Official Immortal

: Three thousand four hundred and thirty-one-three thousand four hundred and thirty-two busy before

Busy before Chapter 3431 (Part 1)

It was Liao Dabao who called, and he responded to the leadership that eleven people from Huacheng surrendered today—under the influence of Yu Lao San, they are all willing to pay some money to get out of this endless torture.

However, these eleven people will not receive the same treatment as Old Yu San. Even if they surrender today, don’t think about paying their dividends tomorrow. Moreover, they have a lot of security deposits—Lao San only paid 10,000. They Among these people, there are still those with a deposit of 25 thousand.

To say that Yu Laosan first paid a fine of five thousand, plus ten thousand, that is the level of fifteen thousand. It is stuck between ten thousand and twenty thousand as the district chief Chen said-in fact, this is also North The constitution of the Chong branch, if it reaches the upper limit, does not reflect the broad-mindedness of District Chief Chen, but if it drops to the lower limit: everyone can't pass this year?

In short, if you come from the head today, you don’t want to enjoy the benefits of paying the stall the next day, and you have to pay more deposits. This is a bit depressing, but if things can’s a result.

This is good news. Xiao Liao knows that the leader is concerned about this, so he called to report the situation at this time, but at the same time he also said that three vegetable vendors who had not come to the case had already made the noise and decided not to do this business— -Beicong people, if you really have the ability, come to Huacheng to catch me.

"Then wait and see," after Chen Taizhong pressed the phone, he smiled apologetically at Kang Xiaoan, "There is something in the district and I have to go back. I'm really busy... We Bei Chong is struggling with Huacheng."

"Do you want to help?" Mr. Kang's eyes lit up again. It seems that there is interest in participating, "Huacheng people are not easy to deal with."

"Help me welcome," Chen Taizhong nodded with a smile, "but I have nothing to return."

"No return, then I definitely don't care, it's not economical," Kang Xiaoan replied with a smile, half-jokingly and half-seriously, "Huacheng, I'm holding one of their projects."

"What project?" Chen Taizhong asked curiously. Will Huacheng also go to the power plant?

"Huacheng wants to repair an ancient city and better develop tourism," Kang Xiaoan's answer opened his mouth. "Guangbei also wants to do this. The province is tight for funds, and the two are competing fiercely."

"Guangbei is a prefecture-level city," Chen Taizhong replied casually, but he was secretly stunned. You can repair the ancient city because of the geoelectricity. It's really... incredible.

"Huacheng is also managed by the province, but it is entrusted to Yangzhou to manage it," Kang Xiaoan, a former government official, is really clear about these things, "and the history of Huacheng is indeed worth talking about."

"I can't drink anymore, I'll be talking nonsense again," Chen Taizhong stood up. The Huacheng project that the other party said was really not rare, and anyway, Beichong and Huacheng are both from Yangzhou. The fight is normal, but he has to stretch out his hand to obstruct the project, and the city will be unhappy if he knows it, "I must rush back overnight, and there will be a work meeting tomorrow morning."

Seeing that he didn't answer the conversation, Kang Xiaoan smiled and didn't care. He couldn't stop him a few times, so he took his men and drove the people to the parking lot. He shook his head slightly and sighed angrily when he saw the Jinlong bus start. Click your mouth.

"This District Chief Chen is really a bit arrogant," Director Zhao knew that the leader was in a bad mood.

"Rice always has to be eaten one bite at a time, and haste is not enough," Mr. Kang Jiu Jin'er seemed to disappear in an instant...

There are more than fifty seats in the Golden Dragon, and the number of people in the car does not exceed two digits. Everyone put their seats down, except for the two drivers, everyone else was asleep.

At five o'clock in the morning, the car drove into the district. District Chief Chen yawned and got out of the car while saying, "Everyone goes home to sleep. Come as soon as you can come in the morning. Come to work on time at 2:30 in the afternoon at the latest."

