Official Immortal

Vol 10 Chapter 2000: Nightmare night

Yiliang opened a home in the outskirts of Chinatown, where the location is not very good. "Sigh, it's too small, which means more than 400,000 francs. The competition in Chinatown is too fierce.

   The law and order in this place is not very good. He often encounters other people's robberies. What is especially annoying is that if there is too little money on the counter, the master of the robbery will not only rob the money and order the goods, but also drop something.

   What's more, after closing the store, someone might be forcibly pried open in the middle of the night, rushing in to grab money and robs. After all, this kind of thing is not a common occurrence, just one or two a month.

   It was basically useless to report to the police. Boss Shi had done this at first, but the police were always late and there were a lot of strange things. They gave a complete solution: moving.

   But this more than 400,000 is already the limit of Fang boss. If conditions permit, who would not want to open a shop on the Champs Elysées? Anyway, these years, rushing to get used to it, after all, I can earn a little.

  , stone

   was doing business so half-deadly. Shi Liang was really helpless and reluctant to close the store. This time the European Office purchased flag ribbons and other things. The flag samples he provided had the most standard size ratio, so he was selected.

   He came today because of the 50th anniversary of Daqing. Secondly, I want to have a good relationship with the European Office, and I will get more orders in the future, and I will just say a few words when I hear the fellow talk about similar things.

  Blue sky, of course. The Chen family’s elbows have always been turned inwards. It's a big deal to come out of the two special zones, but he is still a bit puzzled, so he has to ask more if there is any habitual offender or protection fee.

   There are habitual offenders, as well as those who collect protection fees, but the one who collects protection fees is only responsible for collecting the money. If you don’t give it, you will toss you or instigate others to toss you, and the habitual offender is a bad boy wandering around. If he had no money in his hand, he would grab it, but Lao Shi did not dare to report it. Examples of lessons learned were there.

Two years ago, it was also a Chinese city. The police caught two juvenile habitual offenders based on the video in the store. Unexpectedly, the two little black men were abused in the police station, and one of them was tricked by a cellmate. One eye was blind.

   I don’t know what the news is, it was picked up in the newspaper, and some other occasional things were added, so it caused a riot. Is the child still young? Angry black people marched in the streets to complain of racism. Anyway, the street politics and barricades in Paris have a long history. It is no more appropriate to use a march to threaten the government.

Due to proper control, the parade did not turn into a large-scale riot, and the two children were quickly released. The democracy of Paris was undoubtedly displayed at this moment. However, no one noticed that a yellow man jumped at the same moment. The democracy at the moment of entering the Seine is the last feather that crushes him.

The shopkeeper borrowed money from relatives and friends to open the shop. When the angry black man was marching, he thought of the initiator of the incident, so the city was set on fire. The shopkeeper's family ran fast and didn't give birth to anything. The bloodshed incident, but several yellow-like people passing by at that time were still beaten violently.

The one who jumped into the river was finally rescued, so Shi Liang knew that there was such a thing. Of course, the shopkeeper was not ignorant enough to fight for compensation. There were so many people and a lot of gibberish. How does he know who burned him? Your shop?

Therefore, for Boss Shi, the protection fee that should be paid has to be paid.The young man who often comes to robbery, he still can't identify it. It's okay. One time he ran into the protection fee. In the end, the robbery was invincible. After escaping, Boss Shi was beaten by the little guys and extorted a little money, but the frequency of similar things was always a little less.

   These are all regular customers, and there are also a lot of strong dragons passing by. Paris is a cosmopolitan city with a very large floating population. Again, if there are more floating populations, there will be more short-term behaviors."

See boss Shi, how are you going? Chen Taizhong heard quite a bit speechless. He was silent for a long time before saying, "Who are the people who collect your protection fee? Who are the people who often go to your place to robbery? "

   Even if the Chen family are immortals, they can't take any measures against those strong dragons who cross the river. The so-called only being a thief for a thousand days without guarding against a thief for a thousand days, it is this kind of helplessness.

   Boss Shi said to everyone one by one, and then blinked his eyes and looked at Director Chen pitifully, \"Actually, my requirements are not high. Those who collect protection fees can do their best, thank God.

