Official Immortal

Vol 10 Chapter 3304: Good project

Seeing Xu Ruilin in, Ma Yuanyuan pulled District Chief Tan and whispered aside, Bai Fengming was a little puzzled, why put me at the end?

He thinks he is the one who cooperates best with District Mayor Chen. He is so busy today. Although he doesn't know what happened,...I hope the district head talks with me the most.

He was really right. After entering the office, the young district chief smiled at him, "Keep the door shut..."

District Chief White closed the door excitedly, not paying attention to the other party's call to him, then he walked to the sofa and sat down with a smile, "What's the good news?"

"Great news," Chen Taizhong nodded with a smile, "have you noticed that there has been a recent newspaper discussion about the issue of coal liquefaction?"

"I heard," Bai Fengming nodded blankly, and then suddenly excited, his eyes widened immediately, and he took a breath and asked in a very low voice, "You mean... our oil shale, Can you do this too?"

Unknowingly, the word "you" popped out of his mouth. However, in the face of overly powerful leaders, the average cadre will quickly find his position.

"Yes, the test results are out, and it's okay to engage in power plants," the young district chief nodded, with an unconcealable smile on his face, "but my friend suggested that you can apply for coal liquefaction project support."

This coal liquefaction project is a newly emerging industry discussion content in China, commonly known as "coal to oil", mainly from the perspective of petroleum strategic security.

At present, international oil prices are soaring, and Iraq, a major oil-producing country in the Gulf region, is very unpopular with the United States. The two sides are at odds with each other, which is interesting. In the same way, Saddam used to be the support target of the United States in the Iran-Iraq War, but later it was the target of the United States to suppress and suppress. Not to mention that he fought the Gulf War once, but now has a tendency to fight again-it is a naked interpretation. "Between countries. There is no eternal friendship, only benefits are eternal".

This goes a long way. The United States is now busy sending troops to Afghanistan to find the accounts of 9/11, but their attitude towards Iraq is very obvious. And this tense international situation has led to high international oil prices.

China is an oil-poor country, and the development of the past two years has led to a huge increase in demand for oil, and many developed countries have pushed China's oil prices high because of the high oil prices. It is said that people in Zhongzheng use too much oil.

at this time. The factors of oil strategic security have been taken seriously by the country and society. What if there are not enough oil fields in the country when there is a war?

Then it is necessary to develop new alternative energy sources, so the idea of ​​coal liquefaction is proposed. It must be pointed out. The cost of synthetic oil produced from coal liquefaction is much higher than the current price of oil. Does not conform to the laws of the market.

But having said that, the words strategic security are too heavy. Just like the state's grain storage, it is related to the people's livelihood and the protection of the country's operation. It is a loss that has to be done, and it has nothing to do with market rules.

However, this plan is still being demonstrated and it is worth noting. What to do is to integrate a statement-the state has not made a clear statement at present, and most of the voice comes from society.

It is said that the coal liquefaction has nothing to do with oil shale, but Nangong Mao Mao’s people can really think of it. After the oil shale test results came out, Nangong Mao Mao immediately suggested to him-anyway, it’s all synthetic oil. Why not rely on oil safety? Seriously, you should apply first when others do not respond.

District Mayor Chen received such a suggestion suddenly. The ecstasy in his heart was simply irrepressible, but on the other hand, he dared not tell anyone. He could only hold back and return to Bei Chong, close the door, and share it with Mayor Bai. This joy.

District Chief Bai was also shocked by this sudden surprise. After a long pause, he smashed his left hand with his right fist, "If this item is taken down, the whole Beichong will be changed!"

"You can only succeed, you can't fail," Chen Taizhong nodded, "I will leave this to you."

"How is this possible?" Bai Fengming trembled as he heard it, and he looked at his leader blankly, "District Chief, you absolutely have to take care of this matter, you won't come forward...Who knows me?"

"The division of labor is different. At the beginning, I will take you to the ministries and commissions and show you the way." The young district mayor shook his head, "In the later stage, you are the one who is responsible... Such a big Beichong, I have to worry about it. There are so many things."

"No matter how big the matter is, can this matter be bigger?" Bai Fengming firmly disagrees with the leadership's assignment this time. In fact, after he has partially learned about oil shale, he has a preliminary impression of this thing. "Such a project , How come there must be more than one billion yuan, right? My body and bones can't stand it."

"It's really such a thing," Chen Taizhong thought. This project is not big for him, but it is enough to cause Yangzhou and even the entire Hengbei to shake. Such pressure, Bai Fengming, a small deputy district head, is Absolutely can't stand it.

As a matter of fact, even the district mayor of him is too choppy to block the coveted eyes of others-in Tiannan, it is not a big problem, and it is a big deal with Jiang Junrong. In Hengbei... it is really not optimistic.

