Official Immortal

Vol 10 Chapter 4023: Intercession style

Wang Yuanyuan was stunned right there, and after a long time, she smiled faintly, "District Chief Chen, I don't understand you."

Even the "District Mayor Chen" was called, which shows that she is in a bad mood. Although I can fly with you, I am willing to dedicate myself to you, but you insult me ​​so much, that is unacceptable to me.

When she said this, she even felt her whole body trembling and her body was strangely cold. She didn't know if this was an illusion, but she knew in her heart that one of her hearts had become extremely cold and seemed to be stagnant. Too unable to jump.

But this sentence, she must say, it is not only the dignity of a girl, but also the bottom line of life, "I have always kept myself clean since I was young."

"Don't be so excited," Chen Taizhong felt a little more relieved when she saw her angry. Of course, he wanted to prevent the other party from acting, so he said, "It's just that some people say that your life is disorderly."

He and Wang Yuanyuan were fine, and after Xiao Wang came to the district, there was no rumor, and Liu Haifang's words were very clear. Li Hongxing said that Wang Yuanyuan was "long ago" not a virgin.

That bad fate, perhaps before the buddies came to Beichong, Chen Taizhong felt that his thoughts were very magnanimous-what is going on with you, do I have a better account? Anyway, you are not my food, buddy, I... You honestly admit that I don't really care too much.

"Who said this?" Wang Yuanyuan was so angry that she ignited that she was her leader. At this moment, she showed the sturdyness of a Beichong woman. She yelled, "District Chief Chen If you tell this person’s name, I won’t be able to cut down his whole family today...I will die at his door."

"Quality, quality," Chen Taizhong gently raised his hand. He spoke without annoyance, "I didn't ask you this? I didn't think it was a fact. If you implement the situation, you will call out and kill. What are you going to do?"

"I doubt that I can do anything else. I can't bear this. If I want to, I am now the mayor's daughter-in-law," Wang Yuanyuan replied coldly. "What I have adhered to, and I have paid for it, so that no one can be defiled."

You seem to have entered my room in the middle of the night. Chen Taizhong touched his chin, but how do you say? The rank of the mayor is a bit lower. Not to mention the son of the head of the township, and the boyfriend may not be as handsome as the buddies. Xiao Wang feels that it is not worth it—women, it depends on the overall conditions for men.

He slapped his mouth before he was ready to speak, and suddenly found someone shaking at the top of the stairs. I can't snorted, "Xiao Liao, are you doing something?"

"Oh, it's okay, I'm half of it. I have a question to ask you." Liao Dabao turned and went downstairs. He heard District Chief Chen pat the table, so he came up subconsciously-he always didn't want the two of them. between. What's wrong.

He went downstairs while muttering in his mouth. "You and Director Wang will discuss it first, and I will come back later."

Chen Taizhong looked at Wang Yuanyuan for a long time before snorting softly, "As Li Hongxing said, he explained to the Commission for Discipline Inspection that you and me will blind the Provincial Party Committee Organization Department's investigation... What do you think?"

"Is there?" Wang Yuanyuan smiled coldly, she was really hot, and she didn't care about speaking to the leader.

If I hadn't restrained it, your film would have been punctured by me, right? Chen Taizhong was so angry and funny to see her like this, and he couldn't say a word to remind her, "Have you...have had a gynecological examination before?"

"This... must have been done," Wang Yuanyuan replied hesitantly. The next moment, her face changed abruptly, "It was once found out that I am this, this..."

"Well, I've found out," Chen Taizhong nodded, alas, you have a problem, no wonder others are making a fuss.

"It was found that I was old and damaged, but... I was fighting for reasons at the time," Wang Yuanyuan's face flushed. "The doctor also said, this may be because I was not careful while exercising. She also said, Say……"

"She also said that the damage was not serious. I asked her if she could see red in the future. She said it depends on the situation." Wang Yuanyuan said, the lower her voice, "She said that I am very tight and have strong elasticity. Not very small..."

The buddies finally understand why the police love to try **** cases so much. Chen Taizhong curled his lips and only watched a beautiful woman telling you about these "very tight" or "elastic" things. This was enough to stir people's hearts.

Immediately afterwards, he flew into a rage, and then thought of almost riding a "I am small, I am long-lasting" moped in Subo, his anger became more and more unstoppable, "Fuck, Li Hongxing, he... deceived too much!"

"I never doubted myself," Wang Yuanyuan replied with a blushing face, "even if it is facing an investigation by the Organization Department of the Provincial Party Committee."

"But..." After Chen Taizhong uttered two words, there was really no way he could say it any more. He couldn't ask her if I was really young. If you said that, wouldn't it hurt me and you-although buddy I have never been young.

