Official Immortal

: Three thousand six hundred and three-three thousand six hundred and four new pattern

Chapter 3603 The New Pattern (Part I)

At the beginning of April, the reshuffle in Yangzhou ended. Li Qiang was not unexpectedly promoted to the secretary of the municipal party committee, while the mayor was taken away by the airborne troops. The origin of this man was intriguing. Chen Zhengkui, the former deputy secretary of the Hengbei Provincial Committee of the Communist Youth League.

There is also the executive deputy Zhang Weiguo and Jiang Feng leaving together. Mayor Jiang is not surprised. What is strange is that Zhang Weiguo went directly to the Provincial CPPCC. Some people say that Wang Ninghu and Li Qiang joined hands to send him in. After all, some time ago , Mayor Zhang is a bit too active.

While everyone was trying to figure out the two new vice mayors, District Mayor Chen Taizhong and Deputy Mayor Xu Ruilin of Beichong went to visit Changjiang Feng, the outgoing deputy city.

This is not because they are addicted to burning the stove, nor how good the relationship between Beichong people and Mayor Jiang is. They just know very well that if Jiang Feng hadn’t returned farmland to forests before leaving, he would wait for another person in charge. When the deputy mayor came up, the matter would have to go back and forth. At least, if Bei Chong wanted to have such a large autonomy, he had to explain to the new deputy mayor.

For this one reason, it is worth the two of them to visit Mayor Jiang. There are no ungrateful people in Beichong.

Mayor Jiang was calm, and his attitude towards them didn’t change much. He didn’t agree to their dinner. On the way back, even Xu Ruilin couldn’t help sighing, “Jiang Feng is a man who does things. It's a pity."

"I am also a worker. I have been working for less than six years, but I have changed seven or eight positions." Chen Taizhong snorted disapprovingly. His rich experience is really not comparable to that of ordinary cadres.

Village cadres, street cadres, district cadres, investment promotion office, science and technology committee, European office, civilized office... Until now, the district mayor has changed eight main positions, such as the secretary of the political and legal committee and the director of the tree burial office. , Not to mention.

Anyway, I have already seen it, and sincerely, Mayor Chen no longer considers Mayor Jiang's question. "It will be clear soon. You must do well in fire prevention work."

"I'll work hard," District Mayor Xu sighed sadly when he heard this topic. The people of Beichong are conservative, and they must burn paper when they go to the grave on Qingming Festival. This day every year. If it does not rain, at least more than 200 accidental fires will be caused-this is still reported, and I don't know how many have not been reported.

As for the fact that a fire causes a fire, it depends on the character. If you are lucky, it is not difficult to burn a small hill with the cover. If you are not lucky, you can burn directly to the next county, then you can only ask for multiple shots.

Therefore, Mayor Xu didn't do anything. "District Chen, I have to trouble you to sit down the day after tomorrow."

"I can't sit in town," Chen Taizhong smiled bitterly and shook his head. There is not much to do, as long as you are willing to do it, there will always be things. "I want to go to the City Martyrs Cemetery with the comrades of the Municipal Party Committee of the Communist Youth League. At the same time, 200 people from Beichong will join the Youth League. This ceremony is rather grand."

It seems inappropriate for you to do this? Xu Ruilin frowned slightly, "This kind of ideological matter...What did Secretary Sui do?"

This question is a bit risky. In any case, the prospects of the 16th National Congress of the Communist Party of China are clear, and the market of the Communist Youth League and the municipal party committee must be strong. The key is that this attitude involves inclination, but District Chief Xu is very businesslike, so he really asked it.

"He went to Chaotian. It is said that a friend wants to set up a factory to produce pesticides. He will see if he can introduce them to Beichong." Chen Taizhong smiled bitterly and spread his hands. "A project worth more than ten million is worth paying attention to."

You two are really not doing their jobs! Xu Ruilin sounded quite speechless, but this is the true portrayal of Beichong nowadays. District Mayor Chen focused on the economy, and Secretary Sui had been on guard for a while before he realized that the other party had no intention of party committee affairs.

