Official Immortal

: Three thousand six hundred and ninety three-three thousand six hundred and ninety four are calcula

.. Chapter 3693 has been calculated

In the afternoon, news came out from the district government that the site for the construction of the coal yard was chosen in Xiwangzhuang and Xiaoling Township, each with a 200,000-ton coal yard, and the remaining 100,000 Tons are directly stored in the captive power plant under construction. ..

This site selection did not arouse too much attention. After knowing that the investment in the coal yard will not be large, most people are relieved. It is better to think about what jobs you can receive. m

Like Lin Jilong in Sanlun Town, he just wants to sell the bricks in the town to the coal yard. Of course, you don't need to go to Mayor Chen for this kind of thing, just go to Mayor Bai.

In fact, everyone has ignored one person, or a signal, that the construction of the coal yard is not only in charge of Bai Fengming, but the newly appointed deputy district mayor Meng Zhixin can also speak on this matter-coal reserves are definitely related to The planning committee is related, and the mayor of Meng is also the director of the planning committee.

However, Chen Taizhong has no intention of emphasizing this point, because Bei Chong purchases coal under the guise of the needs of industrial development, rather than saying that Bei Chong will engage in reserves. At this time, it is always good to have less attention, and there is no need to emphasize the planning committee too much. effect.

When Bai Fengming was discussing tendering matters with Meng Zhixin, he received several calls to understand the situation. He would not push the matter to the mayor of Meng, so he said lightly, "The tender document is being produced and will be released in a day or two. Up."

"Can you briefly introduce the situation?" I wanted to know more on the phone.

"The day after tomorrow, you come to get the bid," Bai Fengming was not interested in saying too much to this kind of master who knew the situation over the phone.

"Money!" Meng Zhixin said softly to him.

"By the way, this bidding document costs money," District Mayor Bai glanced at him helplessly, and said to his heart that I hadn't noticed that this surnamed Meng is a money fan? "Five thousand yuan for a tender."

"The bid is more than 5,000 yuan?" The caller was shocked immediately, "If the bid is not won...cannot be refunded?"

"Only the bidding documents are eligible for bidding, and two days of board and lodging are provided free of charge," Bai Fengming answered. Just pressed the phone, five thousand yuan is the ticket price, still thinking of a refund? You are ashamed to say that you are a coal maker.

Looking at the phone from the left to the right, Meng Zhixin wanted to say that he was not envious. It was really fake, but he was the deputy district chief who just came up, and he had to endure no matter what he said, "There is also this transportation problem..."

"About this transportation. I have something to say." At this time, the door was pushed open, and Ge Baoling walked into Bai Fengming's office. She greeted with a smile on her face, "District White, it's presumptuous to come. I'm sorry to disturb you."

"It doesn't matter whether to disturb or not, are you the leader," Bai Fengming replied without a smile. He was so strange. He didn't want the executive deputy at the beginning. Now Ge Baoling has gone up, and he is a little unbalanced. "What instructions does the leader have? ?"

But the more unbalanced he is, the happier Governor Ge is. For many years of opponents, she managed to gain the upper hand. It was really rare, so she smiled slightly, and did not emphasize that she was not a leader. "I want to know, railway transportation and road transportation. How much does each account for?"

"We didn't think about this. The railway is cheaper, but Party B can only coordinate the wagons, so they choose," Bai Fengming replied calmly. "Wagons are used a lot, and they also occupy Beichong's quota."

"How many indicators does Bei Chongneng have?" Ge Baoling laughed hard. Since Beichong was removed from the county and changed into a district, the number of trucks and passenger cars parked has been reduced, and there are not many things in Beichong, which need rail transportation.

"It will always squeeze Yangzhou's index," Bai Fengming didn't find it ridiculous. The railway was still that railway. There was no demand in Beichong before, but now the demand has soared. Naturally, it will squeeze the share of other families. This is beyond doubt.

