Official Immortal

Vol 10 Chapter 1698: Corruption, one thousand six hundred and ninety-nine, difficult (8000 words)

Chapter 1698

   hasn't waited for Chen Taizhong to ask. Abel had already started talking, and Chen Taizhong frowned and replied a few more words, which made Huang Hanxiang only look at the other people with his eyes open.

  Yin Jinghua smiled and nodded, and explained softly, \"French," he is a state-owned restaurant service, although the foreign language is not good, but since he has worked in Beijing for so many years, the language can be roughly distinguished.

   When Chen Taizhong hung up, Huang Hanxiang smiled and nodded, \"Taizhong, you speak French well, no wonder you have achieved such good results in attracting investment... What does this person say?"

What he said is indeed a heartfelt appreciation. There are many people who will come in officialdom, and there are also many nerds who know how to learn death, but there are really not many people who will come and have considerable professional quality. Up.

   Before, he saw Chen Taizhong pleasing to the eye. It was just a close eye and the temperament was similar. But in Mr. Huang’s impression, Xiao Chen Mei’s abilities were similar, and his personal abilities were questionable. Right now, I heard that this guy can speak fluent French at a young age. I couldn't help but scream, and I also wondered, this guy, do you want to cultivate it seriously?

  \"This person said..." Chen Taizhong smiled bitterly and scratched his head. After organizing the language, he relayed Abel's words.

   Dare to love, this year is the 35th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and France. The two countries have frequent exchanges with each other. Recently, a group of France's Sino-French Cultural Exchange Association will fly to Beijing to do some cultural exchanges.

In this exchange, the Deputy Minister of Culture and Communications of France will accompany him. According to the principle of reciprocity, the reception of China should also be the Deputy Minister of Culture. Ding Tian is only a Minister. However, the Deputy Minister and Egypt Boer has a good relationship and privately expressed to him that he would like to meet the leaders of China.

Abel took it seriously as soon as he heard it, because this deputy minister was considered one of his political investment directions, and because the minister wanted to show his connections in China, this request did not want to be conveyed through the embassy until he was answered in the affirmative. .

To put it conscientiously, if this request is really notified to the Chinese Embassy in France, China will regard China and France as a \"comprehensive strategic partnership" on the grounds of a "comprehensive strategic partnership." problem.

   But, this is not what the deputy minister wants, what he wants is to show his personal charm. Seeing China's national leaders through private channels will add a heavy weight to his political capital. No matter how different China is from the West in ideology, it is relatively developing and cannot be concealed. One fact: it is one of the five permanent members of the UN Security Council.

   Abel and the others took on this task. He thought that I was not familiar with other people in China, but Chen Taizhong, who had just left, might be able to say something, and he couldn't even make a phone call to ask.

When Chen Taizhong heard this, Hao Xuan didn't throw the phone on the ground. He said that Lao Ai, you too value me, you have to get some information about the \"Chang Er Bundle" rocket, I still know where to start— Although I will definitely not give it to you, but you want me to seduce a person at the level of prime minister or deputy prime minister to come out to see a deputy minister... Damn, I really don't know how to go about this procedure!

So, he planned to decline, who would think that Abel took this matter too seriously, \"Chen, you must help me figure out a solution, this matter is very important to me... everyone is a friend ,Is not it?"

  \"Then, let me try it for you." Chen Taizhong looked at Huang Hanxiang in front of him, and finally agreed, \"Only this time, not as an example!"

If Abel makes other requests, he really can’t say anything. After all, there is Rona Planck hanging there, and if he wants to eat sugar, he will risk being bombed, but this matter does not involve the country at the moment. Confidential, it doesn't matter if he agrees temporarily.

Therefore, the \"next as an example" in his mouth means that I have helped you once, and you can't always ask me for help greedily, but when you hear this in Abel's ears, the taste is quite different, broker The husband only said the words \"no next time" only when the person had a certain degree of certainty, and he felt confident for a while.

\"A vice minister of culture, wants to see the national leader?" Huang Hanxiang couldn't help snorting when he heard this.\"He really can see himself, do you know what unequal diplomacy means? Humiliating the country!"

