Official Immortal

Vol 7 Chapter 5:

"It's hard for you this time." Chen Taizhong took the call from Wei Minghe and looked at him with a smile, "Is it a little passive to pinch with Lao Hu?"

Hu Shangke is the chief director of Qingjiang Provincial Science and Technology Commission. Although Wei Minghe has a solid back, he is only the deputy director of the Poverty Alleviation Office, the deputy office of the district, not to mention the place where he is suspended. The strong dragon does not crush the snake, does it?

"Huh, let's take care of it. What's passive?" Wei Minghe smiled indifferently, and then hummed again, but he looked thoughtful. "In the officialdom..." There is nothing trivial. "

"This is true." Chen Taizhong nodded and expressed his approval. At this moment, he even thought of Wang Haobo's visit to Zhenglin. As a result, the more he felt that he was more justified, and Secretary Wang, because he didn't see the deputy mayor, planned to take the money from others. Qingjiang Science and Technology Commission, you are not even on the platform, you are indeed a bit deceptive.

As for the explanation of the office director Tang, he didn't want to bother at all. Yes, Jinyang Railway Station is under construction, but passengers can get in and out of the platform, and Mrs. Zhu's daughter can also pick up people at the station. By the time I, Director Chen, you can’t get in?

It's nothing more than not intentional!

In fact, Chen Taizhong could understand a little bit of the other party's thoughts. He was too lazy to think of a way to enter the station because he saw that he was not high enough and was a matter of public affairs. Anyway, even if he pits to pick up people, that's what he should do. Chen's family won't just miss a certain family's good, so they are eating and supporting? For the sake of public affairs, personal favors?

However, understanding belongs to understanding, and it is his turn. This is something that can't be tolerated. If you think about the good of a certain family member, then you definitely don't need to count on it. I will remember everyone's badness. Old Wei said it all right. There are no small things in officialdom!

What made Chen Taizhong intolerable even more was that. According to his judgment, he might not have been left out to this point. However, as the head of the Ministry of Science and Technology, the people from the Qingjiang Science and Technology Committee are afraid that they will concentrate all their attention on the Director.

It's normal to pay attention to the leaders of the ministry, and he won't put the accounts on Director He, but. You can't be too snob, right?

He was analyzing here, Wei Minghe peeked out his hand and put his arm around his shoulder with a grin.

"Too loyal, how about it, my old Wei is still righteous to you, right?"

"Huh?" Chen Taizhong sounded like a spirit. Look at him sideways and hesitate. Finally, he chuckled. "You fellow, it's true that a night owl enters the house without any problems. If you want to be honest, I don't care if you make such a roundabout."

"Ha, what I admire most is being too loyal to domineering." Wei Minghe patted his thigh with a smile, "Actually, it's nothing. The listener said fiercely, your gambling skills are particularly brilliant, right?"

"Don't tell me this." Chen Taizhong shook his head when he heard. "I'm too lazy to go to Macau, if it's Las Vegas, um" I can go again. Macau is too insecure. "

"Where, it's just a few iron mines" Wei Minghe smiled and shook his head, dare to be in a certain county-level city below Jinyang. There are abundant iron ore resources. At present, iron ore resources are far less popular than ten years later, but the profit is not low. Many local people have contracted iron ore, and there are many millionaires.

The group of people who have just become rich since the reform and opening up. Many are bold and stigmatized by policies. To say that the quality is not necessarily high, many of them are "two workers" or small gangsters. There are many bad habits.

Among these iron bosses, many people like to gamble, and the gambling is quite large. It is not uncommon for people to export to two or three mines in one night and dare to take risks. It is the common quality of these people.

Wei Minghe is young, vigorous and playful. I was dragged by someone a while ago and played a few in such a trap. Anyway, he was suspended for training, not as careful as a local cadre.