"Then how to recruit this standard, separate it?" Ge Baoling asked again, the cost of railway transportation and road transportation is too far apart. Is it possible that railway and road transportation are separated?

This question is really acute, but Bai Fengming has always felt that this bid must be in Hai Chao’s hands, so she didn’t care too much. Lin Ying said that she planned to take rail transport when she wanted to bid-the Lin family’s human face on the railway , Really can't be underestimated.

But for this question, the mayor of Bai has pondered how much, so he replied, "We don’t consider the mode of transportation. The bidding invites the entry price and the price to be delivered to the coal yard... If you have to come, we will accept it."

"What I want to say is this, railway transportation...If the goods arrive at the platform, we should organize a convoy to collect the freight from the supplier for the transportation in the area." Ge Baoling is indeed a master of monopoly trading. Export is the idea of ​​monopoly.

"You can't let carts from other places run around in the district. One is that it's unsafe, the second is that the carts that pull coal are polluting, and the third is that those overloaded carts can easily crush the road."

"Mayor Ge’s instructions are very constructive. What do you think of Mayor Meng?" Bai Fengming nodded with a smile, and turned his head to see Meng Zhixin. This question is not at ease-Mayor Ge’s lack of traffic is on the top of the head. My surname is now Meng, not Ge.

"Very good," Meng Zhixin nodded calmly. He didn't want to say more about the new official when he took office without the rules of District Mayor Bai.

"This is of secondary importance," Ge Baoling was slightly proud of seeing Meng Zhixin's disobedience to Bai Fengming, "I am here today, mainly talking about road transportation... I hope that those trucks will not enter the area and unload the goods at the logistics center."

This is the real goal of District Mayor Ge. The construction of this logistics center has just begun. Mayor Chen also said that she should be responsible from beginning to end. Then, she must consider how to build this logistics center as soon as possible. Bigger and stronger.

Going on the road to check and detain passing vehicles was a trick she thought at first, but the number of routes is more likely to cause controversy, and it also has a compulsive nature. It is not difficult to promote, but it is difficult to gain recognition.

Recently, the district wants to buy 500,000 tons of coal, or three points or more. Ge Baoling suddenly discovered that this is not the best opportunity to advertise the logistics center by herself?

So she wondered, all coal transported by trucks must be unloaded at the logistics center, and then the center will collect the short-distance freight for unified delivery.

It’s impossible for all the trucks to be brought over by the supplier’s own vehicles. Other truck owners know about this center. Even if the word-of-mouth is spread out little by little-500,000 tons, even if the truck only It accounts for one-fifth, which is also 100,000 tons of logistics.

The effectiveness of this advertisement should not be underestimated. And it has far-reaching significance, and she will surely win it.

"Regulating the traffic range of large vehicles, I am willing to support this," Bai Fengming nodded first, and then threw a question, "But this...does it add intermediate links? District Mayor Chen has always emphasized streamlining links."

"The result of the development and growth of the logistics center is to reduce the intermediate links," District Mayor Ge did not approve of his statement. She answered plausibly. "What you see now is the addition of intermediate links, but as materials become more abundant, sorting, screening and distribution are professional and channelized. This will reduce redundant staffing and save a lot of manpower and material resources."

You really put on the face of the executive deputy? Bai Fengming was a little unhappy when she heard it, he knew that what she said also made sense. But he was not convinced in his heart, so he directly asked, "Then, who settles this account with the owner of the logistics center?"

"The center only cares about logistics, regardless of the checkout," District Chief Ge replied with a calm face. She also knew that she was a bit hasty, and the location of the logistics center had just been determined. The road has not been repaired yet.

But it is really impossible for her to give up such an opportunity. It has nothing to do with interests, but only about political achievements, so she just talks about the matter, "For such commodities, the owner should send someone to look at the goods yard... They can follow the delivery truck and go to the coal yard to verify. Quantity."

Her statement sounds a bit deceptive. Intermediate links have been added in the district. Instead, the cargo owner must send someone to supervise and verify it. In fact, this is not the case. Human resources are originally an important part of freight costs.

