Official Immortal

Vol 10 Chapter 4505: Each has a cause

   Margin system has its own advantages.


   But in this case, it is really a dilemma. The student lunch subsidy in Beichong is a very profitable project, but the plate of this project is really too big and it takes up a lot of money.


   The head of the Cape believes that if the payment is settled on a monthly basis, the financial pressure will not be small. Fortunately, he can delay the payment and pass on the financial pressure to his next home.


   You ask me to pay another one million and guarantee it all... With this million, what can I do?


  Of course, this is not the most important thing. He has something to do with Zhang Guanghou. It is not very iron. After two and a half months of supply, if he bids again and he fails to win the bid, will this one million deposit be returned?


   You must know that this million is just a simple deposit. Like the blast wheel of the Phoenix Science and Technology Commission, it also costs one million with distributors, but it is a million of goods and is pledged.


   And the government of these years, often doing things quite unreliable, that is to say, the bulk of the triangle debt is the government's debts, the government projects, the relationship is slightly worse, and they must be psychologically prepared to lose the bottom line.


   The relationship between Li Qiang and the one who built the wall can be evidence


   The mayor’s relationship was so hard that it couldn’t be harder, but when Bei Chong changed the district mayor, the arrears were immediately frozen.


   This is just arrears. Secretary Chen asked for a deposit, and this big head is inevitable.


   And food hygiene, no matter how finely you grasp it, you can’t cover everything. When tigers doze, how will Beichong deduct this deposit if there is a slight omission?


   After thinking about it, I took the courage to ask him, "I will supply the goods first, the monthly settlement...Is this not sincere?"


   "If you think it counts, then forget it," Chen Taizhong had already pointed the other party, and he was too lazy to say more about this condition. You are not the only one who can offer it.


   This one left sadly, and within two days, this suggestion made by Secretary Chen was actually known to many people. Otherwise, it was really speechless to talk about dealing with some businesses.


   As a result, the mayor Li of Linyun Township did not find him. "Secretary Chen, is this one million deposit a bit too much? Most of the people in Beichong are still relatively poor."


   It’s not too few people in Bei Chong who can put out one million, but there are really few people who can put out one million in spare money.


"We from Beichong want to do it. I think it's about 500,000 yuan. It's worth 500,000 yuan for local people." Chen Taizhong admits this reason. He doesn't want Beichong's wealth to be concentrated on a few people. Li-time capital should be used intensively, but if it is too concentrated, a monopoly will be formed, which is not good.


Of course, he would like to point out, "I'm just giving an example. Sincerity can be reflected in many aspects, even some of which I didn't expect. I also want to learn from the best of others and let you use your brains... Just like Pan Jianping."


   This is the truth, Secretary Chen has always hoped that he can mobilize everyone's subjective initiative.


   "Can the township government bid?" Yes, Li Jun came.


   "It turned out to be like this," Chen Taizhong nodded. Linyun Township really doesn't have much money, so it's normal to care about the deposit.


  The oil shale in Linyun has been selling well recently, but a ton of rock is only forty or fifty yuan, and a year of hundreds of thousands of tons of rock is only a few million. Tens of millions are difficult.


   But the scale effect is still good. There are only 10,000 people in Linyun Township, and millions of income can drive other consumption.


   But just talking about the deposit is not enough, "If you only have a deposit of 500,000, and there are no other measures, I'm afraid that you won't be able to win the bid."


   "We plan to buy dairy cows and engage in dairy farming, and poultry and eggs are already engaged in" Li Tao replied slowly, "I have coordinated the funds. It is when the money withheld at the end of the year..."


   Linyun Township intercepted more than three million subsidies from villagers. The original goal was to integrate oil shale resources, but this project was not very successful.


   They want unified management, but the power plants do not agree.


   You have integrated oil shale resources in Linyun Township, and there is no disorderly competition. If our power plant purchases goods, the price will be higher.


   But this project is not premature. Under the coordination of the village, the power plant directly participated in the integration. The oil shale storage yard and the power plant have 40% of the shares, and real money has been paid.


   Calculating like this, Linyun only paid out 700,000 to 800,000 yuan, and roughly standardized the market. After one year, the gross profit can reach more than 500,000 yuan, and at least there is money for dividends.


   With the remaining two million yuan, Linyun Township dare not move.


   Then Li didn't think this was too conservative, so he contacted Lin Jilong in three rounds and said that if you can guarantee the supply of feed, I plan to develop poultry and egg breeding in the district and you will have a discount.


   Or to say that there is a leader who pulls a whip behind his ass, which can greatly arouse everyone's enthusiasm. This is not false at all. The towns in the district actively communicate with each other.


   Lin Jilong said this is okay, who are we with whom?


  Unexpectedly, the voice has not fallen, and the bird flu has struck. Although Hengbei has not seen an example, the pressure in the township has suddenly increased-50,000 chickens and 1.1 million investment, which is not a small amount.