He returned to his small courtyard and took the key to open the door. At this moment, he felt a little inexplicable throbbing. He couldn't tell what was the reason, and walked into Wang Yuanyuan's room.

Xiao Wang slept soundly. She wore a nightgown with a purple background and red, yellow and white patterns. She lay there and knew nothing. The street lamp in the distance shone in diagonally, and the placket on her chest was a little loose, showing a touch of reflection. The snow white of Yuehua.

"Oh," District Chief Chen whispered, turning his head and leaving, saying that he was really boring. It was not like a district chief who went to the girl's room to watch someone sleep at night.

At 8 o'clock in the morning, Chen Taizhong still came to work on time. It is now the 16th lunar month, and the taste of the New Year is getting stronger and stronger. After coming to the office, it is the busy year of the year.

Just sent Yang Mengchun away, Xu Ruilin came home again. He submitted the list of edible fungus and vegetable off-season planting demonstration sites. The list was selected through a primary selection. It is currently selected from six. After seeing it, District Chief Chen, Just say that a family only has 500,000 yuan. You can make up your mind about this little thing.

But suddenly, he thought that the cattle farm inspected by Yin Fang had become a rented cattle farm, and he could not say, "The funds must be put in place, and follow-up observations must be kept up."

"What do you mean?" Xu Ruilin was a little confused. First let me make up my mind and emphasize that the funds should be put in place. What kind of rules is this?

"It's not interesting," District Chief Chen explained something with a smile. Of course, he had skipped the names of people and places.

"Ha, this is okay," District Mayor Xu was not the first day he became an official, and he immediately realized what the district chief was referring to, "I and Xiao Hu will both stare... By the way, the district chief, this For the ramie degumming plant, I want to start construction before the Spring Festival. First, build the three links and one leveling, and build the fence."

The Spring Festival in Beichong and even in Yangzhou is very lazy. Basically, from the 23rd of the twelfth lunar month, many people start to rest. It is not until the sixteenth of the first lunar month that they start to be a little busy. Get busy, it's the end of the first month.

So Xu Ruilin’s suggestion is a bit different, and Chen Taizhong doesn’t matter, “As long as you can find someone, let’s get started, but give me a plan to take care of the locals as much as possible, but also consider cost control.”

Xu Ruilin went out, and Bai Fengming came in again. There were still some bloodshot eyes in his eyes. He seemed to be lack of sleep. What's interesting is that his purpose here is the same as Xu Ruilin's, but also to start construction a year ago-not a power plant, but a cigarette factory .

"Are you all confident about the start of construction a year ago?" Chen Taizhong was a little strange now. "That's what Old Xu said, and that's what you said. Is the construction team easy to find?"

"I don't know his construction team, I'm easy to find here," District Mayor Bai replied with a smile, and yawned by the way. "There are quite a few construction teams that keep in touch with the Construction Committee, and some of them...we still owe them money. ."

"What do you mean by that?" District Chief Chen looked at him calmly.

"The infrastructure in Qiantun is pretty good. You can build factories directly," Bai Fengming smiled, and didn't care about the expression of the leader. "Early or late, how much can be built."

"Want to use the construction team that owes money?" Chen Taizhong pointed out directly. District Mayor Bai did not agree with him. At least he could alleviate the hatred in some aspects, but he also worried whether Lao Bai was a little bit tricky in it. .

"The money owed is easy to use. They still want to maintain a good relationship with the new team, and they also have a hope for the previous money," Bai Fengming replied, but there is no concealment, "It is better to use raw than familiar."

"It's better to ask for a bid," Chen Taizhong admits. There is some truth to what District Mayor Bai said, but it is also a bit inappropriate to use acquaintances all the time. Just like the purchase of mobile and Haifeng, occasionally buying some novice things. Necessary, "Just find a new construction team and participate in the bidding together."

"Participate with the new construction team?" This time it was District Mayor Bai's turn to understand. It has something to do with his status and vision. He has never worked in a formal enterprise, and is confined to the small place of Beichong. Is the long instruction ulterior?