Your answer... is still a bit sloppy. Thinking of his insistence on not allowing the other party to check at that time, District Mayor Chen also felt very lucky. He was out of dignity and refused to agree to the party check. Yes, it was just to protect his own cadres. dignity.

If you really want to check, then you might be embarrassed-what if someone only checks the damage, not the size?

Even if you check the size, even if his size is enough to increase the damage tenfold, if you really want to spread it out—does it sound good? Is it a victory?

I'm afraid it's not enough to laugh at.

Thinking of this, he also felt an indescribable feeling, "This inspection...isn't it confidential?"

"This is just lip service, not recorded," Wang Yuanyuan twitched the corner of her mouth, and replied with a wry smile, "I didn't expect Li Hongxing to know this. This guy... is really shameless. He asked about it behind his back."

Chen Taizhong licked his waist and touched a bottle of beer to open it. What else could he say?

Wang Yuanyuan thought he didn't believe it, so she hesitated, and then whispered, "I won't lie to can check."

"Leave it to which lucky guy," Chen Taizhong replied with a sip of beer and smiled, "Okay, don't talk about this, what are you going to say about baby fish?"

"Today..." Wang Yuanyuan was just waiting to speak, but when she heard District Chief Chen's cell phone rang, she shut up very alertly.

"This number..." Chen Taizhong hesitated looking at it. It was a mobile phone number for the capital, but his mobile phone was changed several times, and some numbers were not complete, so he picked it up, "Hello, Chen Taizhong."

"Xiao Chen, are you in Bei Chong?" A familiar voice came from over the phone.

This is... Chen Taizhong thought about it, and finally thought of this person, so he chuckled, "Hello, Minister An, I'm still thinking about it. Recently, I invited you to come here to help with the consultation. I can't open the pot, just wait for the ministry. Leaders care."

"You can't even be a small county, you are not Taizhong Chen," An Guochao smiled on the phone, "Don't be too modest."

"It's really overwhelmed," Chen Taizhong replied with a smile, "What instructions does the leader have?"

"I can't talk about instructions," An Guochao said in a deep voice, "I want to help you, and I have some money, but I can't allocate you to Bei Chong... Abnormal funding, my cost is too high, I am just a deputy. ,You understand."

"I understand," Chen Taizhong chuckled dryly, "but the cost...hey."

"I really want money, there is a lot in the north," An Guochao replied slowly, "You can try it. Your future should not be limited to one city and one province."

"There is no way to the north side, I still don't want to," Chen Taizhong replied with a smile. When he heard this, he roughly understood the origin of the call, "I am still overwhelmed with this matter in my hands."

"You are everywhere in the north of the land. Mr. Huang has tossed that side upside down. Isn't it for you?" An Guochao's voice still didn't rush, "Too loyal, this is your opportunity."

"I can't catch this opportunity, I don't know how to do this," Chen Taizhong replied with a smile, but clearly refused.

"Participate at this time, and it is possible to get more," Minister An was not annoyed, but slowly persuaded each other, "When the dust settles, what benefits can be gained?"

"I really didn't intend to benefit from this matter," Chen Taizhong saw that he was kind and spoke plainly, so he didn't pretend to be stupid. "When I look for Whitney over and over again, some people are always blind to the eye. ."

"There is no need to mention the cause. I think you can get some benefits. Beichong's development is the key. It is useless to engage in this ambition." An Guochao smiled, "The kid has been sent abroad and won't come back. Is it okay?"

Shan beyond the country? Chen Taizhong felt it a bit, and found that the servant had already gone to Ufa--don't know how Ya had such courage, so he laughed, "Going abroad...I hope he is not going to the United States, otherwise Whitney may not agree. "

"So you still think about how can get some benefits," Minister Ann hung up after chatting a few more words.

This is for me to promise to let Shan Chao go. After Chen Taizhong hung up, he lit a cigarette and squinted his eyes.

Ang Guochao’s intercession is different from what he has encountered in the past. People who are usually qualified to intercede with him are straightforward. Lao Ann is a lot more subtle, just talking from his perspective and saying It makes sense.

In the end, they just clicked lightly, and didn’t ask for an accurate answer. They were very calm. This is certainly related to the distance between the two of them. But think about it again. Is that so?

This kind of intercession can bring people a kind of tangible and invisible pressure, a very sticky squeeze feeling, which is very unpleasant, but he has not been able to attack yet-Minister Ann has always stood by him. Speaking from an angle.

As for Chen's answer, it seems that he missed Shan Chao, but that is not the case. Chen Taizhong is just a little strange: Shan Chao, the kid, has the courage to run out of the provincial party committee compound?

You don't actually perform according to the script, which is not fun.

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