But his luck is not very good. After playing it a few times, the output went to about six or seven million. Even if you have money, it is not such a prodigal, and you can't hold back your face, right? He was wondering how to make money, and it happened that Chen Taizhong came to Qingjiang to communicate. Thinking of what Budun and Shao Guoli said, I wanted to pull Xiao Chen to help him find a place.

"Oh, what a big deal?" Chen Taizhong was a little helpless when he finished speaking. He really has no interest in gambling, so he won't be able to win. "If you lose, you lose. Don't you just play?"

"You can pull it once for me. If you lose, I'll count, and if you win, you will get a half point, how about?"

How could Buser listen to his advice? "Or, you can help me catch them."

"They play with you, dare?" Chen Taizhong heard it incredibly. Take a look at him in surprise. "It's so bold to cheat the boss's money."

"Then what dare you?" The tribe heard a wry smile, "I just think it's not right to lose"...If you can catch it, it's okay. If you can't catch it, it's fine. You think I can't afford to lose, it's fine. Will it ruin people? "

"That's OK, I'll play for you once" Chen Taizhong nodded with a smile, he is not very interested in gambling. But he is still interested in gambling, "Dare to bully the boss, I must make him look good. Is it tonight?"

"We are playing with a pair of Zhajinhua with ten thousand bottoms. Twenty caps are not easy to make, so you have to make an appointment." Bu Se smiled and shook his head. "It's almost tomorrow night. Wait a day, okay?"

"Okay, I am the return ticket for the day after tomorrow" Chen Taizhong smiled and nodded. According to the request of the Qingjiang Science and Technology Commission, he will stay here for three days, not only to communicate. He also cooperated with them to do some publicity, but obviously, he did not plan to do things step by step. I have no relationship with you Qingjiang Science and Technology Committee. It is good to be able to come. As for other things, let's talk about it one by one.

As he was talking, the door was pushed open, and a coquettish woman of about 30 years old appeared at the door. There was a smile on his face, "Excuse me, Mr. Li said, this room is full of distinguished guests, I want to ask,...Do you want someone to accompany you? I promise you a beautiful little girl."

Wei Minghe looked up in surprise, then looked at Chen Taizhong sideways, and found that he didn't lift his eyelids, so he had an opinion, snorted in his nose, and muttered, "Xiao Tao, let her go."

The young man named Xiaotao was originally a Daoist Beijing accent. After hearing this, he raised his head and said with a smile, but he had a Qingjiang accent, but fortunately, Wen Yin could hear him. He ordered this." Sister" left quickly.

That coquettish woman also knows good and bad. When he saw it, he smiled and apologized, turned and walked away, his waist swings as he walked, the infinite style is not necessary, but it is not an exaggeration to say, "It's not an exaggeration to scratch your posture. It's always tickling to see.

"Xiao Tao's grandfather used to be the guard of my grandfather" Wei Minghe saw Chen Taizhong not responding. He smiled and explained, "I lived in my house for a few years when I was young, and I had a very good relationship with me."

"Yeah" Chen Taizhong raised his head and smiled, although this person is not as good as Wei Minghe. But according to Lao Wei, they are hardcore. He wasn't too bad to give face.

Xiao Tao also knows that this is the one who told Director Wei that he is irresistible. He didn't dare to care about the attitude of the other party. He smiled and replied, "This woman is the companion of President Li, who has the style of the Red Sea. I did not arrange it. She recognized me." This is true, but in fact the woman also knows Wei Minghe, but in front of a distinguished guest from outside, Director Wei is not easy to recognize, and knows people in the dust. It's really shameful.

"Haha, it doesn't matter." Chen Taizhong smiled and shrugged, and raised his hand to hold the wine glass.

"I like women too, but this kind of place is impossible for me. I'm done."

He also figured it out, since he was out of town. There is really no need to twitch, because Lao Wei speaks so happily, of course, he will not be like an ordinary official, blindly pretending.

"Dare to love is to look pleasing to the eye. That's easy to say." Wei Minghe patted his thigh and raised his wine glass with a smile, the smile in his eyes is quite interesting.