After listening to the explanation, he suddenly realized that he nodded, "It turns out that this is the case. What you said makes sense. Without pressure, there is no motivation. Occasionally recruiting a new unit can really increase the sense of crisis."

Seeing him in shock, Chen Taizhong was a little proud, do you know what advanced concepts are? My buddy, my exchange cadre came to Beichong, but I didn't just fight and kill.

Proudly returning to Proudly, he still has to say, “In this bidding, price is not the only factor. The construction period and construction capacity must be considered. Whoever dares to cut corners, I will pursue civil and even criminal liabilities.”

"This..." When Bai Fengming heard this, he could only smile wryly. Who knows the tricks in the project? In addition to cutting corners and making accidents to increase costs, this has become a common practice, but the district mayor has to be held criminally responsible, so I don’t want to talk casually.

Chen Taizhong also knows why he smiled bitterly, thinking that since he took office, District Mayor Bai has been cooperating well, and he didn't want to put too much pressure on him, "Fengming, I still meant that. What happened before I came was all the same. I have nothing to do, but after I came, I didn’t rub the sand in my eyes."

"I understand," Bai Fengming nodded. The district chief is not only upright, but he also doesn't pursue the past. In addition, people have said that price is not the only factor, so he can naturally put down his burden and move forward.

It is very easy to follow a responsible and knowledgeable leader, and there is a big difference between the construction with money and the construction with no money. The mayor Bai is confident to do a good job at the same time, and he will not What losses have been suffered.

After Bai Fengming left, Tan Shengli rushed over again. Interestingly, he also wanted to construct during the Spring Festival. Some houses in the district and the schools in the towns below were already dilapidated.

District Chief Tan thinks that it is best to repair the classroom, even if it is part of the repair, while the students are on holiday.

Busy before Chapter 3432 (Part 2)

Chen Taizhong said in the face of this, really laughing and laughing. In his impression, Tan Shengli, a heresy, was fine all day, so he was thinking about picking money from his own hands.

But think about it again, the only way in which District Chief Tan was in charge was to constantly ask for money. If he could make money, it would be rare. Of course, he wouldn't be so good at talking this time.

The dilapidated house must be repaired, but how to repair it and how much money should be spent is not up to you Tan Shengli said. District Mayor Chen said directly, and then he called Gao Bocai, director of the construction committee.

Director Gao heard that the district chief had called, and he ran over in fright. District Chief Chen has been in office for so long, and most of them have dealt with the deputy district chiefs. He rarely contacted the following bureaus directly. He was very worried. What happened.

It's okay. The district chief said that you send someone to go with district chief Tan to see which dilapidated houses and how to repair them, and come up with a plan. The economy in the district is still tight, and the plan must be reliable. And it's cheap.

Tan Shengli was a little annoyed when he found that the district mayor did not trust him very much. However, Chen Taizhong's words made him feel much better. solved."

After all these things were done, it was basically noon. In the afternoon, District Chief Chen did not sit in his office, but went to the coach station alone.

This long-distance bus station in Beichong was built very unscientifically. In Chengguan Town, adjacent to Qiantun Town, some long-distance buses were directly bypassed. For example, it is impossible to go from downtown Yangzhou to Linyun Township. Pass by Qiantun.

However, there is no alternative. This station mainly serves Chengguan Town, and other towns and villages can only stay behind.

District Mayor Chen came here, naturally to check the Spring Festival transport work. No matter how backward Beichong is, there are people working and studying in other places. It is closed this year and we must pay attention to it.

He did not come alone, but brought Wang Yuanyuan with him. The handsomeness of the two men and the tall women was still quite eye-catching. In almost half a minute, someone recognized that this was the new district chief. After all, Chen had appeared in public twice at the gate of the branch.

Facing the enthusiastic greetings from everyone, Chen Taizhong smiled and nodded in response, and then Wang Yuanyuan randomly found a few passengers and asked about train numbers, services, and road conditions in Beichong dialect.

