Official Immortal

: Three thousand six hundred and thirty-six-three thousand six hundred and thirty-seven

Chapter 3636

"Xiaojia Village encountered a mudslide?" Li Qiang heard loudly, and all his drunkenness disappeared for a while. "Is it serious? Is there any casualty... hello, hello?"

He screamed loudly, but the voice over there was not clear at all. What came from the earpiece was a howling like a landslide, and he even felt the ground over there shaking violently, Secretary Li Zhen It is impossible to imagine what kind of situation Xiaojia Village is facing. m

It seems that after a century has passed, the voice on the receiver side gradually became quieter. At this time, he heard the other party shouting, "We need the support of the troops, we need the support of the troops."

"How about the loss of personnel and property?" Li Qiang insisted on asking this point, no matter how many, in fact, this was the point that the cadres were most concerned about. He put the phone in his ear and said while he was wearing clothes, "Report the disaster first!"

"The mudslide hasn't finished yet," Chen Taizhong was so anxious that he jumped his feet. "The property loss is very serious. Most people got the alarm and ran out...Is anyone killed? There is no statistics yet."

"Are you on the spot?" Secretary Li asked nonsense, but he still had to ask this nonsense.

"I must be at the scene," Chen Taizhong was a little bit irritable by the other party. If I was not at the scene, could the voice just be recorded? "Sui Biao has been notified and is currently preparing relief supplies. It is estimated that they will arrive soon."

"I'm going to the scene now," Li Qiang said decisively, and then he asked, "What kind of help do you need?"

"Troops, let the troops come to rescue," Chen Taizhong was so angry that he didn't drop the phone. I made it so clear. What else do you ask me for? "There are also supplies, relief supplies... The most important thing is the tent. The villagers are all standing in the rain."

"I will arrange the supplies right away. The troops...impossible," Secretary Li sighed with a wry smile, "I have to report to the provincial party committee for the deployment of troops. I can't make a decision for a while."

"Just tell Commander Zhang from the military sub-district that the troops will temporarily engage in a training session and target Xiaojia Village. That's it... That's right. Let them bring disaster relief tents," Chen Taizhong said quickly.

"I'm afraid this won't work, right?" Li Qiang asked dubiously. "Did you say hello to him?"

To say that this Yangzhou is really sad, because the pockets are too weak and the relationship with the armed police is not good, and this unit is not under the command of the municipal party committee secretary. In the case of disaster relief, it is really a delay.

"I said hello to Zhao Guangda." District Mayor Chen replied casually, "If Commander Zhang shirks, just ask him, Commander Zhao didn't arrange it?"

Zhao Guangda is the commander of the Hengbei Military Region and has a very good relationship with Sister Sun's family. Chen Taizhong contacted Sister Sun early because Chu Baoyu refused to cooperate. He also knew that the armed police in Yangzhou was not easy to use.

Sister Sun helped to coordinate. Finally, give an answer-if there is a real danger there, ask your municipal party committee secretary to inform the military division, and there will be arrangements for field training.

The face of the Sun family is big enough, but in order to prevent accidents, Commander Zhao still specifies. The secretary of the Yangzhou Municipal Party Committee must be a cautious move. And it's really not too much.

"Then I'll call him now," Li Qiang didn't doubt Chen Taizhong at all. He hung up the phone and began to look at his cell phone, with a wry smile on his face, "This many other cards, Is it something I don’t know?"

At the same time, under the light of the car lights, Chen Taizhong and others watched the mud-rock flow rushing down, really dumbfounded-the mountain is far enough away from Xiaojia Village, two miles away, but... The secondary landslide surface is too large.

The rushing mud and stones tore down the house. An agricultural vehicle was hit by the air wave and rolled in the air, and then fell into the mud again. The mud-rock flow pushed to the side of the road and gradually slowed down. At this time, the houses in the village had been destroyed for more than half.

The mudslide finally rushed across the road, but it was the end of the force. Although there were occasionally a few rocks jumping across the road with mud, it was an isolated phenomenon.

In the blink of an eye, the original Xiaojia Village was turned into a ruin. There were eighty or ninety houses standing close to the highway, but looking at the crumbling appearance, no one knew how long they could last.

Fortunately, the settlement of the villagers is not the center of the impact of the mudslide. A little further away, the billowing mud rushes to the side of the road without any effort, hitting the roadbed hard and making a loud noise. .

This time the landslide not only swallowed most of the village, but also swallowed a large area of ​​land.

After a long time, no large pieces of earth and rocks came in. Although the mud was still rolling, it looked weak. Some people walked back with a flashlight, "The motorcycle is still in the yard..."

"You get me back," Chen Taizhong rushed down, grabbed the neck of the guy, and shouted, "This is the first time, do you know there is no second time?"