At about eight o'clock, five or six people had finished their meal. Walking out of the private room, Chen Taizhong didn't want to go back to the room for the time being, so he went downstairs to send Wei Minghe and his party away.

"Can you still drink?" Standing next to the provincial government-branded Austrian car, Wei Minghe smiled and glanced at Chen Taizhong. "If we still drink, let's change places?"

"Forget it, it's only here today. Let's be another day." Chen Taizhong shook his head, "Anyway, I won't be with you tomorrow..."

Halfway through the conversation, Director Wei's cell phone rang. He picked it up and took a look. He hesitated before pressing the call button, "This is Wei Minghe, who is it?"

Although the phone number he seemed to be unfamiliar, the first four were from the provincial government's Melaleuca number, which was only picked up. Who would have thought it would come from the phone. But it was an uncomfortable voice, "Is it Director Wei? This is Hu Shang, the Provincial Science and Technology Commission."

"It's Director Hu" Wei Minghe laughed, raised his finger, and signaled Chen Taizhong to silence. Then he replied lazily, "Excuse me, what is the matter with you?"

"It's okay. I heard that Director Chen of the Phoenix Science and Technology Commission is with you?" Director Hu said in a deep voice, "Please tell him for me. Don't neglect the reception today on Tuesday."

"Well, it doesn't matter, Director Hu, you are polite" Wei Minghe replied with a smile. "Sometimes the people below can't understand the leader's intentions well. This kind of misunderstanding is inevitable."

Director Hu hung up the phone after nagging a few more words. But he didn't say anything else, but after Director Wei hung up the phone, he looked at Chen Taizhong and sneered, "The surname Hu is scared," Huh, he knows to push the responsibility down, if he didn't take it seriously. No one dare to be so negligent, right? "

"You're so good." Chen Taizhong smiled and stretched out his thumb. This is not polite, but a self-approval. "It was too much face to let a main hall call to apologize.

"It's his own guilty conscience." Wei Minghe waved his hand disapprovingly, and then smiled. "It's hard to read Hu's scripture now."

Chapter 1 535 Over-correction I hung up Wei Minghe's call, Hu Shang was also uncomfortable, and said that I could not explain this sentence. Now let me poke such a big leak, alas, "It's really annoying.

Director Hu still knew a little bit about Chen Taizhong. Nothing else, at least he knows. In the well-known Phoenix Science and Technology Commission in the system, the real helm is not the director named Wen. It is the deputy director of this year.

In fact, he still attached great importance to Director Chen, and sent a deputy director at the deputy department level to pick up a deputy. In any case, the specifications cannot be said to be low. However, he was angry. The person below really didn't understand what he meant well. Before he wanted to come, I asked Director Liu to go out in person. Do you know what to do?

Anyone who wants to cut y does not know what he thinks. Maybe it's the paste in your mind, and you're waiting so carelessly at the exit. Even if you are the deputy hall, it is not appropriate to go to the platform to pick you up, but you can always send two people to the platform to pick you up, right?

But when he reported just now, Director Liu was still aggrieved, "I sent someone to the platform to pick it up, but the train is late. Everyone doesn't know when the train will come, so I just waited at the exit."

Just talk nonsense, Hu Shang knew it in his heart. This servant did not send anyone out at all. As the dignified director of the Provincial Science and Technology Commission, even if it is a bit weak, there is no shortage of people telling him that Director Liu wanted to send someone, but when he heard that the train was late, there was no shortage of people. Let people in, this is the truth!

Perhaps, as a deputy office, I felt that it was a loss of face to receive a deputy, so there was resistance in my heart? Hmm... this is also possible.

What’s especially frustrating is that the little deputy office was too tough. He turned around and walked away after getting out of the car. Hu Shang didn’t know the Chen family’s contempt for the actor, but as a government official at the department level, he also I think the banner of the CPPCC Hotel is a bit nondescript. How can the head of the ministry and a star in the entertainment industry be placed in the same position?

