Official Immortal

Vol 10 Chapter 4412: Brutal competition

Chapter 4412: Cruel Competition

Xu Chunliang has been eyeing the polysilicon project for a long time, but I don’t know how many people are eyeing this project across the country.

According to Director Xu, the polysilicon market will inevitably face a major reshuffle in the future, just like the color TV production line in the late 1980s and the mobile phone production line in the late 1990s, competition will be extremely cruel.

Speaking of this, I have to mention the two current products of the Phoenix Science and Technology Commission. Fortunately, the blast electric car. In this regard, the Science and Technology Commission is ahead of the market and ahead of other manufacturers. The quality is good, so it is developed. Not bad.

Sufeng mobile phone is facing the most obvious competition. Everyone has gone through all kinds of hardships to win the license. They also have to face cruel competition from other manufacturers. In the mobile phone market, flesh and blood are flying, and the competition is really fierce.

Fortunately, Sufeng won Siemens's foundry, and the quantity is guaranteed, and because it has gone out of the country, the reputation is also quite good, but that's it, in the domestic market, it does not have much advantage.

They are all domestic mobile phones with similar functions. You sell one thousand two, and others sell eight hundred. If you offer a discount, you can buy five hundred. Why do you compete with others? If you say that your quality is good, users can add some money and directly buy foreign brands.

The competition is so cruel, many manufacturers do not hesitate to occupy the channel and the market-as for profit? Don't worry, take the market down first, open the door to do business, who can make a profit as soon as the door is opened?

The mobile phone market at this time is quite cruel, and there are really not too many closed manufacturers.

Sufeng can survive, will survive, and can already recite Buddhism. At present, Sufeng mobile phone has a certain share in the mid-range market. It also has the right to speak, and when it comes to tracing the roots, it still has the light of Vodafone's bulk purchasing.

What Xu Chunliang meant is that it is here. You don't need to say anything about patents or patents in the production of polysilicon. Let me ask you, when your production line is built, how do you plan to sell it?

Director Xu is very optimistic about this project. But because of this, he pondered for a long time and found that this project will also face a major reshuffle in the near future-a reshuffle of this nature is too bloody. Most people can't afford it.

You may not be afraid of being too loyal, but after three years and five years, you can’t pay back and you have to continue to pay for it. If there is no scheduled next home-like Vodafone in the mobile phone market, do you think this project...can be done?

"Then say that, you don't want to do it?" Chen Taizhong asked.

"I decided to give up temporarily." Xu Chunliang told the truth, "I originally wanted to rely on the Science and Technology Agency to win this project, but this project is really not easy to do. And when I fight hardest, I should be about the same. I also left the Science and Technology Commission...I can't do it without grants in that hall."

What made him decide to give up was the lack of money in the hall. In fact, for profitable trading. The Phoenix Science and Technology Commission is not short of money. It can be seen that he is not very optimistic about the short-term development of this project.

From another point of view, Director Xu is really a very responsible leader. The general leader just goes to the ground for performance for the sake of performance. Only with political achievements can he climb up. As for the future... After my death, how can I care about the flood? ?

Then can I develop downstream companies in the photovoltaic industry while working on polysilicon? Chen Taizhong also didn't know whether this thing could be sold abroad-he knew too little about it, so he just asked in passing.

The polysilicon currently used in our country is imported. What do you think? Xu Chunliang snorted coldly.

However, Director Xu did not keep pouring cold water, that is to say, if you want to engage in polysilicon, you'd better watch it for a few years. When the market matures, you can intervene again-this market is likely to have a head start.

Don’t intervene at the moment, just don’t lose too much blood. When others come out of the market, we will vigorously intervene. The market economy is originally the big fish eating the small fish.

However, the market does not welcome strangers. This is also the truth. So if you want to engage in polysilicon now, you can do it on a small scale. It doesn't matter if you lose your money. You have to have a familiar hand and a certain reputation, and you can rush to it when it is critical.

Are China State Construction and China Railway very good? You let him use a mobile phone, can he see if he can rush up? Still have to have a familiar hand.

Xu Chunliang's remarks are really invisible, and Chen Taizhong also has to admit that with the passage of time, everyone is growing, and Chunliang is now... not the pure and good young man anymore.

But in the end, Xu Chunliang asked a very simple question, "Too loyal, infrared thermometer, I have controlled the cost to 120... The simple version can be controlled to 70, will SARS come back? ?"

How do you tell me to answer this question? Chen Taizhong was a little crazy.

He has only so many impressions of SARS, and he basically ran out of them, but as an anti-SARS star, he does know all kinds of speculations and associations about SARS.

This virus appeared quite inexplicably, and within a short period of time, it swept through most of China and exported many cases to the world.

