Official Immortal

: Three thousand six hundred and nine-three thousand six hundred and ten slowly accelerating

Shen Jianshe looked at the young man in front of him. He was really speechless. It took him a long time to ask, "Why District Chief Chen didn't come?"

"The district chief asked me to come," Liao Dabao didn't answer the question directly, but looked at each other lightly-how do I know why the district chief didn't come? Both of us do things, so you don't have to embarrass me, right?

But Shen Jianjian didn't embarrass him, who else could embarrass him? You can't embarrass District Mayor Chen, so he said, "When the mayor reads the information, he also needs to understand the situation inside. Are you competent?"

"I'm going to get married soon," Liao Dabao's answer made Shen Jianjian start to hear. Where and where are these?

Immediately afterwards, Director Liao’s post-word came, "I took leave for these two days to purchase some things. The district chief probably saw me on the way, so he asked me to bring the information." This directly pushed away all the cause and effect. ——If you want to know something, ask District Chief Chen.

Shen Jianshe was stunned for a moment, and lost his temper, "Then put it down and leave a contact number."

He knows very well that the mayor will not see such a small person, and he will simply be the leader. Of course, if he guessed wrong, he also left the other party's phone number. You have to be obedient. come back?

His abacus is very good, but Liao Dabao once again slant forward, he smiled and nodded, "The contact number is easy to say, but Director Shen...can you make a receipt first?"

"Receipt?" Shen Jianjian's mouth twitched again, and there is such a strange request? It's fine for Chen Taizhong to be arrogant. Why are you a little clerk so arrogant?

Thinking that he is now working for the mayor, Director Shen felt that he could not be too weak, or he would fall into the leadership of the prestige. So he snorted. "What if I don't hit this receipt?"

"Then I'm sorry," Liao Dabao stretched out his hand, looking in the other's unbelievable eyes. Slowly grabbing the file bag back, he said solemnly, "Director Shen. I know you are joking, but I am timid, you should write a note first."

Shen Jianshe didn't **** the file bag with him, just pondered and asked, "The receipt... is that District Chief Chen meant?"

"Yes," Liao Dabao nodded very simply, "I'm just a runner."

"You wait there," Shen Jianshe said casually, then picked up the phone at hand. He can make the decision to leave information, but in the face of this complicated taste, he must report it to the leader-even if he is sure. How to do it is right. But it is a pity that he is not qualified to call the shots.

Chen Zhengkui was talking with someone, after receiving this call. For a moment, then coldly snorted, "You let him in."

Mayor Chen knew very well. Yesterday he beat the kid named Chen himself, and the guy lay down and quit. He didn't even send the information personally. He just wanted to express his dissatisfaction--but what qualifications do you have to follow? I am dissatisfied?

The next moment, a young man knocked on the door and came in. He nodded and bowed, "Mayor Chen, I heard you have instructions?"

"Leave the information, you can go," Mayor Chen said faintly. There is nothing else, but the overwhelming arrogance is really unstoppable, the dignified mayor The decision does not require any explanation.

"District Mayor Chen get a receipt," Liao Dabao said tremblingly.

"Playing the piano indiscriminately!" Chen Zhengkui's face sank, and he spoke without anger, "The higher level wants the lower level work report...what receipt? When did the function of the local government become private property?"

"When I came, District Mayor Chen told me that I was on marriage leave. He was afraid that I would not try my best, so he must take me back with the receipt." Director Liao smiled slyly, it was his hard work. One night, he came up with an excuse that he could push most of the things to the district chief, but he couldn't bear it at all.

Then he courageously made a suggestion, "How give him a call?"

"I'll call him? Hey," Chen Zhengkui was so angry that he didn't laugh. The small cadres in the counties and districts below really have never seen anything in the world. If you dare to say that, you let me be a city. Chief, take the initiative to call a district mayor to find out the situation?

This is a question of whoever goes for it. He will not do this kind of thing that destroys his own prestige. "If you hit him, I said it was Chen Zhengkui. The information is left and there is no receipt."

Liao Dabao really took out his cell phone and called in front of the mayor. Mayor Chen ignored him and continued to talk to the guests. "...As long as your funds are in place, you can do whatever you want by the Qingyang River. Choose a place."

After saying a few words, Director Liao hung up the phone and walked over, smiling in a weird way, "Mayor, then I will leave the information here."

"Well," Mayor Chen hummed faintly. After seeing him go out, he smiled deeply, "A community leader wants to show his teeth and claws to me. People are bullying..."

Where is Chen Taizhong cheating? He sent Xiao Liao over today to show his indignation or even a little bit of disdain. He heard Xiao Liao report that Mayor Chen called him in and demanded information, and he couldn't help but enjoy himself.

