Official Immortal

Vol 10 Chapter 4423: Hidden

The fourth thousand four hundred and twenty-three chapters are hidden

While others were still wondering how to buy more cheap coal from Beichong, and how to keep up with Chen Taizhong's hype, Secretary Chen's attention had quietly shifted.

Next, he talked about another major event. Agricultural insurance might be thankless, but how can you know if you don't try it?

After learning about agricultural insurance in the past, Luo Yaping handed in a thick report in about two weeks.

The way this report is written is a bit like Wang Yuanyuan. Secretary Chen knows it at first glance, but this is not important. What is important is that the feasibility of this plan is relatively high.

District Mayor Luo judged in the plan that the conditions for the full implementation of agricultural insurance are not mature. At present, we can only focus on some key contents and projects. The living standards of the people in Beichong have improved a lot in the past two years, but they really haven’t. Rich enough to buy insurance casually.

She suggested focusing on several aspects: baby fish farming, other large-scale economic farming, even including loach, the greenhouse is naturally the focus, regardless of planting or breeding, the cost is extremely high, and there is a higher profit expectation.

The planting industry can also be grasped. For example, Tobacco Beichong needs to protect this industry. Tobacco planting also has great potential dangers, such as natural disasters, pests and diseases.

Luo Yaping roughly calculated the cost, and it is very inaccurate to estimate that the principal of this insurance will reach about 10 million a year, and the district must prepare at least 5 million subsidies.

Let the Planning Commission check, Chen Taizhong sees five million. I don't think this is a big deal. Although Li Qiang wants more than five million yuan to make him painful, five million is still worth cultivating the risk awareness and insurance concepts of farmers in Beichong.

As for the verification by the Planning Commission, this is a manifestation of Beichong's recent power structure. In many things, the Planning Commission must eventually check the Planning Commission, so let's not talk about it.

To put it bluntly, Wang Yuanyuan's current power is greater than that of the top leaders of the Finance Bureau, Transportation Bureau, and Construction Committee. But once the Planning Commission approved it. Power is also delegated.

But whoever thinks that Director Wang only has the power in his hand is a big mistake, compared to Cui Chongshan, the director of finance. Wang Yuanyuan held it in her hand. It is the real money bag to sell ramie and coal. All are in the hands of the Planning Commission.

Otherwise, Wang Yuanyuan's current influence is too great. Have power, have power, have money, have money.

Chen Taizhong still believes in Director Wang's ethics, even if there is Xiao Wang's shadow in this report.

The review by the Planning Commission was quick, and the results were given two days later. Wang Yuanyuan suggested that the decision of Beichong Agricultural Insurance can be publicized and openly listen to farmers’ suggestions.

Or some people think that agricultural insurance can also be included in the content of their own work; or some people think that they do not need to be included in agricultural insurance for what they do. It is good to always listen to everyone's opinions.

After listening to various opinions, it is the bidding of insurance companies. Unlike the previous agricultural insurance, the district plans to spend 5 million yuan in subsidies. Presumably, the temptation for insurance companies is still great.

Facts have proved that Wang Yuanyuan's thoughts are not wrong at all. As soon as this announcement was made, various insurance companies took the initiative to contact the door to consult Bei Chong's policy on agricultural insurance.

For insurance companies, agricultural insurance is really trivial, but the amount of five million is enough to make people pay attention to it. It is also worthwhile to design some types of insurance and insurance content specifically for this project.

The suggestions and opinions collected by Beichong from the society are not very effective. Those who have included the insurance coverage will just come over to confirm whether the insurance is voluntary. After receiving a positive answer, they will have no opinion. It depends on the situation. When you want to enter, you can enter, and you can not enter if you don’t want to enter.

However, some people who are engaged in economic tree species and ramie planting said that we want to join in, okay?

For example, pecans. The two hailstorms last year severely affected the production of pecans in Yangzhou. Beichong did not suffer a disaster, but there were too many disasters outside Beichong. Listen, everyone. It also feels a little lucky.

But what do you say about pecans? Because the planting area is not very large, and the area is relatively fixed, even if it suffers a disaster, it will only have a bad year. When the year is bad, the unit price will rise. This is the power of market regulation.

The same is true for ramie. As the output goes down, the unit price will rise.

So these people come to ask, it doesn't mean they really want to take out insurance, they just hope that they can get subsidies from the district when they need to buy insurance.

We will explain the situation you report to the insurance company. When designing the insurance policy, please consider the response of the leaders in this question area.

The intensive investigation in Bei Chong even alarmed Ouyang Gui. The European governor made a call to Chen Taizhong's cell phone, "Little Chen, Bei Chong, are you engaged in agricultural insurance?"

"Yes, there are more and more high value-added content in Beichong's current agriculture," Chen Taizhong explained why he did this, "but high value-added, we face high risks, our greenhouse planting and breeding The household suffered heavy losses in the first two days."

