Official Immortal

Vol 10 Chapter 4195: Frustrated Alliance

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"Forget it," Chen Taizhong shook his head, Zhu Jiehua wanted to bet, but he was not interested, "Then wait until you finish the project, and then go to the training class... I will just test you."

"I seem to have done something wrong," Director Zhu chuckled and then muttered in a low voice. From his feeling, it is not difficult to know what opportunity he has missed.

"Sai Weng loses his horse and knows no good fortune," Chen Taizhong replied. At this moment, he became more aware of what kind of mood Secretary Meng felt when he met him.

Not long after, District Mayor Chen ran out of dinner, stood up and left. Wang Yuanyuan and Zhu Jiehua walked with him to the small courtyard, and they both left. Looking at the backs of these two, someone's murderous intent was resurrected-Zhu Jiehua, I hope you don’t Treat Xiao Wang like I did to Xiao Bai, otherwise, you will regret coming to this world.

The next day was Friday and it was sunny, but when it was about to leave work at noon, the sky began to be cloudy again. Wu Yan called, "Next Monday, I am going to the Central Party School to sign up. Today is Friday and I can go tomorrow. Do you learn from there?"

That is, the SARS prevention and control work will be transferred next week? Chen Taizhong could hear the powerlessness in her words, so he frowned slightly, "This Xie Wude is really too much to clean up, tomorrow I will go to Subo to trouble him."

"It's not necessary, it's already fixed," Wu Yan smiled. Although she felt a little regretful, she was still very pleased that the lover was so upset about this kind of thing. "I can do as much as I can. I am worthy of Phoenix. Common people."

Chen Taizhong hung up the phone, feeling more upset, "It's a big credit. I don't know which product picked the peaches."

In the afternoon, Liao Dabao accompanied Hu Yunjuan to the city hospital for an examination. District Mayor Chen held a flood control meeting, and then went to Zhuo Shui for an inspection. Back to the small courtyard, it was just over six o'clock.

After sitting in the room for more than ten minutes, when no one came, Chen Taizhong was saying that there was no need to show up alone and went to the hotel to settle the dinner. At this moment, someone rang the doorbell.

He opened the door and took a look, only to find that Bai Fengming and Niu Xiaorui were standing outside, immediately startled. "Why are you two here together?"

"I borrowed two shotguns today, and they happened to be seen by Editor-in-Chief Niu," District Chief Bai smiled slightly. "Didn't we say that we will go hunting on Saturday... By the way, Editor-in-Chief Niu said. Someone stabbed SARS to the United States. The media?"

He was also deeply affected by SARS. To be precise, he was deeply pressured by Qi Zhiwen-Secretary Qi used the SARS incident to improperly respond to the district government and deliberately interfered in government affairs.

So as soon as he heard that this matter was known by the American media, he couldn't help but come over excitedly to ask.

"This matter...I'll talk less recently." Chen Taizhong let the two in, and casually exhorted, "There is a lot of tossing in the capital, and the opinions are very different. It is better to keep a low profile at this time."

This news also came from Ma Xiaoya. Since the SARS epidemic was kicked out, foreign media have paid close attention to the country, but this time. On the contrary, many media have received a password-do not spread rumors or believe in rumors, everything is subject to official data.

Otherwise, some people are bureaucratic. It's really scary, but according to Mr. Ma's analysis, the reason for issuing the password at this moment should be because of disagreement. When the opinions are unified, the result will come out.

The more you are about to reveal your trump card, the more you have to be calm, be too active, and be easily injured by others.

Bai Fengming also knows this truth, but after drinking two glasses, he still boldly asked, "In the end, we should pay attention to SARS, right?"

"Canada, the United States, Vietnam, and Singapore have cases. What do you think will be the final result?" Chen Taizhong smiled. "Some people know that it is difficult to control, but they have to be lucky. I really don't know what makes it. They are so confident."

His remarks are not nonsense, but have sufficient theoretical basis. "The military health system designated the 618 hospital as a special hospital for SARS in the middle of last month. Many hospitals also attach great importance to this disease, but this is an epidemic. It’s useless for the hospital to pay attention to it...At this time, the most important thing is to do a good job of prevention and publicity..."

"Head Chen, let's drink," Bai Fengming heard him talk more and more excited, and he was about to point out the name of the person, and raised his wine glass hurriedly: You dare to say it, we dare not listen-even if I dare to listen, next to him There was a reporter sitting there, "If it's Shelley, when winter comes, can spring be far behind?"

"It's the common people who suffer," Chen Taizhong snorted, took the wine and drank it, Niu Xiaorui, upon seeing this, filled the two districts.

At this moment, District Mayor Chen’s cell phone rang, he picked up the cell phone, and then put down the phone, his mouth twitched, his expression was very strange, “Another Finn died in the capital, from the International Labor Organization... SARS."

"This is even more lively," Bai Fengming's mouth twitched, "How is the situation in Ooguanhai?"

"Should be alive," Chen Taizhong replied uncertainly, and then laughed hard. "It is said that after he was hospitalized, his evaluation of Bei Chong was relatively high."

