Official Immortal

: 2309-2310 show (also in the early morning)

Chapter 9 Program (Part 1)

Wang Yuting really didn't expect that when she turned her head, it would make such a big noise.

She only saw Chen Taizhong beat someone in Birmingham, and later heard Xiao Ziling say that Taizhong was quite skilled. Seeing that the atmosphere in the venue was quite relaxed, she looked back.

But she did not realize that the three cadre training courses were also divided into three groups in the auditorium. She was sitting low in front, while Chen Taizhong was tall and didn't want to be noticeable. Quite back.

A fair-looking woman, turning her head and looking across the class, is too easy to attract the attention of others.

He Zhenkui listened to President Guo’s suggestion and moved his mouth before he commented on something softly. Suddenly, everyone was looking at him. In amazement, they also looked sideways, but Chen Taizhong was watching him. Nodding with a smile.

When Chen Taizhong saw Wang Yuting looking at herself, he knew something was wrong. He said that you didn't look at me long ago and didn't look at me late. Looking at me now, I'm afraid it will be a little troublesome.

Because of this vigilance, he had to react faster. Seeing everyone turned their heads, he also turned his head to the side and nodded slightly, in order to bring the disaster away.

Although He Zhenkui's mouth is big, his reaction is not slow. When he sees the deputy monitor smiling at himself, he knows it is going to be bad. What's especially terrible is that he really doesn't have any special skills-careful calculations, that is, he has a smoke ring. The skill should be better than everyone in the room, but is this... suitable for acting?

So he simply stretched out his hand and gestured with a smile-Director Chen, please, that girl is looking at you, there must be a reason, please don't pull me back. Is it possible?

In their tossing, even the school leaders sitting in the front row found strange things, so they looked back one after another, but they saw that two students were pushing me, so some people wondered: Can so much People are concerned, probably all have a skill?

"Deputy squad leader, please, I really don't know anything." He Zhenkui saw more and more people turning their heads, and he was really restless, so he pleaded in a low voice, "Look, even Principal Guo sees it. coming."

"You do a poem recitation or something, it should be okay," Chen Taizhong looked at him with a smile, and was not moved at all. This is not just an insinuation that the old man has a big mouth, but more importantly, he doesn't want to Perform on stage.

Of course, he didn't know that Wang Yuting's idea was to let him perform martial arts, or else he would definitely push it more neatly, instead of half-joking and half-hearted as it is now-to perform martial arts on stage, is this a show or a monkey?

To meet this requirement, he would rather sing a song than punch. Although his singing voice is quite horrible, it is a matter of principle.

The two were in a stalemate, and there was already a call from the front of Class One, "Chen Taizhong, come one." Then, the voice became louder in an instant, but it was because many people joined the call in the next moment, "Chen Taizhong, Come one... Chen Taizhong, come one..."

What a good old Dong, I count you as cruel. Chen Taizhong heard it out. It was Dong Yuliang who took the lead in the booze. Next, it was Tang Dongmin and his group. Then, the whole class had it...

In the voice of the crowd, he really couldn't push anymore. He hesitated and glared at He Zhenkui, who was screaming with his big mouth. After sending out a look of "you are dead", he stood up.

What kind of show should you perform, buddy? It is almost impossible to even think about practicing martial arts. He doesn't even have this consciousness in his heart. If he sings, he can't use his hands, if he dances... it's almost the same as martial arts.

However, Chen still has a lot of things to know. The next moment he made a decision, he nodded and smiled at everyone, strode to the rostrum, "Let’s do it... I will give you leaders and students , Perform a little magic."

Immediately afterwards, at his request, the staff on one side lifted a small wooden table on the podium-now this is the stage, and then find a red silk tablecloth to cover it, and it is all alive.

Anyway, this place often serves as a venue for various conferences. These common things are so easy to handle.

Chen Taizhong was wearing a short-sleeved shirt, jeans on his lower body, and a pair of leather sandals on his feet. No matter how people look at it, there is no magician’s equipment. The green jade ring on his hand is the only thing that is more eye-catching. But in everyone's eyes, that obviously won't be a magic prop.

Under the gaze of more than a hundred pairs of eyes in the venue, Chen Taizhong stretched his hands under the tablecloth and fiddled with them for a while. Then he clenched his fists and slammed his hands back. When the two palms were opened again, each hand Holding one...egg each!