It should have been done separately, but District Mayor Chen's recent series of measures have been fruitful and high-profile, and they have suppressed the district party committee. Like the current Beichong, everyone only knows that District Chief Chen. , I don’t know what Secretary Sui is.

This phenomenon is certainly not encouraged. Sui Biao feels that his site is very stable and there is no worries about it. He also wants to grasp economic construction. At least through this, it can reflect the sense of existence-in fact, it is the old saying, if conditions permit If that is the case, everyone wants to make a career, whether it is an upright official or a corrupt official.

It just so happened that Secretary Sui’s various roots and feet were basically not related to the Youth League Committee, so he waved away very freely, leaving only one sentence, “Too loyal, this project is very important to Bei Chong, family affairs. , You need to worry more,"

"More than ten million projects?" District Mayor Xu laughed and stopped talking. He said that Sui Biao really needs this ability. How could Bei Chong be able to participate in two million projects in the first two years? As for the sleepiness like this?

However, he knew the cause and effect in his heart, and it would be boring to say it. Moreover, the district mayor’s project of hundreds of millions of dollars has landed, and he can’t say that Secretary Sui’s thousands of things may not be done well. That kind of flattery is too naked.

Chen Taizhong doesn't care about his mentality. In fact, he can't care about it. When it comes to Sui Biao, he wants to know more about other things. "During my absence, college students' plans to return home to start a business... How's it going?"

"Basically passed, but they still prefer the government to solve the problem of establishment and funding." Xu Ruilin's information ability is not very bad, but this remarks more emphasis: the party committee only gives policy support, real money The silver... has to be paid for by the district government.

"So this government business, you can't **** finish it," Chen Taizhong uttered a foul language very rarely, because he was indeed a little angry. "The party committee feels inappropriate, then retire."

"If you want to stop, it's not easy to retire," Xu Ruilin could only respond with a wry smile. A college student suggested that he return to his hometown to start a business. I don't know how many cadres' hearts were aroused. Everyone was waiting for a ride. Up?"

"I'll go," Chen Taizhong nodded, and then reached out and slammed the back of the driver in front of him, "Can't Sui Biao take a little responsibility? Is there a big difference between my recruitment and his recruitment?"

"Let's talk about Qingming first," Xu Ruilin sighed slightly...

For Chen Taizhong, Tomb-sweeping Festival is not a complicated festival. Four big sedan cars were organized in the district to bring the youths who were preparing to join the regiment to the martyrs' cemetery—just like he did in Tiannan, although the teachers For safety reasons, spring outing is not recommended. However, students who actively sign up to participate in activities ≤ are good.

Of course, these two hundred people are not only students, but also 20 young people recommended by the community. Some young people have graduated from junior high school or even elementary school to work, and some have the willingness to join the League.

On this day, Chen Taizhong met the new mayor Chen Zhengkui. Originally, this activity was hosted by Liao Wei, secretary of the Municipal Party Committee of the Communist Youth League, and District Mayor Chen came to bring a team to hold the field. Unexpectedly, he thought of the Martyrs Cemetery and received a temporary notice saying that Mayor Chen was here.

This is a tall and brave middle-aged man with a wistful smile on his face. It is said that he is only 39 years old this year, and the 39-year-old is in charge of the main hall of his position. At this age, the taste does not need to be. Explain again.

Chen Zhengkui's attitude towards Chen Taizhong was extremely cold, and he just nodded faintly after the meeting‖ without saying anything. I couldn't tell whether it was self-contained or had any prejudices. District Mayor Chen didn't take the initiative to get close.

Mayor Chen just shook hands with representatives of the members. A few words of encouragement with a smile, after presiding over the oath ceremony, he turned and left, without any extra words, did not even say hello to District Chief Chen.

This is the youngest two Chen in Yangzhou's officialdom. The first meeting. Although there is nothing to say, the indifference and separation make both parties clearly understand.

