Official Immortal

Vol 10 Chapter 3903: Go home

Chen Taizhong couldn't see the foreigners in Beichong Yaowu, and he was a little angry when he heard that, but Liao Dabao put the window down and replied quietly, "District Chief Chen came to look at the tobacco leaf purchase situation. There is no need to queue."

A few young people were cross-brows cold, and suddenly heard this answer, they were taken aback. After a long time, a young man asked incredulously, "No, isn't his old man in the hospital?"

"You can't come out in the hospital?" District Chief Chen groaned on the bed. Why did the buddy become an old man when he was still young? ,Full text hand type

"At this half past six, District Chief Chen is here?" Another young man poked his head into the car window and opened his head. Seeing the young man lying on the stretcher, he asked suspiciously, "You are really District Chief Chen. ?"

"In Beichong, who has the courage to pretend to be District Chief Chen?" Liao Dabao sneered and replied in Guannan dialect.

"That's true," the young man who asked the question blankly nodded, and yelled as soon as he turned around, "Old and young men, District Chief Chen is here, everyone pay attention to the image."

This voice directly attracted everyone's attention, and then everyone stood up noisily and approached the van. It was these young people who lined up and said, "Whoever jumps in the line is beaten carefully." Look.

Seeing that everyone was very enthusiastic, Chen Taizhong said that he could not open a window, stretched out his hands to shake hands with everyone, and he felt something was wrong.

The people in Beichong have seen me as the district chief more than once. When did they become so jealous?

With this question, he found another problem. Among these people, none of them were familiar to him. You should know that Chen's memory is not so good.

Obviously, asking this question now is a bit horrible. Looking at the joyful and moving faces, District Chief Chen can only forcefully suppress the doubts in his heart.

About five or six minutes later, two people came over. For these two, District Chief Chen had the impression that they should be defenders. He could only hear the two yelling in Mandarin with a Beichong accent, "It's alright, Chen The head of the district is still injured. Everyone has seen it, so let's go away. The door will be opened soon. Everyone is optimistic about your own things!"

As I said this, after the crowd gradually dispersed, it was the few guys who stopped the people walking away. After thinking about it, District Mayor Chen said, "It is good to arrange everyone to line up, but you should also pay attention to your attitude. Kindness can make money. ."

In the end, he could not tolerate outsiders arrogantly on the land of Beichong.

A few young people nodded, and left the two defenders resolutely and walked over. One of them smiled and said, "The district mayor is in good spirits today. Have you had breakfast... What shall we help you with? "

"No need for breakfast," Chen Taizhong waved his hand slightly. "You can eat well by yourself,,, why don't I know any of these people?"

"None of us belong to Beichong, how could you know each other?" the young defense team member replied with a smile.

"Huh?" Chen Taizhong narrowed his eyes.

"They are all tobacco farmers from other places, so they only recognize the purchase station at the entrance of the tobacco factory." The young man shook his head dumbly. "It's useless to explain to them. As soon as there are many old people, it is the forest owner* Xi said. We from Beichong people carry forward their style, go to the nearby purchase station, and leave the entrance of the tobacco factory to people who come outside."

It turned out that this was the case. Chen Taizhong nodded slowly, and most of the doubts in his heart had gone. He could accept this reason. When the tobacco leaves were first collected, even the farmers in Beichong District were willing to go to the purchase station of the tobacco factory. Tobacco farmers from other places have long been tossed and frightened by the Municipal Tobacco and Leather Bureau, and they are definitely willing to come to an authoritative place.

Since it's all from other counties and districts, people spontaneously maintain order, which makes sense. What's especially rare is that this old fellow Lin Huan really worries about everywhere, and he has enough prestige. Without making any noise, he will eliminate hidden dangers to invisible tobacco farmers. If we are all crowded in front of the cigarette factory, people from Beichong will clashed with outsiders sooner or later.

Although District Chief Chen wanted to eat Lao Lin’s pigeons, he had to admire him at this moment, “Lord Lin* Xi Xinsi is close to the town. There is an old man in his family, like a treasure.

"But the old book※ also didn't convince people from other counties," the older helper replied with a smile, and then gave a thumbs up, "but they all convinced District Chief Chen. I grew up in Beichong. Growing up, in the high school in Yangzhou, all counties and districts were very xenophobic. I have never seen anyone who can convince people in other counties and districts. Chief Chen, you are the only one. ."