No way, although there are many things in Chen's Xumi Ring, there are not many suitable props. It is not suitable to change jewelry, and it is too big to change parasol. The carbon stove for barbecue is not too big or small, but ……Does it fit?

Among flashlights, cigarettes, and canned beer, he chose eggs, which is not very good, but it happens to be able to hold with both hands, which can confuse everyone's sight.

"Is it two eggs?" someone exclaimed.

This kind of reaction is not surprising. In fact, don’t look at everyone’s screaming just now, but no one would expect Chen Taizhong to conjure such earth-shattering magic. So many well-prepared programs in front of them are just the middle of amateurs. , It's not quite satisfactory, how can this temporary grasp of the strong?

To be honest, everyone just hopes that someone Chen can use a seemingly reluctant prop to conjure a flower, or something like poker, and everyone can pretend to applaud without knowing it. After all, no one is professional, isn’t it?

However, two eggs appeared empty-handed, this... how do you say this? It must be admitted that everyone didn't notice at first that there was a place for two eggs on this guy.

"Too loyal, I have a question," it was Dong Yuliang. He actually stood up after raising his hand and asked with a serious face, "You two eggs... are they real?"

"Wow," the people in the auditorium burst into laughter. This kind of pun can be understood by a man. Now everyone is celebrating the party’s birthday, and the atmosphere is more harmonious and warm. Director Dong’s problems are also adjusting the atmosphere. Not too much.

Some female students didn't understand the meaning of this question at first, but when they saw everyone leaning forward and back together with a smile, they woke up one after another, and followed with a blushing smile.

"You..." Chen Taizhong was choked by these words. He pointed at Dong Yuliang helplessly, and said in his heart that old Dong, old Dong, I will tell wait for me!

"It must be true." Next, Director Chen made a gesture, and the staff on one side came over with a teacup. He knocked the egg in the mouth of the cup, and the two egg yolks with the egg whites fell into the teacup.

He waved his hand, and the staff walked aside two steps, and he put a hand under the red cloth and started tinkering.

This time, everyone opened their eyes and looked at the magic. Everyone was willing to take a closer look. Then, everyone saw that Chen Taizhong took out his right hand from under the red cloth, but there was another one in his hand. egg.

At this moment, everyone can determine that this guy named Chen Taizhong really has a hand. Indeed, no one can tell where the eggs in this guy's hand come from.

"It's not a skill to change, and then change to go, that's the level," Chen cleared his throat and explained on stage. He really has never been a magician. I don't know when he is a magician. He doesn't speak, as he is doing pies nowadays, it's a bit of trying to sell Dali pills.

However, in order to let out this breath, he didn't care so much. The next moment, his right hand was put under the red silk again, and his body became slightly stiff. Then, a word popped out from his mouth, "Go!" At the same time, his left hand pulled the red silk away. Everyone had a full look, and sure enough, his right hand was empty.

"Okay," Principal Guo applauded first, and everyone responded. Chen Taizhong stood on the stage and nodded with a smile. After the applause gradually became thinner, he smiled and asked again, "Everyone knows where the egg went. Yet?"

Following his gaze, everyone's eyes were on Dong Yuliang's body. Director Dong was a little puzzled. I didn't collude with you on this, so why did you change the egg to me?

He was thinking about it. Suddenly he felt a swelling and cool sensation in the shirt pocket on his left chest. He couldn't help but feel a little stunned. Did you really change the egg into my pocket?

I think so, but I don’t know why, his head was confused, his right hand was slapped against his jacket pocket, and there was a soft "slap". After that, there was a viscous liquid. The pocket cloth of the jacket slowly penetrated.

Isn't it? When Dong Yuliang looked down, he was immediately dumbfounded. I just patted an egg...

"Yu Liang, isn't it like this?" Chen Taizhong looked at him in amazement, but laughed wildly in his heart, "You have only one egg in total, so you have the heart to...slap it?"

"Wow~" There was another burst of laughter in the venue. This time, the laughter was much louder than the previous one. Everyone commented and said that this show is really great. Not only does it have magic skills, but also the plot planning and language organization. It's's almost time for the Spring Festival Gala. I didn't expect that class one would have such a finale.

"Thank you Dong for your cooperation," Chen Taizhong smiled and nodded before the stage, and refused everyone's request for "one more". "The key is that the props only have three eggs, and I will not change the others."

