Official Immortal

Vol 10 Chapter 4358: Do what you like

Chapter 4358

Otherwise, Bei Chong is really not big, all kinds of news spread quickly, Min Ji just begged not to be on TV, or just not to be on TV—his embarrassment spread overnight.

Tea Lao Li started selling tea, and he also opened teahouses in Yangzhou for a while. However, at this time, few teahouses were drinking tea seriously, especially in this small place in Yangzhou, but everyone can go in and find a girl. Wawa, look at the video or something.

In any case, Lao Li did this, the news is very well-informed, and his business is relatively fragmented, in addition to selling tea and tea houses, he also bought three trucks to take up various projects in Beichong.

The ten baby fish are just one of his investment pilot projects. Recently, someone contacted him to buy fish at a high price, but he didn't take it very seriously-I don't need the money, I just want to make it last long.

Recently, he is not having a good life, because Bai Fengming is gone, the current construction committee is in charge of Chang Yuling, and the truck of the old Li's is mainly responsible for the work of the construction committee.

Now District Mayor Chang doesn’t seem to have made any big moves, and the things agreed by District Chief Bai can continue. But once the emperor and the courtiers, this is a matter of time, not to mention, I heard that the nursing home in Wushui has already started. Used Asada's construction team.

When he heard that Min Ji had just been captured and Chen Taizhong was acting quite tough again, Lao Li reacted in an instant. This is an opportunity. If he can use this to please Secretary Chen, let alone keep his current share and fight for a little more life. Son, I'm afraid it is not difficult.

So he immediately asked his nephew, could I cooperate and help you catch a group of fishmongers?

This is a good thing. My nephew was happy when he heard it, and then he told it again, Uncle, you can't tell anyone about this thing anymore, so you don't have to grab credit. Anyway, I'll keep you okay.

In fact, he couldn't take the credit alone, so he asked someone from the Criminal Police Brigade to cooperate. Only after the Wawayu was found at the intersection of Beichong, he reported to his superiors.

"This is a bit of suspicion of fishing law enforcement," Zhu Fenqi said with a smile after speaking, "but the smugglers are not wronged, they have contacted many farmers."

The district also has some information on those who intend to smuggle. But if it doesn't meet the current situation, there is no way to arrest people.

"Where is fishing?" Chen Taizhong snorted. If you don't die, you won't die. Who is the blame for finding death? "Old Li is not worried about these people's future revenge?"

"He said it was all right," Director Zhu answered with a smile. "Old Li didn't learn well when he was young."

"Catch Lao Li too," Chen Taizhong thought for a while and gave instructions. "Both the buyer and the seller will both catch it. This is more deterrent...and also protects Lao Li."

Beichong now has frequent robberies of baby fish, and tea leaves enticing others to trade. Let Bei Chong catch a group of smugglers, but this was only a means, and even Lao Li was arrested seriously, making the matter look like an emergency. In order to show the ability of the police in Beichong, and thus enhance deterrence.

"Catch him..." Zhu Fen started to ponder and asked, "Isn't this the same as treating Min Jigang?"

"He can correct his mistakes and actively cooperate with the district. This is different from Min Jigang," Chen Taizhong pointed out the difference. "I will compensate him for the financial loss. The key is to get some damage to his reputation... You ask him first, if you are happy or not."

"It turns out that this is the case," Director Zhu understood. "I guess he would be very happy. The people in Beichong want face, but if they know they are wrong, they can change it...No one will say anything."

He guessed that was correct. As soon as Tea Lao Li heard this request, he agreed without saying anything. First of all, this can indeed reduce the possibility of others looking for the bills-even if he says he doesn't care, it is a troublesome thing after all?

Secondly, how friendly can he make friends with Secretary Chen and help fishing? Only by willingly carrying a basin of **** can Secretary Chen look at himself differently.

Of course, the most important thing is that for Beichong people, as long as it's not too big a matter, it doesn't matter if you are wrong. You confess your mistakes and take responsibility, behave like a man, and everyone will not despise you because of this.

So he even agreed to go to the TV station to read the check.

But in private, he still tried his best to maintain his image. That night, many people came to ask him. He patted his chest, nonsense, I am an undercover agent, just cooperating with the work in the district.

Some people believed that some people didn’t believe it, so some people went to the police station for verification, but the police who knew it all had a unified calibre, and they disdainfully refuted this statement—that the goods put gold on their faces, but you also believed. .

The two different versions of the truth confuse many people. Tea Lao Li sometimes even thinks that the police are a little troublesome, but his self-defense has been a bit too much. If you go to ask for an explanation, it is really boring. Up.

However, a long time later, he was a bit grateful for these two versions, because the fishmonger he had scammed came to the door, indicating that the two of us had a big feud. If you don’t pay my hundreds of thousands, we will give it to 300,000 mental loss fee, at your own risk.

