Official Immortal

Vol 10 Chapter 4568: Not free

   Chapter 4568


  Beichong began a large-scale tourism promotion after the first month of the New Year, especially a series of advertisements made by Grace, which were frequently seen on provincial TV stations. Later, there were reports on inspections of Wushui Scenic Area by leaders at all levels.


   But after all, this is a preliminary foreshadowing, even Liu Haifang did not expect that the number of tourist groups that have recently made reservations for Beichong has skyrocketed, "They all want to stay in a nursing home... I feel mystified."


   "This is impossible," Chen Taizhong shook his head flatly, "There is a line up there, and there is a real need to live. Few people can afford it."


   "May 1st this year will be very lively anyway," Liu Haifang smiled and said, "I want to make a reservation with the boss...Will you take a seat with the May 1st group, okay?"


"May Day..." Chen Taizhong groaned. The buddy will be engaged on May Day. Although the ceremony is not big, there are only seven or eight tables, but parents will be there, and Mr. Jing will be there too, "I can help you carry two. Goodness, we must leave on the night of May 3rd at the latest."


"Okay, it's actually on May 12th," Liu Haifang nodded with a smile, and then glanced at Ye Xiaohui. "Little Ye Zi, you can also take some location scenes at this time... Contact Chen Feng and smile. ?"


   The place where female cadres get together is not good. Ye Xiaohui’s script, each female cadre, has its own suggestions for revision, so the script has not been finalized yet, but the team is almost complete, and the script can take time.


   That's right, first look for a team of people, and then talk about the script slowly. In today's society, this is not putting the cart before the horse.


   However, if the script is not approved, Beichong’s investment will not be able to reach its place in one day. This is also true.


   "This person is very difficult to talk," Ye Xiaohui replied with a frown, "It's just a little brow at the moment."


   "You can write the script as soon as possible," Liu Haifang snorted softly, "It will take a while for the film to be made... There are many nights and dreams."


   "Secretary Taizhong, are you going to the capital soon?" Xiao Ye Zi looked at the young secretary.


   "I'm going, but it's a matter of running away from the district to change the city," Chen Taizhong nodded, "What's wrong with you?"


   "Help me make an appointment with two stars," Xiao Ye Zi frowned in distress. "The big names in the film are still missing."


"If you do well enough, you can cultivate a big name." Chen Taizhong finally couldn't help it. He sneered, "Isn't someone holding a big name? It's better to ask yourself... Xiao Ye Zi, what do you want to do, First of all, you have to look up to yourself."


"I said Boss Chen, your place is a bit too shabby," a voice came from the room, and then a wet girl walked out. Xiao Fu took a bath and changed clothes, but with hair. It's wet.


   She frowned and said, "I don't even have a hair dryer. How can I sleep after taking a shower?"


   "Wake up, this is a boys' dormitory," Chen Taizhong glanced at the three of them, turned and walked into the house, and then said, "Bring the door when you go out..."


Next is Beichong’s flood prevention work. In late April, Secretary Chen only took time to take a trip to the capital. However, this year, there is a new spirit, emphasizing urbanization construction-this is for the development of the real estate industry. horn.


   Chen Taizhong is not very concerned about this general direction, but the urbanization construction has led to the dismantlement of districts and the reform of the city.


   He returned to Bei Chong with a depressed look, and then he wanted to help Liu Haifang worry about traveling. Then, several rivers in the district were soaring because of the rain, and he wanted to arrange flood control and drought relief command work.


   This rush of turmoil didn't come to an end until May 2nd. Because of the tension, even Jin Yuning, Luo Yaping and Chang Yuling couldn't even bother to go home.


   However, although the situation is severe, the effect is very gratifying. In just three days, hundreds of thousands of tourists have poured into Beichong, and the number of misstepped women holding certificates has reached an unprecedented 3,000.


   There are too many people, and there are too many messy things, not to mention, just spitting, Bei Chong warned more than a thousand people, and fines a dozen for repeated offenders.


   Bei Chong attaches great importance to the appearance of the city, but generally it is mainly admonition. This repeated offender means... the second time being caught by the same old lady in the red hoop—this must be punished.


   Of course, there are some people who are unambiguous and grinning. The consequences are of course conceivable, and they even triggered a few conflicts, so there is no need to repeat them.


There are also KTVs or hotels. From time to time, there are people fighting for women who have missed their feet. Some of them bully the young women who are weak and want to use them. The result is quite eye-opening for everyone-the women who have missed a phone call are not chicken heads, but Policemen.


   People who dare to have trouble in such a place often have some ways to do it, but the police don't care about the flags they show, and mediate on the spot if the plot is minor, and arrest the person if it is serious.


Chen Taizhong has received several intercession calls, and he usually refuses them, but they can’t be pushed down—for example, if a member of the tour company run by a friend of Li Shilu is arrested, he will ask the police station to charge more premiums. , And then release people.


   In short, the open Beichong is welcoming guests from all walks of life, and tourists who come to Beichong must adapt to the various customs of Beichong. This is a process of mutual familiarity.