This voice shocked most people. According to everyone’s understanding, this mudslide is now nearing its end. Everyone wants to go home to rescue supplies, but District Chief Chen also makes a lot of sense. In case it comes again, Isn't it miserable?

So everyone dismissed the idea of ​​rescuing property. This situation is rare in Beichong. The people of Beichong are used to being poor, and they don’t take their lives seriously and put them in the old days. Who can stop them from rescuing property? Your mind?

But by the way, everyone still listens to District Chief Chen. This is not just because he is the head of a district-this is really nonsense. Everyone is mainly frightened by his amazing ability to predict. When the mountain collapsed, the mountain really collapsed. The last time the mountain collapsed near Xiaojia Village, it probably dates back to the middle of the Qing Dynasty.

What’s more rare is that District Mayor Chen knew that the mountain was going to collapse, so he dared to stay in Xiaojia Village and called the police in time, saving most of the lives. If it weren’t for the night before, the village would teach everyone how to listen to the ground. Waiting until you hear the noise before you run, it is really too late. Looking at the posture of the collapse of the mountain, it is normal for the death of one or two hundred people in Xiaojia Village.

The riots have subsided, and then everyone will face the reality, for most people. The night was too cold, which was about ten degrees Celsius, especially it was still raining. Among the people who escaped from Xiaojia Village, most of them did not bring rain gear, but someone led the cow out.

Those who pull the bull can squat under the cow's belly to keep warm. More people cut out the plastic sheeting from the district, four people each support one horn, and two small dolls can squat in the middle.

at this time. A bowl of **** soup is very useful to dispel cold and sweat. However, it is raining and it is not easy to make a stove. The pot is not a problem. Some people run out of the cauldron.

Thus, the liquefied gas furnace brought into the district played a major role. Unfortunately, there is not much water. Li Hongxing’s **** dropped all the **** on the ground again, and it had to be washed. District Mayor Chen maintained order, “Women and children drink first, and men lean back...but whoever wants to build the stove can come first. bowl."

The stove does not grow well, but it must be built. The pot that the liquefied gas stove can hold is too small, and a large pot of water is not enough for 30 people to drink, and there are more than 700 villagers in Xiaojia Village.

Seriously, it was the master who carried the pot from the village, and the top of the pot was more than one meter in diameter. Usually at home frying, frying, frying, frying, frying, frying, frying, frying, and frying. Still have to make fragrant meals.

Therefore, this stove must be built. Fortunately, there was the meeting the night before, and everyone did not panic. Some went to the roadside to pick up bricks, some found branches and mud, and some took a knife to cut a woman's hair.

The stoves in the village are built like this, not to mention cement, that stuff doesn’t work, it’s just made up of bricks and mud, and mud is used in the hearth. At this time, salt and hair should be added. The wall cracked easily, and the fire ran out.

However, the people who build the stove are also big men. Few people grab the **** soup from the dolls. There are some young men who took off their coats and were busy there wearing only autumn clothes to show their heroism.

These tasks were also invisible, so someone was holding an umbrella and pulling a plastic sheet to cover them from the rain. District Chief Chen also took an umbrella and placed it on a shirtless young man. The young man was really motivated. ——In fact, when he ran out of the village, he was shirtless.

This efficiency... is still a bit slow. Chen Taizhong watched them slowly build the stove, a little impatient, and was wondering where to pick up some dry wood. Shi Junjie came over and quietly pulled him.

"What's the matter?" District Chief Chen walked aside with him holding an umbrella, and whispered.

"My aunt and cousin didn't run out," the mayor Shi said with a solemn face, and sighed heavily. "If you nod your head, you will leave them alone."

"This...can't it?" Chen Taizhong always thought that everyone should have run out. After all, the warning was early enough. In the middle of the night, the ringing bell, at least ten minutes of reaction time, could not run out? "Will you go somewhere else?"

"There are lights in this place around us," Shi Junjie replied grimly, "Even if they ran elsewhere, it has been more than half an hour, can they not come back?"

"Fuck, is this really someone dead?" District Mayor Chen was stunned. When he talked to Sui Biao and Li Qiang, he always emphasized that there was no statistics, but he didn't think anyone would die. In this disaster-yes, the scale of the mudslide is not small, but the buddy is there.

But thinking about it now, he was really overconfident. First of all, he didn't expect that the landslide happened ahead of time. It was at night again, and it was inevitable to deal with it hastily.

Secondly, he believes too much in the effect of the village meeting held at night, thinking that everyone can actively save themselves, so he focused on how to improve everyone’s living environment and reduce the occurrence of epidemics after the disaster occurred— —He even took out the bowl of **** soup.