Especially in China nowadays, you can send someone to supervise it. It is already a very enlightened behavior, and some units will not let you supervise it at all. It is not uncommon for Li Kui to get on the bus and Li Gui to get off, and the cargo owner has nowhere to reason.

"You are a bit reluctant to do this thing," Bai Fengming thought intuitively, adding that this link was unnecessary, "and if nothing else, the coal transported by rail would be more."

The bulk of the bid this time is Haichao Group. Haichao really transports coal by truck... How much does it cost?

"I can't help it. The sign of the logistics center must be launched as soon as possible," Ge Baoling smiled bitterly. "Boss Chen has given an order to die. Should we ask him to comment?"

It is strange to say that when she was an ordinary deputy district head, she was still reluctant to admit Chen Taizhong's authority, but now she became the executive deputy, she actually called him "Boss Chen".

"District Baoling was right." At this moment, another person was speaking at the door, but District Chief Chen didn't know when he would come. He smiled and said, "Trolleys can't pass through our district at will. It’s time to consider the construction of Beichong Outer Ring Road."

"Boss, aren't you like this?" Bai Fengming laughed unexpectedly. Of course, he smiled bitterly, and he also intended to show off his friendship with the district head to the Deputy Executive of Xinzha. "Yangzhou hasn't even engaged in the outer ring yet. Chong is thinking about it now?"

"So I said you're a little rich and comfortable," Chen Taizhong stretched out his finger and pointed at him, "You have to be ambitious... If you don't do it in Yangzhou, we can't do it in Beichong? Really, is there a power plant in Yangzhou? Sooner or later. We must build Beichong better than Yangzhou."

"The construction of Beichong, then I am definitely going to add to it," Bai Fengming laughed as soon as he heard it. He hinted that the outer ring is not entirely a matter of the Transportation Bureau, and the construction committee can also manage it.

"You must worry about it," District Mayor Chen understood. Then he glanced at Mayor Ge and nodded slightly. "You know how to seize this opportunity and make the most of it. It's great."

Chapter 3694

Ge Baoling’s praise from the district chief made her face flushed, “but I also have some incomprehensible thoughts. The district chief Fengming said that I have overlooked the issue of the number of verifications...and thank him for his reminder. ."

"Fengming considers the problem quite carefully, but it's not a big deal," District Chief Chen said with a smile, "In fact, as long as it is a problem that can be found out clearly, then don't worry too much."

This was an understatement, but it was really murderous. The two deputy district chiefs couldn't help but look at the district chief Ge. It seemed that there was something wrong with this logistics center. The district chief must be a violent trick again.

Ge Baoling looked as usual, and couldn't see how much pressure she was.

Chen Taizhong didn't pay attention to everyone's reaction either, he raised his chin slightly, "Zhixin, come with me."

Meng Zhixin stood up and followed the district chief. District Chief Ge watched them leave, turned his head and whispered to the district chief, "Director Meng is really jumping into the dragon."

The level of your words is too low, right? Bai Fengming snorted coldly in his heart, "Then I will tell him to make him more stable. Don't let the old comrades feel dissatisfied."

"I didn't express any dissatisfaction," Ge Baoling turned and walked out, isn't she just an executive deputy? Look at your belly!

Chen Taizhong's approach to Meng Zhixin was still related to the purchase of coal in Beichong. Huangfu came here just now. He knew the location of the coal yard in the district and initially had intentions. Xiaoling was one of them.

So he took a simple planning book. There is also a map. There are several places marked above that are suitable for building coal yards, but a map of one to one hundred thousand is really not good for showing the terrain. The planning book was obviously a rushed manuscript, and it was quite vague, and Secretary Huangfu had to explain it in detail.

Huangfu Yichen highly recommended it. It is a place called Xiangshuiwan.

