Official Immortal

Vol 10 Chapter 1689: Set off one thousand six hundred and ninety

Chapter 1689

   Chen Taizhong did not think about it. [m] What should I do when I arrive in Italy, but when he wants to come, NATO’s Southern European Command is here, and the Adriatic Sea is the Yugoslavia, and there are Russian warships cruising in the Adriatic Sea. This is obviously It is a very lively place.

   Anyway, there are so many NATO planes going back and forth every day, so he doesn't have to worry about the timing. Not only must he seize the opportunity, he must also go back quickly.

The night wind was blowing a bit cold, Chen Taizhong threw a fainting technique to Elizabeth who was resting on the back seat, and quietly lay on the place between the back seat and the back of the front seat, and removed the invisibility technique, but unfortunately, Guy The car was driven so fast that when it reached the border between France and Italy, it was just over two o'clock in the morning in Paris time.

Parked the car in a parking lot, the cousin looked back at the girl who was sleeping soundly, pulled out a blanket from the trunk, and slept on the front seat, still muttering bitterly, \"Yi Sha is crazy, I'm crazy... Damn Chinese boy. Where can I find a car rental agency at this time?"

When he slept in the front seat, he must adjust his seat. Chen Taizhong couldn't hide now. He couldn't say that he could not use the invisibility technique. He walked around, and then opened his eyes from time to time to see, and he actually found a meditator Great place-there is a large cornfield not far away!

In France in mid-May, the corn was nearly a meter high. Chen Taizhong walked in and found a place to sit down. It didn't fit for a try. So he pulled out a piece of plastic cloth and a blanket from the Xumi Ring, and simply lay down directly. Now, concentrate on absorbing the aura of heaven and earth.

  He has the consciousness on Elizabeth, as long as there is any change over there, he can detect it. Unexpectedly, he waited and waited until 7 o'clock in the morning, Elizabeth did not respond.

Later, he learned that Elizabeth came to the border to change to a car from an Italian car rental agency to continue the journey there.However, the unions in Italy are also strong, and Italians are lazy, and not many people are willing to work in the prescribed Working overtime outside of time-if someone dares to order compulsory overtime, sorry, the union is not a display.

   Elizabeth and Guy also know this. So they slept until half past seven, and then they continued their trip to Italy.

However, Chen Taizhong didn't take the ride for long. He got out of the car on the way, because his intention was simple, to get as close as possible to the Yugoslavia League. There will be more opportunities.

   What kind of surprises will a big hand flick randomly?


Chen Taizhong\"meditated", Grace and Bella's life still had to go on. That night, they sat in the living room and accepted other models' comments on the Mafia until they heard it at 12 o'clock in the morning. Girls from England know how lucky they are to hit the Parisian fashion industry head-on, and to be able to walk smoothly until now.

   For Anthony, the skinny girl Nisha said he had heard of it. \"He is not a godfather, he mainly controls the catering industry, but this guy also has some low-end models under his hand. Strange, what does he fancy Grace?"

Depending on how prosperous the models are, the mafia forces that control them are not the same. In short, the redder the models, the greater the power that controls them, and there are many corners poached from other black forces-Jianghu everywhere.

With Grace's status quo, it is basically out of the low-end category, that is not suitable for Anthony to touch, and Bella is even more faintly popular, but the other models who live here are basically low-end, so They know this very well.

\"What can I fancy? I just want to sleep with him, and Grace can get a dinner at most," hot pants girl Julia muttered bitterly,\" In the end, he will continue to harass Just thank God, these scumbags are like this."

\"However, with Anthony's protection, Grace won't have anything wrong," Nisha looked at Grace very enviously, \"When you become more popular, who wants to harass you again, but it will pass you The level of the Chinese lover will do..."

   While talking, she smiled and slammed in the direction of the master bedroom. The envy in her eyes was flowing as clear as a mountain stream. Without any concealment, she knew very well. Anthony is more domineering, and if Grace can go one step further, although the force that dares to attack her is bigger, it will be more elaborate.

   Seriously, it was at that time that the Chinese Chen in the bedroom was really useful. Nisha knew that he was not only rich, but also a Chinese government official. Fighting was not her specialty-although he knew Chinese martial arts, he was also very good.

  Chen’s biggest advantage is still the ups and downs in the upper-level occasions, such as introducing Grace to Abel, so Grace has Anthony's care, and there is no need to worry about it in the fashion industry in the future.