Mayor Chen thinks he is domineering, but District Mayor Chen doesn’t think so. It really doesn’t matter if you don’t give the information. You are a dignified mayor, you are forced to talk directly with the district mayor’s correspondent-who is more downcast Is this still necessary?

District Mayor Chen asked Xiao Liao to put down the information and leave. As long as Chen Zhengkui is not afraid of embarrassment, you can handle things like this in the future.

In the next moment, Chen Taizhong left the matter behind. There are more important things right now. Sui Biao is back with a 15-million-dollar project—an insecticide factory.

So Secretary Sui was very excited to call him and ask him to talk over, "Investment intention... is basically fixed, but the site selection and preferential measures, you have to help me check it out."

"Squad leader, you old Bei Chong, do you still use me as a gatekeeper?" District Leader Chen was humble. He felt that the other party was sincere, and he was not afraid to go to the district party committee.

Chen Taizhong doesn't know much about the pesticide industry, but he roughly thinks about it. The government should consider nothing more than two aspects, one is toxicity and the other is environmental pollution.

I came to the district party committee and talked about it. The investor recognized it directly. A little poison is emitted during the production process, but it can definitely be monitored, and it is also harmless-it will be fine to isolate the surrounding area.

This recognition. It directly makes Chen Taizhong more vigilant. In his understanding, investors generally do not expose their shortcomings. When the investment is settled, the relationship will be in place. What is slightly poisonous-is that a thing?

The only thing investors have to worry about is whether they can deal with local government officials. If they can deal with it, what is a little pollution? If you can't figure it out, pollution won't be a big deal—people will take your property right away, and the pollution will remain the same, but the owner will be changed.

At the beginning of the discussion. Some people say that they are a little bit polluted. This performance is not very scientific.

Chen Taizhong asked again. I understand. The pesticide factory was not originally planned to be built in a downtown area, and it doesn't matter if the surrounding area is surrounded by mountains. As long as the water source can be guaranteed.

"The discharged waste the pollution serious?" At this time, District Mayor Chen couldn't save the face of Secretary Sui, he had to ask.

"A little bit of pollution, it must be inevitable," the investor replied casually, and he said plausibly, "In the process of industrialization, there is an iron rule: first pollution and then treatment. Western countries are like this... In the Seine River ten years ago, people were poisoned before falling down and drowning, but now, fishing is possible there."

"Have you fished in the Seine River?" Chen Taizhong looked at each other strangely.

"I haven't fished," the investor didn't dare to boast when he saw him. He could only say vaguely, "I have been to Paris a few times and I saw people fishing across the river."

"My office in Paris is less than two kilometers away from the Seine River in a straight line," Chen Taizhong smiled and shook his head. "The Seine River has been a little better recently, but no one dared to eat the fish caught."

Seeing that the other party was dumbfounded and speechless, he smiled coldly, "So you don't have to go around with me, just tell me, is the wastewater pollution serious?"

"Too loyal," Sui Biao snorted. He couldn't bear it. This is the project he brought back with great effort. You are constantly questioning. What do you mean? "If there is pollution, we can think of ways to control it. The current climate is not about is development! With so many iron plants in Guangbei, the sky has become gray, and no leader said they were wrong."

"It's okay to build a factory, but it can also be polluted," Chen Taizhong finally made it clear that he is not a saint who can never change his life. There is really no development if there is no pollution these years. "You can tell me that there is a place where the pollution... Don't think I support you."

"The factory will be built by the Qingyang River," the investor couldn't stand the stimulus of the rammed goods, so he took the initiative to say, "The wastewater can be discharged directly, and before the wastewater is discharged...we have to install sewage treatment equipment."

"Hey," Chen Taizhong snorted, and then glanced at Sui Biao, "Who is the fang at the cape?"

The lower reaches of the Qingyang River is Cape Province, which irrigates hundreds of thousands of acres of land in Cape. If the poisonous water comes down from the upper reaches, it will be a lawsuit or a cross-provincial lawsuit.

"If you go down for dozens of miles, the poisonous ones are no longer poisonous," Sui Biao replied lightly. This is the recognition that grassroots officials can only come to. Although it is unreasonable, it is very appropriate. No matter how toxic the flowing river is, it will flow up. One hundred and eighty kilometers, it should be precipitated and degraded.

"If you go straight to Qingyang River, I am opposed to this project," Chen Taizhong patted the table, "Wu Shui section, there are still plans to build a scenic spot. When this project is launched, what do you want to see...see dead fish?"

Chapter 3610 Slowly Accelerating (Part 2)

"When the scenic area is completed, it will not be too late to focus on environmental protection." Sui Biao still has to fight for it. After all, this is the project he found. He said earnestly, "Too loyal, Bei Chong is really poor for too long. Up."