Here on the river ditch, the mountain breeze is very strong, and there is a cliff on one side. Except for the hottest two months of summer, there is basically no sun, water is convenient, and drainage can be directly discharged into the river. Although there is pollution, this It is pour coal, not wash coal. With a filter tank, pollution is negligible-anyway, after a year, a total of two months.

How old is it? District Chief Chen thought about this. What Xiaoling wants to build is a 200,000-ton coal yard, which is not the case. He has to consider future construction, but he can't make it clear. Insiders such as Bai Fengming will not talk nonsense—the 1.5 million tons of coal reserves will be too much trouble to say, so let’s talk about 500,000 first.

Of course, this 1.5 million tons is just a plan on paper. Maybe there is a good project, there will be new changes. However, when Chen Taizhong made his choice, he had to consider it all.

Huangfu Yichen is also very familiar with this area. After pondering the meaning of leadership for a long time, he finally said that this is a long and narrow strip. If a little more rocks can be blown up, it will be almost 0.5 to 0.7 square kilometers.

This is almost the case. Chief Chen made a rough calculation. If 0.3 square kilometers can be effectively used, then a one-meter high coal seam can store more than 400,000 tons, and two meters high can store nearly 90 Ten thousand tons, um, this place is good.

However, he also has to intervene in other places, but unfortunately, Secretary Huangfu seems to have reached Xiangshuiwan. He is not particularly aware of the terrain of other places, and he has a larger unused plot than here. It seems to be gone.

Then you have to take a look at the scene. Chen Taizhong never dislikes being in trouble at the grassroots level. No matter how beautiful the people below are, it is better for him to witness it-a hands-on leader, not a good leader, but he really did not last long in Beichong Time, some things are better to live in person, it is better to reach the masses than to be ungrounded.

But when he thought about the inspection, another problem came. It was only ten kilometers from the district to Xiangshui Bay. This section of the road was very difficult to walk, especially before the coal yard, there was a river below, but There is still a chain bridge over the river, and a new bridge can be built by trucks.

The place is really good, it is very close to the district, and there is no problem of occupying cultivated land, but Nima—this requires road construction.

So he asked Meng Zhixin to discuss this issue. Ge Baoling has been promoted, and the traffic bureau is in charge of the district mayor. Moreover, he cannot check all the other places listed by Huangfu. This screening work will naturally fall on the old. Meng's head.

"This road is very bad," District Mayor Meng made a comment after listening to the general situation. Although he has been marginalized for a long time, he doesn't know what is going on in a place like Beichong. of?

"From the district to Xiaoling, the two-kilometer section of Dongchazi in the middle is very bad. You should walk through it."

District Mayor Chen really walked. He went to Lu Tianxiang’s house and walked on this road, which is at least five or six kilometers shorter than from Dongchazi, but this road is indeed not proper, bumpy, bumpy, and the narrowest place. One meter wide flat road.

But it’s no wonder that Xiaoling people can’t go to Dongchazi to repair a road borrowed from it, but for Dongchazi people-eat and support, build this road? "It's not easy to go."

"The road from there to Xiangshuiwan is not easy, the dirt road," Meng Zhixin said with a smile, "Wei Village and Shangyu Village are next to them. They have long wanted to build this road."

"Then I want to build a two-lane road with a 20-ton truck..." District Mayor Chen pondered, "What is the estimated cost?"

"If you want to build this kind of road better, it costs at least 800,000 yuan per kilometer. This is because Beichong is cheap for labor and earthwork. Otherwise, it is more than this." District Mayor Meng is not involved in transportation, but he understands similar common sense. Looking at his district mayor with a little pity, "Six or seven kilometers. Plus that bridge... six million is almost the same."

"Well," District Chief Chen nodded silently, and then the corners of his mouth twitched, "This Huangfu is really unreliable."

"He wanted to build a road, but he couldn't say that he was wrong," District Mayor Meng shook his head and replied, "Wei Village and Shangyu Village both have fairly good economic development. But don't take a bridge into Xiangshui Bay. There is a dead place... …It’s not enough just to build a bridge, you have to build a road."

