Official Immortal

: Three thousand six hundred forty six-three thousand six hundred forty-seven cross-regional contrad

Chapter 3646

Ning Peiliang's voice is terrible, you know, the leaders of the district government are all sitting together.

"You sit down first," District Chief Chen was calm, his chin raised slightly, "Before you have time to eat, eat first... if you have something to say slowly, don't worry." m

When the Chief Ning heard this, even if he was anxious to get angry, he could only sit down and eat. After waiting for a while, Tan Shengli said aloud, "Mingxin this group is really too much."

Jianzi Village is located in Wangbulu Township, which is the most border township in Mingxin District. It is adjacent to Beichong Xiaoling Township. The Qingyang River in Xiaoling Township is only more than one kilometer away, but Wushui Township is more than 20 kilometers away. It's really normal for Liang to get angry in such a hurry.

Bai Fengming glanced at District Chief Tan. He knew that someone had been instigating the establishment of a tourist area in Wushui, so he whispered, "I don't know if the pollution of this electroplating plant is serious."

"It's big, it's very big," Ning Peiliang didn't care about eating when he heard this, and raised his head to look at him. "Mayor Bai, this is electroplating. In addition to toxic side effects, only heavy metal pollution can make The crops of Xiaoling and Wushui were dead."

District Mayor Bai glanced at Mayor Chen, and found that he was eating vegetables with his eyelids drooping, and then asked, "The electroplating factory is going to be built there...Are you sure this is absolutely the case?"

"Very sure," Chief Ning Xiang nodded resolutely, "If it were another factory, I wouldn't be so anxious, but this electroplating plant really can't be used. District Mayor Chen has instructed that when the conditions are ripe, Wushui can. Engage in tourism development."

Haven't I told you that? Chen Taizhong glanced at Tan Shengli intentionally or unintentionally, and said that your kid had made a wish with the district plan again, but he was too lazy to care about it, and just asked indifferently. "Mingxin will let you know this?"

"Yes." Ge Baoling nodded. At this moment, she finally realized why Bai Fengming would ask such a simple question. Because this thing is eccentric, "This kind of factory, I am afraid that even the villagers in Xiaojianzi Village will not hide it. Let you know?"

This logic is the most consistent with the status quo. To build a factory in a village, we must first consider the issue of land acquisition. The villagers definitely hope to get more compensation for the kind of factories with high profits.

The second is this pollution problem. Now the state has strengthened its efforts to promote environmental protection. Even in such a backward place in Yangzhou, there are many villagers who know the harm of pollution, especially the harm. It may affect future generations.

In this context, in order to successfully complete land acquisition, cadres usually have to be vague about the purpose of the land. Or just fabricate a project. When the land acquisition was completed and the project started, it was too late for the villagers to regret.

A large pig farm in the mouth of a village cadre. It can be turned into a commercial housing project in the blink of an eye, or it can be turned into a paper mill—asymmetric information can make grassroots work more effective.

Turning to the current topic is: If Xiaojianzi Village really wants to go to the electroplating factory, then even the villagers in Xiaojianzi Village should not know it, let alone counties where there are only disadvantages and no benefits in the downstream-the downstream objection, Huang The projects are all normal.

Bai Fengming had a clear view of the cause and effect of this kind of thing, but he didn't explain it thoroughly, leaving the opportunity to Chen Taizhong, and District Mayor Chen did not live up to his expectations. He directly pointed out the words clearly. Although Ge Baoling was slow to respond At one point, he realized the essence for the first time.

Therefore, it is still the same sentence. When the grassroots cadres reach the county level, they know what they should know.

They were all right, but unexpectedly, Ning Peiliang still nodded, "Yes, the villagers in Xiaojianzi Village didn't know it. This is what a friend of our city government said. This project is led by the city. What... My friend is absolutely reliable."

"What's his name?" Bai Fengming asked with a smile, this question is obviously rash, but how can the general people think about the thoughts of District Chief Bai easily?

"It's inconvenient for me to say this name," Sure enough, the head of Ning Xiang shook his head, and he said firmly, "I use the seat of Wushui Township Mayor as a guarantee. If anything is untrue, you will withdraw me, Mayor Chen."

As soon as he said this, Bai Fengming stopped running on others. District Mayor Chen waited for a while and found that Lao Bai hadn't spoken, so he smiled slightly, "Who introduced this project and what company is planning to invest in?"

"It invested in a company called Xingbang in Guangdong, and the boss's surname was Zeng." Ning Peiliang had already understood these questions, otherwise he wouldn't have the guts to knock on the mayor's door in the middle of the night.

But for another question, he couldn't answer it. It wasn't that he couldn't answer it, but it was too inconvenient. "This is the city government that introduced the project."

