Official Immortal

: Three thousand six hundred and eighty five-three thousand six hundred and eighty six

Chapter 3685

This Lin Huan couldn't even do this little thing well. Chen Taizhong was furious when he heard it, but this was not the time to care about it. After learning a few words, he stood up and walked out of the courtyard.

He drove all the way and made phone calls all the way, and after five minutes of no use, he understood what happened. m

The Jiang family was forced away by Lin Huan's high pressure. They were somewhat unconvinced, but they were also planning to find a witness who dared to come forward to testify, and dignifiedly snatched their daughter back and let Old Man Li accept legal sanctions.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, a host in Yangzhou's mixed society came back. He was still intimate with the Jiang family. He was furious when he heard about this. "Litou Village dare to bully our Jiang family? I'm flat in my eyes...Go, go to the grave."

The conflicts among the people in Yangzhou are often coordinated by guns, and the Jiang family did not feel that there was anything wrong with it. Erping took the initiative to support it. This is the face of others and everyone should cherish it.

Not to mention that this matter was the Jiang family's management. Instead of looking for witnesses aggrieved and waiting for the support of the government, it would be better to bully the door with a strong force and avenge the revenge. This is the most relieved.

Of course, some people raised Lin Huan’s warning, but Erping didn’t care. He said that when Lao Lin came, the digging was done and we didn’t need to look for witnesses. The big red lying in the coffin didn’t speak, but it was better than all. The witnesses are all useful.

They plan the grave, and they are also tactical. They first investigated and found that there were only three people on the head of the grave. Old man Li was also afraid that the other person would secretly plan the grave, so he asked someone to watch it. He himself was a night shift-he brought all the rolls. Up.

Just three people? With a wave of the two tied hands, seven or eight men rushed up with their spades. Seeing that the situation was not good, the three of them held clubs and fought back, but they blew their whistle lifelessly to inform the village of what happened.

People from the village came quickly, but Jiangjiacun’s group also moved quickly, and dozens of women formed a wall with their elbows crossed. To stop the attack in Litou Village, this is the helper the girl's mother called from her natal family, and must stop the opponent.

The grave digger moves very fast. Who is the farmer who knows how to use a shovel? Four or five shovels were waved alternately. In the blink of an eye, the head of the grave was leveled, and everyone dug down again.

Because it doesn't involve the interests of most people, the members of the Li family didn't intend to fight. But seeing the other party picking the grave so fast. Finally red eyes, at this moment, Na Erping slowly walked over with his hands behind his back. He snorted coldly, "I see who dares to do it?"

He doesn't need to speak like this. Just made it clear that it is a cannon head-in fact, many of them are like this, but if you dare to stand up on key occasions, then it is not pretending to be forceful. It is a real awesome. If you have no strength, you must pretend to be a fool.

Erping has the strength, at least someone in Litou Village knows him, "Oh, I fucking, didn't this Erping go to Yangzhou?"

"Lao Hun Li in your village is not authentic. Digging a little girl's grave, today I will call the shots for my niece," Er Ping said slowly with his hands on his back, "Whoever wants to stop is just having trouble with me."

"I'm going to your mother..." He was just as hesitant, only to hear a roar next to him. But Old Man Li arrived. He was holding a wooden stick. On the head of the stick was a huge fire ball, which was burning beepingly.

He came a little later, but he was fully prepared. The stick was originally a rake, and the rake was tied with a ball of grass sprinkled with gasoline. As soon as he arrived at the scene, he turned on the lighter silently, waited until the fire ignited, and rushed up with the rake.

"Who's **** kid, is the hair all the same?" Old man Li's rakes went straight to Erping. If he looks crazy, people are really going to die, and it really doesn't matter if a gun is not a gun.

The burning fireball screamed in the wind, and Erping casually carried a wooden stick and fisted it twice quickly.