"Can the cafeteria bring you a basket," Principal Guo also laughed from ear to ear, thinking that among the students this year, there are finally a few interesting ones, "Xiao Chen, can you still change?"

"Eggs, they will break," Chen Taizhong smiled. He stretched out his hands quickly into the air and flicked, and two more eggs appeared in his hands. No matter what he said he had only prepared three eggs, he smiled. Looking at everyone, "This time, I want to find a leader to cooperate with me... It's best to be well-respected. Such a leader will not help me tease people."

Chapter program (below)

Well-respected? Guo Jianguo only felt that a lot of eyes were looking at him. Although he did not have a long back, he intuitively felt that more people were staring at the back of his forehead.

If you are far away you will complain, if you are near you are not inferior~ These young people, President Guo sighed secretly. To be honest, he also had a certain resistance to two broken eggs in his pocket-this thing really affects the image. Now, and this Chen Taizhong's magic level is indeed a bit extraordinary.

The so-called magic must be false. Principal Guo can confirm that people do not believe in superstition. However, the crux of the problem is that although he can be sure that it is false, he hasn't seen the key!

Since he hadn’t seen it, he refused to take the risk. July 1 is certainly a day of universal celebration... the general party’s celebration, but the dignified executive vice-principal did not show ugliness. The dignity of the leadership must be upheld. of.

"When you look back, you must let Student Xiao Chen perform fully," Principal Guo stood up, smiled and stretched out his hands, flattened in the void and pressed, to suppress the warm and somewhat manic atmosphere in the small auditorium.

"I know that everyone has never watched it, but today is celebrating the party's birthday. Everyone is focusing on participating," he said. He glanced at He Zhenkui, who was restless in the distance, and his chin was slightly raised. A classmate...seems to have some skills, right?"

"I... my specialty is a bad habit," He Zhenkui stood up slowly, his mind was turning around the organization language, but this guy's mouth was really not covered, and he found a suitable way of expression in an instant.

"Because I have been in contact with the workers for too long on the construction site all the year round, it is the skill of smoking in the competition, and I learned how to smoke the ring," he explained plausibly. "There are too many leaders and female classmates present today. This show If you perform now... I personally think it's not appropriate."

Smoke ring? Principal Guo coughed violently, and said to his heart, who are these people? To celebrate the party’s birthday, your show is a smoke ring—Is it really Lin Zexu’s opponent?

In the end, He Zhenkui finally got his wish and did not perform on stage, but a student from Class 2 inquired about it. He heard that there is an erhu hidden in the backstage, so he stepped onto the stage and pulled a piece of "The Second Spring Reflecting the Moon."

By doing this, he actually attracted a female student from Class III. She can play the piano. However, to President Guo regret, what the female student played "Adelina by the Water", the tune is actually Very beautiful, but not the main theme-if you can play "Beijing Jinshan"...

At 5:30, Principal Guo announced the end of the event. Since today is the weekend, you can skip the cafeteria for dinner, go back and have a good rest, and come to class on Monday with full energy.

When Chen Taizhong walked out of the small auditorium, he felt a murderous look passing behind him. Looking back, Dong Yuliang was clutching his coat pocket, explaining something to the people around him, and walking towards him angrily.

"Haha," he smiled heartily, took his long legs away, and walked forward in three steps in two quick steps, turning another turn and disappearing.

He Zhenkui and Luo Han were not far behind him, and they quickly stepped forward when they saw it. However, this is the provincial party school. Anyone who wants to go too fast is not embarrassed. Otherwise, it will fall into the eyes of others and may be "unstable". Evaluation.

Unexpectedly, they took such a few steps. When the two walked to the corner, Chen Taizhong's burly figure disappeared out of thin air. The two exchanged glances-Taizhong doesn't seem to be walking fast, right?

With such a stunned effort, Dong Yuliang chased him, still shouting angrily, "Too loyal to pay for my clothes, eh, how about people?"

At this time, Chen Taizhong had already rushed to the outside of the campus. This morning, the introduction of German technical talents was in full swing, and all the units in need rushed to the Tiannan Hotel.

In this way, Catherine's position is not so important, so she and Elizabeth ran to Ding Xiaoning when it was almost noon, and it was very comfortable to follow Mr. Ding around.

