Official Immortal

: Three thousand six hundred and eighty nine-three thousand six hundred and ninety

.. Chapter 3689

"Yue Huanghe?" After Chen Taizhong hung up the phone, he frowned and muttered softly. The big secret was really tight. He only said one name and refused to say more.

If you don't say it, it seems I can't ask? District Mayor Chen despised him a bit. It's true that the older you are, the less courage you are. m

The next moment, he wanted to make a call to find out about this person’s camp and resume. Chen Taizhong had a faint feeling that this Yue Huanghe should have a good relationship with Mengyi. The boss of Meng suggested that first, the big secret phone call Later, when he thought that he had been fighting for so long in the Beichong solitary army, and finally there were people on it, he was also very happy.

However, immediately afterwards, he reacted violently. I don't know what he was thinking about here. Who is the head of the provincial party committee organization? Does it matter to me? It's still out of reach.

We can't be the one who flies to the dog! District Mayor Chen finally corrected his mentality, so he raised his hand to call Sui Biao and learned that Secretary Sui was rushing back to the district from Xiwangzhuang Township, so he simply waited at the intersection.

Not long after, Secretary Sui’s car arrived. He got out of the car and walked forward. He shook hands with District Chief Chen and said with a smile, "Tai Zhong, what's the big deal with you?"

"It's not too big a matter," Chen Taizhong smiled and passed a cigarette, and then lit the other party. "The district intends to invest one to two billion yuan to build up coal reserves."

"One to two hundred million?" Sui Biao frowned. He is used to his partner's repeated big-handed efforts, but there are really not many projects of this size. What's more, he has nothing to do with this project. Never heard the wind.

So he asked a very crucial question, "Which one does this fund go?"

"Take the low-interest development loan provided by Borui," District Chief Chen replied with a smile, "The current coal price is constantly rising."

"Take Borui's money?" Sui Biao groaned, then smiled slightly. Going to District Chief Chen’s car, "Anyway, I have something to eat. Let’s talk to your detached house."

"Ha, the squad leader is willing to come to the humble house, it is really brilliant," District Chief Chen smiled and walked to his car.

"You have come and go, how many times have you been to my house, you are almost exhausted by you." Secretary Sui laughed. I opened the car door and sat in, "I will also have a big meal today."

Where to eat, there is a problem of whoever comes. But if Secretary Sui said this before getting on the bus, it would not be a shame. The party committee attaché saw it. He didn't follow the district chief's car anymore. It was obvious that the leaders had to talk about things.

District Chief Chen is not concerned about these, he is more concerned about the three words-eating a big family, or Lao Sui doesn't mean it, but he will never take it lightly.

In the car, he briefly introduced the causes and consequences. Before he had time to elaborate, the car reached the small courtyard, and Liao Dabao got out of the car to open the courtyard door. The two leaders walked in talking and laughing.

District Mayor Chen paused and found that no one came out. Only then did he remember that Wang Yuanyuan had already gone to the bachelor's building and Xiao Liao was still parking the car outside. For a while, he felt a little uncomfortable for not knowing why.

at this time. As soon as the figure in front of him flickered, Wang Yuanyuan walked out of the room. She smiled and asked, "Boss, do you arrange dinner?"

"Well. Bring the recipe, Secretary Sui will rarely come here once." District Chief Chen nodded and asked casually, "Why haven't you moved yet?"

"Director Liao is still vacating the room, I have to wait a few days," Wang Yuanyuan replied faintly, turned around and walked in, not long after holding out two cups of hot tea and serving them to the two leaders.

"Xiao Wang is better to move out early," Sui Biao said with a smile, and the deputy director of the Planning Commission should be taken immediately. It is not good to sleep in the same courtyard with the district chief, and then he will return to the book in the next moment. "Taizhong, this multi-billion-dollar project, right?"

"The meeting must be going to the meeting, but this is using Borui's money," District Mayor Chen nodded with a smile, and pushed back without being soft or hard-such a big project, the meeting is inevitable. But trouble you guys to figure out that I am not using financial allocations. If you don't want to be boring, just raise your hand obediently, or abstain.

This attitude is really normal. This consensus has been formed in recent years. Because of the lack of strict control at the beginning, there have been too many negative examples-the projects introduced by A, B, C, D and others insisted. Intervening, causing the chicken to fly, and then A cried to the higher-level organization, saying that the purpose of B, C, D was to disturb the project.

There are many similar lawsuits, and everyone slowly came up with the law. The best and most effective choice is to take charge of their own projects. This is a bit similar to the project responsibility system in engineering. Chen Taizhong believes that Sui Biao would have thought of it long ago. Up to this point.

So he was a little angry with the attitude of this guy, "If it is financial allocation, we can discuss it slowly."

