Official Immortal

Vol 10 Chapter 4046: nursing home?

() The next day, Xiao Yu, Chen Taizhong came to the cafeteria early in the morning to see how the breakfast was prepared for No. 3 Courtyard, but Ouyang Gui was really unpretentious. At seven o'clock, he came to the cafeteria by himself. [Martial Universe]

Because the European governor was polite to Chen Taizhong, the people around the deputy governor were also polite to the governor Chen, but for others, they exercised the power of deputy governor attache.

Xu Ruilin made a special trip to come with an illness, but was blocked by one person, who undoubtedly said, "At breakfast time, find a place to sit by yourself. If you have anything to say, you will say after dinner."

District Mayor Xu was immediately blushed. Although he was only a deputy district governor, he was in charge of agriculture, forestry and water. He closely followed the European governor's mouth. Yesterday he ran back and forth. Most people knew him.

Now that I was so rejected, I couldn't help it. He was a refined person. After hesitating, he blushed and explained, "I want to talk about the morning schedule."

"Old Xu, come and sit down," Chen Taizhong spoke directly, then glanced at that person intentionally or unintentionally, then turned his head and smiled and said to Ouyang Gui, "A tumor has grown in the head of District Chief Xu, and he was forced to He is recuperating, but he has to work sick...this is a very respectable cadre."

"Well, it's rare," Ouyang Gui nodded, he was a little annoyed, Chen Taizhong actually gave his caring face, but when he heard this factor, he was immediately balanced.

But that's it, he didn't speak any more, but immersed himself in eating, supporting his own people with actions. Five or six minutes later, he pushed his job, lit a special Bei Chong cigarette, and said with a smile, " The taste of this'baby red' is good."

"The baby red also promotes the breeding of baby fish from the side. The industry and agriculture of Beichong must be combined to give people a three-dimensional feeling." Chen Taizhong replied with a smile and looked at Xu Ruilin again. "This is also the idea of ​​the mayor of Xu."

The baby fish is brown, OK? That was clearly your idea, District Chief Xu sighed inwardly, but District Chief Chen was very touched by his nakedness, so he just smiled and said nothing.

"Oh." Ouyang Gui nodded, this time he couldn't ignore it anymore, so he glanced at Xu Ruilin, "That tumor in your brain...Have you gone to the capital to see it? Xiao Chen can help you contact, you Chen The district mayor has great abilities."

"Yangzhou has said that surgery is necessary. District Mayor Chen suggested that I go back to the district for recuperation. Now that I leave work, the tumor is much smaller," Chief Xu replied with a smile, "It is estimated that there will be another half a year for a minor operation. You can recover."

"No matter how small an operation is, a craniotomy is necessary," Ouyang Gui said softly, and then he seemed to have thought of something. Turning his head to look at Chen Taizhong, "How do you know that he will be able to raise him in Beichong?"

"Old Xu is mainly working too hard. He fainted several times at work, and once was in front of my face," District Chief Chen replied with a smile, "I feel that if you give him a period of time, it will be fine. This is just an intuition...but I can't leave Bei Chong yet. Or he will be anxious."

"I thought Bei Chong had good air and environment." Ouyang Gui laughed as soon as he heard it. "People of our age. There are many such and other small problems... I'm still wondering whether Bei Chong can build one. nursing home."

"You're right," Chen Taizhong smiled and clapped his hands. "Beichong is really good in air and can build a nursing home... District Mayor Xu is the best example. Old Xu, when you look back, you can give your medical records to Governor Europe."

"This is no problem," Xu Ruilin nodded with a smile.

"You can smoke everywhere, the air is not much better?" Ouyang Gui smiled. When he visited the cigarette factory yesterday, he didn't mention the tobacco leaf, but today, he wants to investigate the loan to build the tobacco Kang. One yard goes one yard thing.

Having said that, he only remembered that this person was talking about the itinerary, so he asked, "Do you have any suggestions for the morning itinerary, Mayor Xu?"

"I suggest going to Xiaojia Village, Sanlun Township first," Xu Ruilin replied solemnly with a straight face, "Xiaojia Village was a village that was swallowed up by mudslides this year, and two people died. There are a lot of mobile greenhouses built in them... …Especially today, there are two mobile chicken coops to be started, which has very far-reaching significance."

"Xiaojia Village," Ouyang Gui murmured, frowning. He knew that a village in Beichong was hit by a mudslide this year-Ma Feiming had seen it, and it was published in the provincial newspaper. Because he was related to Chen Taizhong, so Remember this matter.

But this morning, I went to see the village that was hit by the mudslide-OK? The plan of the European governor is to first look at returning farmland to forests, and to see the ramie factory on the way back, and then to see the mobile greenhouse in the afternoon.

So he glanced at Chen Taizhong and said with a smile, "Director Guo must be bored."