   Linyun Township has been forced to this point. I drew the funds in my hand. It was only a little over one million yuan. I was worried that I had nowhere to find money. I heard that the district offered a lunch subsidy. I had to seize this opportunity anyway.


For this reason, Li Jun contacted the credit union and got a loan of 3 million yuan. The more than 4 million yuan is the capital of his work. "We plan to use all of this money to buy dairy cows. Sales channels."


   "In Linyun Township...what are the advantages of raising dairy cows?" Chen Taizhong asked.


   "Our place is so big, we can let the cows go out to eat grass" Li Jun replied.


Linyun is indeed a large area, a township of more than 200 square kilometers, although the vegetation is not very lush, but the area is there, and the mayor Li still has the means, "I have discussed with Shanjin, and cooperated on a ramie silage. Feed, I’m not afraid of no grass in winter."


"This is good." Chen Taizhong nodded. Ramie can be used as feed. He has known it for a long time. It is said that it also has anti-fetal effect. Up.


   Linyun Township was able to grab the ramie silage, which really surprised him. He had to sigh for a while, but it was forced out. If you don't reach that point, you won't be able to fully fire.


   So this time the bid was opened. Unsurprisingly, Linyun Township won the bid. What's interesting is that it was not the township chief Li Po who came to bid, but the township party committee secretary Kuang Weiming.


   Secretary Kuang said that this is a joint decision made by the township party committee and the government.


   This matter is finalized, and then what Chen Taizhong wants to consider is the positive indicators for returning home entrepreneurial students.


As an iconic person who returned to his hometown to start a business, Yan Baisheng said that he is not very interested in entering the system. In just three years, Xiao Yan has gone from nothing to the ranks of millionaires. The products have even been sold to Japan and South Korea. .


   His girlfriend's family didn't say anything about the test anymore, so they went straight to Bei Chong to help him run this piece.


   At this moment, Boss Yan is very proud and feels that it is not interesting to enter the system. It also depends on the expression of the leader. How can he be a rich man with ease?


Contrary to his performance, it was Sanger from Shuangzhai Township. He conscientiously said that among the students who returned home to start a business, Sang had an amazing performance. He was also willing to keep his feet on the ground. He borrowed 500,000 yuan to build a greenhouse. The income is more than 200,000 yuan.


   Of course, compared with Yan Baisheng, he still has a considerable gap. The investment is a bit larger, the income is a little bit worse, and the number of people who help is small.


   Although the benefit of the masses is stronger than Yan Baisheng.


   But Sanger is determined to enter the system. He even sells his own greenhouses by instalments.


   After Chen Taizhong heard about it, he couldn't help feeling that if he didn't talk about people's paths, he chose them all. Yan Baisheng looked at the beautiful scenery now, but he might not be able to compare with Sanger in the future.


   But if Xiao Yan also enters the system, for a period of time, his performance will stubbornly suppress Sanger, and now that the huge shadow on Sang's head is gone, the future will only be better.


  Everyone has his own way. Secretary Chen is a pity for the Yan Baisheng he has recovered, but in his heart he feels that top talents can make full use of outside officialdom, and it seems more meaningful than in a strict system.


   In addition to Sanger, there are two other students who have returned home to start a business during the same period and have also entered the system. One of them is a respectable person. The results of these two are much worse than those of the two.


   However, Xu Ruilin believes that in order to bring in talents back to their hometowns, the three-person transfer is necessary. The symbolic meaning is greater than the actual meaning, and the next year can be strict.


   These three did not directly enter the bureau, but when they entered the economic development offices of the townships, this place was relatively But if you do it with a real sword, it is easy to get results.


   Before the three of them went to the township, Secretary Chen and Secretary Xu had a special discussion with them, and the second and third returning college students attended the meeting.


   It is supposed to be a formal meeting, but the two secretaries pointed out at the same time that it is a rare experience to let you go to the township now. It will allow you to be more grounded, solidify your foundation, and fly higher in the future.


Secretary Chen took himself as an example. When I first started working, I was just an assistant to the village head. Later, I was also an acting village head. Now when I go back to the village, the villagers see me. Kindly.


   But I don’t know how to do it. Although Secretary Chen is two or three years older than those three, his conversation style and his own experience seem to be a generation away, which sounds a bit clichéd.


   Chen Taizhong also keenly discovered this point, so he turned to the practical aspect. He said that you are the pioneers of college students returning home to start a business. The district will pay attention to it. If you encounter any problems, you can come directly to me, or to Secretary Xu.


   The three classmates immediately became energetic when they heard it, and Secretary Chen sighed inwardly: People these days are really realistic. "To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to (m) vote for recommendation and monthly pass. Your support is my greatest motivation. Mobile phone users please go to m to read. 』【This text is brought by the Qihang Update Team, Parallel People@葉豆豆吧@TB小红鸡@神韵有意@小乐鸡@神兽老师】

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