Official Immortal

Vol 10 Chapter 4295: New core

Chapter 4295: New Core

Ok? Luo Yaping was startled at first, and when she saw that this was a big and thick man, she became more and more frightened.

It makes sense if Chen Taizhong doesn't wait to see female cadres. Female cadres usually lack physical strength and courage, and they can't even stay up late in an emergency situation.

In addition, the courage of female cadres is generally small, which has a certain relationship with the strength of the individual, but in many cases it is psychological.

District Mayor Luo thought that this is the breeding center, calmed down, and reluctantly said, "If you have anything to report, you can go to the district government's public notice booth, or you can directly contact me at the district government. This is the breeding center."

"I'm talking about the breeding center," the strong man said with a smile, a little flattering.

But such a smile made Luo Yaping even more terrified. Fortunately, she is a scholar-type official with clear logical thinking. She calmly took out her mobile phone and said, "There is a problem with the breeding center. You have to respond to the district government... Yes, I'll call Secretary Chen, tell me, what's the matter?"

"The breeding center is okay, it's...the breeding center was robbed and sold." The strong man scratched his head and scratched his cheeks for a long time, before finally suffocating a tongue twister.

"That's it," Luo Yaping pressed her finger on the launch button, and when she heard this, she put down all the windows of the car, "Then you now... drive your vehicle, follow me to the district government, and keep the situation as it is. React."

"This..." The brawny man flinched slightly. It is really unreasonable for a brawny man to shrink so much when facing a small woman. But he has his taboo, "I don't want to be famous, I just want to get some reward... Just give a baby fry."

"It can't be you," or Luo Yaping is suitable for rural work. After the initial panic, she saw that the other party cared more about her identity, and she quickly returned to normal, as a female cadre. This is relatively rare, "I can buy you a fry, have to make it clear what happened."

"I'm telling you...Is it successful?" the strong man asked cautiously.

"You can trust me, I won't be sorry for you," Luo Yaping felt that he had completely mastered the rhythm of the conversation.

"I want fry... two," the strong man said to himself, "that what. It's best that District Chief Chen can guarantee."

"Then why don't you go to the district government bulletin board?" Luo Yaping burst into tears and pressed the launch button. I feel a little unspeakable in my heart... Bei Chong. After all, it is Chen Taizhong's Bei Chong.

"If I go to that place, it will really offend people," the strong man sighed. He has his difficulties.

Luo Yaping didn't bother to talk to him, and the phone was connected. She smiled and said, "Hello Secretary Chen, I will disturb you a little bit."

Chen Taizhong was entertaining Lin Ying in the small courtyard. When he received this call, he thought about it and replied, "In this way, you first understand the situation, and then report to me."

In any case, Secretary Chen already knew about this, Luo Yaping felt a lot more at ease. She was not blindly superstitious, but what she heard all day long in Beichong was about how much Secretary Chen was. Powerful rumors-regardless of the underworld, the white, the red, and the ecliptic, as long as Secretary Chen goes out, there will be no imbalance.

Many rumors are lively and vivid, including Chen Taizhong once set up a net in Beichong, arrested human traffickers who trafficked children, and shot and killed the suspect with his own hands.

Over time, she was also affected. She felt that her safety would be guaranteed by reporting the matter, so she hung up her mobile phone and pushed the door to get out of the car, "What the **** is going on, tell me..."

Lin Ying came to Beichong for her coal business. Although Zheng Wenbin has already left Haijiao, Haichao Group has already opened up the route of the Haijiao Railway. The second batch of coal supply between her and Beichong has ended so far. Now, she wants to find out if Bei Chong plans to buy another batch of coal.

Up to now, the price of coal has fully exceeded 300 yuan per ton. Some time ago, due to reasons, the price did not soar again, but it only slowed down, and there is still great room for increase in the next step.

As for the coal of the Haichao Group, there is nothing to worry about selling, and even Haichao’s own coal stocks exceed three million tons. Mr. Kobayashi is now talking about this, but he is just a passionate love, to please his man.

Chen Taizhong was also a bit hesitant. He had already stocked 1.5 million tons of coal in the two batches before and after, plus Jiang Shifang's 1 million tons of parity coal, which is 2.5 million tons, and this amount is enough to support The annual consumption of a million-kilowatt thermal power plant.

At the same time, rising coal prices have greatly increased the gold content of coal hoarded in Beichong. Chen Taizhong recently made a huge profit on ramie. This hoarding of coal has also attracted the attention of many people. Some people even expressed feelings about what Secretary Chen did. Raise the price of whatever you want-whoever wants money, don't do business, just follow the trend of Secretary Chen.

This rumor has recently been raging, and the Ramie District has made 60 to 70 million yuan, and the theoretical profit on the book of this hoarding of coal is also more than one billion. Just talking about these two items, Bei Chong has made two hundred million.