   Think about the young Chinese who are quite rich. At this moment, Nisha is not only envious, she is also jealous—Grace and Bella, you two are not much better than me.

\"Oh, I want to go in and see him again," Grace couldn't let go of Chen Taizhong again when others mentioned Chen Taizhong, she couldn't quietly open the bedroom door and walked in. Seeing her lover still sitting cross-legged motionless, she gently Sitting on the bed. Big eyes stared at him without blinking.

   stared at her, she suddenly sighed slightly: Actually, Chen is really masculine, the nose is the nose, the eyes are the eyes...

   I don’t know how long I froze, the bedroom door squeaked softly, but Bella walked in, seeing her staring at Chen Taizhong, she couldn’t help asking in a low voice, "Did you see him move?"

   Grace shook her head and hesitated. Replied softly,\"I don't see any ups and downs in my chest, Bella, you say... Is he really all right?"

   She is two years old, Bella, and stable. Among them, she has always played the role of decision maker, but now she asked such a question, which shows that she is really a little flustered.

  \"Oh," Bella was silent when she heard this answer, and it was a long time before she whispered softly, "Grace, I'll try to see if he breathes, you say... OK?"

   She wanted to do this just now, but was stopped by Grace. Now that the old story is repeated, Grace is a little hesitant, and she sighs after hesitating for a while.\"Oh, forget it, let me try..."

While talking, she stood up and walked gently to Chen Taizhong's side, but her body only bent, and she felt that she had hit an invisible object, a bit like glass, and stopped her abruptly. Then, a strong force came, and she couldn't help but leaned back slightly.

This is a protective formation that Chen Taizhong has set up for himself. He is here \"meditating". Of course, he does not want to be disturbed by accidents. Not only that, but he also set up the formation and was disturbed three times. The phantom here just opened his eyes once. program.

  \"Oh, his eyes opened," Bella exclaimed joyfully. But because he didn't dare to disturb him, the cry was unusually subtle, and then Grace saw it too, but the Chinese lover's eyes were closed for a short time, and there was no focus of attention, and some were just at a loss - no way It is impossible for Chen Taizhong to know which direction the person who is to disturb him is standing in?

  \"He was really fine," The two sisters embraced with excitement. Of course, they didn't know that the next time Chen Taizhong opened his eyes, it was the fourth time he was disturbed.

The two of them were excited for a long time, and Grace told little Bella about the strangeness she had just felt. Bella listened and pondered, "Isn't this supposed to be internal energy? I have read a book called "The Magical Sculpture and It Although the Chinese novel of "The Couple of the Masters" is quite untrue, there are also Luan Lun and Qiang Women, but it records this possibility."

  \"Oh, it's amazing," Grace shrugged, seeing Bella still looking curious, hesitating, \"Why don't you come and feel his...inner energy?"

  \"Forget it, since he's okay, I won't bother him," Bella, this guy is sometimes frizzy, but she still knows what she can and can't do.

   The two were talking in low voices, and Julia and Nisha walked in, "Grace, is he in a bad situation?"

  \"Come out, come out," Grace and Bella pushed them both out, and then gently closed the door, fearing to disturb the phantom of Chen Taizhong who was \"meditating" inside.

When the three women in the living room knew that Chen was really fine, Nisha and Julia asked in unison, "Then, Grace... can we tell others that everyone who lives with you will accept it? Chen's shelter?"

  \"Oh, I think he has to wait for him to decide on this matter." Grace knew that her sisters were envied by these sisters for the smooth flow of her sisters, but she was a calm person and would not rashly accept this.

  \"Asylum?" Bella frowned when she heard it, her thinking was more jumping, "Damn it, Anthony can find this place, it must be that damned Armstrong."

   Armstrong, it was the Italian male model Grace looked for. Thinking of this possibility, she even worried a little for Elizabeth, who went to Italy. \"Grace, there will be no accidents with Isha, right?"

  \"That’s not true, Isha is a pure French, and she is not in the modeling world," Julia answered with a smile,\"No one would hit her on her head."

  \"I'll call Armstrong," Grace was guilty of being told by Bella, she said she could not turn her head to look at the floor-standing mechanical clock beside her, \"At eleven thirty, he shouldn't be asleep yet?"

   Chapter Misoperation

   Armstrong did not conceal his hatred of Anthony,\"I have been stripped of this **** for two years. If it weren’t for the help of a distinguished person, I’m still making money for him. That guy is a real scumbag."