Unexpectedly, the fireball was filled with gasoline, and it was relatively loose. It was good that he could not resist it. Once it resisted, the sparks splashed all over, and it fell on the ground and burned tenaciously, and the gasoline ran down the rake head. , Almost burned to his hand, but Old Man Li was unaware, and fought him frantically.

Erping’s skills were trained in street fights. It’s okay to respond flexibly, but it’s not easy to fight back for a while. When he sees the situation is bad, he yells, "You guys are gone first... You have a kind of Li, my damn. I can't kill you, so I will use your last name!"

This is the style of Yangzhou Cannon Head. He pretends to shoulder moral responsibility. When he can't live in the place, he first greets his own people to escape and don't let people make unnecessary sacrifices. As for how to find this place, it is his business. Child.

Seeing that Old Man Li was so crazy, everyone hurriedly stepped back and gave up the tomb that had been shoveled flat.

Erping stepped back a few steps. He felt that his face was lost. He took out his cell phone and started making calls. He pointed his finger at the other party, "I generally don’t hold grudges. I will report them on the spot. Old gangster, I’ll do it tonight. Destroy you!"

"Master Deng!" Old man Li hissed.

"Come here," a lazy voice sounded. Everyone heard the word "Master Deng", their expressions changed uniformly, and the crowd rushed to each other. A dry and thin middle-aged man slowed down. Swallow came over.

"Master Deng..." When Erping saw this person, his face changed immediately. Master Deng was a famous **** from Qiantun and even Beichong. He was very good at exorcising evil spirits and inviting gods. His grandfather was known as Tianshi Deng, but he was suppressed after liberation. In the past ten years, the wind has been relaxed, and he has come out to practice the ancestral industry, but he does not call himself a heavenly master, nor is he called a master, everyone calls him Master Deng.

The most wicked thing is that it is said that he will also curse and drive the ghost. Whoever provokes him will unknowingly fall into conspiracy. In the slightest, he will lose money and lose his power. In the most serious, he will become ill and even suffer from blood and light. -Everyone can cite many examples.

In remote places, there are many people who talk about superstitions. For the masters of this kind of gods and Taoisms, everyone has the mentality of believing that they are untrustworthy. It is said that the former district governor of Beichong, Zhang, met this Master Deng nodded.

Erping was a gun head mixed in Yangzhou, and his vision was full of vitality, but he heard a lot of Master Deng’s name on weekdays, and he was a little dizzy when he saw it suddenly, so he smiled and asked, "You plan to Help him out?"

"The buried ones, dig them out and do evil," Master Deng replied slowly, "Regardless of whether they are buried in one or two, the yin marriage can also accumulate yin virtue. If everyone is okay... just go away."

"What if I don't leave?" Erping asked with a smile. The guns of Yangzhou are not ischemic as expected.

"If you don't leave, it's hard to say," Master Deng still spoke slowly, with no expression on his face, "This kid hasn't arrived at his twelfth birthday. Even if he died before the lock was unlocked...Don't disturb him."

After saying this, the crowd around him suddenly became silent-a **** said such words. It's basically a naked threat. Especially in the legend, he can communicate with the underworld.

Erping was also speechless, he really didn't want to believe this. But no one wants to be contaminated with this unlucky thing, so he frowned and said. "What did Old Man Li promise you? I double the offerings, and you don't care about it for you."

"If you want money, where can't I get it?" Master Deng turned his hands behind him and spoke lightly. In fact, those who are in their business, eat a credit meal and pay attention to detachment. Good gods cannot be led by ordinary people. "My father has lived in Litou Village for many years, and I can't bear to see it being polluted by the evil. You can go."

"Will be contaminated by the evil?" The Li family, who had been a little shrunken, heard this and immediately stopped doing it. The people in the village believed, and the most annoyed, the most unclean thing, the others in Litou The villagers also refused to agree, so they pressed forward step by step, and the war was about to start.

At the critical moment, Mayor Tang came to put out the fire again. He felt that Lin Huan's handling of matters in the afternoon was a bit sluggish, so he directly called the district head for help, then rushed over and took a look, and found that there were not only guns but also gods. The brain was down for a while.

