gu Ting's retort is very calm, but is it not a little drum in his heart?

There is no need to say more about these kinds of things. In short, Director Gu disappeared, and the Hengshan branch that night was very lively. Early the next morning, Chen Taizhong went to the China Merchants Office to hold the annual work summary meeting and received Wang Zhihui. Harassing phone call, "Too loyal to you for a long time", should I get up? "

"It's a meeting." Chen Taizhong turned off his mobile phone without saying a word. Zhang, you guys are also true. You don't know how to be sincere, too glib, right?

This meeting was opened for half a morning, and he didn't turn on the phone until 10:30. However, as soon as the phone was turned on, a steady stream of phone calls came in, freshman one one one one one one one one one one. One One One One One One One One One One One One One One One One One One One One One One One One One One One One One One One One One One One One,'l"" Minutes after Yiyi's visit to the factory, Zhang Zhihui's phone number appeared on the "call waiting" script, and he relentlessly "didi" prompting, "Director Chen, is the China Merchants Conference finished? "After the call was finally connected, Mr. Zhang's tone of voice became a little more reserved. Obviously he had done a lot of work during this period of time. He actually knew that the other party was only in business meetings for meetings. "If it's convenient, come and sit in the hotel? "

"Let him go to Bi Tao and wait," Chen Taizhong replied lightly, "Now I'm fine. Sit in Bi Tao's cafeteria at noon. The conditions there are also good." "But the Chen family still likes to show people in the face. It's an obvious mockery like going to Bitao here. Sitting in the factory where your son wants to talk about things, talk about your son's crimes. , Depends on how you find the steps for Nan Fu this day. In fact, if it were not for the bad breath in his heart, he would not bother to set up the banquet in Bitao. Liu said that the place is also a little farther away. Director Chen is time Jingui. The lord, Lin Haichao, when he heard that Chen Taizhong was going to treat guests in the remote place of Bi Tao, he could of course understand the other side’s intentions. However, under the low eaves, he could not help but feel emotional. It was through this kind of security building that he went to yesterday’s Neglect and today’s shirking, Lin Fu truly feels the martial universe, the holy king makes the sacred king, the night kills the god, the seal, the throne seeks the devil, the strongest, the most powerful abandonment, the big Zhou royal family, the night kills the god, the **** seal, the throne seeks the devil, the most proud Strongly abandon the Shao Da Zhou imperial clan and move the universe to kill the night god, God seal the throne and ask the devil, the strongest world The opponent's extremely strong character must be compared with Qi and Fu Zheng.

Of course, this may be a means of bargaining, but there is no doubt that this small, deputy office did not take him today, Nan Fu, but it’s not surprising that the courageous guy dared to make it. Is there such a thing as stolen drug trafficking?

When Lin Haichao received the notice, the convoy immediately drove to Qingqu Township. When he arrived at the hillside, Jing Ziling was already sitting in Bitao’s general manager’s office and was waiting for his arrival with Xing Jianzhong. After a long time I understand that Lin Fu has clearly grasped the foundation of Bitao. He was not surprised by the beauty of Jing Yiyuan’s granddaughter, which was extolled by Lu Ren. It was the well-organized planning in Bitao’s factory that made him see Xing Jianzhong is very energetic and farsighted, but "No matter how far-sighted this Zhangzhou person is, the current Bi Tao is just like that. Think about it for such a big factory, his own son actually turned in. Lin Haichao's heart is really mixed with five flavors. Fortunately, Jing Ziling is not a master who is not reasonable. Xing Jianzhong also beats down the courage to confront Tian Nanfu, so he is waiting for Chen Taizhong to arrive during this period of time. Here, the two parties just casually talked about the relevant technology and market prospects of the coal tar deep processing industry, and Lin Haisan's praise for the promotion of the high-tech industry in the small village of Zhangzhou.

Yes, not only did everyone not talk about what happened yesterday, nor the cause and effect of sunspots, the host and the guest actually "talked together very happily". Everyone was thinking about it, and it was natural anyway. Someone said, "When Chen Taizhong arrived, the taste changed. The Chen family and his correspondent, Gang Feng, walked into the general manager's office. With a glance, they locked the master, and immediately smiled heartily." Ha , This is what it is called "Mengchang's three thousand guests, Haichao Zhangzhou half the sky, President Lin, right?" He said, walking forward and smilingly stretched out his hand, "Get to know, Chen Taizhong, I, Mr. Lin for a long time It’s a big name", the first thousand four and seventy-four chapters talk about Lin Haichao alone. Now he is a bit wealthy, and his speech and demeanor are also a bit pedantic, but it is undeniable that he was originally a rough man, and his cultural literacy was really not very He just graduated from junior high school, so he couldn't hear what Chen Taizhong was trying to express, but he was so aggressive, he certainly wouldn't show weakness too much, stood up and shook hands with the other party, and said, "Don't move." The ground retaliated, "Director Chen’s name, I have been admired for a long time, but "'Zhangzhou half the sky, I dare not be it. This day is the sky of New China, the sky of the people, the sky of communism." It must be so serious. Director Chen is joking with you.” Jing Ziling said with a smile. In terms of knowledge in books, if she is second, no one present would dare to claim to be first, saying:

The source of these words from the expo group of talented girls.