District Mayor Chen showed up at the station! Less than five minutes after the news spread, the director of the Transportation Management Office came to the scene, but he dared not step forward to say hello. In two minutes, the Director of the Transportation Bureau also rushed over.

"Drinking?" Chen Taizhong glanced at the two with dissatisfaction, especially Director Liang of the Transportation Management Office, his mouth was full of alcohol, "It is during the Spring drink as little as possible to delay things."

Then he ignored these two, and continued to look for travelers to understand the situation. At this time, he showed the advantage of the sturdy people of Beichong. Although some people knew that they were talking to the district chief, the traffic director and the transportation management were standing next to them. Director of the office, they are not afraid of complaining.

During the conversation, Wang Yuanyuan was mainly responsible for communication. For the first time she exercised such power, her small face was slightly flushed, but her thinking was still meticulous and the logic was very clear.

Chen Taizhong was holding a pen in one hand and a small notebook in the other. He stood behind her with a smile, and from time to time he wrote something in the notebook, and from time to time he nodded at some people who said hello, with a calm look.

He was very leisurely, but the traffic chief was so nervous that his heart jumped abruptly. Several times he wanted to interrupt others to explain, but he did not prevent District Chief Chen from giving a cold glance. All he wanted to say was suppressed.

After talking for about half an hour, Ge Baoling came over. District Chief Ge didn't want to come at first. She knew that District Chief Chen had the habit of private visits, but she seemed scared when she went.

However, after such a long time and the district chief is still there, she felt that she should go over and take a look. It is one thing to let the district chief understand the situation, and it is another thing to ignore it for a long time.

District Chief Ge came, and Chen Taizhong didn't care at all, so he smiled and nodded, "I came to take a look and think that the bus station is in this place...a bit nondescript."

"There is this idea in the district. It would be better to put it in Zhuoshui Township," Ge Baoling nodded. It was correct that the bus station was placed here, but with the development of Beichong, it is a little bit unable to keep up. "However, No Money."

"You take a plan first," Chen Taizhong said lightly, and then handed her the little book in his hand. "District Ge, this is a problem reported by the masses. If you go through it one by one, you will change nothing. Then give more encouragement."

Ge Baoling heard that "take a plan." A heart jumped unconvincingly, and said that after I have been looking forward to it for so long, a project has finally emerged. As for what Chen Taizhong wrote in the notebook, she came I heard about it at that time, and I didn't care very much, because District Mayor Chen is a person who is willing to listen to explanations. If there are mistakes, just make corrections.

Even if it was an outrageous mistake, she was not worried. To put it bluntly, she was only in charge of the traffic port. The current Director of the Transportation Bureau is not her person. Strictly speaking, the former District Mayor Zhang was affected by certain factors. Influence, promoted.

"District Chief Chen’s words are awesome," she said first, and then she started to look at them. In fact, they are all big problems. The emphasis is on the feelings of the masses and it is not difficult to solve. Some of them are caused by hardware factors. "Yes, I will reply you one by one."

As he was talking, a car started. It was a bus bound for Linyun Township. After a few meters, Chen Taizhong shouted, "Hey, stop."

The director of the Transportation Management Office hurried forward to block the car. After the middle-aged car owner got down, he was puzzled, "What's the matter?"

"What's the matter with you?" Chen Taizhong said with a sullen face, pointing at the exhaust pipe of the car, "Your car emits black smoke as soon as it starts. It is almost like a squid... Just dare you to go on the road?"

"District Mayor, isn't this the recent Spring Festival Transport Festival?" The middle-aged man said with a smile on his face. He was well informed about the passenger transportation. He knew that the district chief was very close to the people, so he was not afraid to explain, "In fact, it's nothing. The big thing is to burn some oil, and I will deal with it after a while."

"It's not just a problem of burning oil?" Chen Taizhong snorted coldly, saying that he was not a rookie. "Besides, if you smoke like this, not only does it cause heavy pollution, but it also affects the sight of others. It is prone to accidents...just run after repairs."