Chapter 3637

Did something wrong? District Mayor Chen felt a little weak, and slowly sat on a wet stone, drew out a smoke and lit it silently, and at the same time opened his eyes, and scanned the vast ocean in Xiaojia Village-whether there were signs of life. ?

There are indeed signs of life. Two chickens are standing on a piece of wood, a pig is trekking in muddy water, and a dog is lying on a tree. There are four or five snakes entangled in the tree. As for people... That's really gone.

"Actually, I didn't do anything wrong. I emphasized everything that should be emphasized," he whispered to himself, "I have a clear conscience... You guys are just a small district chief, you can't think of yourself as a god."

"District Chief Chen, you have done a good job. Don't be so guilty. Of course you are not a god." Lin Jilong walked over and slowly sat down beside him. He stretched out two fingers, which were also muddy and muddy. Root giant pandas try new things."

"Pick up this box," Chen Taizhong faithfully slapped a box of cigarettes to him. "Thank you."

Mayor Lin performed very well today. Not only did the 700-odd people in the village be divided into groups to maintain order, they also took off their coats. I handed it to a shirtless old man. Just now, I arranged for everyone to erect a few wooden poles and set up the largest rain canopy. It was 30 square meters square, and the number 70 or 80 was hidden inside.

"It's not hard." Mayor Lin took out a cigarette to light it, and let out a comfortable breath. "It's the first time in my life to smoke a giant panda. It's a good cigarette... In fact, I'm really happy to be so close to the people and serve them at close range. I haven't been a parent official once for nothing, what do you think?"

"I also like the feeling of being close to the masses, and I always feel that I am doing real things." Chen Taizhong took a couple of puffs of cigarettes, only to find out where the rain was coming from, put out the cigarette butts, and then took out another box to open the package. , Draw a point on it. "But two people are missing today... I feel bad."

"Most people came out alive, thanks to your voice." Lin Jilong raised his hand to wipe the rain from his hair, flicked it, and took out a lighter to light a cigarette. His cigarette was also extinguished by the water. Otherwise, I might not even be able to get out."

"Old Lin, do you want to blow on the air conditioner in the car?" Chen Taizhong felt out. Lin Jilong's body was shaking slightly. The four cars on the side of the road were all on fire, but they were already full of old, weak and sick. "The body is the capital of revolution."

"No need," Lin Jilong shook his head proudly, "I am also the mayor anyhow, squeezing with them... Isn't this shameful?"

As I spoke, the sky was getting brighter, but the rain in the sky was getting heavier and heavier. A young man ran over and asked tremblingly, "District Chen, can I get some gasoline out of the car? Fire, roast it?"

Chen Taizhong had an impression of this young man. The young man did not let others grab the **** soup. He had been working hard when he was standing on the stove. Now that he was soaked in the fight, he remembered to ask for leadership.

"Dig a pit, put something underneath, and don't let gasoline flow everywhere," District Chief Chen gave instructions. "Find a plastic sheet on your head to block it. You see the water running down your body... Don't feel bad about gasoline, for a while. The supporting car is here."

"Okay," the young man took the order. Not long after, there were more than a dozen blazing fires on Xiaopo, but if so, it was still not enough. By the side of a fire, it was impossible to crowd a dozen people. , And now although the sky is bright, it is the coldest time in the mountains, it is estimated to be only seven or eight degrees, and it is still raining.

This night was really difficult.

At last it was okay. At 5:30, the convoy in the district finally appeared. The leader was the King Long bus, followed by a minibus and two large trucks.

The road has long been covered by mudslides. Standing in Xiaojia Village, no matter if you look forward or backward, you can't see the shadow of the road at all. After the Jinlong bus is crushed, everyone can see it as deep as three or four. Rutting of ten centimeters.

But this is the case. The rescue team in the district finally arrived. After the car stopped on the side of the road, Sui Biao was the first to jump out of the car, regardless of the mud under his feet, "Too loyal, thank you for your hard work, I brought enough Come here with supplies."

The supplies are said to be sufficient, that’s how it is, mainly water, convenience food and gasoline, but two trucks pull things pretty well, one pulls wood and the other pulls coal, but...there is still a shortage of tents. .

Ordinarily, it’s dawn now, and the villagers of Xiaojia Village can go to other villages to take refuge, but first of all...this road is not easy, and secondly, if you go to other villages, why should others entertain you?

The truck loaded with wood and coal rushed directly to the foot of the hill bag. As soon as the manger opened, it crackled down and unloaded the goods. Fortunately, there is no shortage of everything on this mountain bag, but there is no shortage of people. In the blink of an eye, these things were It was carried under a few plastic sheds, and the stoves that were set up at night began to smoke slowly.

"It's in order," Sui Biao sighed deeply, and walked to Chen Taizhong's side. "You are soaked in this half of your body. Go to the car to warm up?"