"This is the couplet written by Li Yuanhong's secretary-general Rao Hanxiang to Du Yuesheng, "Three thousand guests under Chunshen, five feet from the south of Xiaodu" praised him for being a man of justice and wealth," she explained with a smile, "Mr Lin is just like him. "Human", "Du Yuesheng?" Lin Haichao finally understood a little bit when he heard this explanation. Although he knew very well that this little girl was singing with Chen Taizhong to beat herself, but he had also been in the society in the early years, and he was very famous in his heart. Du Yuesheng, who had been on the beach, had a lot of admiration, so Wu shook his head with Wu Shao on his face, "Where can I compare with him? That is the master of the brothers and brothers of Chiang Kai-shek", talking to the illiterate is tired, Chen Taizhong sighed. I used the allusion of "Weidou in the south of the city, go to Tianchiwu" to show that you are arrogant and domineering, you are so ignorant, it is really difficult to communicate, thinking about this, he also smiled and nodded, "Lin is always outspoken. People, but it’s inevitable that a big husband will not be filial to his wife, don’t you think?"

Lin Haichao was stunned when he heard this. He said in his heart that you, this fellow, said something coldly, one after another, what does it mean? Are you here to show me your power?

Don't say, he really guessed right on this point. Chen Taizhong acted against his enemies, usually, they were more shameful, but this time he was confronted with the rich of Tiannan Province, and the opponent's power will definitely not be as much as yesterday. The harassment phone calls also proved this, so what he has to do now is to fight off the other party’s arrogance. The Chen family uses qi to enter the Tao, and is most sensitive to things like qi. As soon as he saw Lin Hongchao, he Able to feel the martial universe, the holy king makes the sacred king, the night kills the god, the seal of the throne, seeks the devil, the world, the strongest, the nineth heaven, the strongest abandonment The king of night killing gods and gods seal the throne of the gods in the nine times, the strongest abandoning the king of Shao Da Zhou to create gods Fortunately, since he hit the door, he has been full of momentum, able to firmly hold the opponent's side, and now feels that the opponent's momentum is slightly stagnant, Chen Taizhong waved his hand unambiguously, "Busy:

It's morning, and there are still business in the afternoon, President Zhang, Director Geng, President Lin... shall we talk while eating? , Oh, dare to love is such a thing, when he heard him go straight to the subject, Lin Haichao also reacted, this, people want to use an aggressive manner to dominate the direction and method of the conversation--this kind of thing he often encountered before , But in recent years, very few people have the qualifications and the courage to lose him like this. "I don’t want to eat, this is not anxious." President Lin shook his head with a smile, "I still want to solve the problem as soon as possible, so we can Drink happily, Director Chen, don't you think?"

Look at his attitude

, U Sanp is very friendly, but it is a counterattack with no trace of the needle hidden in Mianli. Although he is very unhappy and angry, Lin Haichao has to fight back because it not only involves his self-esteem, but also involves the next step. He didn't want to follow the other party's steps in the proper negotiation. Wouldn't it be possible that the lion would open his mouth if he felt that Feng was weak and could be bullied?

"Huh?" Chen Taizhong stared at the other party for a moment, as if he didn't expect to get such a scared reply, but the next moment, he laughed, his eyes still looking at Lin Haichao, "Hehe, Mr. Shen, if the noble son speaks. You can do things as thorough as you can, and things can't show you this step, don't you think?"

When he asked, he understood the other party’s intentions, but it was precisely those words that Jiang was still hot. Although Lin Fu insisted on his own rules, he was very decent in his words, and, "Can be happy. "Drinking in the ground" sounds like a faint smell of the moon, but from the overall feeling, it gives people a low-key but not humble feeling. It is indeed a blessing for this person to become a rich man. , People really have two brushes when dealing with others.

He was admiring Lin Haichao, and Lin Haichao was also muttering in his heart: I have fought back, but this, although I accepted my suggestion, has ignited the flames of war on the topic of my son's work. It is really aggressive and a bit used to doing things. "The taste of leadership", "I am afraid that dealing with this person will take a bit of effort, and then I think that my son accidentally provokes such a powerful person, and suddenly, President Lin actually didn't want to be serious about such trivial matters, so With a wry smile, he replied, "I care less about this child, but I have troubled Director Chen." "I am not afraid of trouble. I do government work and deal with troubles all day long." Chen Taizhong saw that he was soft and didn't talk about eating. I walked to the edge of the sand and sat down on his own. "When someone wants to close a building, they want to do business with peace of mind, so they may not like to be entangled by accidents... Isn't it more important to make a profit?"