\"This requirement is really not high." Chen Taizhong nodded calmly, \"Okay, I see, I didn't want to care about it, but since you are a fellow of Xiao Liu, you can provide a standard-proportion national flag. Also a person who cares about the motherland

Oh, the national flag is the next one I left from someone else’s closed stall. It is said that it has been stored for many years. Shi Liang knows it well, but naturally it is impossible to tell the truth, so he smiled and nodded, \"The genuine one is more expensive But this is what I should do. Of course, the national flag must be genuine. Then I will trouble Director Chen."

Boss Shi also heard that Director Chen’s hands were dark, and he was still thinking about it, asking Director Chen not to be too cruel, so as not to bring disaster to himself, but seeing that the other party’s words were rigorous and a little bit official, he said in his heart. Think about it from a sense of measure.

  Unexpectedly, he left the net, and Chen Taizhong just snorted coldly. Look at you for what you do. I'll help you out, you only need a protection fee to do your best. No wonder you have been bullied for so long.

He can understand Lao Shi's mentality, but he obviously can't tolerate things like this, so he turned his eyes around and said that he could not find Nick, drag him aside, and whispered, \"Do this well. Matter," there is nothing to help you. "

   When did Chen become so honest and talkative? Er Yiyi was puzzled, but Anthony, who was in Grenoble, said. ==网==m Xiaoman, specifically called back, \"Chen, we are the mafia, not the steward of the nobles. I can't understand your thoughts. This involves my honor."

  \"Oh, I think, you should trust me, as a partner" Chen Taizhong answered with a smile, \"Let’s concentrate on your wealth" For me, this is very simple."

This thing is really simple. Under the leadership of Anthony's people that day, Nick's eight thugs found the gang of miscellaneous fish that collected the protection fee and a few bad boys around the mess one by one, and invited the two groups to come. An empty venue, very friendly talks.

   Yes, it’s really friendly. The British said that the boss of this city, Shi Liang, is related to us British. I hope you will not harass him in the future.

The two gangs of miscellaneous fish wanted to stab them right away, but the two Englishmen took the lead in pulling out their guns and were prepared for it. They were different. They only thought that they wanted something mildew. Unexpectedly, the British were still very polite. Have we proved our strength?"

   Eight people and two guns count as strength? The two gangs sneered when they heard it. France has relatively strict gun management, but the proliferation of illegal private guns is also a fact. Not to mention that the guy who collects protection fees has four or five guns in his hands, even bad boys. There are two guns to know. Generally, no one uses a knife to rob a cash register abroad, which is too inconvenient and too weak.

   Of course, since they have taken control of the scene, the two groups of people can only temporarily admit that they are planted. It is impossible to say that everyone shakes hands and agrees. After the decision is made, they will not harass Shi Liang's city.

   The British walked wildly. The two gangs of people here were not convinced, but they didn't know the bottom line, so they asked people they knew well and followed them from a distance. Everyone discussed on the spot, should they say this, and how should they think of it?

   Everyone wants to vent their anger. The one who came out to mix, the English accent of the other party has been recognized here, but here in Paris, where there is a mixture of dragons and snakes, it is difficult to say what the other party is doing.

But I couldn’t breathe, and I felt unbalanced. The two groups of people didn’t discuss the result that night, but they were certain: If the other party is not big, let a few teenagers go to robbery again and dare to point a gun at us. Isn't that looking for death?

   Anyway, this unscrupulous boy has no homes at all. After robbing him, he went out to hide for two days. If the other party reacts, because he did not participate in the protection fee, he will be able to stay here and get some information.

   This idea is supposed to be fine, and then the people who followed the next day discovered that eight British people had left by plane, and the flight was to London.

So, the next day [Zhitian] noon, a bunch of little guys rushed into the market again, not only robbed money and robbed things, but also beaten two customers who came in to buy things, and smashed the shop into a mess, before the police car arrived. , A whistle made it easy.