Last summer, the SARS virus was strangled under global attention, but many experts believe that the virus will not be completely destroyed, more likely because of the season and climate, it has temporarily died down.

So this year, the whole country has made preparations for the counterattack of SARS-I believe it will not be as passive as last year, but strangely, similar cases did not happen.

With Chen Taizhong's level and news channels, he has not heard of similar incidents, so it is impossible to cover the cover-last year there was already a profound lesson.

In short, there is no SARS attack this year, and many manufacturers are at a loss. Now there are more than 20 domestic manufacturers that can make cheap infrared thermometers. Everyone is waiting to make a big profit—this is not enough. Kind, but true.

"You made enough money last year. Anyway, we don't make money from this, right?" Chen Taizhong didn't give a judgment. Other manufacturers may lose money in infrared thermometers, but the Phoenix Science and Technology Commission has already made money, so what else does it care about? ?

"I just think this SARS is a bit strange," Xu Chunliang sighed.

"This is not a problem we have to consider," Chen Taizhong hung up without hesitation, and then sighed, with endless grievances in his heart: my buddy came to the capital to run an oil shale project... What are they?

With this grievance, he returned to Beichong. What is so dying is that Li Qiang called again and asked about the progress of the oil shale project. He could only say indifferently: I'm talking, and there is no breakthrough progress.

Secretary Li knew his temper, so he didn't dare to say anything more, so he just hung up the phone-now Li Qiang is in front of Chen Taizhong, he can't stand up at all, and he is simply ill-informed.

Seriously, the oil shale project has come down. With Xiao Chen's temperament, how much can the city be allocated? What else can I care about?

Chen Taizhong was uncomfortable. After talking to the representatives of college students who returned home to start a business this year, he went to the brick factory of the Beichong Power Plant. After the oil shale is fully burned, the residue can be used to make bricks.

However, the residue of the oil shale in Beichong is also a bit troublesome. The radioactivity is relatively high and can only be used for pavement bricks, or berms, and cannot be used to build buildings.

Therefore, this brick factory is also under the name of Beichong Power Plant. A period of time ago, Bai Fengming's nephew won the right to operate for five years.

This is another related household. Anyway, this is the world now, but the contract price reported by this person is not low, because Deputy County Magistrate Bai is very clear about the future plan of Beichong, and bricks from the brick factory can be purchased locally.

And Wushan will be in charge of him sooner or later, buying some bricks from his nephew, how big is this?

Since the power plant was used to generate electricity, the raw materials for making bricks have been coming in continuously. However, after many attempts by Bai Boss, the bricks in the first two kilns did not burn well, and the third kiln burned satisfactory bricks. Fortunately, Bai Fengming asked someone for help.

The current brick factory has entered a period of normal production. Boss Bai has contacted Secretary Chen many times and finally invited the Secretary to take a look.

After inspecting, Chen Taizhong said lightly that as long as you strictly control the quality, the district will definitely purchase a large amount of it, but this process...cannot be satisfied with this. You must keep improving and try to sell it to other countries.

Then he emphasized that This thing must not be sold to residential houses. In fact, what he wants to say, don't sell to residential houses in Beichong, but this is not appropriate to say directly-sell to other counties, then It's really nothing to do with him, it's your ability to sell it.

When he was speaking, there were people from the TV station nearby who were filming. Secretary Chen will be on TV news again in the evening, but this is also a logical thing: using waste residue to make bricks was originally a new thing in Beichong. .

While Boss Bai was kindly reserved for dinner, Secretary Chen received a call from Liao Dabao, saying that the thief who stole the cable had been recruited.

Stealing cables is not uncommon in Beichong. Some people were even burnt directly on the high-voltage line. The land is sparsely populated, and the people are poor. There are these crooked minds.

Bei Chong knew about this in the past, but now that he has temporarily taken over the power grid, he knows how serious this phenomenon is.

The police felt that the theft was too frequent, so they asked people from the Electricity Bureau to find out if this was the case before. The people from the Electricity Bureau replied that it was easy to lose cables during the rainy season, and when the heavy rains rushed, nothing was left.

As for the fact that the Electric Power Bureau used to call the police less frequently, it was because it was useless to report to the police. When it comes to this, the people of the Electric Power Bureau couldn’t help but gloat over our power grid. Now we know that power grids are not so easy to grab. Right?

At this time, the police in Beichong went on fire, and the whole area launched an online search. Finally, they found the copper core inside the cable at a waste collection station, and then caught the copper core seller along the line.

If we don't talk about our party getting serious, there is nothing we can't do.

However, Liao Dabao made this call at this time because of other reasons, "...How to steal cables was taught by the Electric Power Bureau."

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