   Chen Taizhong turned around for three days and was so busy. It was a little easier on May 3rd. In the afternoon, he drove to visit various flood control points.


   Then he went to the weather station and brought some condolences to the staff of the weather bureau, where he settled his dinner there.


   After I finished eating, it was seven o'clock. On the way back to the courtyard, I suddenly saw people gathering together, stopped the car and walked over, only to find that two groups of people were facing each other.


   How can nobody care about this? Chen Taizhong took a look around and realized that this is a free parking lot outside the city, which is convenient for self-driving passengers. Because it is free parking, there are signs. If the vehicle is damaged, the owner is responsible.


   In this way, the attention of the defenders and the police is basically not put here, and there are some small conflicts, which may be left unattended for a while.


   As soon as Chen Taizhong arrived at the scene, someone recognized him, and immediately came to inform him: the matter is also very simple. Because this free parking lot is unattended, people will park indiscriminately. As a result, the other side's car was blocked and couldn't drive out.


The blocked car became very angry, kicked the tires of the car behind, and patted the car cover, but the alarm could not call the owner. Later, a car next to him left, and the owner got in and drove the car out carefully. But the space is too small, I still rubbed a bit.


   The car owner is even more upset now, so he finds an ice cream stick next to him, puts it directly into the keyhole of the driver's seat of the rear car, and then folds the ice cream stick-let you taste the taste of being blocked.


   What's not dead is that at this time, the owner of the following car just came back after eating and shouted, "What are you doing?"


  What are you doing? This is a good judgment. When he looks at the keyhole, he understands everything. He grabs the former and asks. The former is not easy to provoke. It makes sense for you to block Laozi's car? Force me to beat you again.


   However, neither of these two people are from Beichong, and there is no habit of doing things if they don’t agree. The two sides are just arguing. The more noisy they get, the more fierce they are. However, some people in Beichong are not addicted to it.


   "Okay, what a big deal," Chen Taizhong stepped forward and waved at random, "Okay, each of you drove the car away... You blocked others from coming out."


   "Why?" The owner of the car behind is a slab-inch man, who looks a little sturdy. There is a man and two women behind him. It seems that relatives came to play together, "I blocked my keyhole, want to go? No way!"


"Nima, what do you mean by blocking my car?" The owner of the car in front is a man with glasses, very burly, and grinning at each other's two men without any ambiguity, "This is the aisle... Can I stop in the aisle? Fuck, my car was scratched by you and it didn't scratch your tires. It's a shame for you."


   "Nima, who scraped whose car?" Bancun glared, "I want to park the car. I don't have any space, so I just stop and have a meal."


   "Isn't this bullshit?" Chen Taizhong became irritated, "Can there be no space in such a big parking lot?"


   "There is really no room left," Ban Cun admitted this reason to death, hoping to gain a reason.


   "Some big sedan cars are also parked here," a person from Beichong said quietly next to him, "Parking here is free."


   "Huh?" Chen Taizhong was taken aback, and then asked, "Is it wrong to offer free parking in the co-authoring area?"


   "If it's really free, someone will take care of it," Ban Cun replied angrily, "Who is the parking fee?"


   "You have money, can you stop at the toll place, what is it to stop me?" The man with glasses stared.


   "Do you have water in your mind? There are free ones, and I will stop to a chargeable place?" Bancun titrates.


"Okay, starting tomorrow, this place charges fees," Chen Taizhong snorted, just as two defenders came over at this moment, "You two come over, mediate, and mediation fails within ten minutes...just send it to the police station for mediation. "


   After giving he turned around and left, really dumbfounding in his heart-not free of charge, good charge?


However, there are few people taking care of free places, so this kind of thing is easy to happen, and Beichong is not so rich that even free places have to send people on duty 24 hours-the free parking lot is also cleaned and maintained, but only for one day twice.


   The free parking lot should be placed a little farther away from the city. If the fee is now, there will be money to hire someone to guard it. Chen Taizhong thought about it so he called Chang Yuling.


   As a result, Mayor Chang has returned to Asada! Today on the 3rd, the district was not particularly busy. Secretary Chen called Liu Haifang again-one of them was in charge of urban construction and the other was in charge of tourism, but they could both inquire about the parking lot.


District Mayor Liu was still in Beichong. After hearing this order, she went to Secretary Chen’s courtyard with Mayor Lu. There is a system in the district, and any new charging items must be signed by the secretary and the district head. To take effect.


   After this meal, it was ten o'clock in the evening. Chen Taizhong wanted to return to Phoenix overnight, so he thought about it, forget it, let’s leave early tomorrow morning.


At six o'clock in the morning, he set off. Unexpectedly, just as the car entered the cape, Chang Yuling called, "Secretary Chen, it's broken... Ye Xiaohui is dead." (To be continued. If you like this work, You are welcome to subscribe, give rewards, and your support is my greatest motivation.) [This text is brought on by the Qihang Update Team@洛水神子@小红鸡@神韵Interested in @小乐鸡@神兽老师 Provided by]


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