   Shi Liang really wants to cry without tears, this loss. It's really big, and. The customer was beaten, and I wanted to make up for this popularity. Why did I have to look at me? I couldn't help but yell at Liu Yuanyuan, \"I said Xiao Liu, how did your Director Chen talk to others? Took me miserably

\"Oh? Then I will ask, and I will go and see you again." Liu Yuanyuan couldn't bear it, but after a while, he called again.\" Well, Director Chen returned Didn't talk to them, he said, don't let me go, but this matter, I will give you a satisfactory answer!"

   Of course, Chen Taizhong would not let him go to see fellow villagers, or else he would fall into the eyes of others. After the matter is settled, it will inevitably be extended to such and other thoughts, no!

   After this group of children robbed the store, they really ran away. They were not convinced, but they were really not convinced. They wanted to eat this bowl of rice and knew that advancement and retreat were a very important quality.

However, the group of guys who collected the protection fee did not leave, and they were also tight outside and inside. They said that if someone came to ask for an explanation, everyone should be judged by the situation. They should not be able to fight the other party, and they should also show a little hard-heartedness. Don't let the other party underestimate.

   stayed up until more than twelve o'clock at night, but there was no response. Those who were impatient and went away, and the rest fell asleep together, a mess of men and women.

I don’t know when, everyone felt awakened by the cold water falling from the sky, and looked around, but there was a place that was unclear.Look at the people around you. Yesterday, all of the people who participated in the negotiation were present. The individual is free from collective action.

What is even more frightening is that another group of unscrupulous teenagers are also present to count the days and the shoppers today. There are seven undesirable teenagers. Four of them participated in yesterday's negotiations, and the remaining three participated in today's robbery. A lot. It's all here!

   Didn’t they spread out? The group of people who received protection fees faintly felt that things were going to be big, and then looked around, they were all men in black suits with black cloth, and they had a miniature submachine gun.

   There are at least 70 or 80 people.

   A guy who can't see his face clearly in the shadows said, \"You can try to call for help and see if anyone comes to save you

  Who dares to call for help in this situation? The answer to him was naturally a deathly silence. After a while, the shadow smiled slightly, \"Okay. I think, God, you guys and the British, seem to have an agreement?"

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Still no one dared to answer this question. Even the master with his head on his feet knew that it was done in the afternoon. However, depending on what people do, even the guys who collect protection fees are I dare not immediately explain that it's none of my business.

  \"Kill this" Black Shadow pointed to one of the bad boys. This guy first moved the customer in the afternoon, and Chen Taizhong remembered it long ago. Make him twenty minutes, one minute less, you consider the consequences

So, a masked man came over and quickly kicked the boy aside, and touched his hand in his pocket, and there was a small knife. The knife was not big, and the blade was only seven or eight centimeters in shape. .

   The young man wanted to struggle, but he didn't expect that his whole body was limp. While walking by another person, he took a small alarm clock out of his pocket, set the time, and turned back and went back without making a sound.

Of course, this is Chen Taizhong's monologue, and there is no problem in cooperating with each other, but the conversion between the roles is really a bit cumbersome. Fortunately, this is the favorite of the Chen family to knock each other down and torture each other to their heart's content, so it doesn't matter. It's hard work.

   With a hoarse scream, the little finger of the young man’s left hand was cut off, and the surgeon stopped for a while. The shadow man \"snorted,\" cut too fast, he didn't hurt enough. "

\"The next cut will be slower" The surgeon replied tremblingly, so when the next cut cut the ring finger, it was a bit slow. The boy was so painful that he wanted to roll back and forth, but was stepped on by the surgeon. .

   The people around listened to this person's screaming voice echoing in the open space, and they couldn't help starting a cold war. Everyone was fighting fiercely, cutting a finger and making troubles, but the other party's methods obviously did not stop there.

   The most frightening thing is the unscrupulousness of others. You shout, you shout casually, you can't kill you for twenty minutes and kill you one minute in the morning and one minute in the evening!

   There is a timid boy whose pants are already wet. He is good at bullying goodness, but he is really a real swordsman. In front of him, only really desperate or experienced veterans can be a little lighter.

   When the third finger was cut off, the boy flicked lifelessly. The surgeon quickly fetched a syringe from his pocket and pushed a needle of something unknown to the boy’s neck.