"Your baby fish farming should have done this agricultural insurance long ago," Ouyang Gui pointed out unceremoniously. Anyway, Zhuge Liang is always easy to take it afterwards these days. "You come to Chaotian and bring textual materials. "

"It's just a bit of an idea, not mature enough," Chen Taizhong hesitated a little. He is a face-saving person. If there is something unexpected in the plan, he will feel unable to hang up. "I plan to collect feedback on information and take a look. An insurance plan designed by an insurance company."

"It's too late, come on, try to arrive this evening, and come to my office tomorrow morning," Ouyang Gui didn't listen to his explanation and directly pressed the phone.

What is too late? Chen Taizhong frowned suspiciously. He took a look at his watch. It was ten o'clock in the morning, and he had to rush to Chaotian at night when he wanted to produce written materials.

So he quickly notified Luo Yaping that the two men joined after lunch and drove straight to Chaotian.

District Mayor Luo finally showed the advantages of being born in the Academy of Agricultural Sciences. She learned that the Ministry of Agriculture was also very concerned about agricultural insurance this year. There will be a meeting next week to discuss the issue of agricultural insurance.

In particular, she learned through her mother’s students that this time the ministry might select several pilots to issue agricultural insurance subsidies to the ministry to observe the effect.

"Sure enough, it is also a subsidy," Chen Taizhong smiled and asked the farmers to buy insurance, which was really unrealistic.

The two arrived at Chaotian at 8 o'clock in the evening. In front of District Mayor Luo, Secretary Chen picked up the phone and dialed directly, "Governor Europe, Ronaldinho and I have arrived at Chaotian, are you at home?"

"I just got home, but let's talk in the office tomorrow," Governor Ou replied with a smile, and then asked again, "Can you find a place to live, do you want me to arrange it for you?"

"Thank you, Governor Ou, no need," Chen Taizhong quickly refused with a smile, "I will send District Mayor Luo home and go to the Yangzhou office to stay overnight."

The conversation between the two was very casual, but District Mayor Luo was secretly stunned. It turns out that the relationship between Secretary Chen and Governor Europe is really as good as the legend, and Governor Europe can come and go freely.

Sounds like... Governor Europe wants to book a room for him?

Luo Yaping has a good background, but no matter how good the background is, the deputy governor is also the existence she wants to look up to. This call made her more and more aware of Secretary Chen's strength.

Because they came back late, the two found a place to eat something casually. District Mayor Luo said that he also asked others to inquire about the news, and more accurate information might come in the evening.

In fact, it doesn't matter, Chen Taizhong smiled and asked how much subsidies the ministry can give? Whether this pilot is necessary or not, it really doesn't mean much. He is more suspicious. After taking the subsidy from the ministry, it is likely to face the designated insurance company...

At 8:30 the next day, the two came to Ouyanggui's office. They usually waited for some people outside, but the secretary of the Governor of Ou directly blocked the others and greeted them to advance.

Two young people, the male and the sunny, and the beautiful female, even jumped in, and someone next to him whispered, "Which boss is this, so bullish?"

In the current officialdom, it is strictly forbidden for male leaders to serve as female secretaries, and Chen is in charge at first sight. Everyone guesses that these two are outside the system.

"It seems like that woman is... Luo Gong from the Academy of Agricultural Sciences?" Someone said uncertainly. Luo Yaping at least picked a beauty of that level from a hundred miles. According to the law that IQ and beauty are inversely proportional, Luo Yaping can make small achievements in the Academy of Agricultural Sciences. Many people are impressed.

"It turned out to be him!" Someone nodded thoughtfully, then glanced at each other, and they could see the man with a deep smile hidden in the eyes of the other person. In all likelihood, he was the famous party representative Chen Taizhong.

The four female deputy district heads of Beichong are well-known gossips in Hengbei. Many people do not know Beichong’s other achievements, and they also know the four female district heads. Some people say that this party representative enjoys a lot of beauty. He said viciously that four female district mayors came to the aunt at the same time. Wouldn't the Beichong district government be paralyzed for several days?

Why didn't people guess what the outsiders said, the two entered the deputy governor's office, Ouyang Gui raised his hand, motioned them to sit down, and then bluntly said, "Bring the written materials, right?"

Chen Taizhong lifted his hand and motioned Luo Yaping to hand over the materials. She prepared this material hard. He will not take the credit of his subordinates. "You know what you have prepared."

District Chief Luo took out the materials, stepped forward and passed them.

"Luo Luo is here too," Ouyang Gui looked at her for a second, then picked up the materials and looked at it.

It took about five minutes to see the Governor of Europe. Fortunately, the materials prepared by Governor Luo are for the leaders to see. There is an index in the front and a summary of the specific arguments in the back. The leaders are willing or not to read it. Whatever. ...)

ps: Update to, summon monthly pass.

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