Official Immortal

Vol 10 Chapter 4407: Hold on to

Chapter 4407: Grasp Proper

Jin Yuning's discipline inspection and supervision work finally encountered huge resistance when Zhang Xiuqin was found.

Assistant Zhang resolutely refused to admit that he had embezzled the money, but the audit confirmed that the whereabouts of the money was also clear. The so-called land requisition money was missing, which is a means of inflating the cost in the town. The town intends to cry poor for the district.

This matter is a bit taboo, but land acquisition and feed mills are both things in the town, which is equivalent to the left hand to the right hand, and other people’s funds are self-raised. This is not to ask for more money, but to pay less in the district. money.

Compared with those cleverly established projects to allocate funds, Sanlun Town does this, but it is relatively small collectivism, and it is not too big a problem. Basically, the reason is the same as that of state-owned enterprises trying to rationally avoid taxes.

Of course, it's not a big deal. It's a matter of stabbing it out. Jin Yuning will take the people away and continue the investigation. Lin Jilong said on behalf of the town party committee that the matter has been clarified, and I don't agree with your double regulation of my assistant.

So the matter began to wrestle, and finally the lawsuit hit Secretary Chen. Chen Taizhong said: The 300,000 in the small vault has been confiscated by the district, and it is boring to continue the investigation. If the Commission for Discipline Inspection has other evidence of Zhang Xiuqin, it can be investigated. If not, Don't chase after another.

Because of Jin Yuning's arrogance, he went down a lot, because everyone can see that as long as there is no major problem in his own family, a town party committee secretary can withstand the district discipline inspection committee.

Even Zhang Xiuqin still let out the wind. The old lady didn't provoke you, so you planned to double-regulate me. The town is also less than 300,000 yuan. This is not the end of Beichong's sturdy folk customs. That was not blown out.

Secretary Jin gritted his teeth with anger, but he really couldn't help it. A secretary of the Disciplinary Inspection Committee from outside, without strong local support, the work was really difficult to start.

He even filed a lawsuit against Gu Bokai, but where did Secretary Gu dare to contaminate Beichong? So I warned him, you'd better count it up with Chen Taizhong.

After receiving the complaint from Secretary Jin, Secretary Chen called Zhang Xiuqin to his own courtyard and scolded her severely in front of Jin Yuning. of course. He also pointed out that the Commission for Discipline Inspection did not pay attention to methods and methods in its work, which is also wrong.

Chen Taizhong stood up and slept in the mud, the power is huge. That night. Zhang Xiuqin and Jin Yuning fought for wine and lost both. Assistant Zhang said. You want me to forgive you, it's you and me.

After the drink, Chen Taizhong informed Jin Yuning the next day that a small vault had been investigated and dealt with. I'll give you a 20% commission, 60,000 yuan, how should the Discipline Inspection Commission use it, just figure it out for yourself.

At this moment, the only anger of Secretary Jin is gone. Through this incident, he has thoroughly seen the pattern of Bei Chong. Jin can toss, but it must be within the scope of Secretary Chen's permission. Otherwise, Not to mention official power, it is the power of the people, it is very likely that he will not be able to come to Taiwan.

In fact, this is also Chen Taizhong's real purpose. The Commission for Discipline Inspection can check people, but don't do excessive things. During the development of Bei Chong, cadres need a knife on their heads, but that knife is also inappropriate to hack people.

As for the small treasury, he is very welcome, giving a commission to the Commission for Discipline Inspection also allows Jin Yuning to work harder in this regard.

In the days that followed, the Commission for Discipline Inspection did not check the cadres and began to check the small treasury. The cadres of the discipline inspection and supervision were also human. Who would think that the money was too much? However, Secretary Jin also learned from his dignity, saying that we need to check the small treasury, and we can't do it casually. We must be accurate, and we must check one by one.

Chen Taizhong is pleased with this change. The small treasury does not seem to matter much, but the embankment of a thousand miles collapsed in an ant's nest. If you are used to this kind of convenience and cannot restrain your desires, then the small treasury's money There will be more and more, eventually causing people to slide into the abyss.

In the past, Bei Chong had no money, and the small treasury didn't have much. Now Bei Chong is different. Jin Yuning, who needs to pay attention to the small treasury, is just right.

On April 3, the No. 1 unit of the Beichong Power Plant was officially put into operation after a 72-hour test. This was an unprecedented grand occasion in Beichong. Many leaders from the provinces and cities came to observe the ceremony, and even the Haijiao Power Plant sent people. come.

The Beichong Power Plant even set up a stage for this and decided to sing for 15 days in a row. This is a way of celebration by the people of Beichong. For the people of Beichong, in the coming summer, everyone will no longer have to worry about lack of electricity.

No need to be short of electricity is a joy. The voltage can go up. This is the second joy. During the peak period of power shortage, even where there is electricity, the voltage can't go up, let alone two hundred two, 200 can't go up.

At this time, let alone the air conditioner, you can watch TV and the TV will automatically turn off. What's more, the fluorescent lights at home can't be turned on. You can only light up incandescent lights. I don't know how hard the people are.

Let’s leave the cheers of the people aside. In fact, the boss of Haijiao Geoelectricity is here for the people, and also shoulders a mission. Can the electricity sent by Beichong be evenly distributed to Haijiao?