Although this flattery is also very appropriate, he is right at all. The purchase of tobacco leaves by Bei Chong has gathered the hearts of many people in Quanyangzhou. Compared with before, only Jingde followed Bei Chong, and now he is willing to cooperate. Beichong's is more than just respect.

Later, many economists analyzed the development process of Beichong and found that Beichong's influence has soared throughout Yangzhou. The purchase of tobacco leaves is the first step, which is a very obvious point of force.

"If I die, I don't know if they will all come to my funeral." Chen Taizhong's mouth is really unsaved. He listened to it very well, but he was about to burst out such a sentence.

"Your body is getting better and better," the two defenders were also startled by his lack of cover, and replied with a smile.

"By the way, will your participation in this defense work affect your own livelihood?" District Mayor Chen thought of another question, "How is the party committee planning?"

"Not much impact," the older person shook his head. "Working for a week and taking a week off. When you encounter robbing jobs, you can spend money to invite people. We are now considered to be a public servant. We can't just ignore the small family. ."

"It's not a week off. It's that week you want to maintain local order." Chen Taizhong retorted with a smile, but he and Sui Biao had already finalized this rotation system.

The assistant defender is very weird, so weird that we can't apply any known establishment, but this is again recognized by the district, and the brother who passed the meeting can at least receive a basic salary.

For Sui Biao, Shi hopes to keep this force in his hands, but it is the district government who needs this team, so there is a rotation system that changes every week, and half of the defense team members are used every week. Accept the various tasks assigned by the district government*, and the remaining half is to follow the arrangements of the district party committee.

The chaos in the party committee is indeed much less, so this half of the party committee can organize studies and accept the tasks assigned by the party committee, but often they return to the township to maintain local order.

Once there is an emergency, the helper will start work on the spot

If you need to return to the district to gather together, you must go back immediately. This was originally the original intention of the district to engage in defense and strengthen the emergency response capabilities of the entire district.

All in all, this co-defender is between the militia and the staff in the army. When accepting various tasks from the government, they can also enjoy some additional subsidies and benefits.

For the government, it is good to have such a group of people. If you need it, please report to apply for support. For example, Ge Baoling will use some people for the apricot car, and the material center also needs such a group of people. Field patrol, night watch at the power plant...

Now, it is necessary to add the order of stabilizing the purchase of tobacco leaves, and the cigarette factory only has this time each year. It needs people to maintain the order. It is a waste to hire a few more security guards.

And the police are also busy.

Therefore, the emergence of this assistant defender has filled this gap well. It is also a public emergency responder in the district bureau. The sharing of resources can effectively avoid waste.

On the government's side, the deployment of co-defense officers is under the control of the Planning Commission, and the office has the right to make suggestions, but all co-defense officers are still under the management of the district party committee in name, and they think they must return every week they work. A week’s rest at home is actually not a rest. It’s just that the party committee didn’t make specific arrangements to let them return to the place to maintain order and they must be prepared to accept orders at any time.

In short, although the system is strict, the complexity of many establishments cannot be explained in a single sentence.

"That is, after serving the public job, we must have this awareness. We are also actively participating in local affairs," the elderly defense team member smiled and nodded, then he looked around and asked in a low voice. , "District Chief Chen, I heard that our assistant defenders performed well, can they be included in the official editor?"

"I don't count this matter," Chen Taizhong replied with a smile, "You have to ask Sui Shu*, this is not government affairs, you must have him speak out."

"But..." the person looked around again, put his mouth to the ear of District Chief Chen, and said in a very low voice, "Isn't Sui Shu going away?"

"What are you talking about?" Chen Taizhong gave him a faint glance, "Okay, the door is about to be opened, you have the energy to keep order."

"It's really like This is quite innocent, "We are also very worried about our future. "

"When Bei Chong rushes into the top 100 in the country, you will all turn upright, okay?" Chen Taizhong snorted impatiently, half-jokingly and half-heartedly, "You all know that I am in poor health. You still talk so much, no Will you be considerate of the leader?"

He said this calmly, but his heart was ups and downs: Why did the news of Sui Biao's departure know even a defender?

Hearing what District Chief Chen said, he didn't dare to say anything, and turned and walked away with the young helper.

"Go to Qingyang River," Chen Taizhong casually ordered Liao Dabao, and then squinted his eyes. He hasn't paid attention to the construction of the reservoir on the Qingyang River for a long time. Although he is physically inconvenient, what are he afraid of having a car?

"You have to go back for infusions at ten o'clock, or don't you?" Very rare, Director Liao clearly opposed the leadership, "Moreover, this road is not easy, and it may have a bad effect on your body."


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