Official Immortal

Vol 10 Chapter 4170: As for?

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"But..." Na Pali hesitated, then bit his scalp and asked, "Isn't that too loyal stuff going to be smashed in his hands?"

"Hoarding is strange, he deserves it," Meng Yi said with a sullen face, and then smiled, "We can buy some of his stock after production...all help him match up the baby fish project and ask me for the project. "

Napari first laughed with him, then sighed, "But let's prepare now... Isn't it a bit targeted?"

"Tsk," Meng Yi slapped her mouth when she heard it, and don't mention the crookedness in her heart.

From the bottom of his heart, he believes in Chen Taizhong's judgment very much. Although Xiao Chen is sometimes unreliable in doing things, the things the little guy does solemnly have his own reasons.

Secretary Meng also knows that Beichong’s backwardness, Xiao Chen is willing to spend such a large sum of money to deal with a crisis, there is absolutely evidence in his hand-in fact, it is really not difficult to implement the epidemic, go to the affected area carefully After investigating, there will be results.

The disease is a new type and is extremely contagious. This is enough - of course, this kind of news is not easy for ordinary people to get, and the local area will definitely give a password, but those who really have a way, don't worry about inquiring.

Thinking of a community leader in a remote mountainous area, silently and actively responding to a possible national disaster, Meng Yi thought that as the secretary of the Bikong Provincial Party Committee, he could also make some preparations.

But Napari's prompt told him: Of course you can prepare, but you may slap someone in the face-it is normal for the bureau to be involved in such a phenomenon.

Unexpectedly, I have come to this point, but it is not as good as a community leader who can dare to be.

For a while, Secretary Meng felt a bit ridiculous, and a little helpless, after thinking about it. He gave himself a reason-after all, it was something that didn't happen. I couldn't make a move. Once it happened, it wouldn't be the case.

At this NPC, people had to ask someone to ask about SARS. Mengyi found another way: a leader of his level, rushing to the front to deal with things personally, may not be the best choice.

"Then introduce the past to the Phoenix Science and Technology Commission." Meng Yina made up his mind. "Tell Xu Shaohui's son that if there is demand for Bikong, give priority to supply... You can't always find Xiao Chen because he is not used to his problems."

Napali laughed again. "He also told me that this is a bet on the political future of the youngest district mayor in the country."

Meng Yi snorted, "Cut, political future... Will he see that thing in his eyes?"

Xiao Chen's speculation, after all, is not 100%, this guy would care about the political future if he bet so much?

Time passed day by day. On the 23rd of the first lunar month, that is, on February 23, 2003, the first batch of 500 infrared thermometers ordered by Bei Chong arrived. These thermometers were sold at a price of four thousand five thousand. That is to say, it is worth 2.25 million yuan.

In the evening, the staff of the District Forestry Bureau worked overtime overnight to test all 500 thermometers, especially near the body temperature. They even inserted a mercury thermometer in the water under test. Check the values ​​of both.

A deputy director of the district health bureau and two technicians watched the test.

Of the five hundred Taizhong, 497 qualified units, one was damaged during transportation, and two were suspected of insufficient accuracy. The representative of the manufacturer hurriedly stated that I will ship five more spares.

This is obviously caused by the lack of experience of the manufacturer. Wang Yuanyuan said with a calm face: Why didn't you ship a few more units? I don’t need five, just ship ten more.

Yes, Deng Bosong is on the sidelines to help, why don't you pay more and make up less? You will ship the goods according to the quantity, and don't prepare the balance--heh, have you done any business?

We are a joint-stock company. The representative of the manufacturer replied bitterly. The supervision is tight. One unit is only four thousand eight. The factory prevents us from selling it privately. It will not be used as a backup-unless you issue a document with an official seal, and I You have to bring the substandard products back.

That's your business... In fact, even if you bring more, unqualified and extra, you can take it back. Deng Bosong sullenly told the other party, how can we pay for the goods with your attitude?

Several people from the Health Bureau exchanged their eyes-this sentence was originally what we said, alas, a sentence is worth a lot of money.

When the customer bullied the shop, the manufacturer immediately said that tomorrow people will come by plane with goods, ten units? Good to say!

On the second day, the district did not wait for people, but recruited 20 helpers, and personnel from the Forestry Bureau, the Agriculture Bureau, and the Health Bureau. The manufacturer explained the use of infrared thermometers.

The method of use is easy to learn, but there are also temporary fault handling. It takes about a long time to talk about it. Moreover, Wang Yuanyuan is deeply influenced by Chen Taizhong. I believe that "seeing it a thousand times is not as good as handing it over". Everyone should go on stage and do it again.

In the afternoon, 447 thermometers were charged. Early the next morning, various key departments and intersections in Beichong were full of inspectors holding infrared thermometers.