"Is it Chen Zhengkui?" Chen Taizhong squinted at him. Everyone knows that now the two Chens are incompatible. He is not afraid to call the mayor's name directly. When the mayor Ning heard this question, he could only smile awkwardly. Don't deny it out loud-anyway, that's the case, you know, don't make me embarrassed, so many people are watching.

"How much money does this company plan to invest?" Unexpectedly, Tan Shengli asked aloud. Seeing everyone's eyes cast on him, he smiled awkwardly, "If the investment is large, there may be sewage Processing equipment."

Are you stupid? Ge Baoling snorted disdainfully, saying that this democratic party is really unreliable in speaking and doing things. She was obviously afraid of Chen Zhengkui, so she had to find an unusually ridiculous excuse.

As long as there are projects in Yangzhou, who would consider installing sewage treatment equipment? Only the ramie degumming plant, which is prohibited by the country’s three orders and five applications, can not be messed up. In fact, the ramie degumming plant may not have more serious pollution than the paper mill. It is just that the pollution of ramie degumming is heavy, and the unit output is extremely beneficial. Low, too uneconomical.

District Mayor Ge took another look at the young mayor. Only Mayor Chen, who is capable and wealthy, would consider environmental pollution. If others really want to use these devices, they will be laughed at.

She thought so, but she couldn't say it-her logic was correct, but it was really a bit too subjective.

District Chief Ge looked up at Bai Fengming and found that District Chief Bai was drinking with drooping eyelids. He didn't seem to hear this. District Chief Xu held the snails in one hand and the toothpicks in the other. He picked it attentively and didn't mean to speak.

Ning Peiliang didn't expect it. He is extremely dependent on District Chief Tan. He was a little stunned to be able to say such a thing, and his mouth moved several times. In the end, he picked up the wine glass in front of him and drank it without saying anything.

Chen Taizhong glanced at Wang Yuanyuan, who was sitting on the lower head, and found that there was an eager look in her eyes. I can't give her an encouraging look: If you have anything, just say it!

"District Chief Tan, I have some personal opinions," Wang Yuanyuan got the suggestion from the leader and immediately said, "I don't know if it's appropriate to say it?"

"You said, let's just chat casually," Tan Shengli smiled and nodded, but his heart trembled slightly. I heard that this little girl spoke half the meaning of District Chief Chen.

"What I think is, if this electroplating plant plans to install sewage treatment equipment. Why should it be built by the Qingyang River?" Wang Yuanyuan asked. It really hit the nail on the head, "It can be built anywhere."

"Hey." Chief Xu couldn't help it finally, and chuckled lightly. The head of the white district squeezed his mouth a few times and raised his hand to go to the dish, but the chopsticks were slightly shaking.

Ge Baoling received all these reactions, and she sighed immediately: The thinking abilities of these two are really better than mine. Even Wang Yuanyuan seems to have... potential. I should pay more attention to studying now. Charge it up.

"I just ask casually," Tan Shengli laughed dryly, and no longer entangled in this link. Wang Yuanyuan's question was really directed at her heart.

"Let's do it," Chen Taizhong finally spoke, watching Ning Peiliang speak slowly, "Since you can guarantee that it is an electroplating factory, first organize the villagers to go to Xiaojianzi Village to make a statement, just say that I said... If we dare to have a drop of sewage into the river, we in Bei Chong must be convinced that chickens and dogs are restless.

"No problem, this matter is on my body." Chief Ningxiang shot the case and raised his wine glass with both hands. "I thank District Mayor Chen for three glasses of wine. Thank you for your support to Wushui Township. Now I go back to work overnight. ."

"This... first courtesy and then soldiers," District Mayor Chen saw him so excited, after he had finished his three glasses, he could not say but indifferently instructed, "We Beichong people are reasonable, and we make corrections when we know our mistakes. They are also good comrades... You haven't eaten the staple food yet, let's have some staple food."

"I won't eat the staple food anymore. I will go back as soon as it is not raining." Ning Peiliang, who is also a violent cadre, put down the wine glass and pulled off the stool. "Leaders, please take your time. I'll take a step."

He left, but the people present did not have much interest in speaking. Everyone knew in their hearts that it was really not so easy to stop this. Beichong wants to develop, Mingxin also wants to develop, and they have finally gotten a plating. The factory improves the economy, why should you stop the factory from launching?

This is still second. Beichong is a downstream county of Mingxin, but everyone is a brother unit and is qualified to protest against units at the same level. But the crux of the problem now is-this investor is attracted from the city.

Since Chen Taizhong came here, Beichong has always been unaware of the various unreasonable instructions in the city. This reaction seems to everyone to be a bit awkward, but it is always within tolerance. Now Chen Taizhong actually wants to interfere in the city’s The layout of counties and districts really threatens to live and die.

The people were gone, Bai Fengming was the last to leave. When he left the house, he whispered, "Regarding Wushui, the district chief, no matter what you decide, I will count as my vote."