"It's really better to endure a whole brick than half a brick," District Mayor Bai shook his head dumbfoundedly, "deserves him to suffer."

"Tomorrow, Wu Yan, Phoenix Deputy Mayor in charge of SARS prevention and treatment, is coming," Chen Taizhong glanced at him. "Why don't you go hunting, I will accompany her to inspect?"

"Mayor Wu is a lady?" Bai Fengming had an impression of Wu Yan, "Call her to go hunting together, check or something, come back...Anyway, it is inevitable to be depressed when catching SARS these days, it is better to go out in a low-key manner. Relax."

"That's it," Chen Taizhong nodded. In fact, he knew that Xiaobai came to Beichong to get tired of being with him for a few days. "But Mayor Wu came out from the mountains. I wonder if she is interested in hunting. ..."

"You came out of the mountain," Mayor Wu gave him a smile two hours later, "I grew up in the county seat, and Tongshan is far away from the county seat."

After Wu Yan called at noon, he took the motorcade and set off in the afternoon. In addition to Zhong Yunqiu, people from the Health Bureau, the Maternal and Child Health Hospital, and the municipal hospital were also here. Visiting Beichong at this moment, the cause and effect relationship was clarified. No matter how others pick peaches, they can't pick off this layer of cause and effect.

When the convoy arrived in Beichong, it was half past nine in the evening. The group checked in at the Beichong Hotel. When the duty manager saw that it was Phoenix coming to investigate SARS prevention and treatment, he immediately called Ma Yuanyuan to report.

In the next moment, Chen Taizhong appeared in front of the people in his hometown, and after a brief meal and drink with them, he placed Wu Yan in the only hospital No. 3 courtyard.

Don’t think about Zhong Yunqiu when you live in together. Although the detached house is very large, Catherine’s entourage can live in with the boss, and Whitney’s team can also live in, but after Mayor Wu moved in, he refused to let him. It's normal for other people to come in. China's officialdom is too clear.

Of course, this is cheaper for Chen Taizhong. After keeping his hands and eyes warm for a while, he left pretendingly. After half an hour, he returned quietly and quietly. Naturally, he did not need to mention it again.

Wu Yan also has some interest in hunting. On Saturday morning, he inspected a spot at the coach station and was led by District Chief Chen to go hunting. The others were accompanied by Liu Haifang and Tan Shengli. The prerogative of the mayor, you can leave after you arrange your work. Who dares to complain?

When I entered the mountain this time, I took the district government’s Golden Dragon bus. There were only eight people in the district. But again, Wu Yan is the deputy mayor. Leaders of this level come to the district and dominate a bus. .

The Golden Dragon Bus can bring more things, and there is a reception in the township. The group of people played happily for two days, only turned around on Sunday afternoon, took countless photos, and hit seven or eight wild animals-Wu Yan They all killed a turtledove with a shotgun.

That night, Mayor Wu had dinner and left with a large group of troops in the car. District Mayor Chen took Mayor Bai and Mayor Liu and sent the old leader to the expressway and turned around. When he returned to the courtyard, it was nine o'clock in the night. .

After entering the yard, Chen Taizhong made a few calls to friends in Beijing to find out how the SARS incident had progressed, but unfortunately, no one is sure how far it has progressed. What everyone knows is that the password remains unchanged. Desperately discrediting, China does not admit that there are so many cases.

News of true and false is flying everywhere. Because foreign media cannot grasp the exact cases of Chinese hospitals, only the listed data is not very convincing.

It seemed that he had to hold on for a while. The young district chief picked up a beer, sat under the eaves, opened a bottle and drank silently. The SARS incident had already involved too much energy on him. It has been more than a month. Unable to focus on the development of Beichong.

This day When is a head, taking a sip of beer, he sighed softly, and he was reluctant to settle down on the top, but he didn’t know what to do on the bottom-he had made up his mind, but the problem was that others would not believe it. , The toned item in front is too wicked.

After drinking bottle after bottle of beer, the doorbell rang suddenly, and then he realized that he didn't know when it started, and there was a fine light rain in the sky.

Stepping forward to open the door, there is a short figure in a raincoat in front of him, "I have some thoughts on the prevention and treatment of SARS, and I will report to District Chief Chen."

"Okay, don't pretend, there is no one in the room," Chen Taizhong let her in and closed the door. "Editor Niu is not afraid of that lustful old man?"

"Is it useful to be afraid?" Niu Xiaorui walked under the eaves and smiled and took off the raincoat. "I can't sleep at night, always thinking about it, I simply come to you to play a friendly match... You will not be squeezed by Wu Yan and Zhong Yunqiu Did you do it?"

"Hello, how do you say it? That's my old leader," Chen Taizhong's face strained, "Don't think about it."

"I can't sleep because of my crazy thoughts. Let's go hunting in the mountains. Do you know what others say?" Niu Xiaorui sighed, "I heard someone say...We are the SARS Frustrated Alliance."

"Fuck me, who is so wicked?" Chen Taizhong was furious immediately, and his words were too shameful.

ps: The roads and roads are not punctual, and there is no way for the wind to laugh, but the monthly pass still has to be called out loudly. In the month of the city, I implore the support of old and new book friends.

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