   Will it be death by injection? Some people's minds are almost rigid, but they can't help but come out with such an idea, but the next moment they deny this idea: The guy who looks like a collar in the shadows said that he would kill for twenty minutes. Don't look at this guy with the sword attacking extremely hard, I'm afraid I don't dare to violate it, right?

   As expected, the young man just slumped there, unable to move, yet his mouth was still hissing lifelessly,"

   About two minutes later, the surgeon began to take a knife and cut the boy's arm, pinning the meat one by one. The boy had no strength to scream, only crying for mercy.

   Seeing this scene, listening to the creaking of the knife when it was slashed on the bone, a teenager could no longer control the panic in his heart, yelled, stood up and ran desperately.

A black-clothed man raised his hand, and a tongue of fire spewed out. After a few dull noises, the running teenager tried to run two more steps, and his body fell softly to the ground, his hands and feet convulsed twice. She couldn't move.

   Everyone's attention was drawn here. No one noticed that the man in black who was performing the sword had an insignificant pause in his hand. The one-man act was really testing people's reaction.

   This gun is real. It was obtained by Chen Taizhong from Nick, but he only had two, most of them were phantoms, but the people present did not dare to resist.

   When the boy's left arm was removed abruptly. Finally someone couldn't help but squatted on the ground and threw up wildly. At this moment of fear and horror, vomiting is contagious.

   Not long after, four or five of the people present vomited into the sea. At this time, the people in the dark shadows talked again, \"Whoever dared to close his eyes and not look, kill him

   This is Chen Taizhong's disgusting method. The majestic Luo Tianshang attacked a mortal, and you dare not join in. Isn't that a death?

   Of course, this is just a random excuse. In fact, he wants to completely deter these guys. There are so many things, buddies. Where can I have time to mess with your foreign gangsters? If you don't give you a deep lesson, you will not be impressed.

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  , 20 minutes later, the bad boy on the ground, most of his body has turned into a pile of minced meat, but he took his last breath when the alarm clock went off."

   Without the boy's screaming, the place was terribly quiet. At this moment, the air seemed to stop flowing, and the gloomy breath filled the entire space, sticky and suffocating.

The person in the shadow of \"that" talked again, raised his hand and pointed at a bad boy again, that boy is faintly led by the group of people, and he will not let this person feel better. That kind of terror, and then slowly concocted it. \"Kill him for forty minutes."

This young man is worthy of being a leader.Although he is not very old, even when he sees someone being smashed, he just vomits, but he can't take any action. Seeing Chen Taizhong point to him, he stood up and ran after seeing Chen Taizhong pointing at him. .

  Since I can't dodge this level, instead of letting someone slowly kill myself for forty minutes, I might as well take two guns, and I have to say that this guy is a bit bachelor.

   In fact, he doesn't want to be a bachelor, and forty minutes of inhuman torture is enough to make the watcher have a nightmare for ten years.

   However, his reaction did not escape the calculations of the Chen family. He only ran two steps. Another black-clothed man raised his hand. After the flames passed, there were several dull gunshots, and the boy fell softly to the ground.

  The swordsman walked over and carried him into the field like a chicken. Everyone realized that blood was flowing on the boy's legs, but his legs were broken by a bullet.

  \"I have to stop the bleeding for you first." The surgeon sighed and said in a compassionate tone. He took out another Shi Gangyi from his pocket and pushed the injection in. The young man stopped earning skills immediately. This is to avoid being too severe and losing too much blood. accident.

   Then he took out a roll of gauze from his pocket, and wrapped the boy's legs thinly. Everyone beside him was afraid to look at it, but. Someone still looked at this person's pocket strangely. How could there be so much in this guy's pocket?

After packing, someone came over to adjust the alarm clock. This time, the four people who collected the protection fee couldn't hold it anymore. The leader knelt down and banged his head.\"Dear Sir, we know Wrong, please let us go."

   When the other three people saw this, they squatted on the ground and kowtow. The four teenagers followed suit.

\"Let’s finish watching this little guy first, and then talk about other things." The person in the shadows actually laughed casually.\"I know who robbed the market yesterday, hehe, what I say will never change ."