"But the amount of investment is really big," Sui Biao obviously hesitated. He wanted to say-the money is you running back. This is true, but if the investment fails, you have to repay the money in the district. Get up, I didn't stop you in time, but it was also a mistake.

"Then I personally bear the consequences of this mistake in decision-making," Chen Taizhong also ignited, "it has nothing to do with the party committee."

"It doesn't matter if you say it doesn't matter?" Sui Biao gave him a glance, and took the recipe handed over by Wang Yuanyuan. "Now in the eyes of others, Beichong is just one piece of iron... I'll order first."

This is true. The current Beichong District is really a headache for the city. The secretary of the district party committee is the remnant left by Wang Ninghu. He still has some roots in the capital. The district mayor is a foreign exchange of cadres, but he is so strong that he dares. Smashed the mayor's head.

In particular, Beichong doesn't rely on financial allocations. For Yangzhou, this place is really more of a headache than Huacheng-water can't get in.

Secretary Sui ordered two dishes at random before asking again, "How sure are you to make a profit for this hoarding of coal?"

"It's better than money staying in our account. How many people are worried about it. If you change to coal, the goal is much smaller." District Chief Chen shed another cigarette, but he was too lazy to light the squad leader. After taking a deep breath, he suddenly remembered another saying, "There was someone in Zhangzhou who borrowed money to stock up coal...In addition to interest, he had to pay a lot of costs for personal loans, and he would dare to do so."

"That's not necessarily." Sui Biao shook his head. Although he is the leader in remote counties, he is no stranger to banks. "Hoarding coal involves market and transaction risks. Generally, you can't get loans."

It’s difficult to borrow money and it’s difficult to get a loan. Those are two concepts. For example, everyone knows that real estate is making money, but real estate is not enough if the fund is small. This requires a loan from the bank.

But at the same time, the bank also knows. You are engaged in real estate. It won’t work without a loan, so even if it’s a good project, everyone has to judge you. Use this to expand your own pockets, or sell some favors-this is called loans difficult.

If you can’t make a loan, it’s basically against the bank’s policy—no loans for real estate projects. Why take risks to lend to hoarding coal? If the price of this coal falls, who will lose?

Sui Biao sees this thoroughly, "If he has a guarantee from a public company, he will earn it, and it doesn't matter if he loses."

This is a bit cruel, but it is true. For example, a real estate company wants to borrow 200 million yuan, and the interest will not be mentioned for the time being. The benefit fee alone would have to spend 20 million, but the banker said, I don’t want your benefits. You can guarantee it. I have a brother who wants to stock up some coal. You guarantee 30 million.

Can a real estate company dare to say no? Learn a little more. Knowing that this project is not purely a scam of money, and that it is theoretically possible to make a profit, then it must be agreed-in fact, people are scamming money, and they all have to consider holding their noses to admit it.

As a result, projects that cannot be loaned out. Because there is a guarantee, you can also lend money.

What if the real estate company is replaced by a state-owned enterprise? It's even simpler. It's nothing more than a guarantee. Even if there is a loss, it belongs to the country. As a leader of a state-owned enterprise, you can still get a share of the guaranteed loan. Who knows when I will be transferred? After my death, how can I care about the flood? ?

Secretary Sui sees it thoroughly and speaks very clearly-if others dare to borrow money to stock up on coal, it may not be appropriate for us to follow suit.

"I came from Phoenix and I have done coke export. Speaking of my understanding of the coal industry, I still have a little confidence," Chen Taizhong smiled slightly. "Even if this project loses money, it will not lose much. The construction of the coal yard can still boost The economy of Beichong."

I have to say that although Chen was once an immortal Luo Tian, ​​he was a very failed traverser, or rebirth—as mentioned in the introduction, he can't remember most of the things in the world.

Therefore, he has no impression of this explosion of coal. In fact, the owners of this round of coal speculation have made a lot of money.

To give the simplest figure, six thousand calories of coal, in two thousand years, the pit price was less than sixty per ton. If you want to sell it, you have to accept a credit, but in 2001, the price rose to the highest. Eighty per ton.

In 2002, the pit mouth price reached an average of 110 per ton, and then went up all the way. It was a peak in 2004, and the pit mouth price could exceed 200, and it was necessary to pick up the goods in cash, or even pay first. The money hit the mine and queued up to buy coal.

After 2004, due to European anti-dumping of coke produced in China, coal prices fell briefly, but then they continued to rise. Until the setback in 2008, the pit price rose to 700 or nearly 800.

In other words, if someone stockpiled coal in 2002, they could stock up until 2008 when they were close to the peak. In six years, five times the profit would be stable-such a huge profit is much more cost-effective than speculating a house during the same period.

