Official Immortal

Vol 10 Chapter 1622: Embarrassed-one thousand six hundred and twenty-three

What can you do for me? Chen Taizhong wanted to laugh when she heard it, but looking at Tang Liping's unusually serious look, he hesitated, and finally nodded with a smile, "You know how much Zhu Yikai intends to take down the original copy, worker placement, equipment processing, and new factory construction. What kind of plan...? "I don't know this." Tang Liping shook her head honestly, and after hesitating, bit her lip. "But I heard that Jiuhua and Tiansha will cooperate with him. Zhu Yikai is the boss behind Tiansha. "I guess you don't know. Chen Taizhong understands very well. Zhu Yikai may not be very sophisticated, but Zhu Bingsong does not have a plan for such a big matter. It is strange to let you know the details.

"Bu Hongxing is cooperating with Zhu Yikai?" Chen Taizhong smiled disdainfully. He had a bad impression of Jiuhua's boss Shao Hongxing. "However, that guy has Shao Guoli backing him, so he probably won't be eaten by Zhu Yikai."

"It's not possible." Tang Liping shook her head. She didn't know who Shao Guoli was, she just regarded it as Mr. Shao's brother or something. "Listen to Mr. Yang, there are still people in Jiuhua Company in Beijing." Jiuhua is just that. "Chen Taizhong, who is playing bank loans, knows this." They have a lot of loans, and you Chint has less loans. They are all real estate companies. This is the difference in company size. Which real estate company does not use loans? "Tiansha Real Estate is not short of money" Tang Liping explained to him very seriously, "I heard that Lin Haichao still wants to invest in Tiansha, but Zhu Yikai refused." "Lin Haichao is also playing loans. Who do you think he is?" Chen Taizhong snorted again, facing Tang Liping. He felt that his knowledge was too broad, so he said something without thinking about it. Lin Haichao became a shareholder in Tiansha? That is Zhu Yikai bragging, Lin Haichao will not cooperate with him, and Zhu Yikai will not invite him. The two may have personal friendship, but it is absolutely impossible to have business cooperation. "Huh? After saying this, he faintly realized that there was something wrong with Zhu Yikai, why did he brag about it?

Seeing him sinking, Tang Liping didn't say a word. After a long time, she whispered softly, "Then, I'll go back first?" Is this to make my appetite? Chen Taizhong smiled heartily, but he didn't have any disgust with the girl's behavior. She has been working hard to prove her worth to the society. Although the methods are a bit snobbish, she has no other choice. At least, she really wants to help. I do something.

But Lei Lei is waiting for me~ Thinking of this, he nodded silently, don't use this kind of trying to cover up with me, buddies don't have time to play with you, uh, wait, want to cover up?

"Wait, don't go, I know where the problem is." He raised his hand and grabbed Tang Liping who was about to push the car door. Of course, because the light was relatively dim, he didn't notice, and there was a blush from the little soup face. The previous one passed by.

Actually, Chen Taizhong was wondering how to express what he meant. He didn't even notice that the body of Yuanjingju had no resistance at all. As long as he was willing, it would be a matter of minutes to overthrow her.

"The funding gap for this Tiansha company must be huge" he said with a smile. "It is precisely because of the lack of money that they are so aggressive. Thank you for reminding me." Did I remind you? Tang Liping really didn’t understand the meaning of these words, but she didn’t quite agree with his speculation, and she also shouldered the title of “reminder”, and of course she had to try her best to explain it.” But Haichao Jidai does not deny it, Lin The tidal, Tianlu gill concave, Mercedes-Benz, the previous section can often be seen downstairs in Tiansha."

That’s even more true. Chen Taizhong didn’t explain it anymore, but instead smiled and told her, “Well, let’s find out which banks Tiansha has a closer relationship with. If I can manage this, I can’t lose it. you. "The interest group behind Lin Haichao does not match Zhu Bingsong, and the two are in officialdom and in the mall. Lin must know that Lao Zhu has lost power. The name of Nan Fu on this day is likely to cause a lot of coveting. Now that it is silly to cooperate with Lao Zhu now, it may not only give outsiders an excuse to guard against the collaborators.