\"I know this," Chen Taizhong smiled awkwardly,\" But this is only one aspect. From another perspective, isn't this also developing pro-China forces? Anyway, he took the initiative to lean on, so we don’t count. Too bad, right?"

  \"This is also true," Huang Hanxiang nodded, what he said just now. It is also a habitual reaction of the princelings. Hearing Xiao Chen say this, he smiled and nodded, \"There must be special cases, but I don’t know if the deputy minister you mentioned will become a white-eyed wolf in the future... Politician, huh, it’s hard to say."

  \"Then see?" Chen Taizhong looked at him with a chuckle, his eyes drifting.

\"You..." Huang Hanxiang wanted to say something, but he stubbornly held it back, and then sighed dumbfounded, \"I said too loyal, to say something of conscience, I have a headache to see you, you Tell me about you... Can you find me something less difficult?"

\"Actually, I didn't bother to agree to him. The key is that this guy has a good relationship with Rona Planck." Chen Taizhong cast a sullen lips. "That company may invest in mainland China this year. Go south."

  \"Well," Huang Hanxiang nodded, and said that I still can accept this reason, or you always promise others rashly, aren't you playing with me? but. \"Rona Planck, what company is this, is it famous?"

  \"It is a Fortune 500 company," Chen Taizhong pouted again.

Mr. Huang understood immediately. He could not remember all the top 500 companies in the world, but he knew very well what these top 500 companies meant. He shook his head for a moment and answered with a smile, \"Xiao Chen, in charge of culture It's Vice Premier Tang. You can let Meng Yi say hello on this matter. It's better than me."

\"What if... what if he gets Rona Planck's investment into the sky?" Chen Taizhong felt that there was something hidden in his smile, and he looked at him pitifully, and I recognized you. Looks like.

  \"You..." Huang Hanxiang was speechless again, saying that you are also addicted to this fellow? What he said is indeed the truth. Mengyi has a good relationship with Prime Minister Tang, but he is not without tentative intentions when he said this. Such non-formal requirements are not too good if they are responded to through formal channels. Other factors Leaving aside, just saying that this level gap is huge, even if Old Tangken spares time to meet with others, it may not be an official meeting.

Anyway, these years, helping people is also addictive. He helped Chen Taizhong so much, and seeing this guy's stubborn posture, Huang said that he couldn't snorted, his face sank, \"I said you have a sense of the overall situation. Is it okay, how much difference can this investment make between Tiannan and the blue sky?"

   Huyou, just fool me. Chen Taizhong looked at him and laughed, but didn't answer, but his heart was like a mirror.

Beforehand, he might think that the overall sense of what people said was true, but now he knows that the Huang family can't let go of Tiannan after all. It may not be necessary to proactively reach out, but some people have a reason to reach out when they ask for it. , It's normal to control one tube.

\"Don’t I just want to eat some truffles, this is too expensive?" Huang Hanxiang saw this guy look like this, stood up and walked out angrily, \"Xiao Chen, next time you take the United Nations If the matter is over, then let's not see you, can't I not provoke you?"

  \"Huang Erbo, that...I called Zhang Peilin." Chen Taizhong took two steps and followed his ass.\"Didn't you say that when I come back, you want to see him?"

Huang Hanxiang stopped abruptly, looked back at him, the kind of expressionless face, was stunned for about two seconds, before snorting coldly, \"If there is anything else, please tell me, and then... you Go back to Tiannan now."

  \"I got some good wine and good cigars," Chen Taizhong replied with a smile, \"I will check it in when I look back."

\"Oh, you guy, count it, ignore you," Huang Hanxiang smiled, turned around and walked away, and said only when he walked to the door,\"Tell him, treat him tomorrow night, if you can’t come, then don’t use it Up."

It sounds very rude to say, but everyone can hear that he is too much for Chen Taizhong, and it is left to anyone who dares to pester him again and again like this, let alone let a vice hall treat him, he can be alone. The phone brought down this deputy office.

  Yin Jinghua put his hand behind him and stretched out his thumb to Chen Taizhong. This is what Mr. Huang’s caring person said: Niu, you are a big cow, Lao Yin, I have never served anyone. Today I served you.

