Official Immortal

Vol 10 Chapter 4443: Special offer

Chapter 4443 Special Offer

The province made this decision because of the reputation of the baby fish in Beichong. Of course, it is the reputation of the high-end circle. Some distinguished guests will directly order the baby fish.

But Beichong is too different. The sales of baby fish are not managed by the province at all. The city doesn’t need to manage it if they want to. Many times the province wants baby fish, and they have to negotiate with the two contractors that they are in control. Mobile quota.

Of course, in the face of some relatively strong leaders, these two are also quite winking, let alone selling, sometimes they have to be given.

But just like this, the province also felt that the supply and marketing channels for this baby fish were not smooth, and some people were thinking about correcting it. However, the output of baby fish in Beichong was too small, and there was a special supply to the capital. Not only was it difficult for Chen Taizhong to speak, this permit was still North If Chong ran down by himself, they were not easy to speak casually.

This year, the baby fish has a good harvest, so it’s different. The person from the Agency Affairs Bureau said, five thousand, right? The excess is given to us. The monthly supply of two hundred is the price you said.

Purchasing special products generally does not cost money. At this point, the province will not make Beichong embarrassed.

Chen Taizhong thought about it, and then replied: One hundred per month, no more. If the baby fish industry wants to develop, it must ensure its own supply capacity and let you take away my increased production. How is this possible?

However, at the same time, he does not reject the baby fish as a special supply. From the perspective of development, if the baby fish cannot become a special supply, it will inevitably be brought to the market and the output will increase sharply. Will have an impact on the unit price.

If it becomes a special supply, because of institutional barriers, it is destined to only circulate in a small area and will not cause an impact on the market. For ordinary consumers, this may be unfair, but it is inevitable that Beichong pursues the maximization of interests. select.

Chen has always been in charge of his own family, and special purchases... it is not bad for a small amount of money.

In fact, in his plan for the baby fish industry, special procurement will be done sooner or later. Even if the province doesn't find it. He will also find the province next year.

Because this year’s fry is 12,000. Looking at the whole country, that is, among 100,000 people, one person can buy one baby fish a year. The market can still accommodate. But the production of baby fish is violent. That is sooner or later.

According to his understanding, some counties and districts have already applied for the baby fish breeding project, but it is still under review. Even if it succeeds, the fry will not be available until October next year.

In October next year, Beichong’s plan is 20,000 fish fry, which is also the number of fry that the capital has promised to provide, but Beichong has already developed its own breeding plan. Five hundred fish are the red line, and no one can move. .

That is to say, in the next year, at least 50,000 fry will be hatched in Beichong, 30,000 are bought, and 20,000 will be hatched 500 fishes by ourselves, and 20,000 will not be hatched. The entire team of the breeding center can Take it away.

At that time, even if someone from other counties and districts has applied for a license, can they form their own industrial chain in one year? That is impossible, at least three years.

After calculating this competition account, we must consider calculating the sales account. In the following year, Bei Chong can incubate 20,000 tails, and at least 100,000 tails in the new year. In fact, when the annual output reaches 20,000 tails, it will Consider the endurance of the market.

It is precisely because of this that even if the province does not find him, next year he will go to the province to pursue a special offer. Now that the province takes the initiative, he saves a lot of things. At least the province will come to him instead of him. Province.

Now that the other party has come, he made a one-hundred-tail condition, and at the same time proposed: cash must be in stock.

Special purchases are not bad for money, but if people are in arrears, they also respond to the government's arrears, which is difficult to collect.

When the provincial government heard it, they thought it was not bad. They didn't want to push Beichong too quickly, so they said that this year is good, but next year the 12,000 fish will mature, and you have to give at least 8,000 fish.

It's 7,000, but 8,000 can't guarantee that Chen Taizhong supports the soaring special supply, but Beichong's sales channels must also be stable. Eggs cannot be placed in one basket.

Because the special confession of the baby fish has a relatively large impact in the province, leaders of the Department of Justice have heard that a baby fish is worth 10,000 yuan. This means that the province will spend more than one million yuan every month. Come to purchase.

After a year, the province spends more than 10 million yuan on purchasing baby fish. This is still the lack of supply in Beichong. It is scary to think about it, but when you think about so many administrative bureaus and commissions of the provincial party committee and the provincial government, this little money It seems to be nothing.

As a matter of fact, the provincial special tribute finalized this year cannot be left in the province. It is a tribute to the top. Other brother provinces and cities can also use this to clear the way. One hundred fry a month, which is really not much.

Without the system, I can’t imagine the demand for special products. Even if Beichong provides thousands of baby fish a month, it can still be digested, but just like Chen Taizhong thought, the monthly supply of baby fish is 5,000 to 6,000. , The price will inevitably fall.