For a rare thing like an infrared thermometer, Bei Chong can earn ten to twenty million yuan, which is really unacceptable—it must be pointed out that the final data is a rumor.

Lin Ying intends to give more favors, but Chen Taizhong really hesitated. According to the coal market, he can definitely hoard, and President Xiaolin also wants to please herself, but if he really eats the 1 million tons of Tiannan, Bei Chong will use it. The funds hoarding in coal add up to as much as 500 million.

This sum of money is really a lot, and I have to give it to him, not to mention that the price of coal is rising very high now, and the cost of hoarding coal will be too high, although the profit will certainly not be low. But there are so many places that Beichong needs to spend money, and it is impossible to draw so much money.

Secretary Chen once said to Wang Yuanyuan that Bei Chong does not engage in speculation, but instead does that—well, in fact, this is very nonsense. Regardless of black cats and white cats, catching mice is a good cat. I can really seize this opportunity. Greatly help Bei Chong get a vote, he doesn't mind tilting the big money over.

But the crux of the problem is: if he really hoards four to five million tons, he doesn't know where he can sell it. There are not many big coal users around Yangzhou, and here is located in the south, where the demand for heating in winter is not large, and it is economical. It is also underdeveloped. Few people use coal to boil water for cooking, and the demand from retail investors is not large.

That is to say, government agencies, enterprises and institutions, as well as large groups such as universities, middle schools and primary schools, where there are hot water rooms and canteens, will they concentrate on using coal, but how much can this be used?

If the Beichong Power Plant used it by itself, the 2.5 million tons of coal would be enough for four to five years. Since it cannot be digested by itself, by then, the coal will become cinder.

So Chen Taizhong entangled: It's not that he doesn't want to speculate. For the development of Bei Chong, he doesn't care what he does. The previous rhetoric is that he just doesn't want to bring bad friends. The key is that he has no ability to speculate. Big.

But fortunately, aside from business matters, there are two beauties in front of him. Tonight’s show has been lost. Lin Ying did not come alone this time. Zhang Xin came with him as well, with Vice President Zhang in front. For a while, he has become Mr. Zhang, the general manager of China Mobile Zhangzhou branch, as he wished.

It’s just that Zhang Xin basically didn’t speak, because there were still outsiders in the small courtyard. Lin Huan, an old man, was present. Meng Zhixin also came to report on Chaotian’s progress. There was also Zhu Jiehua and Fu Baozhu, the deputy director of the District Health Bureau—of the Health Bureau. Director Guo will be fifty-eight years old soon, and she recently came over to report to Secretary Chen if she was okay.

So other people only know that Lin is always Hai Chao’s little boss, and this Hai Chao is also Bei Chong’s strategic partner. As for the woman next to President Lin, everyone just ignores it—I think it’s President Lin’s follower. It's not bad, and the temperament will be good.

While everyone was eating and drinking, Xinzha’s secretary of discipline inspection Jin Yuning came to visit. This man was thirty-four-five years old and had a face dedicated to discipline inspection cadres.

But since he has come to Beichong, he must see the situation clearly-no matter what the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection comes down, he can't claw the ground snake, let alone the No. 1 ground snake in Hengbei County~www. But Secretary Jin didn’t say much. After submitting a written document, he sat and drank two more glasses, then stood up and left. Lin Huan commented directly, “It’s still a bit of a discipline inspection staff. It looks like."

This sounds like a compliment. In fact, it's an out-and-out crooked mouth. If you add the sentence "Jin speaks and does things very steadily" before it, it is a compliment. Right now, it's just saying that this person is carrying his identity, maybe He insisted on keeping his distance from Secretary Chen.

Only he dare to say such words. Chairman Lin is a person who wants to retire, and he is not afraid to say too much. Anyway, he has a good deal with Secretary Chen. In the past few years, he has won some primitive accumulation for his children. It is his life. Up.

Chen Taizhong didn't hear this--whether he agrees or not, it is impossible to help Secretary Jin speak anyway, so he asked Zhu Jiehua, "The road in Chencun town collapsed. Did you find out the cause?"

"The roadbed is old and badly damaged. There were a lot of big cars passing by some time ago," Zhu Jiehua replied sweatingly, "In the process of rebuilding, we were a little negligent... I have to take the leadership responsibility."

Director Zhu has been working on rebuilding the old road in Beichong for more than six months. District Mayor Chen strongly supported him and allocated 30 million to him.

However, Beichong's terrain is complex and the land is sparsely populated. Thirty million yuan is just enough. It is really necessary to reprocess all the roadbeds with hidden dangers. Thirty million yuan is really not enough.

However, Zhu Jiehua didn't dare to answer that way. He could only find the reason from himself first and make sure that he had a correct attitude. Although the road collapsed, but no one was dead, there was a chance to correct the mistake.

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