Official Immortal

Vol 10 Chapter 4572: The last straw

   Chapter 4572 The Last Straw


  Ma Yingshi was beaten by the genes in the appearance of the Maju Committee, but when he stood up, he was still Young Master Pian Pian, who looked like Gao Shuaifu.


   "Then you mean, Lao San Yang did this thing?" Chen Taizhong narrowed his eyes and asked faintly.


   "I didn't do it anyway," Ma Lao San has a lot of problems, but sometimes his mouth is really tight.


   Chen Taizhong stretched out his hand, picked up the ashtray on the table, and said with a smile, "You say it again?"


"You can ask Fu Liushui," Ma Yingshi couldn't help taking a step back when he saw him like this, and she didn't dare to be yin and yang anymore. "She left early last night, but she knew that I was the old man Yang who was pestering Ye Xiaohui. …Lao San Yang said, try it first, then talk about sponsorship."


   Chen Taizhong glanced at Chang Yuling, and the district chief Chang shook his head, saying that he did not know this.


Alas, it’s a pity that the little sister is now out of sight. Secretary Chen feels a little regretful, but he can’t delay this matter. The other party’s combination is too strong. If he relaxes slightly, all kinds of things will appear. Temporary workers and ghosts.


   And Chen is about to get engaged tomorrow, and he doesn't want to hesitate anymore, so he speaks directly.


"You should know that there is no need to tell evidence about some things. You have this ability, and I also have this ability. I don't need evidence, so I will ask you why you shut down this morning... Dare to tell a lie. I will take your teeth away. You try it."


   When Ma Ying saw that he was such a bachelor, he directly expressed that he wanted to testify freely, so he told the truth, "At four o'clock in the morning, Laosan Yang called me and said that Ye Xiaohui jumped off the building... I have a call record."


   "Come here," Chen Taizhong stretched out his hand.


Ma Yingshi took out a piece of paper from her purse and handed it over. Chen Taizhong took the paper with one hand, slapped it with a slap in the other hand, and slapped it with a crisp sound, "It's just a cheap... shop?"


Looking at the call log, it was indeed 4:32 in the morning. There was the capital’s cell phone number to call Ma Lao San’s cell phone. He thought about it, "What else, tell me all... I will spare you this time. ."


   "That's all right," Ma Yingshi said with a frown, think about it, he added, "Lao Yang drank a lot of alcohol, and if he drank too much, he was a beast."


   "I like to pack all kinds of animals," Chen Taizhong folded the call log, put his pocket in his pocket, and then looked up at Ma Yingshi, "Whose idea of ​​you two is to buy the land of Qinghe?"


   "Huang Hanxiang's grandson-in-law suggested to Yang Laosan, the prospective grandson-in-law," Ma Yingshi can't take care of that much, just tell the truth, "Lu should know."


   "That's a few gadgets, **** sheep," Chen Taizhong finally understood where this grievance came from-buddy is still too soft-hearted.


   Then he stood up, "Where does Yang Lao San live now?"


"The plane at nine o'clock in the morning is flying to Beijing." Since Ma Yingshi is selling his teammates, he simply sells thoroughly. He is not convinced. Chen Taizhong just talked about an allusion, and he didn't understand-what is a sheep Bad stuff?


"I believe you first this time," Chen Taizhong walked out, "Ma Lao San, I'm looking at your father's face... I really want to tear my face, I will do it with your dad, I will go to the airport now. You better not hide anything from me."


   He is really angry because of the emergence of a third force-Lu Yongxin!


   This is the Huang family that he relies on. The backyard is on fire. Can he not get angry?


   When Chang Yuling saw this, she was afraid that he was doing too much, so she quickly reminded her, "Boss, don't you ask, what will the police do?"


  Chen Taizhong stopped, glanced at her, and slammed at Ma Yingshi, "You ask Ma Lao San, what will the police do?"


   Seeing District Chief Chang coming over, Mr. Ma’s mouth twitched, but he didn’t say anything—what could he say? As long as the background does not fall, some people cannot be convicted.


   Chen Taizhong turned and left, and didn't even say hello to Sui Biao—not in the mood.


  Chang Yuling sighed, and shook her head helplessly. After she followed Boss Chen out the door, she asked out aloud, "Can I ask Secretary Du to think of a solution?"


"Isn't this someone with the surname Ma?" Chen Taizhong replied irritably. Du Yi may want to be fair in his heart, but think about the time when Governor Du was upset when he sold the factory for one dollar, but he didn't say anything. You can know the style of this person.


   So even if Secretary Du is not afraid of the Yang family, the third son of the horse bureau committee was also there on the eve of the accident. If Old Du really did it, it would be too easy for people to imagine the connection.


   The current situation is very weird. Chen Taizhong really has nothing to do with him, but what is certain is that he can't wait--the longer the time is, the more unfavorable it is to discover the truth.


   He was sitting in an Audi car, lit a cigarette and smoked silently, after smoking a cigarette, he drove straight to the airport ticket office.


   When I came to the ticket office, it was 4pm, and there was a direct flight to Beijing at 7pm, and there were still vacancies. Although it was Golden Week, there were fewer passengers flying to Beijing on May Fourth.