This sap was enough to calm his restless mood, so he frowned and nodded, "Lao Bai, your suggestion is very timely, alas... if it's in Tiannan, how big is it?"

Bai Fengming sighed. He felt a lot of feelings in his heart, but what made him most sighed was that District Mayor Chen would actually consider entrusting such a large project to himself, the deputy district head in charge.

Not to mention the amount of interest involved in this project, only that District Mayor Chen considered taking him to get acquainted with the ministries and commissions. This is too rare — that is the relationship between the ministries and commissions. Whoever has such a relationship is not hiding himself. Tucked?

Even if these relationships are not needed, they are always a reserve and introduced to colleagues...Who will do this after eating?

This is the person who really does things. District Chief Bai is good at calculating, but this does not mean that he will not admire people who do things with one heart.

He was sighing in his heart, and suddenly the district mayor murmured to himself, "It seems that we have to complete... a national key project?"

With these words, Bai Fengming's perception of District Mayor Chen has been sublimated directly from admiration to admiration-Nima, I have seen a capable person, I have never seen such a capable person, do you still dare to think about the national key projects?

"Forget it, then consider this question," Chen Taizhong thought about it for a long time, and found that it didn't make sense for him to be so unreasonably worried. "The big deal is to see tricks... Lao Bai, the problem we are facing now is what we should do."

"Prepare..." District Chief Bai pondered for a while before shaking his head with a wry smile, "Don't dare to prepare. Once you prepare, it won't be confidential. Are you going to go to that department to win this project? Planning committee?"

"Ministry of Science and Technology," Chen Taizhong replied decisively. The Planning Commission could find people, but the Ministry of Science and Technology was more direct-this is Chen's half-born family. "After the project is established, it is convenient to allocate funds."

"If the Ministry of Science and Technology approves the project, we don't need to prepare anything, we just need to bring more samples," Bai Fengming tried to calm himself down, "We have no technology in Beichong, and it's useless to say that it's not going to be a mess..."

He wants to calm down, but he can't really calm down. At least the wording has been deviated. This is extremely rare in the official career of District Chief Bai in recent years. "It's okay to deceive others, it's too difficult to deceive the Ministry of Science and Technology. Anyway, this is a slow job... The key is to register the number first. If you can't register, it will be useless to prepare more."

"Of course I know to register first, but now, do you see that I can walk away?" Chen Taizhong smiled bitterly, spreading his hands helplessly, "It's the end of the year, there are so many things in the district, if I walk away... Zhao Haifeng is the executive deputy ."

Li Qiang has already hinted to him that Zhao Haifeng will be adjusted, and he also said that he has taken back the power to sign the district mayor Zhao, but mayor Li has not yet made a decision. He left like this, and the surname Zhao is supported by Sui Biao. If you come, no one else can hold it.

"What's the matter with the executive deputy?" Bai Fengming snorted disdainfully. He knew the crux of the problem, so he actively made suggestions, "If you worry about the unstable situation, take the leader away...for example, Yang Mengchun."

"This is an idea," Chen Taizhong nodded. Yang Mengchun is the Director of the Finance Bureau and is very close to Sui Biao. If this person joins forces with Zhao Haifeng, District Chief Chen really cannot leave without worry.

But if he also brought this person to Beijing, it would be impossible for Zhao Haifeng to make any big moves-the district mayor is the executive deputy mayor, and the director is the executive deputy director of the Finance Bureau. spray?

"This kind of method is often used by Zhao Fengming smiled, saying that District Chief Chen really came down from above. I don't know if these people below do things, they are sometimes very unscrupulous.

"He was in charge of finances and taxes, and appointed the director of the bureau below to travel and hold meetings. It was just one sentence. Later, Zhou Qing caught a deputy director of the Finance Bureau who was a prostitute. Mayor Li directly stabbed the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection. Zhao Haifeng was a little honest... …District Chief Zhang wants to approve money, and he can basically find the director or the executive deputy."

In just a short paragraph, there are really too many grassroots official skills and too much gossip. Chen Taizhong is also a bit stunned. "It turns out that Zhao Haifeng is really... so arrogant."

"As long as you take Yang Mengchun away, no big things will happen," Bai Fengming replied confidently. He was proud of his ability to make reasonable suggestions to the district mayor. "If Zhao Haifeng is still uninterested, there is a reason to clean him up."

I was about to clean him up, and even found the reason. District Chief Chen smiled, then he was taken aback, and then he sighed, "If you add him, the round-trip plane ticket will also cost a lot of money... …"

(The first month of July, summon a monthly pass, don’t let the official immortals lose on the starting line.)

(To be continued,

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