Official Immortal

Vol 10 Chapter 4363: Different people

Chapter 4363: Different people's sentiments

"What are you talking about?" Chen Taizhong narrowed his eyes, and a cold murderous intent shot from him.

The running guy stopped immediately, this is... what happened? How do you feel that there is a huge beast in front, showing its teeth?

When Chen Taizhong saw this, he put aside his aura. This was really something that he had inadvertently exuded. If there was an accidental injury, it would be purely accidental, but he was really annoyed. The world doesn't know the lord of life and death, why is there so many?

He grabbed the opponent's front casually, "Speak clearly."

"This isn't our Bei Chong going out, can we survey the scene?" This coughing cough said, "Secretary lighter, you are going to choke me to death."

"Then speak slowly," Chen Taizhong let go, then sneered.

In fact, since Lu Tianxiang sent the technicians for the mobile greenhouse, there have been some discord in the local area, but the people of Beichong are not afraid. One is one, two is two. Your place is not suitable for mobile greenhouses, so I will not agree. .

At this time, the Department of Agriculture is the solid backing of the technicians-it is useless to complain to us, they are invited by the Department of Agriculture, saying that you are not suitable, you are not suitable.

Therefore, in those places that accept mobile greenhouses, some people are a little bit more angry with Beichong-the funding of the Department of Agriculture is only part of it, and the local government has to raise it by itself. Why should we listen to the people of Beichong?

Just like a while ago, such an incident happened in Haizhou. After one company passed the survey, two days later, the main householder from Beichong came to install it. The technician came over and found that the place was not well leveled, so he said it could not be installed. Have you ever told you to level the land?

The other party said that you have already come. Just help level it up. Can I give you some money?

Money is not enough. Those technicians are on fire, and they call people over without getting the land. Isn't this a pastime for us? Come here in vain, laborious and laborious.

In fact, although they are doing the work of migrant workers, they consider themselves to be technicians, or at least skilled workers. They shouldn't do the work of leveling the land.

This family is a little annoyed, and I say that you are just a bunch of migrant workers who let you do a job, but you are still picky. So I said that you have to do it, and you have to do it.

A few skilled workers in Beichong immediately turned their heads and left. They still wanted to stop them. The people from Beichong pulled out the tools used for construction directly-why, want to fight?

There was a confrontation between the two sides, and later the police arrived and persuaded both sides to go away.

But in such a small spat. A person from Beichong was kicked twice. He wanted to fight back, but the police stopped him and waited two days. The head of the household notified the technician through the Bureau of Agriculture that the land was leveled, and the people from Beichong directly stated that his family was doing the job. Let's not do it!

This attitude irritated the Bureau of Agriculture. But when the hall allocated funds, there was a deadly rule that the site selection and construction of the mobile greenhouse must be signed by the people of Beichong before the hall would approve it.

If a certain acres of mobile greenhouses purchased at the local level cannot be approved by the government, they will be fully funded by the local government.

This is suspected of exalting Beichong technicians-they are just employees of private companies.

In fact, this is not exactly the case. The government allocates money and hopes that the money can be spent somewhere, but it is difficult to supervise it. Therefore, the government introduced this death rule to let the people of Beichong take this "obligation." Supervisor".

The supervisor was picking up a pick. This really made the Bureau of Agriculture blind. They thought about it and called Lu Tianxiang. Mr. Lu said that my staff did this. I understand. We obviously installed the greenhouse and won't help you level it. The land is about to be beaten and left to me, and I will not do it for his family.

The lawsuit even reached the Department of Agriculture, and the leaders of the department said, don't worry, if the family can't apologize to the people of Bei Chong, they should cancel their quotas-replace the technicians in Bei Chong, don't even think about it.

This answer is a bit partial, but now the cadres of the Department of Agriculture, many people know that Chen Taizhong is not only strong, but also close to the governor of Europe, and the cities below are so constrained, which the department is happy to see—— If you can't stand it, you can give up or buy it yourself.

When the Haizhou Municipal Agriculture Bureau heard this answer, it was a bit blinded, because their mobile greenhouse rental method here is different from that of Beichong.

There is a one-mu greenhouse in Beichong. The rent for a year is 1,000. It is very likely that the life of the greenhouse has reached the end and the district will not be able to pay back. However, what Chen Taizhong cares about is to teach people how to fish. It should be.

But except for Beichong, it is difficult for other places to provide such great support to farmers. Here in Haizhou, in addition to the province and the city, the farmers themselves have to pay a little more-3000 yuan per mu of mobile greenhouse. The rent is exempt for three years. After three years, the rent per mu will be 1,200 per year.

This condition is much harsher than Beichong, but the place is different and there is no comparison. Haizhou is already richer than Yangzhou.

But if there are three thousand per mu, the interest of the farmers is not very great. Collect more money to build a fixed greenhouse.