Alas, Chen Taizhong was finally relieved and sat lazily on the sofa, saying that Huang Hanxiang was really good at talking today. This is also attributable to the fact that the man's French is good, which made Lao Huang look pleasing to the eye - Mr. Huang did not hide his eyes at the time. His appreciation, so he knows what the light is today.

  Want to stop learning German, Arabic or something? While pondering, he found out the phone and dialed Zhang Peilin's cell phone.

   When Director Zhang heard that Mr. Huang was willing to ruin his own meal, it would go without saying, "There will be a meeting in the bureau tomorrow, but I will ask for leave, it’s okay, I must be there..."

   You really talk a lot. Chen Taizhong hung up, feeling a little angry: In front of Lao Huang, if you dare to say something about the conference, then I will convince you.

Of course, defamation and defamation, he also knows that it is normal for people to say that. No matter how great his energy, and then help others to move the boss, after all, it is a small deputy, so Director Zhang intentionally or unintentionally, many of them are not directed at leaders. If it is convenient to say, you can say a few words to him-to show how cooperative he is.

   In fact, it is not malicious when people say this, but it means to show closeness, but his identity is really a bit unmanageable, so I feel a little bit angry.

   Buddies usually only pay attention to their personal ability to do things, and forget that this identity is still a little unavailable. Chen Taizhong gave birth to a little bit of improvement.

   Chapter 1699 is difficult

When Huang Hanxiang left, Chen Taizhong went to the bookstore and bought a lot of language books and tapes. He was looking through it lazily. The phone rang, and it was Elizabeth.\"Well, I will be in China the day after tomorrow. Taizhong, remember to pick me up."

  啧, it’s broken. I haven’t contacted Catherine yet. When Chen Taizhong heard this, he hurriedly put the book at hand, took out his mobile phone and found Catherine’s number and dialed it, \"Hello, this is Chen Taizhong."

  \"God, I heard it right," Catherine laughed on the phone as she heard it. The laughter was clear and sweet. \"Busy Chen also has time to call me? Oh, I'm so honored."

  \"Hehe," Since Chen Taizhong is asking for help, he must have a better attitude, and said he must not laugh twice. "Catherine, Isha has agreed in principle to be your bodyguard. I will come to China to talk to you in two days."

\"Oh~" Catherine drew a long tone on the phone, and then sighed regretfully.\" But I am very sorry, I have now returned to the United States, I am going to stay for ten days, I am really sorry... Can she wait?"

   Are you playing with me? Chen Taizhong became a little annoyed for a while. He vowed to sign the contract as soon as he vowed, but now it's better. Yisha has finished everything that should be over there. Are you hiding?

   But the next moment, he chuckled softly,\"Oh, forget it, I'll tell her, don't come... It's 17 o'clock in Beijing time, I don't know which time zone you are in the United States?"

   The United States has four time zones. No matter which time zone Catherine is in, it is now one to four in the morning. He still doesn't believe in this evil, don't you need to sleep?

\"Haha, I tried so many people, you are the first to react so quickly," Catherine laughed again, smiling very happily, \"Okay, it's a joke, why bother about it? Men want it Gentleman's demeanor... are you in Beijing?"

\"Am I the first to respond so quickly?" Chen Taizhong pressed his phone, muttered softly, and shook his head with a smile. He wanted to be honored, but he couldn't be honored. The fact may not be the case: Catherine This woman didn't look simple, a little joke, which narrowed the distance between the two sides without a trace.

   It’s already past five o’clock. Chen Taizhong called Shao Guoli, "Does old Shao have a car? I can borrow one for one use and return it to you in two days."

   He and Zhang Yufeng and Jing Junwei can both borrow a car, but if you always borrow a car from someone, doesn't it make people feel that his ability is limited? Since asking someone appropriately can also bring him closer, he doesn't mind using similar little tricks.

  \"I'm pooh," Shao Guoli smiled and scolded over there, \"You're so cool, I went to Paris to meet my sister. I don't know how to ask my brother to go with me. Are you embarrassed to borrow a car from me?"