However, it was exactly as Chen Taizhong guessed. Director Hu's thoughts are all spent on Director He in the reception department. It is enough to have a banner from the leader of the welcome department. The other..."It's really not worth worrying about.

Therefore, knowing that Chen Taizhong left with anger. Director Hu just snorted and didn't mean to blame Director Liu. He just arranged for Director Tang in the office to call the guests from Phoenix.

Finalize the exchange meeting tomorrow.

Ordinarily, this finalization is unnecessary. The most important thing for the national staff (Computer Novel Station.) is to understand the overall situation. However, Director Chen of Phoenix is ​​not only young but also energetic. He could actually turn around and walk away in front of Director Liu, so just in case, it's better to say hello.

This is the greeting, the news that comes back. Hu Shanghaoxuan was scared out of sweat, and Chen Taizhong actually got in with Wei Minghe from the Poverty Alleviation Office?

To say that Wei Minghe is a real alternative in Qingjiang Province, because he has not spent much time in Qingjiang and few people know about it, but those who really know this person know that Director Wei is Governor Jiang’s small character. and. Not only is it easy to eat in the Qingjiang area, but I heard that it is also a great way to live in the capital.

It’s especially rare that Director Wei can pay for Qingjiang, even though it’s a mountain.

Knocking on some money may not be able to see Governor Jiang's eyes, but is it better than nothing? Well, some projects in Baiyu Province also need Director Wei to help run. Therefore, no one on the provincial party committee provokes this year's light deputy director.

Weiming River is in Qingjiang. It's a real sect, but they are gilded down.

It rarely conflicts with life, so even if you go to work for three days and two days of fishing, it is impossible to affect the performance evaluation. It is true that you can get money.

This is the big event! Hu Shang understands this very well. Just like Wei Minghe said, he does have some hard-to-read scriptures. The Provincial Science and Technology Commission has been affected by the big moves of the Ministry of Science and Technology.

Hu Shang himself is a member of the Jiu San Society. He is somewhat famous in the science and technology circles, but he is a leader in government agencies and his status can be imagined. Apart from other words, he just said that he is not a party member. The Provincial Science and Technology Commission has a party secretary in the main hall.

As soon as the Ministry of Science and Technology started this time, everyone saw that the Provincial Science and Technology Commission was rich, and they wondered whether Director Hu’s scholarship could smooth government affairs well. The ministry allocated so much money, so we shouldn’t spend it randomly. , To be worthy of the trust of the Ministry?

Of course Director Hu knew that someone was jealous. In fact, he considers himself to handle government affairs at a level. Even better than technology, naturally he refused to hand over the authority easily.

It is for this reason that he used the relationship between the teachers and brothers of the Chinese Academy of Sciences to investigate from the next director of the Ministry of Science and Technology, which means that I am a democratic party, but my energy is not something you can underestimate. .

Of course, people from the Phoenix Science and Technology Commission are invited to exchange advanced experience. That's the same thing, but he invited him for a long time, but he hasn't come. Who would think that when Director He arrived on the front foot, the Phoenix Science and Technology Commission's back foot would come?

Director Tang didn't know Wei Minghe's greatness, but Hu Shang knew, in fact, he knew very well. Director Wei wants to protect himself in front of Governor Jiang, not necessarily. But if the mouth is crooked, it will definitely work.

With this understanding, it was normal for Director Hu to call Wei Minghe respectfully. He was afraid that the other party would not answer the phone, so he specifically chose the office phone-Qingjiang Provincial Science and Technology Commission also worked in the provincial government.

Don't look at Wei Minghe's idleness all day long, but some people inform him of Qingjiang's general trend. Moreover, it is not only Qingjiang province that is trying to intervene in the Science and Technology Commission. Can he still see the situation clearly?