"If you change the river, I really don't care. The poison has accumulated in Beichong in these dozens of miles," Chen Taizhong shook his head, "Old Sui, don't say anything, I dare to investigate whoever dares to build a factory. It’s useless to find the Heavenly King Lao Tzu."

This is too harsh to say, and the investors are shocked when they hear it. It is originally a gray area business. If there is no strong support in the local area, it is better not to do it-once the investment goes down, it will be taken away. What about the industry?

"Then let's think about it again," the investor hid his face and walked away.

Seeing his many days of hard work just go with the wind like this, Sui Biao couldn't tell. Is it easy for him, the leader of the party committee, to find an economic project? He looked at Chen Taizhong with a cold face. "Are you satisfied now?"

"I didn't say not to let you go." Chen Taizhong was happy when he saw him angry. "I just said. If you don't agree that the waste water is discharged into the Qingyang River, if you solve the waste water, there will be no problem?"

"Then it must be built in Xiaozhao Township again?" Sui Biao glanced at him strangely. If you like Wang Yuanyuan, there is no need to help out like this, right? "The decontamination capacity of the power plant there is very strong."

"Xiao Zhao is not suitable," Chen Taizhong shook his head. "There are few mountains and a lot of land. If you build a few more factories, the land will be requisitioned for cultivated land, and pollution will easily affect the cultivated land. Flash gold is also not suitable. Ramie should be grown there. I think Xiwangzhuang Township can be considered."

"This is true," Sui Biao was almost out of anger when he heard him say this. He directed the government work again. "I think we can consider building Xiao Zhao, Shanjin, and Xiwangzhuang into an industrial circle, and more towards Xiwangzhuang."

"The stone production in Xiwangzhuang Township itself will produce a lot of sewage," Chen Taizhong nodded and agreed with the other party's statement, "The arable land there is also limited, and industrial development can be given priority."

The harmony at this moment is really rare. The leaders of the party and government of Bei Chong sit together and seriously discuss the development in the area. You say one thing to me, there is no gap between them.

Speaking of conscience, Sui Biao was also very caring about the construction of Beichong. Before, he had no chance to say, but now that Chen Taizhong is also good-natured, he simply stated some of his ideas.

"Urban construction still needs to be carried out later," District Mayor Chen did not completely agree with his idea. "My idea is that if we don't do it, we must do it in a big way. Not only should the block be planned in a unified way, but also cables and pipes. All of them enter the ground, do not go through the landfill, and go through the underground tunnel. If conditions permit, we can also build the old Beichong City, which is also a landscape."

"How much does it cost?" Sui Biao was shocked when he heard it. The amount of this project is too large. "Without seven or eight billion, it can't be done at all."

"The construction committee is calculating the funds, and it is estimated that it can be controlled below 900 million. The main expenses are still on demolition and relocation," Chen Taizhong nodded with a smile, "so don't worry about urban construction now, just fix it."

"Beichong has less than 200,000 people in total," Sui Biao shook his head helplessly. "You have an average of 5,000 people. If you only count the population in the city, you can average up to two people per person. Ten thousand yuan."

"This is a major event that will benefit the future. A big investment is nothing. And most of the money is earned by the people of Beichong." Chen Taizhong smiled and shook his head. There is something else in his heart, "Wait for Bei Chong. After the development is good, who said that there are less than 200,000 people? If others can fight for the top 100 counties, we can’t do in Beichong?"

Sui Biao was speechless right now. He did not expect that Chen Taizhong's spirit was so high. In more than 2,000 counties and districts across the country, Beichong has become a top 100. The first two thousand cities have been ranked less than five years ago. Nei rushed into the top 100... Are you drunk too much?

"Lao Sui, the investment you attracted this time has also reminded me," District Mayor Chen said to himself regardless of his state. "In the near future, it is necessary to consider building a special sewage treatment plant. Up."

"It's not necessary for the time being," Sui Biao shivered with fright. It was a money-burning thing, and it was not currently considered by Bei Chongneng. "When the power plant is built, let's make a living."

"Yes, the operating cost is too high," Chen Taizhong said softly. The sewage treatment plant only has investment but no economic benefits, and some are only ecological benefits-it is easy to build, but difficult to maintain. Once the buddy leaves, the plant can It is also a problem if it can't run.

He still has to start with the system. He was thinking about it. He suddenly heard Sui Biao say, "Too loyal, this is April. I have already greeted Chaotian colleges and universities. In a few days, we will both Go together and talk to the students about the benefits of starting a business in their hometown."

"Yeah," Chen Taizhong nodded. This is the first year of Beichong's publicity policy. Using a one-year contract to recruit fresh graduates cannot be overemphasized. It is normal for the district party committee secretary and district mayor to come forward together, "what exactly is it? time?"