And Lao Zhu may not be willing to cooperate with Lin Haichao. Tiannanfu is not so easy to manipulate. Who will have the final say in the company in the future? In addition, the Haichao Group is very popular, and it is easy to attract unnecessary disputes to Zhu Bingsong, who is devoted to money.

Chen Taizhong firmly believes in his own judgment. In his opinion, if Zhu Bingsong has not lost his power, it is not difficult to get a loan from the bank, but there are too many people with red and white people these days, although he is still a member of the Standing Committee. , But the individual knows that Lao Zhu has been like this in his life.

Of course, in any case, he is a provincial-level cadre, and it is not appropriate for you to save a little bit of face. Especially in the eyes of many middle-level and grass-roots cadres, it is still an existence that makes people look up, and it is worth breaking the head.

This situation is reflected in the banking industry, that is, it is no problem to lend to Tiansha, but how much can be loaned out, it is necessary to put aside the relationship, and look at the strength and projects. Therefore, Tiansha must package itself into a sweet pastry.

"Well, let me ask Manager Gao to ask... Tang Liping seems to understand this instruction." Manager Gao is very familiar with the people in the bank, and he is quite used to those in Jiuhua. "

"Don't say that I want to inquire." Chen Taizhong is now more and more careful in doing things. Shao Hongxing knows him, so you should pay attention to what you should pay attention to. The girl Xiaotang looks at work more carefully, but It’s really hard to tell what is going on. Ding's advice is necessary.

But after this exhortation, he felt a little bit of emotion in his heart. It was wrong, not just emotion, it was a petty bourgeoisie. He actually remembered the sentence in "Dream of Red Mansions", "Like the flower burial man today, he was buried in the year. "Xiaotang, you have nothing to do and it doesn’t matter if you have a relationship. I have Brother Chen for advice, but since I got involved in officialdom, he was willing to teach me to give me advice. There are really few people. I'm self-taught, and I stumbled all the way. Out of the current situation, this is called the Lan Lu Lan Ling.

After all the calculations, the one who really pointed me, that is, Lao Meng and the old secretary Zhang Xinhua, Chen Taizhong couldn't help but smile when he thought of this, but Tang Liping's expression was also a little weird when he was thinking.

"This, I'll give it to you." Chen also knows the way of human relations now, so he can't find a small and handy one and hand it over. Asking someone for help can't always be done in vain, right? Anyway, there are a lot of things in his hands now, this kind of fashionable stuff, girls should like it.

"I may not be able to take pictures of them." Tang Liping was a little bit wrong.

"Playing is the main thing, filming is the second thing." Chen Taizhong smiled, and said to his heart, why are people so smart now? While smiling, he reached for his hand to push the car door, but found that Tao Liping didn't mean to evade at all, letting his big hand gently rub her chest.

Zizhuyuan Lei Lei was waiting. He finally restrained her mind. After watching her go back, he drove all the way to Zizhu Garden. It only appeared when she arrived at the villa. Not only was Lei Lei here, Ding Xiaoning and Liu Wangnan were also here. "Yuhua asked me. I want to deal with those people.” Ding Xiaoning’s eyes still flashed with a hint of anger. “I told him that my mother suffered a similar humiliation and committed suicide by jumping into the river.”

She hated Wang Xiaoqiang's scumbags to the bone, and naturally there was a reason. Of course, letting Shenghua listen to her words weighed a lot, at least much heavier than dryly demanding "severe punishment".

Chen Taizhong knew her life experience, so she couldn't say anything else for a while, so she could only comfort him, but Lei Lei heard a little outrageous, "Tomorrow I will apply to the agency and go to Tongyu to grab the first-hand materials!"