Of course, if Haizhou does this, it can’t be said to be wrong. Every local development must emphasize adapting measures to local conditions. There is really no money in Haizhou’s agricultural sector, so we can only find a way against the people-the people of Haizhou, It is also much richer than Yangzhou.

However, when Beichong promoted the greenhouses, he also conducted a series of trainings. The fixed greenhouses were first caught. Later, when many people had no money to do it, they launched the mobile greenhouses. Firstly, it made farmers familiar with the technology and secondly. Help them earn start-up capital.

Haizhou’s training was very sloppy. When many farmers were mobilized, they were a little confused-you said it was a good thing, but I brought the greenhouse back. What should I plant and how should I plant it?

You can grow mushrooms, shiitake mushrooms, cucumbers, tomatoes, strawberries-the Bureau of Agriculture replied that we have books for sale here, so just buy one and go back to ponder.

The Haizhou Agricultural Bureau didn't even think about making money by selling books. It was originally distributed for free, but when they discovered that the waste collection station not far away was full of their own books, they decided to charge.

In short, this is the situation. There are really not many people in Haizhou who are interested in moving greenhouses, but this is Haizhou's performance, and the Bureau of Agriculture will not give up any of them.

And that one just refused to apologize--fortunately, he didn't build this greenhouse, and it saved a lot of money.

As a last resort, Haizhou called Chang Yuling, hoping to open the Internet. District Mayor Chang was not familiar with this set, so he asked Secretary Chen for instructions.

Chen Taizhong directly called Sui Biao, the mayor of Qinzhen City. Qinzhen is a county-level city under Haizhou City. The old squad leader, there is someone bullying us from Beichong. Can you please tell me?

Please ask the old squad leader. This is a polite statement. Mayor Sui knows this very well. If he ignores it, Chen Taizhong will definitely instruct people to rush over to find something. The two have worked together for a year and a half, and he knows his partner too well. What a short-term protection.

The location of the incident was not in Qinzhen City, but Haizhou’s municipal party committee secretary was Wang Ninghu. It is impossible for Secretary Chen to alarm Secretary Wang about this trivial matter, but once a conflict occurs, Secretary Wang will inevitably lose his face.

Less than an hour after Chen Taizhong called, the head of the household found a technician from Beichong, bowed three times in public and apologized, and offered 500 yuan for nutrition. Behind the servant, a few young people of unknown origin stood. There are obvious round hoop indentations in the hair of two young people. Obviously... they are used to wearing hats.

The dispute in Guangbei this time is more serious than the last one.

Guangbei is an economically strong city in Hengbei Province, second only to Chaotian. Maofeng ranks second because of its emerging industries, and Guangbei retreats to third, but it is not easy for Haizhou and the like to chase it.

Guangbei actively participated in the promotion of mobile greenhouses by the Department of Agriculture and won a quota of 800 mu.

There is such a farmer who applied for a five-mu greenhouse. The technicians from Beichong looked at it and thought that the site was not properly selected—this piece of land was selected at a mountain pass. If there is a strange wind, the greenhouse will collapse. Up.

Moreover, it is close to the mountain, and the possibility of natural disasters is also high.

Therefore, the people of Beichong immediately stated that is not suitable for greenhouses. If you build fixed greenhouses yourself and dare to risk collapse or mudslides, it does not matter. But this mobile greenhouse has state investment, and we are responsible for signing. Yes-this word cannot be signed.

When the people from Beichong said that, they had no choice but to choose a new site. The day before yesterday they chose a new site and invited them to see it. A person from Beichong went over to take a look and again vetoed it. This place is no good, it is far from the mountain. But this channel is just a vent.

At this moment, the master's house was on fire, and he pushed and shoved, Nima, are you playing with me? Believe it or not I told you to go back today?

People from the Bureau of Agriculture persuaded that it is not false that there is often wind here, but there are not many strong winds, so you can just lower the risk level a little bit.

People in Beichong are full of blood, but not everyone is full of blood. Especially when looking at the terrain today, it is not for construction, but one person is enough-although usually two people are here.

This person wanted to refute, but he had only one person, so he asked very puzzledly, saying that I am also responsible for you. It doesn’t matter to us where the greenhouse is built. In the end, there will be losses. Yourselves.

Yeah, the head of the household surnamed Liu said unambiguously-I have lived here for so many years, it is not windy here, how much wind is blowing, I don't know better than you?

However, the people from the Bureau of Agriculture were happy and made it clear that the city will complete the task this year and all the 800-acre greenhouses must be implemented-this year cannot be implemented, next year we want more, is it possible?

What is especially sad is that the policy for the promotion of greenhouses here in Guangbei is similar to that of Haizhou. The people have to pay a sum of money. It is hard to find someone willing to rent five acres of greenhouses. Is it easy?

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