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As soon as these four heard about it, they were a little bit more lucky. The remaining four teenagers wanted to run, but they didn't dare. Hearing the other side said that after watching this person, they \"say something else" gave birth to a fluke in my heart. .

   The following details need not be listed. When the alarm clock went off again, the eight people present had already vomited so much that they could no longer vomit. Some people stretched out their hands to prop up their eyelids, but did not dare to close their eyes.

  \"You didn't rob, but you were embarrassed behind you. The people in the shadows rarely move, \"one person, one" kill the four little dolls, and then talk

   The teenagers were shocked when they heard this, and they just waited to leave. Another burst of random guns sounded. Four people fell in a pool of blood, but none of them died, one by one, struggling on the ground.

  \"There is gasoline over there, burn them." Chen Taizhong pointed his hand to a corner. At this moment, the cold-blooded expression of his last life was undoubtedly revealed, \"Burning alive, one person per person, whoever does not want to do it can talk."

The legs of the four gangsters are weak, but they have to die. It is better for others to die than to die by themselves. Yes, those who are unwilling to do it can talk, but it is estimated that after speaking, it is impossible for everyone to talk again. Knowing that it was behind him.

   The fire light lit up, and the roar was earth-shaking, but there was no reaction around it. Obviously, the energy of these men in black was amazing, but the four thugs had no intention of thinking about it. What they are thinking is what is waiting for us.

   When the scene calmed down again, the person in the shadow spoke again, \"You betrayed your promise, this is not a commendable behavior."

These four were busy and squatted on the ground again. Chen Taizhong saw that the tossing was almost done, and he snorted, \"The shopkeeper lost 200,000 US dollars, and you have to make compensation within three days. Of course, you can run away with force, just like these children."

   That Shi Liang spent only 400,000 francs in opening a store. He actually asked for 200,000 US dollars in compensation. It was really a lion's mouth open. However, the owner of Shi was frightened during the day and it was good to get some mental damage expenses.

   And these few people have heard that the other party is willing to let them go, they are already too happy to know what to say, they are gangsters, and have seen murder, but the murder is so cold-blooded, it is really incredible.

  Look at the equipment in the hands of the men in black around. It was a bit of luck. They could bully the British with only two guns, but now the people around them have 70 or 80 guns.

  \"Three days, we promise" the leader finally dared to raise his head, and slammed the dark shadow tremblingly.

  \"For three days, I am the most promised person." The person in the shadow waved his hand, \"I believe you again, if there is still a problem, the next time you kill, it will be calculated in a narrow hour."

   This is the last word the four heard. Then they became dizzy and didn't know anything. When they woke up again, they were there when they were resting.

Is    a nightmare? The first reaction of these four was to find someone to implement it. After the conversation, they made a phone call. In the end, everyone was very troubled and found that it was not a nightmare.

   collar was with a little brother, just when the other two separated little brothers arrived, this brother sighed in distress, \"Three days, two hundred thousand, oh my god

  \"It must be given, I don't want to be killed in twenty hours." The leader said here, he couldn't help but shivered again, \"borrow the money too!"

At around 7 o'clock in the morning the next morning, Shi Liang, with a blue nose and swollen face, drove a dilapidated second-hand Renault, and came to the door of the dilapidated store frustrated. Besides, it’s not shop, I don’t know if it can go on." He sighed heavily. These guys have gotten stronger. Maybe Xiao Liu is the last hope, right?

   But I was in a disaster. He didn't come to take a look. Tsk, "The people of this year are really unreliable. Boss Shi reluctantly curled his lips, turned off the fire, glanced out the window carelessly, and waited to get out of the car.

   But the next moment, he shook his body and stayed there. There were four guys standing in front of his store, with red eyes, staring at him unblinkingly.

   The protection fee is here again, can this day pass? Boss Shi slapped the car in an instant, saying that I can only run to the station where there are thugs at the door.

   However, this kick of the accelerator can't be given to life and death, this stall, I can't bear to lose it

   Just as he was stunned, the four of them had already walked over, Shi Liang sighed heavily, turned off the fire again, and looked at each other listlessly."

   Chapter two thousand, summon a monthly pass.

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