Well, after these few times, it is estimated that Tongyu will take a long time to calm down. Needless to say, the fate of the Wang Erhua brothers, the provincial party newspaper reporter went to a small place like Tongyu, and the shock it brought was probably more than "Heli Automobile" The "Xiu" group is not too much to give in. (Update/new/most/fast ap; "The lunatic and the seventeen are doing things well this time." Chen Taisi laughed. "But it's still a bit slower. By the way, Xiaoning, how much do you plan to give each person?" Two thousand per person, In addition to the medical expenses, what do you think?" Ding Xiaoning was finally caught, and Chen Taizhong led his way away. "A unit with a better Subo has a salary of only 100 a month."

"Replace those two thousand with five thousand, five thousand for sharks, and five thousand for the injured" Chen Taizhong laughed, deliberately making her happy. "You are the big boss, you can't be so stingy."

Lei Lei was accustomed to being big-handed, but she was shocked when she heard this, "Isn't it said that there are more than 400 people? You give this money..., isn't it costing more than two million?" My Xiaoning even had 20 million. Not only, what is this little money? "Chen Taizhong smiled and replied to her, "I just want them to know that people who dare to provoke me, I don't care about spending eighteen million to step on him."

He said that, but he was muttering in his heart, what is the gangster boss? Can someone who has no money be the boss? Now playing in the society, it is not enough to rely on being brave and ruthless.

"Co-authored Xiaoning is valuable. We are both old." Liu Wangnan smiled and pushed Leilei, but Ding Xiaoning took it seriously. "Looking male sister, what you said..., this Liu Dafang is really sophisticated, Chen Taizhong sees You have to understand, this is what she wants to help Xiao Ning distract, the rare beautiful scenery, really shouldn't be missed.

Unexpectedly, only a moment later, classmate Xiao Ning talked about the Tongyu incident again. Chen Taizhong smiled secretly. Why didn't I see that the violent tendency in her bones was so obvious?

"Chapter Plan...

Of course, Lei Lei's interview with Tongyu didn't have any problems. Even if Wang Erhua's investigation results have not come out yet, Wang Xiaoqiang's attempt to women in the police station is already definite.

However, the Tongyu incident did not have time for the Gongtiannan Daily. New achievements in Phoenix City have appeared in the provincial party and workers. The two "" characters in "Phoenix City Raises the Construction of Non-Public Enterprise Trade Unions" are actually a bit inconsistent, because of specific examples. There are only two "One is Xiaojia Industrial Park, and the other is Verdun Cement Plant. However, the focus of the article is not here, but on the necessity of building trade unions in non-public enterprises, and at the same time emphasizes the principle of enterprises consciously and voluntarily" .

Anyway, only one Xiaojia Industrial Park is enough. It is far worth more than ten small enterprises. The boss of the Industrial Park, Xiao Ruiyuan, was also the first to propose to build a trade union. The TV station invited over to do a special interview for him.

This is a controversial topic, but the tone is clear. Trade unions have to be built, but how to build it, what to consider in the construction process, and how to do it without affecting economic development. This is worth discussing. Of course, Tiannan TV is only a provincial station, and its ratings in the whole country are average. Therefore, it is unlikely that there will be too sharp problems in the special interviews. Everyone is still concerned about how Mr. Xiao’s high sense of social responsibility is formed.

After the interview, Xu Chunliang asked Mr. Xiao to sit together, and accompanied the guest Chen Taizhong, who voted in the Supo Labor Party, "Ruiyuan, I really haven't seen it, you can say it."

Chief Xu was short-tempered. Although he felt that Xiao Ruiyuan was talking about his consciousness on TV, the taste of the show was a bit strong, but there was not much to say.

"Hate, don't mention it, it’s all too loyal to me." Xiao Ruiyuan sighed bitterly. "As soon as this topic was broadcast, the old man called me and scolded me for half an hour. You think I'm provocative. You say I am wronged. Injustice?"