Chen Taizhong originally thought that today is Friday, and I have a meeting with Meng Qinqin in the evening to sit with friends. This can be considered as a practice for her. Unexpectedly, Catherine must make him fulfill his promise when visiting the night market——" Isha and I are going to have a barbecue...the clean one."

Then he can only call Napali first and ask in a roundabout way, when Section Chief Qin left Tiannan, what did the great secret say to him, "Maybe the relationship is hanging up, people are still in Tiannan , I don’t know the specifics. Aunt Shang is a baby girl. No. 14 Yard is empty anyway. Beijing City...too many bad guys."

"Oh, then I'm not in a hurry," Chen Taizhong was also very relaxed, and said casually. However, thinking that it is easy to be misunderstood by others, I can't add another sentence, "I originally wanted to practice it for her today. ."

"Ha," Na Pali laughed as soon as he heard it. He is a meticulous man and he is very good at catching people. So he waved at this slip of the tongue, but because he was worried about the boss, this wave shouldn't be too obvious, then It can only be a little more obscure, "Explanation is to cover up, and to cover up is... indeed there is something."

"Hey hey hey, I said you will be a department-level cadre anyway," Chen Taizhong was dumbfounded by the secret words, but this kind of innocuous joke, he really can't call it true, "By the way, I haven't congratulated you on your upcoming progress. Bikong prepares two sisters-in-laws for me, and I will go back...I want a clean one and a famous instrument."

" do I know if I don't try it? How can it be clean?" Na Pali continued to laugh, this guy is also boundless in shamelessness, after all, he has a bit of ya inner style in his bones, saying such things It's not embarrassing at all, especially...It is estimated that it will not be embarrassing to do, unlike Chen, who has never been willing to talk about similar things because of face.

But the next moment, the big secret got back to the topic, and he spoke proudly, "As for the department-level cadres, the one who is chatting with you now is an auxiliary must remember to call the leader."

"Dare you know that you are dirty...I changed my mind and prepared four sister-in-laws for me," Chen Taizhong snapped up and hung up the phone, kid, don't worry.

But anyway, Meng Qinqin couldn't leave for a while, so he didn't worry about contacting him, so he drove to the outskirts of the city-Ding Xiaoning and the others were on the construction site.

When we arrived at the construction site, it was just early six o'clock. Chen Taizhong was surprised to find that Catherine, Elizabeth, and Lei Lei, each with a helmet, were accompanied by Ding Xiaoning around the construction site.

Jinghua Real Estate started construction of more than ten buildings at the same time. Although the construction period was staggered in batches, it was definitely a big deal. Seeing such a spectacular scene with his own eyes, Chen couldn't help being stunned, "Is the funding okay?"

"The funding here is still a trivial matter, and the construction of the factory is troublesome," Ding Xiaoning sighed. "The key is that the manpower is also a problem. The municipal government has urged me tightly, and Sufang has brought me more than 60 workers."

"What do the workers of plain textiles do?" Chen Taizhong raised his eyebrows, but he was not very interested in the answer to this question, "Forget it, it's late, go back to eat."

"If you can't do a lot of work, just do some physical work," Ding Xiaoning turned and walked out, taking off the helmet on his head as he walked. The bangs on his forehead were smeared from left to right by sweat. Putting it firmly on her forehead, she didn't care, "However, I am dealing with plain textiles, and they have to be skinned."

Not far from the construction site, she came to Ding Xiaoning's temporary office on the spot. When she went to the construction site, she was wearing thick jeans and had to change her clothes before leaving.

People like Lei Lei who wear short skirts and hot pants can only temporarily turn around. They still don't meet the safety regulations. Fortunately, it's time for workers to eat, otherwise they don't know how many eyes they will attract.

Ding Xiaoning was changing clothes in the house. Chen Taizhong wandered around the door. He suddenly heard a clattering sound from a room not far away. It sounded like someone was playing mahjong.

"Who is this?" His brow frowned, and his heart said that Xiao Ning's management is also bad, right? He said he couldn't go to that room, opened the door and took a look. As expected, four middle-aged people were sitting there playing mahjong, and two young people were watching.

Hearing someone pushing the door, the standing people looked up, one of them frowned, and said unceremoniously, "What's the matter? Get out, nothing!"