The gun head is not too difficult to deal with, and the gods are a headache. Even if someone Tang doesn't believe him, but if he dares to confront Master Deng, others will inevitably whisper quietly, not to mention someone taking advantage of this opportunity to make a shame.

In fact, even he dare not slap his chest and say, I just don't believe it!

Unexpectedly, within two minutes of reaching the ground, he found that the district chief's car was also coming, so he stepped forward and greeted with a smile, "You are coming soon."

Buddies are still waiting for reunion dinner, but also to taste the famous utensils, can you please? District Chief Chen felt helpless in his heart. He nodded weakly, " you can take a look at the situation."

He already knew the situation, but he had to understand it again in front of everyone, to be transparent and fair, and then he came from the Jiang family and the Li family to implement it.

The situation was roughly what he knew, but the appearance of a sacred man in the middle was still a bit beyond his expectation. He glanced at that Master Deng lightly and ignored it.

After understanding all the situation, he raised his hand and hooked his finger at Old Man Li. When the other person came, he smiled and patted his shoulder, "Old man, if you have a child, you must raise it if you are alive. The obligations of parents."

"I don't want to be moved when he is dead," the old man replied stiffly.

"But you shouldn't dig other people's graves, right?" District Chief Chen said with a smile, his sky was swept away, there was nothing to hide, he had already seen the two corpses in the coffin.

As soon as Old Man Li heard this, the District Chief Dare to tell the truth. He immediately stopped doing it, but it was about to happen, but he felt that the District Chief’s big hand was on his shoulder, as heavy as Mount Tai, and... He couldn't move all over.

"Handcuff him," Chen Taizhong nodded at the two policemen on the scene, "this involves the crime of theft of the body."

Lin Huan can't handle things that are too big! When he said this, he felt a little helpless in his heart. He was sticky. Fortunately, Lao Lin is ashamed to say that he has rich experience in grassroots work.

Handing Old Man Li to the police, District Chief Chen glanced at the Jiang family again, "What are you doing in a daze? Dig!"

The Jiang family also wanted to continue digging, but the pressure that Master Deng put on them was quite heavy. They were hesitating. A villager in Litou Village shouted, "District Chief Chen, I can’t dig. The Li family’s baby never Twelve, the burial has not passed the first seven!"

"Master Deng, speak," Old Man Li was able to move as soon as he took off the hand of the district chief, he shouted hoarsely.

"District Chief Chen, I'm polite," Master Deng stepped forward, mingling slightly.

"You shut up," Chen Taizhong interrupted him without hesitation, a little ass, or a fake, dare to talk? "I'll just let it dig it up. If you dig it out, it's stealing the corpse. You have no right to interfere with government actions."

Thinking of what everyone said that this person was weird, he looked at each other with interest, "Everyone said you can't provoke, I want to give it a try. So... you probably won't be able to escape the crime of shielding you today. "

"I didn't say anything, where is there to protect you?" When Master Deng saw this posture, he knew that this person was a man with a strong mind. He chuckled, "I just said that fulfilling a yin marriage is also a virtue."

"You can communicate yin and yang, please trouble you. Go and ask the underworld. I have a few years to live, Taizhong Chen," District Chief Chen said with a smile, "I'll give you a month. You can't report it. How long I can live...I will have to hold you accountable."

When he heard that the sentence "yin evil and filthy" from this guy bluffed everyone, he was really annoyed. After all, this is the world of the Communist Party. When will it be the turn of the gods to stand up and call the shots? Why turn black and white for a person who stole a corpse?

As a former immortal, District Mayor Chen is not a firm materialist, nor did he feel that the influence of the gods at the grassroots level is unbearable, are a little bit level at all? The turbid qi on the body is completely absent, so let alone the fairy.

Nima, you are also worthy to impersonate a god?