"Have fun with you" Chen Taizhong snorted disdainfully. "If this topic is still a bit controversial, where can you get the limelight? Do you not exist as our Phoenix Party Committee?" I mean it is true, Xiao Rui is far from him. After a glance, after a pause, he seemed to feel puzzled, and snorted heavily, "It's just a provincial TV station, am I rare to see such a show?"

"Oh? I want the Gongzhong TV station, it's easy." Chen Taizhong picked up the phone on the table and looked at him with a smile. "Are you sure, want the Gongzhong TV station?"

"Huh?" Xiao Ruiyuan was stunned for a moment, and then came over. "Don't you want me to pay for the second set of Gongzhong TV again? They contacted me last time, but I told them that the industrial park was not well built. Come back later."

Most of the products of Xiaojia Industrial Park are directly exported by official channels without borders. The domestic demand is also some joint venture companies. There is no need for publicity at least. At least for a while, so always Xiao is right. It’s normal that this kind of column doesn’t catch a cold. The two of them are really maddening than others. The strength of the Xiao family is not to blow it out, but it is so strong. There is no hype about it at all. To speak of conscience, Xiao Ruiyuan is more willing to let her own. Enterprise keep a low profile.

"No, it's a character interview." Chen Taizhong also knew Xiao Ruiyuan's arrogance, and he was not surprised by this reaction. "How many friends do I have in Beijing, can I help you ask?" Character interview? "Xiao Ruiyuan moved a little for a while, but after thinking about it, he shook his head hesitantly. "Let's talk about it later. Let's see the reaction of social workers first... I don't want to go against all foreign-funded enterprises." "

"I guess, too loyal, you don't need to be arrogant." Xu Chunliang raised his opinion rarely. "Some people think Ruiyuan is necessary, then they can't get away. If there is a dispute about Taiyin carp, you have nothing to do with it. "It's hard to tell." Chen Taizhong was not convinced that he said this. It was nothing more than an interview with a person in a social controversy. Do you think that the pedestal is a piece of iron? According to me, it is normal for such a powerful propaganda organization to have differences. "

"But, in that case, you will also be trapped in this puddle of floating water." Xu Chunliang agreed with him, but did not support him. "Let's not touch this puddle of water."

"But now, do you think I can get away?" Chen Taizhong smiled bitterly, he was originally responsible for this matter.

"Yes, why not?" Xu Chunliang's next words caused everyone to fall into Shen Juuli. "You are only doing things below. If you really want to fall into it, it's not just an ideological dispute."

After a long time, Chen Taizhong sighed, "I feel that we are all pawns, but we only have different sizes."

At this point, it's a bit disappointing, but although the three are young, they are all masters of emotion control, and they talked about other things not long.

As a matter of fact, Chen Taizhong came here today, and there are other things planned in his mind. After the three of them finished their meal, Xu Chunliang wanted to return, but he was dragged by him to find a quiet bar to continue chatting.

"What's the matter, please tell me directly," Xu Chunliang is true, but not stupid. Seeing Chen Taizhong's rumblings about it all the time, he asked actively.

"That's the case, can you check Jia Zhiwei, the president of the ICBC Xicheng Sub-branch?"

Chen Taizhong was just waiting for him to say this, so he asked unceremoniously, "That guy has a problem with economics." Xicheng branch? How old is that? "Xu Chunliang frowned, is it worth it?"

"It's worth it" Chen Taizhong snorted, and I have already seen Tuqiong. That guy had a good relationship with Zhu Bingsong's son. Do you think it is possible for Zhu Bingsong to ease the relationship with your father? "

In the past two days, he had put aside the matter of Sufang. Who thought Tang Liping would really help him find out. Tianxia Real Estate Company has dealings with multiple banks, but the most ruthless one who fawns on Tianxia is The second person of ICBC Xicheng Branch. ap, even if Zhu Bingsong wants to conceal it, although bank lending is not transparent to the society, it is impossible for people inside the bank to be ignorant, and the most indispensable thing in the bank is a master of account checking. If you are interested, how can you not find out?