"Huh?" Chen Taizhong was annoyed, he was a little unhappy at first, but this was Jinghua's business, and he didn't bother to intervene, thinking about talking to Ding Xiaoning later.

Unexpectedly, this guy dared to ask himself to go out. He couldn't hold back his anger. The entire Jinghua was money from the buddies. You let me go out? So he snorted, "Who are you? How dare you play mahjong here?"

"Huh?" Hearing his words sternly, the four mahjong players also stopped and turned to look at him. One of them had a cigarette dangling from his mouth and his eyes were slanted. "What are we? People, can you control it?"

"Aha," Chen Taizhong was happy when he heard it, and he was about to walk in. Unexpectedly, a hand was stretched out behind him, but Ding Xiaoning came out after getting dressed, "Director Chen, forget it, they are the first Fang people."

"Party A...people from Sufang?" Chen Taizhong frowned and turned to look at Xiao Ding. "Party A's people are not staying in Party A's office. What are they doing here?"

He didn't come here much, and he knew a little bit. In addition to the mobile houses where the workers stayed, there were several rows of mobile house yards on the construction site. In addition to the construction side and the warehouse, Party A's office also had four or five houses.

"They are workers," Ding Xiaoning explained, turning his head and staring at the room fiercely, her pretty face filled with frost, "I told you to be quiet, and dare to fang to Director Chen? I forgive you this time. , Next time the official Dao Wujiang directly deducts money, have you heard?"

"Haha, what boss Ding said is what he said," the middle-aged Bai Jing stood up quickly, compensating for a smile, and then nodded and smiled at Chen Taizhong, "Director Chen, I'm sorry, it's not guilty that you don't know. "

Chen Taizhong didn't even have any interest in seeing him. He turned his head and left. However, on the way back, he couldn't help but asked Ding Xiaoning, "Aren't they here to work?"

"The workers are divided into leaders and workers," Ding Xiaoning smiled. "Those people in the house are not working. They are nothing more than giving them a room to avoid getting in front of me."

Sufang sent sixty-two people, of which seven or eight were leaders and drivers. The actual work was only fifty people. Of course, Mr. Ding wouldn’t care. He was talking about those jobs. Come one hundred and six. Twelve people are no good, I am not right to live.

Sufang is all like this. The leader is still in this style. Chen Taizhong listened quite speechlessly, and with the number fifty or sixty, how big a leader could this be? "Is it the section chief?"

"That is, one section chief and one deputy section," Ding Xiaoning replied lightly, "and it's just that if they recognize it in the factory, they are also workers. In this way, people earn a lot of money a month, and there is always two to three million."

"What?" Chen Taizhong listened well and didn't stare out his eyes. "You mean, just the small section chief of this enterprise, twenty to thirty thousand a month? This is better than our Science and Technology Commission."

"It's okay, **** the workers' blood," Ding Xiaoning stretched out her hand and counted it up with him carefully. "I'll settle with him here. It's 60,000 a month, fifty people, six hundred is three per person. He took ten thousand, and he took the most, and gave the deputy section chief some more points."

"Aren't they sixty-two people?" Chen Taizhong was a little puzzled.

"There are about a dozen people who don't come who don't come. The salary is still high and they are all in his pocket," Ding Xiaoning smiled, and then sighed, "Your science committee is How does the regular unit compare to them?"

"Forget it, the more you listen, the more troublesome you get," Chen Taizhong waved her hand, not letting her say, wondering that everyone wants to be a leader. It's really hard to get the money. This money is really fast, and they say capitalists. Drinking human blood and sucking people's fats, this state-owned enterprise has less supervision and is more ruthless than capitalists-the problem is this ugly, they are not afraid of people knowing.

Of course, Chen is not a compassionate master, that is, he muttered a few words in his heart and put the matter aside, anyway, it was not his own person who was bullying.

However, when everyone was drinking and making noise in the villa at night, in the evening party on Tiannantai to welcome the "July 1st", there were textile workers again. They were neatly dressed and ruddy, standing on the stage and singing a chorus. The singing was neat and loud. We workers have power, hey, we workers have power..."

"Drinking alcohol is so troublesome?" Chen Taizhong took the beer can to the table, "Wang Man, change the channel!"

(Send of seven thousand words, by the way, I ask for a monthly pass for the end of March guarantee. There will be updates in the early morning, but it will be later.) V

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