Official Immortal

Vol 10 Chapter 4432: A willing heart

The fourth thousand one hundred and thirty-two chapters

Not only does the logistics center have a big impact? The level of excitement can catch up with a small town.

Many farmers’ agricultural and sideline products are sold here directly, and some people concentrate on purchasing agricultural and sideline products and then transport them to other places to make money. Some people also pick up goods from other places here. There is not much popularity.

So there are small restaurants, auto repair shops, specialty shops, hardware grocery stores, canteens, and...shampoos.

But now this place is so lively and extraordinary, it still came from the idea of ​​a helper.

Pan Jianping is a native of Xiao Zhao, and his family has been farming for generations. Just like a high school student like him, he is also a rare cultural man in his family.

In fact, his college entrance examination results can be applied to a college, but the tuition is relatively expensive, the road is relatively long, and the graduation is not included, he has a little hesitation: the family is relatively poor, the second uncle is a bit rich, but his father is For Pan’s parents, he won’t take advantage of his younger siblings, so the boss has to look like a boss.

Then, the enrollment teacher of that school told him: Your score is only a few points above the admission threshold. It is not your first choice. This... This year's competition is relatively fierce.

I'm not going to learn this! Classmate Xiao Pan turned around and left. Of course he knew that the other party was asking for benefits.

This is not a momentary impulse. He calculated that his family was poor, the distribution was not included, and the school still asked for bribes. It was really unnecessary to go... The point is that he was only a few points above the admission score. He went to school and his grades were also bottom. When I want to find a good job, it's difficult!

So he went home and farmed just like an average high school graduate. Marry a wife and have children-when he got married, he also borrowed a lot of money for gifts from his second uncle.

His second uncle does not urge to pay back the money, but when he is in trouble, he needs to find his nephew: You are an educator, Zhu Jiehua is pulling lime to fill the second uncle’s fish pond. You can help think of a way.

Pan Jianping could only run back and forth, but it was useless. Zhu's family was in Xiao Zhao, and Zhu Jiehua was a cadre in the village.

Later, defenders were recruited in the district. His second uncle told him. You have to sign up. Our Pan family suffers, and there is no one on it. You can definitely do it. There was a university to go to. Didn't go... Sigh. The second uncle should have insisted.

He felt boring, but he still owed his second uncle money, didn't he? So I signed up, and was brushed down by the village. Some people say that it is because Zhu Jiehua is making troubles. Others say that Zhu Jiehua is not good enough now, what can he do?

His second uncle spurned him to go to the district to report for direct elections. He felt embarrassed, but he went anyway.

What's interesting is that he was selected this time, and some people even said that he could not be selected. District Chief Chen saw his name when he was looking at the list. He laughed hard and directly checked his name. Up.

So some people wondered if he had caught the way of District Mayor Chen, or had caught the way of Wang Yuanyuan.

But later... everyone saw that it was not the same. When Liu Hua died, he was also checking the car. When District Chief Chen came to express his condolences, he didn't express any special concern about him, and there was no hint at all.

Just behave well anyway, Pan Jianping has no other ideas at this point. The defenders in the district are not full-time. They can go home when they are busy. When they are not busy, his income is not as good as that of the workers on the construction site, but always Those who maintain order have a sense of honour—you can get a good job if you do well.

On this day, he stopped work and went home to teach his third uncle’s son to do elementary school mathematics. There are really few Pan family members who can learn mathematics well. But absent-minded.

Then he slammed the pencil, turned his head and left. The little guy was frightened and hurried to chase, only to find that the eldest brother was pushing the motorcycle and went straight out.

Pan Jianping is not angry with his cousin. He is aware of a problem: the two cars met... this is the two cars meeting. When they met, they exchanged goods, everyone turned around and left. There was no empty car and returned!

This is the real meaning of the existence of the logistics center-transit!

The Beichong Logistics Center is now focusing on distribution, which means that an empty truck will come over and deliver goods to you. The efficiency of this distribution is not very high, but it is better than nothing.

Go back with a full car. This is different. The capacity is used. Moreover, drivers in Cape may not be familiar with Dibei, and drivers in Dibei may not be familiar with Hengbei. If you only run on your own site, the convenience is a lot of.

What the logistics center is doing now is a bit biased. It didn't catch the point, Pan Jianping thought.

In fact, he was biased when thinking this way. The logistics center was just built not long ago, and the main reason was to be famous. Ge Baoling even went to the road to stop the car, and he did not hesitate to recite his name to let everyone know that Beichong has a logistics center.

Only after gaining fame can we consider optimizing business content.

Anyway, classmate Xiaopan was very excited, he wanted to report his ideas, but halfway through the motorcycle, he turned his head and stopped going to the logistics center, I'll go to Director Wang.

The logistics center is under the management of the Transportation Bureau. Zhu Jiehua is now the deputy director of the Transportation Bureau. The two companies are not dealing with it. This is obvious. If his ideas are contributed, it may be embezzled by someone.