"Forget it, make this call to him, I won't care about him." Chen Taizhong was originally a must-see person, but. After staying in officialdom for a long time, he also knew that Director Hu could take the initiative to call Lao Wei. It's still at eight o'clock in the evening, which really gives a lot of face, "It's not easy for the minister to do it."

"Well, that's the reason." Wei Minghe smiled and nodded. He has a serious habit. But the head melon is definitely enough. He didn't want to get involved in the politics of Qingjiang Province. It was very natural for him to behave, and because of this, he stayed in Beijing all day. No one in Qing Jiang used this to squint. Everyone knows that Wei Dashao's vision is not in such a small place.

Therefore, it is okay for Director Wei to stand up for Director Chen, but the other party lays a soft spot. Of course, he will not be too troubled. Domineering does not mean that he does not know how to advance and retreat. In fact, he is very worried that Chen Taizhong will not follow Director Hu. Not forgiving. Hearing what the other party said, I finally breathed a sigh of relief, so I don't have to be so embarrassed.

"I've heard that he may not be able to do his job anymore." Wei Minghe explained with a smile, but his eyes suddenly lit up, "I think it's not because someone deliberately put eye drops on Lao Hu, right?"

"Huh?" Chen Taizhong was stunned, and after a little thought, he tasted the taste. In fact, he hadn't seen this kind of thing. Isn't Yin Ping's Director Geng transferred because of this?

"It wouldn't be a coincidence?" He smiled and shook his head. Wei Minghe's words may be true, but he always feels that the people of the Qingjiang Science and Technology Commission are still careless today. Although there are many conspiracies in the officialdom, they can't. Do you think everything is conspiracy theory? Otherwise, it would be too hard to live.

In fact, Chen Taizhong was a little puzzled by Director Wei’s keen and delicate mind. The first time the two met was because of a fight in a bar in Sanlitun. He always thought that this is a simple-minded master, now it seems . The quality of these red three generations is higher than he imagined.

This is how he sees Wei Minghe. But I didn't know that Director Wei looked at him and was a little puzzled:

What was originally a simple matter, why did I faintly take over the grievances of Taizhong?

Ugh. Wine is really not a good thing (Since Director Hu called, of course Liangzi would not mention it. Not only that, at noon the next day, Director Tang from the Office of the Science and Technology Commission also made a special trip to " "Red Sea Style" invited Chen Taizhong for lunch.

This time, he didn't even leave the deputy hall, but that was not important. The important thing is that Director Tang has already figured out the situation, and his attitude towards Director Chen is respectful, and the young deputy director has no reason to want to do it.

In particular, Director Tang found out that the reason why Director Chen left yesterday was that the Qingjiang Science and Technology Commission did not entertain him well. Today, UU Reading simply got an extension Lincoln as a car. At the same time Two more police motorcycles were found to clear the way. Don’t you want to save face? Yes, I will give you a lot of face.

These arrangements. It's all within his ability, but he uses motorcycles instead of police cars to clear the way. There is no other way. Director Chen's level is really not enough. Or the Provincial Science and Technology Commission has not enough face, so he can only find two traffic police to deal with it.

"You don't need to be so overkill, right?" At 2:30 in the afternoon, Chen Taizhong walked out of the Red Sea. Seeing the elongated Lincoln with the license plate number "Green g Tiaowu", I was a little bit dumbfounded, "All I want is a normal reception. Do you think it is appropriate for me to take this car to the meeting?"

It’s best if you don’t sit, and save my posture. Director He doesn't have this treatment either! Director Tang secretly replied to him, but he thought so, but his words were outrageously polite, "Director He will also participate in today's discussion. This can be regarded as our tribute to the Phoenix Science and Technology Commission."

"I won't sit" Chen Taizhong shook his head resolutely, but he remembered not long after he was transferred to the street office, and when he greeted Mr. Huang, he once scolded Wu Geng. Do you know why Qiao Si died?

When Director He attended the meeting, he passed so openly, wouldn't it be a gift?

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