   If Chen Taizhong had not guessed the identities of those reporters, he must be at a loss now. It was you who took me to Hong Kong and I did not go. How can I say that I didn't tell you that I was going to Paris? But after guessing the identity of the reporter, he knew it clearly when he heard this--it seems that Ah really drank too much at the time, and he forgot to tell me that.

   In any case, Lao Shao is quite a friend, and he has to say, \"The good things I brought back from France will not be for you."

  \"Give me things, but I have to make me chant," Shao Guoli laughed on the phone, \"What good thing is so mysterious? Forget it... I'll call Xiaosun and sit down together?"

   called Xiaosun? Chen Taizhong was a little bit big when he heard it, and this grandson is not a kind person, \"If you have an appointment with a foreign sister tonight, don't call her, right?"

\"Then what's the matter, as long as you didn't hit her idea, then it doesn't matter," Shao Guoli kept laughing, \"No, let me think about it... too loyal, if you really want to hit her idea, too Barely enough, haha."

   I hit her idea? Chen Taizhong heard it all in a cold sweat, and hung up the phone angrily, saying that if a buddy played bachelor for a lifetime, he would not like her.

   But this is the case. Shao Guoli's words can be regarded as an affirmation of him. Do you think Xiaosun is ugly? Cut, it's not a joke. No matter how good someone looks, it won't be your turn to make that idea.

When Chen Taizhong took Catherine to the place, Shao Guoli had already arrived. Looking at the hot and beautiful American woman, Mr. Shao’s pupils immediately enlarged a lot. After a long sigh, he sighed, \ "Too loyal, Xiao Sun is still a good person. Don't hit her like this in the future, OK, and be kind."

Naturally, these words are complimenting Catherine's beauty, but Chen Taizhong only treated it as if he couldn't understand it. He smiled casually, sat down, raised his hand and pushed a box in the past, \"The freshest French black truffle, from dug out to It's less than five days now."

   Shao Guoli frowned and took a look, then looked up at Chen Taizhong, hesitated, \"You actually like to eat this kind of food? The taste is unique... Thanks for not Min, I am not interested in Western food."

  \"Don't give it to me," Sister Sun's voice sounded at the door. She walked in slowly, glanced at the plastic box, and then at Chen Taizhong, shook her head regretfully, \"It's a pity..."

  \"What's a pity?" Chen Taizhong was really a little confused, \"Isn't the fresher the truffle the better?"

\"Yes, the fresher the better, but you should wrap it in tin foil," she slowly sat on the sofa, licking her mouthful of blood, \"Summer truffles originally tasted lighter and fresh Can make up for a little shortcoming, but you didn't have it... Tsk, it's a pity."

\"Okay, within a few days," Chen Taizhong smiled. He heard that when he bought truffles, but he found it troublesome, and the most important thing was-throw the gadgets in the Sumi Ring, thinking There is nowhere to run, "Do you like truffles too?"

In his impression, Shao Guoli’s family is regarded as high-ranking officials in the government, and this sister Sun’s family is regarded as the military system, and the military likes to eat Western food...Let’s not say that it may be suspected of political orientation, and it is not possible in general military camps. For those who cook western food, how come the two reactions are completely opposite?

  \"How rare?" Sister Sun glanced at him, \"My grandfather liked this stuff when he was studying in Paris... I really can't afford this stuff without a little money."

  \"It's expensive?" Shao Guoli frowned when he heard it, and he drew the box over, \"What, Xiaosun, this is for me too loyal, you want to ask him again."

\"Not much money," Sister Sun smiled and shook her head, looking down on him, \"The output is small, and I can’t buy it if I want to buy it, and it will cost a few thousand more for this bit. For people, there are only three or four meals. Whoever gets addicted to it... it's really tossing people."

  \"What is thousands of years old?" Chen Taizhong looked at her dissatisfiedly.\"This is a pound, tens of thousands, OK?"

\"It's not easy to buy," Shao Guoli nodded thoughtfully, and forwarded the box to Xiaotao beside him, but Sister Sun's attention was not on this. The next moment she turned her head and looked at Catherine,\" Hey, this person..."

   Catherine has always shown people with heavy makeup, and today is no exception. Anyway, for women, makeup is not everything, but it is absolutely impossible without makeup. A woman under heavy makeup is hardly ugly.