Chen Taizhong doesn't know why this person treats himself like this, but he is not interested in thinking about it. Bei Chong's current task is to settle down and develop. As long as no one interferes, he doesn't care.

If someone interferes, then... he doesn't care what kind of background the other party is.

Since most of the people who came were 14 or 15 years old, everyone dispersed after the ceremony and went to play. District Chief Chen found the person from the regiment district committee who led the team and told them to take good care of their children and must emphasize safety.

The member of the Youth League Committee said, otherwise, let’s just take the child back. Chen Taizhong felt that it was unnecessary. After all, he was a child and finally came out to graze the sheep for one day.

After speaking, he turned and left. When he didn't want to walk to the car at the entrance of the cemetery, a young man jumped out from behind the tree beside him, "District Chief Chen, I want to sue."

"Complaint?" Chen Taizhong frowned, and then took a closer look at the other party. White shirt, blue pants and white sneakers are just what the members of the group are dressed up. He said that you just joined the group, so you want to be a strange one?

However, the young man had such courage and didn't try to kneel down or anything. This is what District Chief Chen would like to see. The young man should have such aggressiveness. He nodded, "Well, you speak."

"My family is from Razigou Village, Shanjin Town. The district will build a ramie factory and expropriate my family's land," the young man said angrily, "but they didn't give the money, and they asked someone to threaten my mother."

"Do you not pay for the land acquisition?" Chen Taizhong pondered after hearing the words, there are such daring people? "You can talk more about it."

"The money from other people's family is all given, but my family's did not give it, it was deducted by the village chief," the boy thought about it, there seemed to be nothing to say, "My name is Qi Dashan, my mother's name is Yang Xiuli, and my father is already died."

"Well, I see," Chen Taizhong nodded calmly, raising his hand to pull the car door.

"You want to help solve the problem," the young man stretched out his hand and held down the car door to prevent him from getting on. "Everyone says you are a good district head for the people, don't you want to control it?"

"I didn't say that I don't care," Chen Taizhong looked at him kindly and funny, or said that the young man was courageous and his words were not big or small. "You have to let me know the situation, right?"

"You can call now," Qi Dashan made a gesture of calling.

"Young man," Chen Taizhong patted him on the shoulder, laughing and crying, "I have to deal with things, but how to deal with it, there are arguments. At your age, you can't teach me how to do things."

Chapter 3604 New Pattern (Part 2)

While driving, Chen Taizhong got through the phone of Hao Yaoliang, the mayor of Shanjin Town, "Lao Hao, the two ramie projects in the town have the land acquisition problem solved?"

"It's solved," Mayor Hao immediately reported in detail when he heard District Mayor Chen asked, "There is not much land expropriation in the degumming factory. The textile factory expropriates more land, and the town is making compensation."

The degumming factory is a piece of land near Xiaozhao Township, and the textile factory is a newly acquired piece of land. The original textile factory is located in the center of the town. The town government has to take it back and use it for urban construction. This is the tone set by the district.

"Is it all made up?" District Mayor Chen asked calmly.

"No. It's difficult to make up." Mayor Hao guessed why the leader called himself when he heard this. He just took the opportunity to complain. "The land requisition costs are all paid from the town, 800,000... it would be nice to be cleared by the end of the year."

"Give to whom first, then give to whom. Is there a saying?" Chen Taizhong thought for a while, and decided to ask again. The young man's statement may not be credible, but it is a terrible beginning to expropriate land and not pay. He must crack down on this phenomenon.

"It is given according to the degree of cooperation of the village, like in Razigou Village, basically the payment is finished," Hao Yaoliang replied. "The village chief Gao Jianxi is very coordinating with the work in the town."

"In the afternoon, you and Gao Jianxi came to the district government to look for me." Chen Taizhong pressed the phone. The corner twitched-Qi Dashan's reaction problem really exists. Is it bullying or an orphan?

Hao Yaoliang hung up the phone, wondering. Said that Gao Jianxi did something wicked? She said she couldn't make a phone call to the head of village Gao and tell him to come to the village.