This caused a lot of inconvenience to everyone. The news was quickly reflected to the municipal party committee and the municipal government. Chen Zhengkui was an afterthought. He learned through the organization and knew that the disease in the south was indeed very serious, so he decisively continued to remain silent—everyone. You all know that I have always ignored Bei Chong.

But Li Qiang couldn't sit still anymore. He couldn't pretend to be deaf anymore, so he called Chen Taizhong, "Taizhong, isn't your thermometer used to measure baby fish? How did you measure people?"

"The SARS outbreak in the south is very serious. Anyway, I have bought so many thermometers and I am idle," Chen Taizhong replied with a smile, "The initial symptoms of SARS are low-grade fever. This test is just right."

"Then you remember to explain clearly to others, so as not to make me feel embarrassed." Li Qiang listened to this guy to say one thing, so he didn't bother to pay attention to it-you have a suitable argument, why should I bother?

Chen Taizhong's remarks not only dealt with the city, but also deal with the manufacturer. On this day, another 500 thermometers arrived, and the drivers of the delivery buses were checked for their temperature.

This manufacturer did not do it, saying whether you bought so many thermometers to check people or to check baby fish, but the helper in charge of temperature measurement was ignored, people also checked, and baby fish also checked. This is what we bought— —Do you know what a buyer's market is?

This incident was not isolated. After two more delivery trucks were investigated, the news gradually spread. The manufacturers of infrared thermometers began to think about what the Beichong people were buying thermometers for.

However, the news was blocked very deadly. Even the defenders knew what was happening, but didn’t know why. They knew that people with a body temperature of over 38°C should wear masks and detain them. SARS No one mentioned the word.

At this point, even Qi Zhiwen and Chen Tieren kept a very good silence. Secretary Chen was busy sweeping goods in the field, but Secretary Qi thought that I would sit and watch for a while. Chen Taizhong’s prediction was accurate, I will not What to lose.

If the prediction is not accurate, the goods smashed by the district government will become a big joke. If I leak the news in advance, the government does not suppress too much goods and the mistake can be remedied, the party committee will not be convenient to make a fuss.

However, some people in the manufacturer guessed that the prevention in Beichong was aimed at SARS in the south. This speculation sounds a bit weird, because in Yangzhou and even Chaotian, they were not treated like this, but in Xiaoxiao. Bei Chong appeared.

Chen Taizhong doesn't care about the manufacturer's speculation. Since it has started, it is about how many goods can be grabbed. At the same time, prevention must be caught-not to grab the goods and ignore the possibility of the spread of the disease.

As for the possibility that some manufacturers may suspend the supply, he doesn’t care. I ordered so many goods. If you are willing to lose such a large order, then don’t supply it-when you are free, you have to go to other provinces to pursue your breach of contract. gold.

His analysis was correct. The manufacturer guessed something, but the epidemic did not break out, and there is such a large list in front of him. Who is willing to lose it? What they can do is to inquire the inside story desperately-if there is hard evidence, they will immediately consider expanding the production line.

But let alone ordinary people, even Chen Taizhong couldn't get it out.

The vice president of a small company made a special trip to Beichong. After his temperature was measured by his infrared thermometer, he inquired around and found a problem. People with a body temperature of more than 38 degrees Celsius were taken away by the people of Beichong.

Where did you take it? The vice president inquired carefully and found out that the person was taken to a deserted hillside place, where dozens of tents were temporarily erected, during which medical staff with large masks came and went. Three to four hundred meters away, they were building room.

Twenty people have been imprisoned here. The explanation from Beichong people is that these people may be infected with the flu. The district takes them here for isolation, free treatment, food and lodging-they can leave after they are cured.

Chen Taizhong’s memory of SARS is not very much, and there is not much data available in the south, and there are no virus samples. He wants to keep a low profile, so he can only set the body temperature first. People gather together and press cold treatment.

Those who are cured can leave, and those who are not cured can have their body temperature lowered within a week, and they can be released.

The vice president was waiting to get closer and was stopped by a camouflage uniform wearing a mask, "You don't want to go anymore, here is a cure for infectious diseases."

"What kind of infectious disease, such a big fanfare?" He just wanted to put it on a slogan.

"I don't know, the urine and stools need to be disinfected." The defender had a good attitude. He pointed to a small ridge more than 100 meters away. There was a white-clothed worker wearing a gas mask and holding a stick. Stirring laboriously in the big white plastic bucket.

This is all Chen Taizhong's memories of SARS. The feces must be thoroughly disinfected. It is said that at the peak of SARS, this kind of **** stirring work, 150 yuan a day, was dissatisfied with hiring temporary workers, one is dangerous, the other It smells particularly unpleasant.

Is it really a SARS prevention? The vice president felt a little ridiculous in his heart, as for?

For Chen Taizhong, as for! Spending millions on prevention is better than a case in the district-this thing is too contagious, and there is no chance of luck.

ps: Sending the elderly to the soil, the update was not on time, and there was basically no time to sleep in these two days. I may not be too punctual tomorrow. Please be considerate.

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