  \"Then you are not doing it right," Grace accuses him angrily, \"Why don't you tell me in advance that he is such a person?"

\"How do I know he will trouble you?" Armstrong's temper is not very good. Hearing such accusations, he naturally has to fight for reasons.\"I can buy white truffles for you, but he is asking you for trouble , I can’t do anything...but, this guy just loves to take advantage of him. You can deal with him casually. Find a friend with a little ability to talk about it. It's almost the same."

  What do you mean\"just deal with him"? Grace was furious when she heard it, but the other party helped her anyway, she didn't care too much, \"Well, I have my own solution... There is always no problem with things in Italy. Right?"

  \"It’s definitely not a problem in Italy, as long as your friend has enough money," Armstrong calmed down when she said that.\"I’m really sorry, Grace, I can’t help you with Anthony."

\"I understand this," Grace hung up the phone without answering, saying that Armstrong seemed to be taken by a very energetic woman. In this case, he really can’t express anything-regardless of male or female models, After all, what you eat is youth rice.

The whole night passed. After waking up the next day, \"Taizhong Chen" still sat motionless. Grace and Bella lay on the bed and stared at him for a long time, and they discussed quietly for a while, Grace was still watching here. Bella went to the kitchen to make an omelette, and said that if Chen was hungry, she would naturally smell the fragrant smell.

   Looking at it, Grace smelled a pungent odor, and rushed into the kitchen angrily, "Oh my God, Bella, are you going to bake eggs, or are you going to set the house on fire?"

\"Don't you let me look at him," Bella is going to be aggrieved and aggrieved, her big attractive eyes immediately become red, "I can only use the microwave to heat bread, not frying eggs... "

   At noon, Anthony took the initiative to call Grace, \" Grace, Chen said yesterday that he wants to invite me to dinner. I think I will be free tonight."

\"Oh, I'm very sorry, Chen doesn't have time right now," Grace didn't know if this guy called to retaliate or want to get close, so the answer is cold, \"Chen's friend Wei is also in Paris, you would like to see him ?"

   She said that, she was a little bit miserable, but she also knew that Wei Minghe's identity was absolutely unambiguous, and nothing else, just to say that the guy could actually get a Ferrari to swagger through the market, it was not easy.

   In short, she doesn't want to tell anyone about Chen's situation, including Wei-this is what Chen personally ordered.

\"Oh, that's a shame," Anthony hesitated. He wanted to see Chen's friend so that he could figure out the other side's origin. But after thinking about it, Chen's good talk doesn't mean that Wei is also good to talk. There are always more people who mess with society. It’s a good idea. Otherwise, I don’t know how I died.\"Please tell Chen about it. When he is free, I am very happy to advise him and his friends."

   After hung up the phone, he started to get busy, and soon received the news from his staff-anyway, he is also a little bit old model, isn't it?

So, Mr. Tang Anthony knew that Chen and Wei usually appeared together, but compared to Chen, Wei's hands and feet were much larger, and the female models around him kept changing. Unlike Chen, only Grace had been spotted. Bella.

Sometimes, Huang n Wudu also represents a kind of strength. Wei Minghe gave him this feeling.When he thought that Chen's friend was also luxurious and luxurious, Anthony completely died of the fluke in his heart-in fact, This is what Grace hopes to achieve.

However, Wei Minghe's entanglement made Grace and Bella a bit at a loss. Director Wei must get the exact information from Director Chen, \"How can he leave you two sneaking away? It's really too much... …I said, it’s not because you two bullied him that he couldn't get up, right?"

When he said this, it was about to dinner time, Bella was talking nonsense to him, and suddenly heard a loud noise over there, \"Oh...a¥~¥※" She couldn’t hear a lot of things. The Chinese that she understood came rushing over, and she could only faintly hear one word-America.

Strangely, Bella babbled a few more words. Now that she was extremely excited and ignored her at all, she could only hung up the phone angrily, but after half an hour, she finally knew why Wei was so excited--the American warship exploded. Up.

   Cruising the US guided missile destroyer \"Gonzales" and the destroyer \"Philippine Sea" in the Adriatic Sea, in just half an hour, there was an inexplicable explosion inside, and the cause of the explosion cannot be determined yet.