Zhu Yikai also knew this situation, so he didn't deliberately conceal it, so it would be better to inquire.

Upon hearing this, Chen Taizhong felt that it was not that difficult for him to deal with Zhu Yikai, because he remembered one thing, before Meng Yi wanted to clean up Fan Xiaojun, and let himself start with his brother-in-law Yang Bin.

At the provincial and ministerial level, we can’t bite, so we’ll just start with "Small fish and shrimp". Chen is already quite familiar with this theory. Others are beating dogs to see their masters. In this officialdom, the opposite is true. Hit the dog and rush the owner"!

As long as the owner is a bit politically sensitive, you should understand why the dog was beaten. This is a warning. Your kid stretched his hand too long and reached where it shouldn’t be. First, I’ll give you some small dishes to beat you. If you don't know anything, don't blame me for being rude.

This has always been the case in officialdom. When you dig out the carrots and bring out the mud, the lonely family simply cannot be an official, nor can you be an official. If the lonely family dares to stretch out their hands, you don’t have to wait for the messenger of justice to come. Directly the official Dao Wujiang will take you.

So digging radishes is simple, and putting mud is a skillful job. If you really want the dog and the owner to clean up together, even if the dog’s owner is clean, there are some hats that can be buckled, such as "promotion with illness" and "ineffective supervision" "What.

Chen Taizhong believes that as long as he can get rid of the branch president of the ICBC, Zhu Bingsong and his son will definitely have to converge. If you really don’t know how to converge, then everyone will do a good job.

High-level wars are often drawn from the grassroots. This is also one of the reasons why people in officialdom act cautiously. Often you think it’s not worth mentioning, and it’s not necessarily a simple dual factual work. The imitation workers have no feelings, even if they have a little bit, but he and Zhu Bingsong’s feud is not small, and he can’t understand that the other party may make a lot of money. Of course, there is another point that is also very important. His "sell factory for one dollar" plan made him really hard to see.

I want you to know that people are looking at the sky, and eating too ugly is to get retribution. It is a bit unrealistic to expect the sky to repay you. Then buddy, the hero behind the scenes will reluctantly reach out.

So, even if he had this plan, he began to wonder, buddy, my ability in Subo is a little bit worse. To clean up this Jia Zhiwei, I have to find someone to help. Um, if it doesn't work,... Give Tian Tian a sacrifice? It's time to sacrifice for the people's harm, because Tian Liping and Zhu Bingsong can't deal with it anyway.

But doing this is a bit of suspicion of playing with Oda's feelings? He always felt that Tian Tian was a good friend, yes, it was just a friend, even though he accidentally encountered other people.

When he was struggling, he received a call from Xu Chunliang and reacted in his heart.

Why did I forget Xu Shaohui is the secretary of the Provincial Discipline Inspection Commission?

Of course, Xu Shaohui is the secretary of discipline inspection. This is only one of them. The more important reason is that Secretary Xu and Zhu Bingsong did not deal with each other. When Chen was cleaned up by Secretary Cai and Mayor Zhu, the first person who jumped out was the old man. Xu.

Chen Taizhong knew that in fact, he didn't have such a big charm, and he could make Lao Xu come out to stand up for himself. He had the idea of ​​someone else, but the fact of Rongguan always existed.

Moreover, from the perspective of the general situation, when Xu Meng teamed up to defeat Cai Zhu, it was a suppression of local forces by foreign forces. So you are not polite, Xu Shaohui and Zhu Bingsong are simply impossible to reconcile. A temporary compromise is still possible. .

"I have to go back and ask about this." Xu Chunliang heard what he said, and now that the water inside is so deep, I really don't dare to make a mess, but it is unlikely that my dad will agree... He works very steadily. "

"Could it be that he could watch the loss of state-owned assets alive and ignore it?" Chen Taizhong was eager to split. "They are not making money, but the blood of generations of people." Xu Chunliang gave him a strange look, "Too loyal, I will help you Yes, but you pretend to be too exaggerated, right?"

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