"There is no need to communicate yin and yang, I know it at a glance," Master Deng replied proudly. Then stared at the opponent coldly, for about one and a half seconds, less than two seconds, he yelled, put out his hand to cover his eyes, and sat down on the ground, "Ah."

Everyone was attracted by the bickering between the district head and Master Deng, and they were all in a static state for a while. After taking a glance, Chen Taizhong looked at the Jiang family unsatisfactorily, "I said... Do you dig or not?"

"Dig," the Jiang family woke up like a dream, and digging again with a shovel. Only this time, everyone's speed is not as fast as Pingfentou. They are absent-minded, with a shovel and not a shovel.

When Erping saw this, he turned around and called again. The famous District Mayor Chen came. He wanted to confess to his brother, and he could look far away. Don’t rush into the scene—you know, Liu Jinhu, Zhang Yiyuan and Lou. Jianyong was planted in this person's hands.

After digging for a while, Lin Huan hurried over. He didn't do a good job about this, so he didn't bother to tell the truth to the Jiang family. He said that he had not found a witness. He just pulled District Chief Chen aside and whispered. "Too loyal, this theft of the body is not appropriate."

"Why is it inappropriate?" Chen Taizhong was a little dissatisfied with what Lao Lin did today.

"There are too many people doing this kind of thing. People who don’t sell organs or make specimens are just trying to bury them together, which is equivalent to robbing a marriage between the sun," Chairman Lin explained helplessly. "Many of them have been buried for forty to fifty years, only left If you have a bone, you have to get a yin marriage. What kind of sin is this?"

"But... it is stipulated in the law," District Chief Chen said lightly, and he must stick to principles.

"This is in line with the law, but it's your words, it's not in line with morality... at least it doesn't conform to the traditional moral values ​​of Beichong," Lin Huan explained. The last poisoning of cows was also in Qiantun. District Chief Chen once said , This is the collision of law and morality.

Take my spear and attack my shield. Okay, you are justified! Chen Taizhong pretends to pay attention to people, so naturally he won't be the self-sufficient person, so he nodded, "Well, let's talk about this crime..."

But he was very upset by Chairman Lin’s face slap, so he picked his sting, "But Chairman Lin, if you can be sure that there are two people in this coffin, why don’t you open it in the afternoon? Where is your rich grassroots work experience? Now? Or do you say that, wait for the night to fight... Is it experienced?"

"This is the experience," Lin Huan ignored his yin and yang strangeness, he sighed, "Too loyal, yin marriage is also marriage, you forcibly separate the young couple, let's not say that this kind of thing has died before. It's extraordinary, do you know? If Old Man Li couldn't figure it out, he went to the district government to commit suicide. Isn't this also trouble?"

"Tsk," Chen Taizhong slapped his mouth, and immediately became speechless. He couldn't help but secretly sighed that the buddy was still not grounded enough-at least he hadn't fully received the ground gas from Beichong, and the grassroots work had not been solidly done, and he still felt that Lin Huan can't do things.

Thinking of the actions of unearthed leaders such as Yin Fang and Chen Zhengkui, he could not tolerate being such a person, and thinking that he had wronged Lao Lin, he felt more guilty, so he chuckled, "This is indeed I didn't think about it well, what did you plan for Chairman Lin?"

"I just asked the Jiang family to find witnesses," Lin Huan replied casually. "As long as they want to fight for this tone, the most is to spend a little money. How big is it?"

This is true. It is difficult to find witnesses who are willing to come forward, but it is really not difficult to be willing to pay. Moreover, the witness only needs to prove that there are two people buried in the coffin. The purpose is to open the coffin without going to court. Naturally, there is no such thing as a witness.

The two of them were talking, there was a muffled noise, but someone's shovel touched the coffin, and someone exclaimed, "It's dug!"

"Old and young men. Wait a minute." Lin Huan yelled in time, and he didn't even bother to ask the district chief next to him, "This will be done right away. The lid is about to be uncovered, and the children are gone. Don't suffer anymore... if you have something to say in advance. Let's discuss it, and once the lid is lifted, it will be too late."