Secretary Chen stood up and said that he had arranged dinner, but everyone knew that this guy called for help. It's okay to call, and your card is completely revealed. It's easy to say how to deal with this matter.

Chen Taizhong’s first call was made to Meng Yi. How could the boss of Meng be also the chief official in charge of the territorial borders? There are also such contradictions in the area, but I don’t know that boss Meng can’t take care of it.

It was Na Pali who answered the phone. He said that the boss is having a meeting in the capital, so please tell me directly if you have anything to do.

When he finished speaking, the director was shocked on the spot, "Taizhong, have you made a mistake, how do you think about this weird thing all day? Let me say, can't you focus on economic development?"

"I'm just a county, how many things can I do?" Chen Taizhong answered with a wry smile. Bailihou listened to the prestige and had to worry about clothing, food, housing and transportation. The official must be the step of the Mongolian secretary. Just ask for me."

"Where does the boss have time to ponder this?" Na Pali replied frankly. He was originally a master with a very strong official mindset. Finally, Chen Taizhong was his own brother. He could not refute, "I will speak to the boss."

"Don't tell me, just wait for him to finish the meeting," Chen Taizhong was anxious when he heard it, "Can't delay, that hall, I will trouble you."

"What that hall," Na Pali replied with a smile, and then said embarrassedly, "Too loyal, I really want to help, but the boss is in the capital many things I am thinking about all day, I dare to be casual Say it? It depends on his mood."

"The Director of the Department of Justice of Hengbei Province is sitting in my office waiting for Xin'er," Chen Taizhong gave a wry smile, and then sighed, "Forget it, I will find someone else."

"Come on, within ten minutes, this meeting will be over. When you call, if the boss can't answer, I don't care," Na Pali sighed helplessly. If he was too loyal, he said that. If there is no other way, it is impossible for even the brothers to do it.

"Forget it, you don't have to be embarrassed, I want to find someone else," Chen Taizhong hung up, after thinking about it, he called Qi Jinsheng again, "Old Qi, last time we ate together, didn’t we have someone People from the Ministry of Justice? How is your relationship with him?"

The relationship is good. President Qi made friends and talked about loyalty, but when he listened to Secretary Chen’s explanation, he was a little dumbfounded, "That guy, you let him talk a little bit, there is no problem at all, but to the following The provincial department gives instructions, and it is at the policy level. He is really not qualified.

In fact, Qi Jinsheng didn't understand what Chen Taizhong was going to do. "What are you doing with this kind of idleness? We don't lack women. You Bailihou, just do your duty. How can you manage everything? "

"This thing has a strong practical significance," Chen Taizhong sighed, "Forget it, I don't understand you outside the system, that's it."

Next, he was at a loss while holding his mobile phone. It seems... buddies have to go to the capital again?

He can still call Huang Hanxiang, but he doesn’t want to call anymore. The approval of the oil shale project has reached a critical period. Of course, how long this critical period is, he doesn’t know, maybe It is half a month, or it may be two years.

Anyway, if the oil shale project doesn't end, he doesn't want to use Huang's day after day. Good steel has to be used on the blade, because this small matter leads to passiveness in the overall situation, it is too worthwhile.

After pondering for a while, he called Su Wenxin, "President Su, I remember that you have some friendship with the Ministry of Justice, right?"

He had already planned to take a trip to the capital, but before going, he had to plan a little bit of the route map, so he couldn't crash everywhere like a headless fly.

"You have to find Mr. Yin for justice. He knows a lot of people from the Ministry of Justice." Su Wenxin laughed over the phone. "His brother-in-law is here. Although he has already retired, I can do things that he can't do. No more."

Lao Yin should be with Huang Erbo right now, right? Chen Taizhong thought about it. I dialed Yin Jinghua's mobile phone and I asked you to do business instead of Huang Erbo.

After Yin Jinghua listened to his words, he could only smile bitterly, "He has retired, who can listen to what you expect him to say?"

But anyway, after making so many phone calls, Yin is always the only person who didn’t question him, and didn’t say that this would be impossible. "To start this pilot, you have to find Huang Erbo. The legal policy pilot does not involve funds. It’s not difficult to say...Second Uncle is swimming, he came up in a while, I told him."

Only after the call was hung up, a call came in, Chen Taizhong saw the number and quickly picked it up, "Hello boss, I'm sorry to disturb you."

"You don't need to be so hypocritical," Meng Yi's voice came from the microphone, very calm, unable to hear any emotions, "After the meeting, Parry said you have something to do with me?"

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