   Not only that, she also wore a tight-fitting beige top today, with a pair of tight denim shorts on her lower body. Although she was dressed casually, she showed the turbulent long legs and hips to the extreme.

   Like this, Sister Sun was surprised to see that her eyes were normal.

\"Catherine," Chen Taizhong introduced with a smile, \"The agent of the American company in China recently talked to her about cooperation... Sister Sun, do you have any suitable orders? My place has a heavy task of attracting investment this year. "

\"If you can sell arms, I can introduce someone to set up a company with you," Sister Sun replied with a smile. This is naturally a joke. Anyway, everyone knows the military background behind her, but, Dare to say this in front of Catherine, an American. She is arrogant. "You can think about it... But you are not allowed to move in the Middle East."

  \"I can't move anything," Chen Taizhong heard a wry smile, and then took out a box from his bag, \"Be careful, someone else sent it...Is it a trip to the country anyway?"

\"Oh," Sister Sun took a look and knew that it was a necklace, she didn't open it, she put it away, and looked at him with a smile, \"Nothing to do and courteous... You are asking me what's the matter, right? ?"

  \"Aren't you talking about it?" Chen Taizhong gave her a dissatisfied look.\"I heard that you are here today, didn't I bring you here? Don't think everyone is so successful?"

Sister Sun nodded. Since the last time Chen Taizhong helped her play mahjong, she felt that this young man was very temperamental to her. People did not think that she was forced to collect the money, and she did not ask her to help. But she asked him to do something like this. She is a woman, but she acts a bit close to a man, and of course she likes this kind of happy person.

A few people just chatted with each other. Chen Taizhong kept wondering how to explain the matter of Hua Zixiang. After all, everyone parted ways when they arrived in Paris, except for the time when they met the thief. Contact, this is not like being a partner.

However, Sister Sun didn't mention this at all.Instead, she seemed to have some thoughts about Catherine. She glanced at it from time to time. Chen Taizhong pondered for a while before reacting. It is estimated that Xiao Sun also knew that she could not do it properly. So sensitive, it is natural to not mention it.

Dinner is about to end at eight o'clock. Shao Guoli still has other entertainment to take a step forward, but he has finalized it with Chen Taizhong. After a while, he will go to Tiannan to play. Sister Sun also stood up and left when he was leaving. Forgot to ask him, \"Do you still have this truffle?"

\"No more," Chen Taizhong smiled and shook his head. In fact, there are still some in his Xumi Ring, but this time Huang Hanxiang asked him for it. If he can give Shao Guoli a little, it is all because of old Shao Zhangyi. For the sake of face, otherwise he would stop a bit of this kind of thing and spread it to Lao Huang's ears. Even if they can understand it, it is not a good thing. Why should he bother to find it uninteresting?

  \"But I made some friends again in Paris this time. If you want, I will ask them to bring you some."

  \"Then trouble you," If Nangong Mao Mao was present, I would have lost half of his chin when I heard this. Sister Sun is rarely so polite to people, especially those in the system.

After the game was over, Chen Taizhong drove around in the Audi lent him by Shao Guoli, found a small coffee shop that looked reluctant, parked the car, and looked sideways at Catherine, \"Go in for a drink? "

This invitation is not unkind. Catherine took the initiative to see him today. There must be something to discuss, and he also needs to finalize Elizabeth's work. Just now, the two people have not been able to elaborate, then it is necessary to communicate now. Click it.

   The two of them sat in the coffee shop, ordered a bottle of red wine, and ordered some dried fruits. Then they sat there quietly, waiting for each other to speak. The situation was strange.

   After waiting for a long time, Catherine saw that the young deputy director showed no signs of speaking, so she chuckled, and she didn't expect the other party's cell phone to ring.

  It was Shao Guoli who called, \"Haha, too loyal, have you noticed that Xiaosun is very interested in that Catherine?"

This guy's eyes are also poisonous, Chen Taizhong sighed, and once again felt that there are too many discerning people in this world, but the next moment he was puzzled, and he was very interested...The little grandson won't be because of the appearance problem, and the psychology is a little bit slight. Distorted? \"This... it seems I didn't find it."