"If there are only Li family descendants, then we will pay 3,000 gifts and accept it," the Jiang family is unambiguous.

"Master Deng, you can be fair," Old Man Li was gone now, he could only turn to the gods for help.

Master Deng still covered his eyes with both hands. But tears rolled down from his hands. It took him a long time to stand up and speak mutedly, "District Chief Chen is a lucky person. I dare not say more. Just look at him, my eyes are I'm still crying...this is the atmosphere of the temple."

After he turned around, he left. After walking about five or six hundred meters, he let go of his hand slightly, and a few tiny pieces of debris fell from his hands. The sky was dark, and no one found these pepper seeds.

"Do you want to dig?" At the same time. District Mayor Chen looked at Old Man Li with interest, "Stealing the body. The maximum sentence is three years."

"I'm sorry for my baby." Old man Li squatted down and started crying loudly. "Before he left, he had a wish to marry a daughter-in-law... I'm his father, why don't you give him a slap?"

"This Li family child, doesn't it seem to be twelve years old?" District Mayor Chen looked back at Lin Huan in amazement. There is no way, not being grounded is a guilty conscience.

"I'm not twelve years old," Chairman Lin nodded, "but the children in the village mature prematurely.

The key point is that this child has leukemia early, and his maturity must be different from ordinary people. Chen Taizhong also understands that, don’t know why, he suddenly thinks of the starved Li Siyi, the three-year-old child knows how to pack his own poop. what……

Thinking of the innocent life that passed away, he suddenly felt that he was a bit too demanding of the living, and for a while he wanted to do something good-to please Jiang Lizhi when he looked back, so he looked at the Jiang family, "Old man I know it's wrong, no need to plan. They are all gone dolls. It's not appropriate to move around... You have a family."

"I'm **** old man Li of Nima," the girl's father stepped forward and kicked old man Li fiercely. "Aren't you pretty awesome? You can talk to District Chief Chen again."

"Twenty thousand beauties, one point can't be missed," a woman squatted aside, choked and said, "After giving the money, Da Hong will be buried here. Old man Li, you don't have to live in jail anymore. You can do it yourself."

When Chen Taizhong asked, he knew that the woman he co-authored was Da Hong's mother. For a while, he was a little annoyed. He had seen someone selling children and girls, but he had never seen anyone who sold corpses outright, so he hummed coldly, "Do you think he can afford 20,000 yuan?"

"Dahong also has money for her brother to get married," the woman opened her red and swollen eyes and slowly said in a low voice. There was sadness and helplessness in her eyes, but more indifference and hollowness.

" I paid the money for him," Chen Taizhong sighed secretly. The people of Beichong are still too poor.

"Too loyal, you..." Lin Huan was anxious and winked at him lifelessly. During his work, Chairman Lin occasionally paid out of his own pockets to resolve disputes, but the small amount of money is acceptable. Once 20,000 yuan comes out, that would be Tie Tie's wrongdoer. .

If someone else learns everything and digs up the corpse and waits for District Chief Chen's help, wouldn't it be... the world will be in chaos?

District Chief Chen was unmoved, but Old Man Li stopped crying when he heard the words. After looking up at the district chief, he fell to his knees and knocked his head lifelessly, "Thank you, District Chief Chen, you are such a great master. ."

"My money is not so easy to take. Stealing corpses is definitely a crime. One yard goes to one yard." District Chief Chen glanced sideways at the policeman next to him, and gave instructions lightly, "This person will be detained for six months, Old Man Li Do you plead guilty?"

"I plead guilty," Old Man Li was still kowtow.

"The feudal custom of yin marriage, I will not express my position for the time being, but I must say that you love me," District Mayor Chen said to a group of people on the scene with his hands behind his back. "There will be similar least one year of detention. "[(M) Reading without pop-up window]

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