Seriously, he is a helper organization. Although he assists in guarding the logistics center, his direct leader is Wang Yuanyuan. Although he also has a captain on his head, the influence of this captain is limited.

Especially, Wang Yuanyuan was also from Xiao Zhao, and she did not interact with Zhu Jiehua. When Xiao Wang was in the village, Pan Jianping met with her and wanted to greet her, so she could say a few words.

If Director Wang is willing to help, then Director Zhu is nothing at all, not to mention that one is a regular department and the other is a deputy department. In the eyes of District Chief Chen, who is more important than the two — need to ask?

As he walked all the way to the district, he straightened his thoughts all the way, and then went directly to the bachelor building to find Director Wang. There was also Director Qi of the Planning Commission Office who was there at the time. He didn't care about so many, so he explained his thoughts at once. come out.

"This is a good idea," Qi Ying applauded on the spot. "However, should you tell the captain first?"

"It doesn't matter if the captain is not the captain." Wang Yuanyuan shook her head. She had such a good idea. She went straight to the door. That should be the case. The captain of the defense team could not do this kind of master. What she considered was, "But...this is Liu The district chief is in charge."

There is something wrong with Zhu Jiehua in my home. Pan Jianping wanted to say so, but after thinking about it, he still used his words carefully, "I am a helper, our planning committee, and the logistics center is changed like this. I think the planning committee can participate. Yes, let’s take care of the plan."

"Well, I see," Wang Yuanyuan nodded, saying nothing.

Pan Jianping even suspected that his idea might have contributed in vain. Unexpectedly, three days later, Secretary Chen, District Mayor Liu and Director Wang appeared at the logistics center at the same time.

Secretary Chen made a decision on the spot, rewarded you with 10,000 yuan, and appointed you as the acting deputy director of the logistics center. You implemented this idea for me and straightened it out. You are the deputy director of the logistics center... Director Wang said a lot about you. Good thing, don't disappoint her trust.

In doing this, Chen Taizhong wanted to buy horse bones for his daughters to make everyone move. There is such a typical example that deserves great commendation. He believes that if he is a helper, he can think of this idea, but... he is not the thing. Is it too much?

As for emphasizing the role of Director Wang, it’s a bit of someone’s personal possessions. He wants to cultivate Wang Yuanyuan as the second novice. This is because he doesn’t know the grudge between the Pan family and the Zhu family. Otherwise, he Dare to directly appoint Pan Jianping as the director of the logistics center.

Zhu Jiehua's product is too similar to Chen, and he appreciates it, but if it is really the second Chen Taizhong, will it be the second Xiaobai?

In any case, through this incident, he felt that the establishment of this co-defender system would still be able to solve the talent crisis in Beichong. More than a year ago, Pan Jianping was nothing more than a farmer—a farmer who graduated from high school.

But after more than a year of working as a co-defense officer, Xiao Pan is familiar with many government processes and has broadened his horizons. I left it with Xiao Pan two years ago. Can he make such a suggestion?

This may not be high-level talents, but low-level talents are also talents, so he wants money to buy horse bones to make everyone move.

He is buying horse bones, but for Pan Jianping, this is a huge change in his entire life. The logistics center enjoys the treatment of a deputy bureau, and will be upgraded to a deputy bureau in the near as he is. Deputy director, that is a unit-level cadre.

And Zhu Jiehua was the director of Xiaozhao Township’s Economic Development Office and a unit-level cadre when he had trouble with his second uncle.

Of course, the key thing is that with this appointment, he completely got rid of the embarrassing status of the temporary establishment, entered the system seriously, and began to eat the royal food.

Not to mention, Secretary Chen also pointed out that he was promoted by Director Wang, which means that he even has a backer—not to mention Zhu Jiehua, District Mayor Liu is not good at making things difficult for him.

Pan Jian was really happy, but on the second night after he was appointed, Zhu Jiehua came to the door, "Little Pan, I didn’t have any selfish intentions about your second uncle. You know, let’s ask him to drink today. After a...

In fact, I drank a meal back then. I had already talked about it, but there were some lumps that could not be solved with a single drink. The Pan family always thought that Zhu Jia was embarrassed.

And Zhu Jiehua's words, in fact, are not very weak. The off-topic meaning is-if you really want to do it, I will accompany you.

Otherwise, Director Zhu and Secretary Chen are really alike: if you catch Wang Yuanyuan, I am not afraid of you.

But for Pan Jianping's second uncle, Zhu Jiehua would have a lot of face when his nephew was promoted, and he would come to him for a drink. This was because the Zhu family knew it was wrong.

In fact, it doesn't matter who is right or who is wrong in this matter. Each has its own reason. The people of Beichong just live and apologize sincerely. This is a happy scene for everyone.

Pan Jianping’s second uncle was so drunk that he slept until the next afternoon before he woke up. Then he called his nephew, "Go hard, second uncle supports you... I wish Jiehua have many ideas, and you have many ideas, I know, See how you grew up." (To be continued.)

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