Official Immortal

Vol 10 Chapter 4108: Financing is easy

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"Yes, count me wrong." When Kang Xiaoan saw Chen Taizhong doing this, he hurriedly took a sip of beer, "I am sorry...but I can't get enough money. There are too many people watching jokes. I have always Is it okay for you?"

"Yeah, people who read jokes are the most annoying," District Chief Chen nodded. "Some banks are not good. If you lack money, they don't lend you money. Seriously those companies that don't lack money, they take pole loans. The atmosphere is really bad."

   "Huh," Kang Xiaoan nodded, then took a moment to look at Chen Taizhong, then lowered his head to get the wine bottle, and slowly took a bite at a time, and the room calmed down strangely.

   He drank a few sips, then raised his eyes to look at Meng Zhixin, "This brother, don't you want some beer?"

"I drank too much water just now, and I was going to the toilet," Meng Zhixin smiled and stood up. He just wanted to avoid a taboo. District Chief Chen would not let him go, so he heard the inside story of Sandaoqiao Land—— Although not uncommon, he was a little bit horrified to hear the inside story of this level.

   Now Mr. Kang is arguing again, even if he urinates, he has to avoid him for a while.

   When the tall woman saw this, she glanced at Mr. Kang and found that the leader had no expression, not to mention that there was a bathroom in the house, and watched Meng Zhixin push the door out.

   After he went out, Kang Xiaoan smiled, "Too loyal, you have a good relationship with Prince's boss."

   "You can't talk nonsense about this," Chen Taizhong laughed as soon as he heard it. "My girlfriend will get angry when she hears it."

"I would rather you choose Miss Kennedy to be your girlfriend," Kang Xiaoan yawned long, "At least I beg you, she can lend me four billion...In this case, my funds are fine. Other banks will be able to borrow money from me."

   "Oh, this...isn't it?" District Mayor Chen frowned when he heard this, looking very embarrassed.

   "There are no outsiders, what do you pretend?" Kang Xiaoan laughed. Pointed to the tall woman. "This is sleeping with me every day... You just told me what you said just now, is it just to find someone with a lot of money and pocket it, so that I can borrow money from other banks."

   "Do I mean this?" Chen Taizhong's face strained, and then he couldn't help laughing.

   "Anyway, I think you have this meaning," Kang Xiaoan was also really anxious, playing with Lai on the pole. "Miss Kennedy has a net worth of at least 3 billion US dollars... more than 20 billion renminbi. She borrowed 2 billion from me and borrowed 4 billion from me. When I saw it, I knew she was very obsessed with you, don't talk about yourself. Not in bed."

   "Quality. Brother Xiaoan, pay attention to quality," Chen Taizhong shook his head dumbfoundedly. He had heard that foreign capital could hold shares in the power plant, so it was too simple for him to find money—just just pull in Catherine.

   When the time comes, Prince will take up 30% to 40% of the shares in Haizhou Power Plant and make money comfortably-since it can make it cheaper for outsiders. Why is it cheaper for your family?

   Actually. He thinks far more than this, Chen has a lot of good goods in his hands. It's just that these capitals lack a way to cash out and justify investment.

If Prince really owns these shares, he can exchange the shares into his own hands through negotiations with Catherine-when the time comes, he will be sitting to collect the money, so he does not need to worry about energy. It's safe.

   However, he didn't want to say so clearly at the beginning, so he took the bank's loan attitude as a matter of course-fair and honest, he just wanted to introduce this topic, and then expand it.

  Unexpectedly, Kang Xiaoan was far smarter than he thought, without having to start by himself, Mr. Kang guessed the answer directly and sent Meng Zhixin into the bathroom.

"Then thank you Taizhong District Chief, I will do it first," Kang Xiaoan saw that he didn't refute, he raised his hand and poured half a bottle of beer into his stomach, and then he burped a long drink, "Too loyal, too. I know, you lack everything in Bei Chong...If you need help, just talk, I will frown, that is a man in vain."

   "There is really one thing," Chen Taizhong hesitated, frowning and talking.

"Don't worry," Kang Xiaoan replied bluntly. As soon as he reached out his hand, he picked up someone’s giant panda, respected one of District Chief Chen, and clicked on it. Then he pulled out one, and the tall woman walked over. Point it to him, and he touched the woman's hand easily—it's not an outsider anymore.

   "I want to set up an airport in Bei Chong, the procedures are not very good," District Chief Chen did not see them flirting, he took a cigarette and sighed quietly.

"Cough cough," Kang Xiaoan smothered his throat with a cigarette, and was choked with coughing a few times, but finally calmed down, and greeted the tall beauty, "Xiao Jing, get another bottle of beer... this busy me Can't help, drink it as a plea."

   "I really want to build an airport," Chen Taizhong glanced at him. "There was an airport plan in Beichong a few decades ago."

   "I know this. When the third line was built, I had that plan, but I really can't help it," Kang Xiaoan replied with a wry smile, "Do this... Actually you are better than me."