Lao Tzu won't pay you a penny. Lao Li directly patted the table. Even a baby fish can be caught. Can you buy a piece of tofu and kill you? I still want to ask you for the hundreds of thousands that I have confiscated-where your family lives, I know in my heart.

Are you not fishing? The fishmonger was stunned immediately.

Laozi is still fishing for prawns. Tea Lao Li swears, just because he doesn't want his neighbors to look down upon him. By the way, it's serious that you kid has pitted me over hundreds of thousands. Let's talk.

It can be seen from this that sometimes it is very normal for a thing to have two truths. As for which truth is more true, it is really meaningless to care about this...

Far away, returning to the topic at hand, that night, Beichong News broadcast, the district increased its efforts to combat the smuggling of baby fish, and successfully seized two cases of privately buying and selling baby fish.

At this moment, Min Jigang is sitting at home, watching TV nervously. He still believes in Secretary Chen's word-of-mouth, but at this time, it is impossible for him not to be nervous-don't say my name.

His wife also watched TV with concern. When she heard the name of Tea Lao Li, her fingers even pinched her husband's thighs...Fortunately, she didn't pronounce Min Jigang's name after all.

However, the two people breathed a sigh of relief, and another shocking scene appeared. The camera flashed and a picture of Tea Lao Li appeared. He was holding a check and was reading solemnly, but the TV station choked off. Only two minutes were given to him.

"How could tea do such a thing?" The couple exchanged glances, and both could see the confusion in each other's eyes. After a pause, the wife asked first, "His head is always good enough. Is this... offending Chen Taizhong?"

"He didn't write the inspection. Where can I use idioms for this product?" Min Jigang curled his lips disdainfully and replied casually, "Moreover, he reads the inspection, and he can correct it if he knows his mistake..."

Having said this, he couldn't help but stop, and after a long time, he patted his head heavily, "Fuck, I'm a pig, why don't I read the exam?"

"Are you sick?" The wife scolded him impatiently. The 50,000 yuan in the family was about to be taken away by the district before she covered the heat. She was very annoying all day, "You don't need to check , I will find a rope and hang it at the door of Chen Taizhong."

With a "pop", Min Ji didn't even think about it, raised his hand and slapped the mother-in-law, "You know an egg, I have to really read the exam, it's nothing shameful, our family won't have to fine so much money... …Really a prodigal daughter."

"Do you dare to hit me?" The mother-in-law covered her face and looked at her husband in disbelief. She had always said that she had never been two since she married to Min's family. Although Min Jigang is five big and three rough, there are two older brothers, but she is really afraid of her. .

The next moment, she screamed, picked up the bench under her butt, and smashed it over without thinking, "My surname is Min, you have become more skilled, and you have learned how to beat women. Today I will kill you."

"If you have the ability, you will kill me." Min Ji just sat there, motionless, heartbroken for a while, until this moment, he realized that he has always had the opportunity to reduce losses, but this opportunity, time and time again It was in the hands of my mother-in-law...

After the news was broadcasted, the effect was very good. In the next few days, there was no Wawayu robbery in Beichong.

This is either because the farmers have increased their vigilance, or because the smugglers have seen Beichong's determination to fight hard. There are even more rumors that the tea Lao Li is actually fishing for the police-if there is the first person to fish, then there can be no Does the second person fish?

Thinking of buying fish with all his hard work, he might turn around and be betrayed. Even Bei Chong couldn't get out. At this moment, the smuggler finally realized the terrible Bei Chong.

In fact, there is another reason that makes them frightened, and that is that the Beichong police have already released the news that those who want to crack down on the trafficking of baby fish cannot be detained and re-education through labor. They are absolutely severely punished.

At this moment, even the head of the station Sheng was a bit dissatisfied. At this moment, he has returned to Chaotian. After hearing the news, he directly called Qi Taishan, "Secretary Qi, I heard that you are going to be sentenced to smuggling the baby fish?"

"There is a serious injury, at least indefinitely," Qi Taishan said about the case of the death of the baby fish. The farmer's head was also broken and his head was broken. "Others are also serious. At least five years."

"There is no need for Beichong to be murderous every time, right?" Station Master Sheng asked with a wry smile. He knew the injury case, but, "Like the case of Min Jigang, the smugglers were only illegally buying and selling baby fish, and they must be sentenced to at least five. year?"

"They took the initiative to buy baby fish in Beichong, not the people of Beichong who ran out to sell," Qi Taishan replied coldly. "Their behavior objectively disrupted the construction of Beichong and corrupted the moral construction of Beichong, and must be severely punished. ."

PS: I have a cold, headache is unbearable, the update is late, sorry.

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