  \"Hehe," Shao Guoli couldn't help but explain. It turned out that just after he left, Sister Sun called him and said it was about Catherine.

Dare to love this Catherine used to hate a very powerful leader. The leader fell in love with her, but she was unwilling. The leader became angry-others are sticking to me on the pole, and finally I see you pleasing to your eyes. One point, a little girl, I have signaled so many times, you dare not have any reaction, is this okay?

As a result, there was a rumor that she...this identity was suspicious, so that no one would take care of her business. Afterwards, Catherine's company changed people, and everyone didn't want to provoke that right and wrong-- Who is this eyedrop for?

   Therefore, Nangong had also vaguely heard of her, and also reminded Chen Taizhong, otherwise it would not be difficult to open the market in China with the resources Catherine had in her hands.

Chen Taizhong is wondering, who exactly is this leader, and why Yang Laosan dared to provoke Catherine. As a result, Shao Guoli first opened his cards, \" But it's okay now, that person has already gone to the National People's Congress... I want to know Who is it?"

\"Who do I care about him?" Chen Taizhong smiled, he was not very angry about the incident. He saw and heard too much of this kind of thing, and the persecution was also a foreign girl like Catherine, not China. Man, what kind of idleness does he have?

\"Tsk, your life is good," Shao Guoli sighed, and to be honest, he made this call, except for a bit of gossip, that is, because of the pound\"not good to buy" truffle. Go up, \"It's cheap for you guy... Next time you go to Paris, remember to call me."

   He hung up the phone before he had to sit back. Unexpectedly, Sister Sun’s call came again, \"Xiao Chen, what you gave me... is a bit too expensive?"

   She has already gone home. When she opened the box, she was a little dizzy. How could this diamond necklace have exceeded one million?

She dared to accept such a gift, and no one dared to investigate him. In fact, because of her background and outside the system, as long as she does not toss too much or make a principled error, corruption and bribery cannot be taken. Live in her—just like the style problem doesn’t bring down Chen Taizhong, Huang Hanxiang dares to accept Chen Taizhong’s villa, this is not a problem at all.

   However, what puzzles her is, why does Chen Taizhong give me such a heavy gift? After thinking about it, she decided to call him and ask.

  \"They don't dare to give this kind of gift to others?" Chen Taizhong answered with a smile, but it is the truth, he also wants to understand the cause and effect, \"I just ran into you anyway, even if I borrow flowers to offer Buddha."

\"Oh," Sister Sun heard it, and she said she understood, and then she murmured again, \"By the way, the foreign woman next to you was seen by a certain director of the Planning Commission before, but... now just do whatever you want Up."

   Director of the State Planning Commission, this is indeed a big cow. Chen Taizhong smiled and hung up the phone. The next moment, he became a bit angry again. What do you mean by telling me this? Is it because I am afraid that I will chase you, so I am going to chase this American woman?

  Please, don't you feel so good about yourself, okay?

After he walked back, Catherine was shaking boredly with the glass filled with red wine. Seeing him come back, she smiled, \"I found out, you are not fake, you are really are not Nonsense? Chen Taizhong glanced at her, but in any case, these two calls are good news: the woman in front of you can't be from the "relevant department" of the United States, or she has the thick legs of the director of the planning committee. How can it be rejected?

   Since I went to Paris, he has increasingly discovered that when dealing with foreigners, it is really necessary to be vigilant and consider the "relevant departments" of each country.

Now that he has gone to this doubt in his heart, he will naturally not be too bad, so he smiled slightly, \"I want to ask about your company's treatment, vacation and pension insurance for Yisha. She comes to China alone, I want Consider it for her... By the way, she majored in finance."

\"Chen, you have a lot of love," Catherine put down the wine glass, put her hands on the table and put her cheeks on the table, and looked at him with a smile, \"But...Why do you lie to me, don't you know someone from Linhe Aluminum? "

  \"Cough cough," Chen Taizhong coughed heavily. The question was too direct. This woman... is really difficult.

   I really can’t make nine thousand. Feng Xiao personally thinks that eight thousand is not too much. Well, the double monthly ticket time has passed, can I see how many friends accidentally missed it? ) (!)

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