This price is the pit-mouth price, which is only a reference coefficient. Coal must be transported out and enter the city. It has to go through various links. In fact, the coal-producing provinces Shanxi and West are taken as examples. At one time, the retail price exceeded 1,000 yuan per ton, but the number of kcal could not reach 6,000. You know, there are Xishan Coal Mine and Dongshan Coal Mine around Taiyuan and Yuan. There are many coal mines.

There are some people who are willing to gamble and have a solution, just like Lin Ying said, borrowing to hoard coal, and get rich overnight.

Therefore, although the current price of coal is not very high, if it is shipped to Beichong, one ton is close to two hundred million yuan, but only half a million tons can be bought.

Chapter 3690

As a failed traverser, District Mayor Chen didn’t know this. He made such a decision based on the impression of "at least five years of market conditions." Sui Biao was even more sad. He even returned Never crossed.

So Secretary Sui said hesitantly, “Everyone says that they chase the rise and fall, but now coal has risen very high, right?”

"Now the country's electricity gap is getting bigger and bigger, right?" Chen Taizhong asked him with a sneer. In 2002, every cadre knew about the country's electricity gap. Later, even the common people learned about it, which is why Beichong vigorously develops electric power.

And what does it depend on to fill the power gap? It depends on power plants. The current domestic power plants are mainly thermal power. Since it is thermal power, it is naturally dependent on coal. This is the answer of District Chief Chen.

"Then this coal... can it really be hoarded?" Sui Biao was not the one who could not listen. He calculated it carefully. I found that District Chief Chen's statement is very reasonable.

"Of course, there is a risk...but not a big one." Chen Taizhong nodded proudly. He did not expect that he was just going out with his lover for a while. I accidentally picked up a project that might be good-the worst is not the worst. Be careful, as expected, there is learning everywhere.

"Oh," Sui Biao nodded thoughtfully, and said nothing.

After a while, the Bei Chong Hotel delivered the food, Wang Yuanyuan arranged the food under the eaves as usual, and the four of them ate and drank. Secretary Sui took a few bites and the phone rang. He stood up and walked aside to answer the phone.

After answering the call for almost a minute, he walked back, and after sitting down he had a drink before he laughed, "Too loyal. Minister Gong is gone."

"It's up to us to let him go. The head of the organization is in principle. Is it possible that he wants to be re-elected?" District Chief Chen replied nonchalantly, "I don't know him anyway. He is the provincial leader, so he won't take a turn. Let us care."

Liao Dabao was still guessing who this Minister Gong was. He suddenly heard the words "organization minister" and immediately understood that it was Gong Quanhai, the organization minister of the Party Committee of Hengbei Province. However, he understood, but he did not dare to say a word, so he could only hold out his chopsticks and pick it up. A piece of green bamboo shoots, chewing lightly in his mouth: What you talked about is too far away from me.

"Did you know this news?" Sui Biao glanced sideways at Chen Taizhong, and there were many associations in his heart, but in the end it turned into a silent sigh - this guy's information channels are much better than mine.

"Whether it is Minister Gong or Minister Yue, we all have to calm down and do things," Chen Taizhong smiled slightly, and took the wine glass handily. "Squad leader is a rare visit, let's do it again."

Sui Biao naturally wants to do it. In fact, his alcohol volume is not small, especially the wine is very good. No matter how much he drinks, he will not lose his way. After drinking this glass, he asked again, "Then this one hundred million Coal, would you not buy it from one family?"

"If you bid once, you must buy it from a family," Chen Taizhong replied without hesitation. To tell the truth, aside from the fact that he and Lin Ying have skin close, Haichao Group is also a good choice. Where is their strength? Therefore, the product quality and supply capacity are definitely guaranteed.

To put it more extremely, if the Haichao Group dares to play Yaozi, he only needs to hint that Lin Haichao has absolutely no good fruit in Tiannan. Director Chen is in Tiannan, it is really black and white, unless it is Du Yi and Jiang Shifang came forward together as a guarantee, and it was almost the same-but this depends on the feeling of the Huang family.

However, thinking that's what he thought, he couldn't say that, so he laughed and said, "This is just the first phase of the coal hoarding plan. If the coal yard construction can keep up, in the second phase, more suppliers will be considered... …It’s already a market economy, and the supply channel can’t accept one family, otherwise not only the price and quality may have problems, but the stability cannot be guaranteed.”

This is what he learned from mobile tendering. Even if he cares about a certain family, he can’t give it all to that family. A share of 5 to 10% must be given out to others-one is to hang others. Suppliers, there is another thought here. Secondly, if there is an accident, Party A will not be stretched.

"Coal yard construction, what is this saying?" Sui Biao asked. He also has rich experience in grassroots work, but it is clear that the cadres in Beichong are really new to the coal industry. In fact, he What's more concerned about...there is a second phase?

Compared with Yue Huanghe's appointment as the head of the provincial party committee, what is even more shocking here in Beichong is that Ge Baoling became the executive deputy district head and Meng Zhixin replaced her. Can Meng Zhixin also become the deputy district head?