Two minutes later, Xu Ruilin called - he should have not yet arrived home at this time, "District Chief Chen, it is important to argue that I need to express my opinion, you can speak."

This Bei Chong cadre is still a bit **** after all... The young district chief was really relieved in his heart.

Chapter 3647

The next morning, District Mayor Chen attended the safety production conference. Bai Fengming was fully prepared. There were more than two hundred construction units in the district, including contractors of all sizes.

District Mayor Bai directly marked a hard bar. Those who do not come are not paying attention to safety in production, and you should not complain about the consequences. I reminded you.

It sounds incredible to say that Beichong can have more than 200 Party B with this amount of construction. In fact, it is really like this. There are two packages and three packages, let alone some people just take small jobs. For example, for the installation of aluminum alloy doors and windows in a building, you also have to come to this meeting-safety production cannot be overemphasized.

After the conference was over, the district even came forward to organize a banquet for everyone, and distributed souvenirs, worth more than two hundred yuan of exquisite leather goods, which alone cost nearly 50,000 yuan, but it was such a big spend. It is also to reflect the importance of the district.

Chen Taizhong also attended the dinner. Party B enthusiastically pursued the young district mayor. In order to show his approachability, the district mayor Chen also had a drink to drink. I drank three bottles of liquor.

District Chief Chen's drinking capacity is invincible, but he likes the relaxation after being slightly drunk, so he didn't deliberately control it. I took a rare nap until I was awakened by the phone.

The person who called was Guan Fangzhuo, the mayor of Mingxin District, and his voice sounded a little annoyed. He first reported his home, and then spoke unceremoniously, "District Taizhong, can you take care of your subordinates? The masses of people? All tossed until we were convinced."

"Oh, what's the matter?" District Chief Chen asked in surprise.

"What's the matter?" Guan Fangzhuo only smiled wryly, maybe you don't know? But since the other party said so. He can only say it again, "It's really not easy to attract some investment in the district. It has nothing to do with you Bei Chong."

"I still didn't understand." District Mayor Chen asked knowingly, in fact. He wanted to know what kind of attitude Mingxin had on this matter, "Can you elaborate?"

Guan Fangzhuo was not afraid to be more detailed, co-authored at around ten o'clock this morning, the masses from Wushui Township came to Wangbuluu. At the beginning, it was only on the 20th and 30th. After half an hour, they actually broke the 500 mark. Some people drove agricultural vehicles, and a dozen people came over.

Are the people in Wushui town making trouble? The people who stayed behind Wang Bulu no longer did it. They also gathered around two hundred people. They stepped forward aggressively and asked, what happened—you people in Beichong, dare to come to Mingxin to run wild?

Wang Buliu had fewer people at the scene, but this was the home of others, and several township cadres called friends and accompany each other, gradually becoming evenly matched.

The people who came to Wushui Township this time were not well organized. At least they couldn’t tell who would take the lead. Faced with Wang Buliu’s doubts, everyone said, you are going to build factories upstream. We Wushui People do not agree, and there are also people from Xiaoling who do not agree-Xiaoling Township heard about this, and the thirty or forty people came.

Nima, you have a lot of control, and Wang Buliu is even more angry when you hear it. Mingxin's poverty level is comparable to that of Bei Chong-compared with Bei Chong six months ago.

Under this circumstance, some people are willing to invest 20 million to build a metal processing factory. Everyone can really stare out their eyes and hear that the people of Beichong are not allowed to set up this factory. Everyone can't help but want to do it-Nima , Now that you have money in Beichong, don’t you see us poor celebrating the New Year?

That's not the case at all. The people in Wushui Township immediately explained that it was not a metal processing plant, but an electroplating plant. Once the construction was started, the pollution would have increased.

For those who went to Nima, isn’t it normal for the factory to have pollution? The talents who don’t stay in the hometown don’t care about this. If there is any pollution in the water, it will be over. Who makes us upstream? There are kinds, you go upstream to us.

Wait a minute... God horse? Finally, there was something wrong with the sharp ears. Is it an electroplating factory, not a metal processing factory?

Most villagers don’t know how big the pollution gap between metal processing plants and electroplating plants is, but they have their own logical way-if the gap between them is small, the township will deceive everyone into metal processing plants. ?

Immediately afterwards, someone learned from acquaintances how big the gap between the two was, so the people who did not stay in the hometown did not do it-this pollution can lead to the death of children and grandchildren, and the harvest of particles. How can the young and old agree?

As a result, it was originally only the outsiders who surrounded the township government, and now even the local people don’t do it. However, it is a pity that most of the people who stay in the hometown are not the same as the Beichong people. They are not firmly opposed to the electroplating factory. When they settled in the village, what they asked for was increased compensation-the land could not be planted, and the village would get compensation.