   But what is certain is that the scale of these two explosions will not be too small. According to the media, \"Compared with it, the Iowa battleship exploded ten years ago."

   Some media pointed out that it was these two warships that initiated NATO's military intervention in Yugoslavia. The first batch of Tomahawk cruise missiles that flew to the Yugoslavia were fired from these two warships. Does this fact help everyone find the truth about the explosion?

Bella and Grace are both British. It is said that they should also be inclined to NATO's political views. However, for women, love has no borders. Just like Zhang Ailing can like Hu Lancheng, most women are not about politics and war. Not very interested-there are not many Margaret Thatcher in this world.

   Therefore, the two of them can understand Chen Taizhong's anger very well. Anyway, the Americans who bombed the Yugoslav Embassy are Americans, and it doesn't matter what the UK is, they can naturally understand Wei Minghe's gloating thoughts.

  \" Or, after Chen wakes up, we should tell him the good news. What do you think, Bella?" See if this is not? Grace actually used \"good news" to describe this tragedy.

In NATO’s bombing of the Yugoslavia, there were a lot of embarrassments. Many planes and missiles were shot down. Let alone the feat of the mistaken bombing of Sofia, Bulgaria. Aside from the accidental bombing of the Chinese Embassy by the United States, the most sensational thing was probably this time. The warship exploded, so they thought it was good news.

   However, the two beauties who were in Paris looking forward to Chen Taizhong\"wake up" did not know that the perpetrator was treading water in the Adriatic Sea, \"Damn, this is purely a misoperation..."

When he got to the place, Chen Taizhong didn't know how to start, but he did some investigations about the Kosovo war, so he remembered the famous "Tomahawk" missiles, and said that he was on board the Gonzales. There should be this thing.

The buddy stole some of them and put them in the ring of Sumi. He quickly made up his mind. He turned around and threw a few to the Allied Command in Naples, and then a few more to the U.S. Embassy in Italy... If there are any leftovers, take them back to the country and throw them somewhere, and make an anonymous call to the military to let them study it.

   Is this abacus good? Unexpectedly, he... he was too unfamiliar with the weapon system. When he put things in the Sumiya Ring, he didn't know what device he encountered and then exploded-first a small explosion, then a big explosion.

   Fortunately, he was clever enough to know what he was stealing, and he couldn't say that he could not float out more than two kilometers in a lonely courtyard, and finally escaped the disaster, \"Oh, this savage loading and unloading really doesn't require...

The smoke of the Gonzales was billowing and crackling, and Chen Taizhong couldn't go back anymore. In a blink of an eye, he was struck with the idea of ​​the Philippine Sea. I was supposed to try to steal it again. When it came time to do it, he suddenly remembered: Now, I won’t steal it anymore, just do the same as last time. If you can steal it, it’s good fortune.

   As expected, it was \"Boom" again. Watching a group of people running around on the boat yelling at the chicken feathers, and some people puffing down to dumplings in the sea, Chen Taizhong was so happy that there was really no way to describe it.

  This aircraft carrier... can I also make some ideas? He stood in the sea thinking for a long time, and finally decided not to think about it for the time being-the attack method was too single, and he couldn't show the ability of the buddy, it was He had nothing to do while standing in the sea. Wandering around, looking around with a specially made binoculars, two ships appeared inadvertently, ah, here are the flags of Russia...

He is not unfamiliar with one of them-after all, the preparations are well done, it is the Russian reconnaissance ship \"River Bay", he knows, in order to monitor NATO operations, but also in order to obtain more high-tech weapons Information and battlefield intelligence, this ship has been here for more than a month.

   The other one is the supply ship, right? Chen Taizhong guessed that, but after a closer look, it didn't look like it. He didn't know that that ship was also a reconnaissance ship. It was the "Kilding", who came to replace the Hewan.

   Anyway, Chen Taizhong doesn't have a good impression on him. He said that I will only trouble the Americans this time. It's cheaper for you-don't run to your buddies to get in the way.

In fact, what he complains the most is the strategic stealth bomber 2B of the United States. Um, wrong, it is B2. It is the missile fired by this thing that bombed the Chinese embassy. Seeing you boasting, buddy look back. Take it down.

   From a technical point of view, the difficulty is not that great. Chen has a 10,000-mile leisurely garden and floats for five to six hundred kilometers. It is no problem. 2B, no matter how high you fly, can you still fly to the outer atmosphere?

(www.. Lang Lang Book)

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