When I first heard this news, Sui Biao really had the urge to hit the wall. This...this is too unscientific. I knew that Meng Zhixin could get this seat. I would also arrange for someone to fight for it.

Chen Zhengkui was even more depressed than him. Li Qiang nominated Ge Baoling as the executive deputy. This is normal, and the party committee manager hat, but the vacant deputy district governor, Li Qiang, you also nominate, it may not give me face.

However, Secretary Li said that this nomination came from Chen Taizhong, the mayor of Beichong, whose development is changing with each passing day. We must do this solid backing to ensure their development.

Mayor Chen really didn’t want to give up on Mayor Chen’s intentions, but he never won a substantive victory in the collision with his family. In fact, for the Yangzhou Municipal Government, Beichong is already of that kind. "Don't come near the stranger" area.

This is something that makes people scratch their heads, but what makes Chen Zhengkui scratch his head even more is that there is no suitable person in his pocket.

After all, he didn't come to Yangzhou for a long time, and he hastily reaped the refuge of some people. But its ability and reliability. It is very doubtful, especially if they are expected to compete against Chen Taizhong-this is probably an impossible task.

And this result is likely to irritate the fellow...

Chen Zhengkui dreamed of reaching out into Beichong. But at the same time he was sober, an ordinary deputy mayor could not meet his requirements, in fact. Under Chen Taizhong's absolute strength, I am afraid that even the purpose of mixing sand will not be achieved.

If you want to break Beichong's situation, you can't do this, you have to think of other ways!

Therefore, the executive deputy of Bei Chong passed calmly. It is especially worth emphasizing that Meng Zhixin has not only been promoted to deputy district governor, but at the same time, there is no word that the director of the planning committee will be replaced.

Cadres at this level are considered by the Beichong Party Committee. But Sui Biao did not express his opinion on this, which is worthy of fun.

The provincial party committee organization minister has changed, and the district has undergone major changes. What surprised the officialdom of Beichong most was that Zhang Yuejin and Song Hongwei both resigned. At the same time, the party committee announced that it would strictly check public servants to leave their posts for no reason. Grab one and deal with one, never tolerate softness.

At the same time, Zhu Jiehua became the deputy director of the Transportation Bureau. This appointment has surprised everyone, but the real scary thing is still behind-Xiao Zhaoxiang Party and Government Office Clerk Wang Yuanyuan. Promoted to deputy director of the Planning Commission.

You know before that, she wasn't even a stock-level cadre. At the age of twenty-two, Fang became an associate department. This once again proves certain rumors that those who are capable are not as good as those who can escape. This is really a crazy era.

However, during this period, adjustments in the provinces, cities, and provinces were messed up. This small change in the district was really drizzle. There is a rumor that Song Hongwei was unconvinced and was adjusted and found a leader above, but was told Say, now that the storm is precarious, please be honest.

This is a recent change in the officialdom of Beichong. The government has also made great moves. A new project was posted on the bulletin board at the gate of the district government: the district wants to buy 500,000 tons of coal, and businesses are welcome to bid.

Less than a day after this announcement was posted, the leaders of several towns and villages came in droves. They have already understood that the purpose of buying coal in the district is to build reserves and build a coal yard, so they came to fight for the landing of this coal yard. .

The construction of the coal yard costs money. Once it is completed, it must be supervised and supervised. The roads will be repaired if there is any. The traffic will increase the flow of people and strive to build the coal yard in its own. The jurisdiction is a good choice-this is just to repair some open-air warehouses, and there is no requirement for the land.

Of course, after the coal yard is built, it is not all benefits. At least one thing is certain, that is, air quality will definitely be affected, but under the circumstances, where are there so many things that only take advantage and not suffer?

However, Chen Taizhong did not expect that the news of would spread so quickly. His announcement was only to improve the procedures-you see, I want to purchase, and I will bid for it.

But because of his decision, Lin Ying couldn’t leave. Mr. Xiao Lin originally planned to stay for three days. Now it’s the fourth day, and she has recruited two Haichao Group members. Let’s discuss together. Take this order down.

At this time, Chen Taizhong had to keep a distance from her, and Wang Yuanyuan also moved to the single dormitory building. The lively small courtyard restored her former calm.

Fortunately, Liao Dabao came back, and District Mayor Chen also had a partner in the evening.

After the announcement was made on this day, he confessed that the prospective bidders contacted Bai Fengming, thinking that he would be less harassed, and then he sat at the dinner table and someone came to the door.

It was Kuang Weiming, the secretary of the township party committee, Li Tao, the mayor, and Wang Hong, the retired deputy secretary of Linyun Township. "District mayor, where do you plan to pile up the coal we bought in our district?"

To be continued..[(m)No pop-up reading]

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