Official Immortal

Vol 10 Chapter 2747: Little good and little evil

Chapter 2747 Good and evil seek double guarantee monthly pass)

Chen Taizhong's expressive ability is still very strong, and he finished the matter in a few words. Several people from the Judicial Bureau, look at me, and I look at you. Although everyone has tried their best to control, there is no doubt that how much is in the eyes of everyone. They all disagree: Just because of this, just re-education through labor alone?

   In the end, he hesitated with a black face. Instead of asking Chen Taizhong, he turned his head to look aside the policeman.\"Excuse me, you can prove what Director Chen said, right?"

  \"I can prove it," the policeman nodded and pointed to Jiang Lizhi and Lin again, \"They are the parties, and they can prove it."

  \"That's fine," The black nodded, and then looked at the man again,\"Come with us."

The so-called laws, regulations, and procedures are really nothing in the face of power. They all say that the police station is ruthless. This judicial bureau is even more ruthless. If you ask a sentence, you will take people away, but Chen Taizhong was torn by the joint defense team in Shenzhen. As for the border defense certificate, I didn't think that the people from the Bureau of Justice were so unreasonable.

Seriously, I have a black face and I have a good way to do things. After I ordered the man, I took another look at Lin and Jiang Lizhi and nodded with a smile.\"You should follow along, let’s call someone from the police station. A transcript...We are not afraid that he will turn the sky."

When I said this, the eyelids of the policeman who heard only one side jumped suddenly. I said a few big brothers. This is true, but don't say it directly outside. After you bring it back, what do you want to say, just this Point level... is also a bureau agency?

Jiang Lizhi and Lin nodded. They felt that this requirement was really not high-the key is to relieve their anger. Unexpectedly, the woman screamed and rushed in front of Chen Taizhong, then knelt on the ground and hugged him. He cried loudly, \"Leader... Director Chen, you just said that my old Zhao is... just being instigated by others, just lose money!"

   This is it! Chen Taizhong prides himself on being stressful and always likes to persuade people with morals, so he glanced at him with a dark face, \"That's it, I want you to re-educate through labor is... abettor, things are like this..."

He clicked and finished the words. The people from the Judicial Bureau, look at me, and I look at you. For a while, no one answered. After a long time, the black face sighed, \"This... Director Chen, I want to take the liberty To make a suggestion."

  \"Well, you mention it," Chen Taizhong nodded magnanimously.

\"We re-educate him through labor, this is the fact that there is an attempted extortion," the black face pointed at the old Zhao, then he hesitated for a while, and cleared his throat,\" But Li Yong, who was re-education through labor in the name of instigation, would not Would it be a bit far-fetched? Well, I mean... he was just trying to instigate, or is it still re-education through labor?"

He has tried his best to say it in a tactful way, but the tone of his voice is disapproving, and it is really a bit of a color that can't be closed: I said Director Chen, Uncle Chen, you are at this stage, that is really girl Huang Hua. Sedan-out of the pavilion)!

\"You don't need to remind me of this," Chen Taizhong smiled and shook his head, and then said his reason again.\"... According to the theory, the person in the reeducation through labor is really a big problem, but why can't you sweep the world without sweeping a house? Tian]? Indulge this phenomenon, how can you talk about the construction of spiritual civilization?"

Everyone was silent. It was obvious that everyone was still very disapproving, but Director Chen's hat was too big, and no one wanted to find it uncomfortable, but at this moment, the man named Lao Zhao smiled bitterly. That's it, \"Your dignified director of the Provincial Party Committee, is it interesting to care about people like us?"

  \"If you talk more, I will put you in a labor camp," Chen Taizhong gave him a disdainful look, and his domineering aura was everywhere. \"You can't stop the labor camp, you just go to the detention center, believe it or not?"

\"You all think I'm making a big deal, I don't take it seriously, I know," he turned his hands behind his back, his eyes pierced and scanned the people present, \"Because you all have a perfunctory mentality, and everything is just right... Chen's, your name is true, do you have a bit of leadership?"

\"What do you think of me, it doesn't matter!" Chen Taizhong raised his hand and slapped the table heavily. The smile on his face was very bright. After entering the Civilization Office, he deeply realized how much the social atmosphere has fallen. Up.

\"Don’t do good, don’t do evil... Morality lies in our inaction step by step, refreshing the bottom line again and again, you laugh at me again, this spiritual civilization construction, I also have to grasp, We must stick to the bottom line!"

\"This is a good point," the policeman who had been talking with the mud also patted the table, \"I support Director Chen with both hands. The construction of spiritual civilization has indeed reached the point where it must be caught. Some leading cadres are also deeply involved in corruption. Pack two, drive a luxury car..."