  Chang Yuling said that she should follow along. Chen Taizhong said impatiently that it is still during the rest period, so you can take care of yourself-the water over the capital is deep, you can't afford to play, and I can't take care of greeting you.


   "I stay in Chaotian, will it be safe?" District Mayor Chang looked at him faintly, "Fu Wan'er dare not show up...We are missing the most powerful witness."


   "She doesn't show her face, it really has nothing to do with the overall situation," Chen Taizhong sneered. When things have reached this point, everyone is playing with the exchange of interests under free testimony. The evidence is magical--is it important?


   He wanted to say something more, and finally turned into a sigh, "Well then, let's go together."


   This afternoon, Chen Taizhong's heart was really irritable and irritable. This irritability, when he was changing the registration card, reached the apex, and the security check at the airport stopped him-this and that, you can't board the plane temporarily.


   " are looking for a mess, don't you?" Chen Taizhong really wanted to hold this guy and beat him up.


   "You are restricted from boarding, there must be a reason for restricting your boarding," the security check looked at him faintly, with a disdainful smile-if you have the ability, you can do it.


   "Being owed," Chen Taizhong's current mood, how can he withstand such provocation? He was about to shake his fist, and Chang Yuling hugged him tightly, "Boss, calm down, calm are always reasonable."


   "I'm this..." Secretary Chen took a deep breath and tried to relax himself. He thought about it, there is really no need to anger others-but, do you know that your expression is very awkward?


  Chang Yuling dragged him aside, then stepped forward and asked, "I can't board the plane, why can you sell us tickets?"


   "Where do I know this? Maybe it's because the information at the ticket office is incomplete, or maybe someone decided temporarily that the man is not allowed to board the plane," the security inspector replied indifferently.


   Temporary decision... Chen Taizhong understood when he heard this, he had no intention of calling the airport security check, and turned and left.


   Immediately afterwards, he called Yin Jinghua, "Brother Jinghua, can you check it for me... why can't I get on the plane?"


   Yin Jinghua hesitated and sighed, "Too loyal, I know you are in a bad mood now, wait two days to talk about it, okay?"


   "Oh, even you know?" Chen Taizhong snorted.


   "Isn't it?" Yin Jinghua clicked his mouth, paused and then said, "You smashed Ma Feiming's shop... How big can this circle be?"


   "Then do you know what role Lu Yongxin played in it?" Chen Taizhong asked coldly.


   "What?" Yin Jinghua was obviously taken aback, "Who are you talking about, Lu Yongxin?"


   "Hey," Chen Taizhong snorted coldly, "I don't know? If you know, I'll be chilled."


"These little guys," it is rare, with Yin Jinghua's temper, that swear words came out of his mouth, he thought about it for a moment and said, "Well, you are too loyal, you can wait a minute, you have to give What do you think."


   "Can you make sure that it is not a scapegoat?" Chen Taizhong heard that Mr. Yin didn't even know, and he felt better.


   "The girl is said to have committed suicide," Yin Jinghua gave a wry smile.


   "This is **** fart," Chen Taizhong yelled, "If you really commit suicide, why are these **** hiding?"


   "Too loyal, calm down your anger, and calm down your anger," Yin Jinghua advised him, "giving the second uncle a face, next year will be the most important time for the third uncle, we must take care of the overall situation."


   "I can't stop this anger!" Chen Taizhong hung up angrily, raised his hand and slammed the steering wheel, "Asshole!"


   "Is it appropriate for Wei Tian to come forward?" Chang Yuling sat in the co-pilot and asked quietly.


   "Huh?" Chen Taizhong turned his head and glanced at her. He really didn't expect that District Mayor Chang still had a direct route to Wei Tian, ​​and in the end he said clearly, which made him feel touched.


   The next moment, he shook his head dejectedly, "He won't show up...Don't think about it."


   "Go back to Tiannan, I will help you stare, Xiao Ye Zi died a pity ~ ~ Chang Yuling looked forward blankly, and said blankly, "It will be your day of great joy soon. "


   "This happy event, I'm afraid I will have to wait," Chen Taizhong drove silently for a while, and finally made up his mind, "No, I have to go to the capital... I must pay for the murder."


   "Maybe it was really suicide," Chang Yuling glanced at him and said viciously, "I forbid you to go to the capital!"


   "She might have been lifted and thrown down," Chen Taizhong glared back at her, "How do you talk to the leader?"


   "It's too dangerous, I won't let you go!" Chang Yuling looked at him uncompromisingly. After a pause, she summoned her courage and said, "Or, you take me with you."


   "What are you kidding me," Chen Taizhong muttered softly. The next moment, his cell phone rang and the call was an unfamiliar number.


   He answered the phone angrily, "Who?"


"From the City Council," he said slowly, "Is it Secretary Bei Chong Chen Taizhong? Someone came up and said that after he was drunk, he had **** with Ye Xiaohui and saw her jump off the building with his own eyes... You want to see Have a look?"


   "Hehe," Chen Taizhong laughed, with an extremely bright smile. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to subscribe, reward, and your support is my biggest motivation.) [This text is brought by the Qihang Update Team@洛水神子Let’s @breakie @TB小红鸡@神韵有意@小乐鸡@神兽老师Provided by]


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