"I don't care anymore," Chen Taizhong handed Secretary Sui a cigarette, and took another cigarette. "We pulled out the breakfast stall of King Long. It's time to prepare breakfast. Everyone has been frozen for half the night."

The modified King Long car is really awesome. There are everything that should be there, but the five pots and stoves that were built up at night were the one who made the final contribution. A few sticks of dry wood were stuffed in, and a few pieces of coal were thrown. The fire sprung up, and it was absolutely guaranteed to be more than 700. One bite of hot soup.

This is quite rare, a big pot, put 20 or 30 eggs into it, then throw in a tuft of seaweed and a little green onion and MSG pepper. This is a pot of seaweed egg drop soup, enough for fifty to sixty people. The five-burner stove is basically enough for everyone.

The people who had been frozen for a few hours became active, but Secretary Sui couldn't get happy. He sighed with cigarettes in between, "According to your estimation. It is possible that these two missing persons may not be spared?"

"The possibility is very small." Chen Taizhong was annoyed, and simply walked into the rain, letting the fine rain hit his head, and looked at the mud with his back on his back. "This post-disaster reconstruction requires a lot of work."

The two were talking, and there was the roar of the car in the distance. But the city's car arrived, two off-road vehicles cleared the way, four military vehicles with tarpaulins in the back, and a bus in the back.

As soon as the car stopped, Li Qiang jumped out of the car. They came at a high speed, not much slower than the district. Secretary Li asked calmly, "Have you found the two missing?"

"Tsk," Chen Taizhong slapped his lips, shook his head helplessly, and then raised his chin at the mud-like this, how can I find someone?

During the conversation, the young man in the military vehicle began to jump down, and a square-faced man came over, stretched out his hand at Chen Taizhong, and said with a sullen face, "Hello, Chief Chen, I am a military division training division to serve the country. , Is it timely?"

"Thank you very much for the support of the soldiers," District Chief Chen nodded, and he glanced at the soldiers who jumped out of the car. "How many people have come?"

"The guard platoon and the communication station each come to a squad," Zong Baoguo sighed. "Only soldiers can come first... We brought some tents and shovels, and I hope it will be helpful to Bei Chong."

"The soldiers are good, the boys are good," Chen Taizhong nodded. Everyone felt that the soldiers were more squeamish, and they were not as easy to use as the field troops in disaster relief. In fact, judging from the lad's agility to unload supplies, he was no worse than the field troops. .

In fact, he couldn't think of a compliment. The field troops are really not easy to mobilize, and people have brought a lot of supplies, which is a rescue.

However, the next moment, it became clear that there were insufficient troops. The tents were set up to be clumsy. In the end, the staff officer couldn't stand it anymore. He started to use it himself and pointed out while he was standing. The soldiers could only smile and help.

It was about half past six that Chu Baoyu came to the scene. It was actually half an hour away from the town. He was awakened by the sound of the landslide in the middle of the night. Ten minutes later, he received a call from the village chief Shi. Originally, he wanted to go there immediately. His wife said it was too unsafe. You should wait until dawn before leaving. You can mobilize relief supplies first.

Secretary Chu thought about it. It was the same reason. He didn't want to show his face so quickly. He didn't want to come to the scene to see. Not only the district party committee secretary has arrived, but even the city party committee secretary has arrived, as well as the people in the army. , He was shocked immediately.

Chu Baoyu wanted to find someone to But Secretary Li was busy inspecting and calling, Secretary Sui held up a smile to condolences the people, District Mayor Chen was instructing the villagers to help the soldiers set up tents, Lin Zhen Long is organizing people to cook, even the head of Shi Village is busy instructing the villagers to build simple toilets, and more than 700 people have to eat and drink.

When Secretary Chu saw this, he arranged for the people he had brought to set up a large shed—he even brought a stand. For a while, all kinds of tarps were being built on the small slope.

There was a muffled bang, and the two houses were unsupported and collapsed in the mud. Secretary Li glanced at the opposite side and then found Chu Baoyu. He frowned and asked, "What are you doing?"

"Hello, Secretary Li, I'm Chu Baoyu, the party secretary of Sanlun Town," Secretary Chu puffed out, "A group of materials have been organized to come, please give instructions."

"Later than I came," Li Qiang snorted and stayed here for a while. He also knew that Chu Baoyu had screwed up with Chen Taizhong yesterday. He hated it because of this guy insisting that there will be nothing wrong here. I really want to listen to you, my seat as the secretary of the municipal party committee is about to move.

But the disaster relief is important now, and he is too lazy to deal with this guy, turning his head to Chen Taizhong, "Too loyal, the materials are still not enough..." [(m)No pop-up reading]

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