This guy grasped the subject and refused to let go. Lin Haichao sighed in his heart, but he could only explain vaguely, "I have a talented talk with Xiao Xing and Xiao Jing, um, for the death of Bitao. Secretary, I, I want to strongly support, don't allow others to be random, this guarantee...I wonder if Chen Sanren can trust it?"

"Of course I can believe this." Chen Taizhong smiled and nodded. "Just say Lin Haichao, and it can match the small factory of Bi Tao, but "", "There is nothing but ", Lin Haichao listened to each other. He actually smashed himself, and wanted to take the opportunity to regain his right to speak, so he took advantage of his turning point and hurriedly interrupted forcibly, "My son, I will lead the education. If Li Dong is not obedient, you can also come to me. how about it? "

"Li Dong"...You mean Sunspot, right? "Chen Taizhong didn't mind the other party's interruption, he chuckled lightly, and looked at the other party with a meaningful look, "I don't talk secretly in front of the Ming man, please forgive me, President Lin, do you think Li Do you have a chance to be disobedient? "

For Lin Haichao, this rhetorical question was unexpected but reasonable, so he didn't express any emotions, just sighed calmly, "Oh, what a pity..."

"It's nothing to be a pity." This time it was Chen Taizhong's turn to interrupt him. The young deputy director said in Diao Rong's defensive tone, "Skynet is full of negligence and not leaking. Since he dares to do it, he will face possible punishment..., um, I It means that for the heinous crime of drug trafficking, not severely punished will not be enough for civilians.

The last sentence of his explanation is quite superfluous. In fact, everyone here knows why Li Dong was guilty. But since the Chen family has been so successful in carrying stolen goods, they cannot tolerate others making fuss on this point. "Tsk", Lin Haichao finally smashed his mouth lightly and sighed abruptly, "Oh, Diao Shi Xiaoli is also very righteous"" "Forget it, since he doesn't open his eyes to provoke Director Chen, that is also a lesson. That's a disaster. "

What he said seemed to slow down the cheeks for the sunspot, but it was not. As Tian Nanfu, he gave in like this, and while settling away for his son, he also gave the other party considerable face at the very least, a psychological hint: Director Chen, you said you want to clean up him, then even though I sighed, I never stopped. Chen Taizhong didn't taste this taste at once, but since he wanted to overwhelm the opponent with his momentum, he certainly couldn't tolerate grief as the main theme. Of course, More importantly, the sunspot shouldn't be forgiven at all, so he sneered, "Is it righteous? I think he is quite familiar with his work, and he will eventually meet a tiger in the mountains, this time...", I don't know how many people will. Clap your hands and applaud. Of course, this can be understood as the number of drug traffickers, and you must be arrested. However, everyone in the room heard his grievances. They don’t know how many times they have been forced to buy and sell, but there has been no one. Yes, it doesn’t take long for my eyes to fall into my hands this time, buddy, I’ll do it for Tian Xingdao once, "but, my son is he has not harmed anyone", Lin Haichao finally Can't bear the rhythm of the other party's conversation anymore, if you continue according to this, he will inevitably feel that his son has helped him to be a torturous crime, so he changed the subject decisively, "Director Chen, can you talk about it alone? ?"

"Talk about it alone?" Chen Taizhong glanced at everyone present, with a smile on his face, only when he was young, he slammed into Zhang Zhihui, "What do you mean, Mr. Zhang? You are an old man, I listen to you."

"I'm too old, now it's your young people's world", Zhang Zhihui smiled and shook his head. If this respect was very useful, he was cursing in his heart: You boy, don't hesitate, Actually want to kidnap me as a guarantee, I'm just a messenger, please find out, OK? "It's better to be too loyal to discuss with Director Lin."

"Mr. Zhang, you are too modest." Chen Taizhong smiled and looked at him, but his eyes were weird. Then he turned to look at Xie Jianzhong, "Then always arrange a place? By the way, you followed him. Come on," he called Mr. Xing so arbitrarily, he didn't give Lin Haichao face to some extent. Bi Jing's family would talk to him privately, and it would definitely involve some things that are inconvenient to make public, but he is in The entangled Tiannanfu didn’t care, he even sighed in secretly relieved because of this invitation: Fortunately, it was only a personal grievance related to Bi Tao, no, the c person intends to clean up me, Tiannan is the first Rich, it sounds enviable, who knows the hardship and difficulty?

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