   Mr. Kang’s contacts are all in Hengbei Province, and he is definitely not able to obtain an airport.

   "Forget it," Chen Taizhong smiled, "Anyway, let's agree with each other, so we won't talk about what conditions should be changed... If you are friends enough, just support each other."

   "Too loyal to you, I love to hear it," Kang Xiaoan took a beer and ran into him, "Come on, drink."

   At this moment, someone knocked on the door, and a tall woman walked up to open the door, but Meng Zhixin came back...

In the early morning of the next day, District Mayor Chen and his entourage came to the Personnel Office again and talked about the distribution and planning of the buildings. During the period, the director Li Ping also came over, shook hands with the comrades in Beichong and encouraged the two. Sentence, then turned and left.

   Chen Taizhong was a little annoyed about Director Li's airs, why didn't you tell me a few more words? That's right, the director sees the district chief, there is no need to deal with it, but-are you a general district chief?

   But thinking about it again, he was relieved. After all, this is Hengbei. No matter how big he plays in Beichong, he is not mainstream after all. Hengbei's officialdom can not provoke him, but he will definitely not agree with him.

   Then, it seems understandable that Director Li did not deliberately befriend him.

   What do I care about so much? Chen Taizhong realized this and found it a bit ridiculous: Bei Chong only needs to take advantage of it. It is better to make a fortune in a muffled voice-if you don't talk to me, I don't want to talk to you yet.

   At ten o'clock, a group of people from Beichong returned, leaving only Meng Zhixin alone to communicate the details with the personnel in the personnel department.

   Everyone returned to Beichong. It was around four o'clock in the afternoon, and District Mayor Chen went to the agricultural school for a round trip.

The agricultural school is located next to the Agriculture Bureau. In fact, the two were originally the same thing, occupying a large area, but the agricultural school brand was almost taken off. Later, the Agriculture Bureau set up a demonstration greenhouse and even invaded the agricultural school. Ground.

   Now the agricultural school has begun to be rebuilt, and the houses next to the agricultural school have been privately invaded and cleaned up. If they are left in other places and want to push these houses, they have to fight a lawsuit with the owners.

   But in Beichong now, it’s just one sentence—this is what District Mayor Chen meant. If you want to build a school for farmers, can you move?

In fact, these illegal land-occupiers know best in their hearts that they are doing poorly. Some people have to say something wrong, saying that I also spend money to build a house-you see, I still have two facades, why? No compensation?

   Make up for your size. When you say this, the crowds onlookers will stop doing it. It's fair and free.

In a big city, presiding fairness may produce chilling results, but in Beichong now, when everyone sees unfair things, they dare to speak-the big deal is to post grievances on the bulletin board. I have a clear conscience. District Mayor Chen will definitely be the master for me.

The effect of this up-and-down effect is actually very obvious. Chen Taizhong is willing to solve the problem for everyone. The following township bureaus dare to support the people-right is right, wrong is wrong, the big deal is to bring the lawsuit to the district government.

   Therefore, Chen Taizhong's behavior did not increase the workload. Many things were resolved in the next level of administration.

   The nail households of the Agricultural School are the same here. Everyone wants to ask District Mayor Chen for compensation. Do you have the guts? They dare to mess around, and District Chief Chen dares to mess around even more.

As for legitimate interests, District Mayor Chen will always support it. The public will be honest and prosperous. Chen is hard to say about being honest, but there is no problem with the public. If he is fair, the people below will understand what kind of grievances can be done. Sheng Zhang ~ ~ What kind of mess is undesirable.

   So as soon as the agricultural school’s land was cleared, it cleared out about 20 acres without spending a penny, and most of the houses were demolished by the head of the household. In this way, the bricks could be reused.

   There are also a few houses whose deadlines have expired and were forcibly toppled down. There is a small-minded woman who is looking for life, and there is a gunshot next to it—Fuck, you have taken advantage of the public house for so many years. Is it reasonable?

   These are too far away. In short, too many people know that Chen Taizhong’s fairness and justification has not caused much reaction.

   After finishing the demolition, it is now time to build classrooms and schools. District Mayor Chen wanted to catch this piece himself, but Xu Ruilin took the initiative to ask for it. Now the agricultural school has begun construction.

Chen Taizhong came over to take a look at the progress of the project. This agricultural school is not built as an ordinary school building, but a traditional Chinese architectural pattern-this is to cooperate with the urban construction to be carried out in the future, and the square matchbox building is not acceptable. .

As soon as he came back, he went to work, while Meng Zhixin was delayed until the next morning before returning to Beichong. He returned by taking the sleeper bus at night. Although Meng was a deputy director-level cadre, he was Without a position, naturally there will be no car distribution.

  He returned to the district and first reported to the district mayor Chen. "...Later today, or tomorrow, Mr. Chen from the service company will visit Beichong."

"Then you can come back with their car?" Chen Taizhong waved his hand disapprovingly, saying that Lao Meng, you are too cautious now. You have been bitten by a snake for ten years and afraid of well rope... (to be continued. )

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