   Are you alluding to me? Chen Taizhong couldn't help but curled his lips. My women, they were all voluntary, and I didn't wipe the oil of the government.

This is the mentality of being a guilty conscience. Although Chen has great supernatural powers, he is perverse, but the kung fu on his face has not yet reached home. The righteous police sighed, his arrogance immediately went down, and he no longer spoke righteously. To speak.

\"Then... find this Li Yong," The black face didn't bother to think about it anymore. Anyway, it sounds like the instigator is at the bottom of the hún. Director Zhang and Director Chen are carrying it, so this thing will not happen. Big problem.

However, things that could be done right away became protracted, and he had to arrest people again. He was really helpless, so he glanced at Chen Taizhong, \"Director Chen...Do you have time now? ?"

Chen Taizhong hesitated and nodded. Originally, he didn't want to follow. First, he had a lot of things. Second, the relationship between Lin and Jiang Lizhi was obviously unusual. This time he was on his site. If you can help, you will need to help, but it is impossible to have any further contact.

But he changed his mind. When he was there, there were so many people who disagreed. If he left, everyone would be less stressed. This was not good, so he reluctantly nodded--he, buddy time, Really precious.

\"He is right at the door!" At this moment, the woman screamed. She really didn't catch a cold to her husband's friend-people who can make such suggestions can't pay attention to things on weekdays. Where to go, let alone this time her husband adopted Li Yong's suggestion, but encountered this kind of misfortune, so she naturally wanted to put this account on him.

   Just now, her husband called his friends and called him, and Li Yong really came over. As usual, he just gave his friend an idea. How could he be held accountable?

\"Hey, it's easier," the black face smiled coldly. Obviously, he was not the only one who felt this way, so he raised his chin at the woman,\"Go, go out and give Let's identify people."

Li Yong is a thin man with very flexible eyes. At first glance, he is the kind of master who is full of articles. With a cigarette in his mouth, he is squatting at the door of the three major teams, looking around idly, and suddenly sees one. The woman came over with two big brimmed hats.

   He must know a woman, but he doesn't want to say hello. Who knows what they do when they come out? He is a wise man, he still understands this common sense.

   Until the woman came to him and stopped, he looked up lazily and didn't speak, but the woman shouldn't let him ignore it, \"This is Li Yong."

   The two big brimmed hats took a step forward. This time, Li Yong could no longer squat. He stood up and frowned and said, \"What are you...what are you doing?"

  \"Follow us," the two big brimmed hats clamped him on the left and the right, but they didn't control him, just to prevent him from escaping.\"Honestly, I have something to understand with you."

Li Yong is a wise man. If two strangers hold him between him, he might think about running away, but the other party is wearing a big brimmed hat. He doesn't want to cause any misunderstandings. Anyway, the monk can't run away from the temple. He doesn't have the guts to fight against the state organs-yes, he is really smart and handles the light and weight.

   What can it be to find me in? As he pondered, he walked into the room, and a black face in the room asked, "Are you Li Yong?"

   This buddy looks darker than me. He smiled and nodded, "Yes, it's me."

  \"Do you know why I came to you?" Yes, this is the same thing again. It seems that the public prosecutors and judicial departments of the world [zhetian] always start with this when they ask questions.

  \"I really don't know this," Li Yong laughed dryly, and said no, didn't I just come up with an idea?

\"Really? Then you think we are boring, come to you to chat?" Black face looked at him with interest, such questioning, has entered the procedure and rhythm, it is like a cat and a mouse Naturally, \"Do you know our policy?"

  \"Know, be lenient and resist strict," Li Yong smiled and nodded, his smile was obviously flattering, \"But this leader, can you remind me of what mistakes he made?"

   The black face was waiting to be squeezed, but suddenly he heard a soft snort from around, and then he suddenly reacted. I am helping the leader to get ahead this time. Do I need to care about the program?

In this case, it is serious to cut 1uan hemp with a sharp knife. The leaders' time is very precious, so he clears his throat, \"Instigate others to blackmail, you have seriously affected the construction of socialist spiritual civilization. It disturbs the social order to a degree, so... follow I fuck, isn’t it? Li Yong was shocked when he heard it, but he never dreamed that he could enjoy it. \"Disturbing social order" is such a big hat, so he immediately retorted with a heart wing, \"I said eldest brother, what you said was not what you said, I really did not disturb the social order that ability, you are looking for a mistake People? "

\"Isn't you the one who made my old Zhao blackmail the owner of the car?" The woman sneered on the side, in order to save her lover, she was not afraid to fight against anyone, \"This kind of wicked and smoking idea is yours! "

   The first time comes. During the period of double monthly pass, I strongly call for guaranteed monthly pass. )

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