The people in the township government saw the bad things. Fortunately, the troublemakers were divided into two groups. The leaders of the township tried to divide and disintegrate the two sides. It was really a metal processing factory. Instead of trusting the township government, you believed in outsiders. Turn your elbows outward.

This is how the public said that the public is reasonable and the mother is reasonable. Wang Buliu is basically the villagers who make trouble here. They just want to share some money. But then, there are more and more villagers in Xiaojianzi Village.

At the moment when the land is about to be requisitioned, the villagers heard that the big house was deceived. This is really unacceptable. Some people care about pollution, while others care about the land requisition money-at least double the amount.

They came, and the township government's pressure suddenly increased, but they have already said that, they can only agree. Talk about the funds introduced in the district. It is indeed a processing plant, not an electroplating plant. Don’t say that wind is rain.

The explanation is given. The hint came out-if you don't believe it, you can go to the district government.

Of course, people in Jianzi Village have to go to the district government, but people in Wushui Township are not very interested. More than one hundred of the five hundred people went there one after another, but even this kind of battle also made the district government messy.

Guan Fangzhuo was taking a lunch break in the office, and the secretary rushed in and said that there was a disturbance outside. He looked at it and found that there were three or four hundred people at the gate, helping the old and the young to make a bunch of them, annoyingly. There were two hundred people onlookers nearby.

After he figured out the cause of the matter, he was so angry that he scolded the king for not staying in his hometown, and he could not even do this little thing. But cursing can't solve the problem now. So he called the deputy district head Li, who is in charge of industry, to deal with it.

Mayor Li would not tell everyone that it must be a metal processing factory. In fact, the leaders of the district know that the electroplating plant is going to be established there, but it is only confidential.

So he explained to the people in Xiaojianzi Village that what the city planned was a processing plant. I don’t know where you heard the news, but I can assure you that if you want to go to the electroplating factory, the district will definitely ask for it. Sewage treatment equipment.

In any case, there is still a way for the district to deal with Xiaojianzi Village. First push and then delay-push to the city and delay time. In the end, it will be a big deal to pay more for land acquisition. It is not difficult to deal with.

But for the people in Wushui, District Mayor Li has a headache, and his requirements are very clear-they are not allowed to go to this electroplating factory. This contradiction is basically unresolved. If you say it is strong, Beichong people are not good at first. Not to mention that there is a new and cruel Chen Taizhong.

District Mayor Li called for help. Guan Fangzhuo heard that he could only call Chen Taizhong through gnashing his teeth. Everyone is a leading cadre. There is really no need to mention what factories are going to be built there. District Mayor, you should know what this plant with an investment of over 20 million means to Mingxin."

"If it's an electroplating plant, I think the villagers in Wushui Township are justified in requesting it." District Mayor Chen finally stopped covering up. He made it clear, "Don't use sewage treatment equipment, I don't believe this."

"Qingyanghe belongs to everyone, not your Beichong family. If you want to develop, I also want to develop." The head of the Guan was so angry that he said, "In order to ensure your development, the people of Mingxin Should we stick to poverty? I will just ask you...what would you do if Chen Taizhong came to Mingxin?"

"If you don't talk so much to me, this kind of thing won't happen to me in Beichong," Chen Taizhong heard, yelling over the phone, "The pollution of the ramie degumming plant is still serious, and I will digest it myself. You won’t be so wicked and go to Qingyang River... To put it bluntly, you are bullying the buffer from Beichong and wanting you to go directly to Shanghai Jiao. I think you dare to build this electroplating factory."

"I didn’t catch this matter. It was the main leader of the municipal government who was catching Guan Fangzhuo answered without hesitation. In order to get this project to settle in Mingxin, he was also very active for a while, and would never be Easily scared back away-you Chen Taizhong is not reasonable, it is related to the development of Mingxin, I must fight for it.

"I don't mind hitting that guy again," Chen Taizhong sneered. To tell the truth, he hates Chen Zhengkui, but this Guan Fangzhuo can't arouse him too much resentment. As the head of the government, the development of the jurisdiction is Must be prioritized.

As for letting pollution go unnoticed-how many cadres will care about pollution these days when gdp takes the lead? That is to say, Bei Chong is located in the lower reaches and has immediate pain, so he has to clearly oppose it.

"I suggest that your people should disperse. They are okay in Beichong, but they are making trouble in Mingxin... they are inherently deficient," Guan Fangzhuo couldn't help sighing when he heard that this guy was unreasonable. "This may constitute a shock. Even if the crime of state organs is not handled, the city will deal with it.”

"I want to see who has the courage to deal with me," Chen Taizhong snorted coldly, not caring about this implicit threat. "As long as they are legitimate demands, the district government is their solid backing!"

"..." After Guan Fangzhuo was silent for a long time, he sighed and hung up without saying anything. [(m)Read without pop-up window]

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