I said, Huangfu Yichen is so enthusiastic. I also bet on hoarding coal for two years. The reason for co-authoring is here, and Chen Taizhong finally understands the whole story. "There are eight million more in the district, and Xiaoling Township is only willing to pay five or six hundred thousand. Then I might as well put the coal yard in Dongchazi Town."

"But you have to repair this road sooner or later," Meng Zhixin looked at him lightly.

Actually, I hate being calculated. District Chief Chen slapped his mouth helplessly, but he still couldn't care about it. Huangfu spotted more than one place, except that the Lord pushed Xiangshuiwan. And Xiaoling also plans to give some money.

Anyway, they must have a plan to settle down in Xiaoling. It seems that the plan is only a road, which is not unacceptable, but District Mayor Chen may not necessarily choose Xiangshuiwan.

"Let's go, go around these places with me." He stood up.

Turning around, this afternoon passed. What made Chen Taizhong dumbfounded was that the location of Xiangshui Bay was the best. One was that it was relatively close, and the other was that there was really no open space as large as Xiangshui Bay in other places.

This is what makes District Chief Chen unhappy. But other progress is pretty good, in the next two days. The Transportation Bureau has put out a budget for repairing the highway leading to Xiangshui Bay, totaling 5.6 million-striving to control the settlement within 6 million.

Even the bridge cost this cost. The drawings for the bridge were designed six years ago. Or Ge Baoling complained that the road under the Eighth Five-Year Plan had not been completed by the fifteenth.

Furthermore, Xun Dejian’s investment agreement was finally signed, because last time something like Wang Ruiji was involved, this time it was even more solemn. District Mayor Chen even invited Li Qiang, secretary of the municipal party committee-no way, executive deputy Gu Zhen Said that something can't go away.

Secretary Li came here to represent the city and ease Beichong’s grievances. In any case, the Hong Kong and Hong Kong Xun family are also the leading families in Hong Kong and Macau. Even if Xun Dejian is only an illegitimate child, he is eligible to be followed by Secretary Li.

As for whether this behavior slapped Mayor Chen in the face, no one cares. Yangzhou News also broadcast this one that night.

"I don't know if Chen Zhengkui is throwing a teacup," Lin Huan was eating a meal at District Mayor Chen's house. He laughed when he saw the news, "Li Qiang really loses his face."

"How can the city channel not broadcast a million dollars in investment?" District Mayor Chen said casually. Yangzhou is a poor place, not Phoenix. "By the way, Chairman Lin, the road to Xiangshuiwan can only be given to you. One kilometer, tomorrow you go to Meng Zhixin."

"Give it more and ensure the quality," Chairman Lin said with a smile.

"This road was temporarily added to cover the District Mayor Chen shook his head helplessly. This road is currently being built in the district, and there is more than one kilometer from Xiao Zhao, so Ge ​​Baoling Laiguan said that seven million roads were given to the previous construction team, and they were willing to wipe out the one million debt-although Bei Chong said that he might repay it in the future, he still had real money in his hands.

District Mayor Chen did not fully agree, so he promised half of it-this is also meant to see the aftereffects. Since he allocated half of it, he really didn't have much favor to do.

With that said, Hengbei News also started. Today there was news that Yue Huanghe had arrived. Chen Taizhong took out a cigarette and said to his heart that Yue Huanghe looks a little bit. At least he has a double chin and no belly. Quite small.

Lin Huan also watched the news quietly. After reading this one, he whispered softly, "The city's head is changing, the king's flag."

"Iron officialdom, running cadre," District Mayor Chen answered with a smile, raising his hand to fill the beer. At this moment, his mobile phone rang, and he answered the phone, "Hello, Mr. Kang, any instructions? "

After he put down the phone, his face didn't look very good. Chairman Lin glanced at him with a smile, "Is it the one who sells coal?"

To be continued..[(m)No pop-up reading]

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