"I'll go cultivating this evening, okay?" The owner's attitude is fairly correct.

"No, just now, the passengers in the car get off and change," the director of the transportation management office said with a dark face, saying that your kid can't run after waiting? Have to let the district chief catch the current situation.

"You are so embarrassed to say me," the owner of the car got angry, and pointed his finger up. "I just repaired the car at the repair shop designated by our transportation management office. *I have repaired it several times, and it keeps emitting black smoke and black smoke. Big... Do you think I am willing?"

"Can the transportation management office also designate a repair shop?" Chen Taizhong looked at Ge Baoling with a weird expression. He was not interested in asking a small director of the transportation management office and directly asked his deputy.

"There is a recommended repair shop," District Mayor Ge did not deny, anyway, who is not clear about the following things? She turned to look at the Secretary of Transportation, "This designation is banned today, and the relevant process and the results of the processing, you have a literal thing."

"It seems that I am not very comprehensive. I only consider the passengers, not the owner of the car." Chen Taizhong sneered, then glanced at District Mayor Ge, "I leave it to you about the Spring Festival transport issue. We must ensure that it is safe and timely. Sending the people home...No sick car is allowed on the road."

"Okay," Ge Baoling nodded. She also emphasized this issue in previous years. After all, she was in charge of it. If something went wrong, it was her responsibility, but the Operations Management Office was always perfunctory. Without the support of District Chief Zhang, she again It's hard to be hard, now that District Chief Chen has spoken, she has the confidence to catch it.

"When making the plan for the new station, you will have a touch with Mayor Bai," Mayor Chen confessed, turning to his car, "we must consider the overall layout of future development."

If you don’t want to talk about the district mayor, if you don’t want to take care of things, there are not many things. If you want to take care of things, you can’t manage things. Chen Taizhong left the bus station and went to the People’s Shopping Mall to see how the goods were prepared before the Spring Festival.

The People’s Shopping Center was originally an industry of the County Second Light Industry Bureau. It was built at the end of the 50th year. It is a very old building. The six-frame backpacks in Shanjin Town were once all the rage here, but now the scenery is gone. The two-and-a-half-story building, inside The counters are rented out.

When you enter the mall, you will have a taste of the New Year. People are bustling with people. Tobacco, alcohol, beverages, non-staple food, clothing, clothing, shoes, hats, tights, household appliances, audio and video products, etc. are really dazzling.

Due to the large number of people, few people noticed that the district mayor came, and Chen Taizhong wandered around, always feeling that something was wrong. He opened his eyes and looked for a long time before he walked to a corner, moved a few boxes, and saw the inside. Fire extinguisher.

"Go and call the person in charge of this mall," District Chief Chen told Wang Yuanyuan with a cold face.

Not long after, two middle-aged men, one tall and one short, came over. They already knew the identity of the visitor, and they nodded and bowed with a smile, "May I have any instructions from the district chief?"

Chen Taizhong glanced at the fire extinguisher and then at the two, "What do you think I should instruct?"

"Oh, these business owners are real," the short one pretended to discover this, so he gave a dry smile, "we emphasized again and again that fire-fighting equipment and fire-fighting passages should not be blocked."

"Do you think it's just a business owner's problem?" Chen Taizhong glanced at him with a smile.

"The main reason is that our own safety awareness is not enough," the tall man saw this, and quickly confessed his mistake with a smile on his face. "It didn't play a good guiding role...immediately change, immediately change."

"If you want me to see this situation again, please take the initiative to resign," Chen Taizhong said in his heart. You are in a shopping mall. It's the Chinese New Year. You can't even notice this thing. I want the district mayor to remind you... ... Nima, what do you worry about all day?

After speaking, he turned around and waited to walk out. Unexpectedly, at this moment, someone outside the door yelled, "It's water..."

(Six thousand two hundred words, three changes, call for the end of September guaranteed monthly pass.) (to be continued)

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