This is the question of the order of investigation. Yesterday I first went to see the baby fish, then cigarettes and greenhouses. This has nothing to do with the Department of Animal Protection, but the greenhouses require forest trees, which are more or less bound to the State Forestry Administration.

The Animal Protection Department can actually leave, but now that it is here, let's take a look at the situation of returning farmland to forests-the State Forestry Administration should be divided into this department and that department, and it must be consistent with the outside world.

But today I went to Xiaojia Village first, and it was a little bit dry. The governor of Europe may not care about a director of the ministry, but there is no need to offend him to death, right?

"When you go to Sanlun Town, you can go to Xiwangzhuang first. Xiwangzhuang has to return farmland to forests." Chen Taizhong's suggestion opened his mouth. No way, he was too familiar with Beichong. "In fact, Xiaojia Village, the State Forestry Administration also You can take a look-without soil and water conservation, the impact of this natural disaster... is really terrible."

"Right or wrong, it's all in your mouth," Governor Ou pointed at him with a smile, and stood up. "By the way...what's the meaning of this moving chicken coop?"

At 7:50, people from the training center arrived, and Sui Biao followed. Chen Taizhong glanced at Secretary Sui and then at Director Chu. Unfortunately... he couldn't see that the two were reached. What consensus.

However, Ouyang Gui heard that moving chicken coops can not only fatten up the soil of the mudslides, but also solve the problem of inadequacy. He has a little more expectation in his heart-he is the deputy governor in charge of agriculture, forestry and water. Also heard.

In fact, this is a problem that can be solved by feeding more medicine. However, individuals know that feeding less medicine is good for the breeding industry. This not only involves the cost of breeding, but also involves ecological impact.

Just like Wang Suhua and Chen Taizhong talk about the power of the ground, if there are three points, who wants to squeeze the power of the ground endlessly? Planting tobacco leaves for two or three years and then changing crops, but the current situation is that the ground is that land. No food can be grown without chemical fertilizers. If there are too many chemical fertilizers, the land will become compacted. At present, there is no solution. .

After all, China is not the United States. The arable land is limited and cannot be fallowed. If you have a land with long grain, you can try it for two years. It will be hardened to a mess, and if you want to grow grain in the third year, it will take a lot of effort.

So Wang Suhua said at the time that after returning farmland to forests for 20 years, your soil fertility can almost be raised-this is 20 years of raising, or it is only possible, and the factors such as leaves and fertility should be added.

But if you don't really think about it, if you add chemical fertilizer, what kind of planting and what to grow, you will still be rewarded. Everyone knows that the land is empty, but everyone still has to eat.

The same is true in the aquaculture industry. Everyone knows that animals should not be fed with medicines, but they must be fed. The day is counted as the last day. I heard that there are breeding methods that can reduce the feeding of medicines. Ouyang Gui also has one. Move a little.

Of course, this heartbeat is only a little bit. If animals are fed or not fed, they need to be raised, and the cost is not much different. It is nothing more than a green breeding concept, and one without it. It may be used when exporting. There is not much to say about supplying the common people.

However, this concept is a test of the sense of social responsibility of school cadres. Cadres with the idea of ​​"Who cares about floods after I die" will not care about this nuance. Only those who are truly responsible will find this idea worthy of attention.

Director Guo is very interesting, no matter what he thinks in his mind, but on the surface, he said that returning farmland to forests depends on monitoring, and also on mudslides. There is a certain causal relationship between the two - as for the mobile chicken coop, it sounds quite If we are creative, we can also expand our vision.

It is really meaningless to talk about the conversion of farmland to forests. It is nothing more than the little seedlings. There is someone holding the file data next to it. It says the location and the number of acres, but who cares about that?

Governor Ou also turned over it symbolically, and he no longer cared anymore—those who were thinking about it were the result of faults.

However, the scene of Xiaojia Village still shook Ouyang Gui severely. He always felt that it was indeed unfortunate to encounter a mudslide disaster, but in a village with more than 700 people, only two people died—the mudslide would not It's huge.

Only those who have witnessed it will feel the mighty power of the natural world, and will be truly Even if it has been half a year since Xiaojia Village was hit by the disaster, the current reconstruction work is progressing smoothly. A lot of traces have been covered up, but the general scene is still there. Through some bits and pieces of details, you can still feel the situation at that time.

Ouyang Gui looked around, probing his hand, and took a fist-sized stone from the fork of a willow tree on the opposite road. He whispered softly, "Too loyal, can the stone fly here?"

"This is rare," Chen Taizhong shook his head. "At that time, the road was swept down and could fly over the road. There are not many rocks of this size...mainly with mud, and I can't fly."

"Are you there?" Director Guo of the Animal Protection Department looked at him in amazement.

"District Mayor Chen was there, and I slept in a room with me. He discovered it first." At the moment, Mayor Shi, ignoring his dignity, interjected indignantly. Report jǐng...Xiaojia Village is likely to die without anyone."

(Update to, summon monthly pass.)

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