Mayor Gao and Mayor Hao have a good relationship, so after coming to the township, he knew that the mayor had such an instruction. He was also surprised to hear, "Mayor Hao, I have sent all the money that should be sent. I didn’t dare. Leave a penny, and now the individual knows that if he encounters unfair treatment, he can go to District Chief Chen’s house and knock on the door... I have eaten leopard gall, so I don’t dare to fool around."

"Okay, you just go right and right," Hao Yao bright spot nodded. District Mayor Chen put the two ramie projects in the town, and the total investment is more than 200 million yuan. This is what the town’s take-off refers to. "If you give I'm leaking, so you didn't discuss it."

The two of them sat down for lunch, discussed various possibilities at the dinner table, and rushed to the district government at two o'clock.

However, they waited all afternoon, and did not wait for District Chief Chen. In the end, they learned from others that the District Chief had gone to fight the fire. There were many fires in Qingming this year, although most of the fires could be extinguished in time. But it must be treated seriously.

District Chief Chen organized two fires. The second fire was in a mountain bag in Xiaoling Township. Under the mountain bag is a cemetery in the village with a little sparse trees. Originally, the villagers said that a fire doesn’t matter. , District Chief Chen arrived in time, immediately instructed to clear out the isolation zone and burn this mountain bag, the mountain over there would be dangerous.

There is a small valley between the mountain bag and the big mountain, but water and fire are really ruthless. Some sparks float past the air. District Chief Chen cannot tolerate this oversight.

When Mayor Hao and Mayor Gao arrived, they saw District Mayor Chen cutting weeds and shrubs with a shovel. On the one hand, there was Huang Fu, the secretary of Xiaoling Township, who was also working hard. The resting person carried two shovels into battle.

After tossing until six o'clock, the isolation zone was finally cleared out. Secretary Huangfu invited District Chief Chen to eat anything he wanted, but the district head categorically refused, "I have to go back to the district, and I suggest leaving someone to take care of it. The fire may resume. "

"District Mayor Chen," Mayor Hao took the initiative to greet him. He pulled the head of the village Gao in his hand. The two were also sweating profusely. "This is Gao Jianxi. We can't wait for you at the district government, so we came here."

"Yeah," Chen Taizhong glanced at them and deliberately asked about the situation in front of Huangfu Yichen as a warning, but if there is any hidden secret, it would be boring if he can't get off the stage. I really can't believe it all.

So he turned and left. Mayor Hao didn't dare to say anything when he saw it. He could only follow the district chief's car all the way to the district.

After entering his own small courtyard, Chen Taizhong ordered Wang Yuanyuan to order food. Then he sat in the courtyard and looked at the two who followed, "What am I going to ask, do you both know?"

"The money for land requisition passed through my hands, and it was distributed in full and in full," Gao Jianxi was a dark and sturdy man, looking silly, "forty thousand acres, young crop fee of one hundred and five... Here comes the signatures of the villagers."

"Is there a woman named Yang Xiuli in your village?" Chen Taizhong didn't look at the account book, but asked directly.

"Tsk, I knew it was this woman," Gao Jianxi slapped her thigh fiercely. He and Hao Yaoliang pondered all the way, and felt that this woman is most likely to have a problem-Yang Xiuli doesn't matter. The key is that the woman's son will be up for the exam and get admitted. The County No. 1 Middle School is now, but the Beichong No. 1 Middle School is not far from the district government. “She didn’t send it out.”

"District Mayor, I told you when I reported to you at noon. Basically, the distribution is over." Mayor Hao heard that it was this woman, and put a big rock in his heart. "There are still three companies in the village that haven't posted."

"Why?" Chen Taizhong still had a calm face.

"Her family does not cooperate." Gao Jianxi replied confidently. "Her family has three orange trees, which are usually picked and eaten by the children. These three orange trees. She asked the village for five hundred yuan...Can I give it to her?"

"Tsk," Chen Taizhong heard that this was the reason, and it was quite speechless. If you don't say that these parents are not good officials, the difficulty lies here. It is difficult for an upright official to break housework, and everyone has his own reason.