Kang Xiaoan said without hesitation, no! The electricity of our Hengbei Didian is not enough.

President Quan was a bit dissatisfied, saying that your transmission line has not been set up yet, and the electricity from Beichong is sent out, and you can't use it. Why stop us from using it?

My Yangzhou is suffering from a severe shortage of electricity right now. At this time Li Qiang jumped out. After a while, the summer will come and give me all of Yangzhou. I am afraid that it will not be enough. Where can I get electricity?

In fact, both parties in the dispute are aware that once this hole is opened, the future electricity of Beichong must be supplied to the cape with high quality and quantity. Otherwise, the investment in power transmission and transformation will be overwhelming and annoying.

It's okay. Quan is for the people and he doesn't have the desire to win. He doesn't expect Hengbei to be all fools. He just thinks that he won't lose a piece of meat if he asks, and if he doesn't ask, the other party won't appreciate it.

However, although Kang Xiaoan is tight, the construction of the geoelectric power grid is still a bit worse. It can't digest so much electricity for a while. If you want to sell it to Guodian, Guodian will say that is OK, and the on-grid price is two cents.

This price is purely a face price. Needless to say, the sales price of Guodian, only the on-grid price of other thermal power plants, is also 30 cents over the iron and iron land, and the Beichong Power Plant uses new energy and considers environmental protection. And other comprehensive benefits, the cost of power generation is even higher than that of ordinary thermal power.

In such a power shortage situation, the Electric Power Bureau gave such a purchase price, that is, it is clear that there is no room for two tigers. If you are willing to sell, you will sell, and you are not willing to sell. Anyway, without our permission, you are not eligible to use the public network.

Kang Xiaoan gritted his teeth with anger, but Chen Taizhong didn't care. When he was building the power plant, he considered the consequences and he even suspected that Mr. Kang's furious appearance might have been pretended.

Anyway, the current Beichong Power Plant is a geopower holding company, and the power plant is not profitable. The most anxious thing is geopower. For Beichong, the emphasis is on the availability of electricity.

So he shook his hand and went to the capital altogether. What he is most worried about is the oil shale project. If he wants to run down this project, he has to run at least 20 times for his own sake.

Yin Jinghua even suggested to him that three hundred and sixty-five days a year, you had better stay in the capital for one hundred and fifty days.

In fact, this is true. Although the people in the ministries and committees are relatively reliable, some people just want to do nothing. They don't need to oppose your work. It is enough to make people depressed if they don't speak up.

Chen Taizhong experienced this kind of thing personally.

When he came to Beijing this time, he brought Wang Yuanyuan with him. The one who wanted to come with him most was Chang Yuling, but Secretary Chen said that this is a major event related to energy security, not just an industrial port issue, but the key is related to the plan.

Secretary Chen took Director Wang to the Ministry of Science and Technology twice. After getting acquainted with the environment, for the third time, he asked Wang Yuanyuan to go by himself, mainly to get the latest situation.

Unexpectedly, Wang Yuanyuan hit a nail that was neither soft nor hard. From the afternoon when she went to work, she kept Wang Yuanyuan out of work until she left. As for Director Tao and Director An, the other party didn’t mention a word, but just said no. know.

The next morning, it was the same again. Seeing that he was about to get off work again, Director Wang was anxious and called Secretary Chen. Boss, they didn't care about me at all.

Then you report my name. Chen Taizhong feels that Xiao Wang's mentality is a bit problematic: You are understanding the situation for Bei Chong and me. What can be hidden?

"I said," Wang Yuanyuan was aggrieved and explained over the phone, "I said, you are not Chen Taizhong."

When Chen Taizhong heard it, he became angry. He drove to the Ministry of Science and Technology, and finally rushed to before leaving work~ and successfully blocked the director of the general office called Lan Lanyun, "Lan, you give me I stop."

"Hello, Secretary Chen," Chief Lan raised his brow first, and stood steadily, without moving closer, "What's the matter?"

"What do you mean?" Chen Taizhong narrowed his eyes. Two days ago, this surnamed Lan was quite polite to him, but today he changed his tone directly, turning his face faster than turning his book.

This is what Chen can't stand the most. He turned his face without warning. You must know that although he is a small official from the running department, he is already quite familiar with this line.

The former director of the General Office was Zhang Yufeng, and then Director Tao and An Guochao were not outsiders. It was this blue sky and cloud. He was polite to meet him two times before, but now I don’t know why they are connected. Hang Xiao Wang for two days.

"Secretary Chen, if you come to understand the situation, it's best to come by yourself. The leaders in the ministry are very busy," Chief Lan replied nonchalantly, with a loud voice, "Let some of the staff below come, it is not easy to explain clearly. The problem is also disrespect for the leader, don’t you think?"

This statement is correct, but it is wrong to say it so loudly, let alone Chen Taizhong knows clearly that the communication over the past two days is only to understand the progress of the situation, where is there any respect or disrespect?

Seriously, he can do it with a phone call, and being able to send someone over is already regarded as respect.

If it weren't for the off-duty time, the people in the ministry were walking out in twos and threes, and he would have liked to kick it over. Everyone turned their heads around when they heard Chief Lan say this.

"I think I don't respect enough, do you mean it, or Director Tao?" Chen Taizhong also yelled loudly. ...)

ps: Update to, summon monthly pass.

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