"Within ten days," Sui Biao hesitated, then said again, "You have to pay to the school for renting the school, and it is very scattered. I think it is necessary to make an advertisement. Just hire at our Yangzhou office. ."

"Advertising," Chen Taizhong slapped his mouth and nodded slowly, "It's better to be a newspaper advertisement. I will take out 200,000 yuan here. You do it or I do it?"

"Let Chen Wenxuan go, he is also idle." Sui Biao naturally went to support the party committee. In fact, the government is busy these days, but the party committee is very idle. This is also not very scientific, "Ge Baoling can cooperate, anyway, we must emphasize it. The party committee and the government cooperated."

"I'm happy with the money. He has to build up his momentum," Chen Taizhong nodded and stood up. "It's just this afternoon. Let him go to the district government to get the money."

Half an hour later, Minister of Missions and Education Chen Wenxuan came to the district government, and he was a little surprised, Chen Zhengkui couldn't make money. The district government is spending lavishly on this side, 200,000 yuan in advertising fees-the Beichong District does not cost 200,000 yuan a year for advertising.

Anyway. It is good to have money. Minister Chen was also very happy, it didn't matter if there was more money than less. The key is that the government has begun to allocate extra money to the party committee. Recently, various government departments have waved checks, bought and built on a large scale, and the eyes of all the party committee members have been green.

Coming to the door of Chen Taizhong's office, Minister Chen nodded at Wang Yuanyuan with a smile, "Xiao Wang, is the district head here?"

It is said that he is a dignified district committee member, there is no need to be so polite to a girl who has no name, are not welcome, she is not only the head of the district head, but now everyone is saying that she might become a district Long spokesperson.

This is not a catch-up. Xiao Wang accused the villagers and Guo Youbao in Laoying Village and saw a lot of people, especially people from the Xiwangzhuang Township Government. Later, she pointed out the importance of publicity in front of Hao Yaoliang and others. Sex.

Everyone didn’t know that this was District Mayor Chen’s intention to train Xiao Wang to become Wu Yan’s second place, and Xiao Wang himself was also upright. They only saw that not only did she sit in Xiao Liao’s seat, she could actually replace the District Chief and Hao. The mayor debated.

Chen Wenxuan also heard some such rumors. If Liao Dabao was in charge of receiving today, he didn't need to give the other party a smile, but seeing Wang Yuanyuan-he felt that he was better off.

"Hello, Minister Chen," Xiao Wang stood up and replied softly, "The district chief said, you can go in directly when you come."

The girl is quite sensible. Chen Wenxuan had such a thought in his mind, without the feeling of being rampant with ambition. The next moment, he opened the door and saw District Mayor Chen talking with Finance Director Yang Mengchun.

Seeing him coming, Director Yang stood up and said goodbye. Chen Wenxuan glanced at him strangely and asked if it wasn't you who gave me the money?

"Come on, Lao Chen, here you are," Chen Taizhong stood up, holding two boxes in his hands, and opened the boxes to see. Inside are neatly bundled mobile recharge cards.

This is the legendary government mobile sponsorship? Minister Chen was in a daze, but he heard the district chief's words, "This money is not easy to go to other accounts... let's use this first, um, or I will let Ma Yuanyuan come to exchange it now?"

"No, I can change it myself." Chen Wenxuan also knew that the face was given by others, but it was lost by himself. It was nothing more than changing the money personally. How big is it? "I'm thinking, what kind of structure should this advertisement be?"

"You can grasp this for The Chaotian Evening News must be published. The daily newspaper is up to you. It is best to do it in Hengbei Daily for two days. In addition to Chaotian, there are schools in other cities," Chen Taizhong just pointed out The framework does not interfere with specific matters. "You spend the money as you like. Secretary Sui and I just want results."

"Okay," Chen Wenxuan nodded, saying that Chen Taizhong's generous and willingness to delegate power is exactly the same as the people in the government said. The Ministry of Education was originally Qingshui Yamen, and there were few things. This time, it must be done beautifully. , "This will be in mid-April right away. It can't be delayed any longer, it must be done as soon as possible."

"I will make arrangements now," Minister Chen stood up, "Yangzhou also has a teacher training and a financial college, and this area has to be dedicated to work."

"Always as fast as possible, time waits for no one," District Chief Chen stood up, smiled and shook hands with the other party, and sent the person to the door.

Before he could turn around, he saw Xu Ruilin walking quickly over, with obvious displeasure on his face, "District Chief Chen, there is something, I want to respond to you."

As soon as he entered the door and waited to be seated, District Mayor Xu spoke, "The Foreign Affairs Office said that we will leave five to eight indicators for the city for this inspection abroad..." [(m)No pop-up reading]

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