Village Chief Gao hasn’t finished talking yet. He first said that this land acquisition time is tight and the task is heavy. We have strictly implemented the compensation standards in the village-the three orange trees are not needed in the village. You cut the trees and drag them back. If you want to make a fire or sell wood, it's up to you, not taking advantage of you.

But Yang Xiuli just quit. She was married to Razigou from the village. Her husband is dead, and it is not easy for her to pull the child up alone. Five hundred yuan is money, isn’t it?

Don't do it... Then it will be enforced. Yang Xiuli ran to Gao Jianxi's house every day to toss, and village chief Gao was also on fire. If you said, just toss about it, you will pay the land requisition money last.

"There are three households in the village who don't cooperate. I took the initiative to ask them to pay later," Gao Jianxi replied confidently. "The town paid them by themselves and raised a group of white-eyed wolves... They also knew they were wrong, and no one Tossing."

"The town has deducted the money from the three of them," Hao Yaoyan testified, and then he laughed again, "In fact, Village Chief Gao can deduct the money himself, but his others go to his house to toss and let the town first Send to others."

"Can't these three trees be compensated for their seedlings?" Chen Taizhong pondered, then asked another question, "In that case, can she get more compensation?"

"The following situations are complicated." Gao Jianxi shook his head. "It's still a trivial matter if the tree moved her. Why didn't the second family of Liu give it to him? He buried his father's grave in the ground... I should How to pay? I can only let him move, not pay a penny."

"We can only ask for justice, and there is no way to deal with special situations," Hao Yaoliang said, "Jianxi still pays attention to fairness in this grassroots work, and has strong execution. The best and fastest implementation of land acquisition is in Razigou Village. ."

Then Yang Xiuli's kid is still asking me to complain? District Mayor Chen pondered and asked, "Gao Jianxi, you are sure to tell them, you still have to pay in the end?"

"I'm very sure, take my head to guaranty," Gao Jianxi nodded vigorously, "These three companies saw that everyone took the money, and now they regret that the liver hurts... Regret is useless. If you don't cooperate with the government's plan, you have to let They have a hard time!"

It shouldn't be, Chen Taizhong started to ponder when he heard this--could it be that the young man deliberately distorted the truth?

"That's right, and also," Village Chief Gao said of the indignation. "Some people say that I gave more money to the relatives in the family. I don't know which grandson came from this news... The town is clear. How many heads do I have for compensation conditions, dare to make this kind of mistake?"

Understand, Chen Taizhong nodded. He roughly knew where the problem was. He glanced sideways at Hao Yaoliang, "Lao Hao, when you acquired the land, there was no public announcement in the town?"

"It's publicized, the documents have been distributed to the villages," Mayor Hao obviously didn't understand. What the publicity of District Mayor Chen said is is an announcement, you have to post it in black and white, and then cover it. The big seal of your town government! District Chief Chen shook his head helplessly, "Old Gao can be fair...At least he said yes. This is good, but what about transparency?" Is your town government transparent? "

"Because you are not transparent enough, others will suspect that there are private transactions, which will affect the credibility of the government," Chen Taizhong accused Hao Yaoliang with a calm face, "This dispute is not at fault with Gao Jianxi, but with you, Hao Yaoliang."

"But if I post it, Yang Xiuli doesn't want to make money?" Mayor Hao was obviously unconvinced.

"..." Chen Taizhong pointed at him speechlessly, then shook his head, "Xiao Wang, you can discuss with Mayor Hao."

"Mayor Hao, I am young and ignorant, so I just have some ideas of my own," Wang Yuanyuan said softly. She can't be the attitude towards the villagers when she is the leader of Shangshanjin Town Government. "I have met many villagers, yes. They can only borrow this file to take a look at it. The announcement posted outside is something everyone can see..."

(Cavin, thinking about the direction of the book, so it’s late. I’m sorry, but the monthly pass is still required.) [(m)Reading without pop-up window]

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