Official Immortal

: Three thousand six hundred and ninety seven-three thousand six hundred and ninety eight

Chapter 3697

When the district government was bidding, Chen Taizhong was accompanying Kang Xiaoan around the Qingyang River.

Kang always arrived last night. Due to some delays, it was 10:30 in Yangzhou, so I simply stayed in Yangzhou. I came to Beichong early this morning and brought District Chief Chen to inspect the preparations for the hydropower station. .

Chen Taizhong would never believe that his motives were so simple, and that Qingyanghe has nothing to do now, not even a work shed, just leveling the land, and the agreement with Haijiao has been signed, even if Zheng Wenbin is leaving soon, This project has also been launched, and it is impossible to stop it-the big deal is that Hengbei will do it on its own.

However, Lao Kang didn't say why he came, he naturally wouldn't take the initiative to mention it. The two of them inspected for about an hour before Mr. Kang said, "Go back to the district for dinner. I happened to see someone from Wufeng Mountain." "

"The Vice President Wang who came here is not an honest person," District Mayor Chen had guessed a long time ago. Kang Xiaoan was afraid that a phone call would not be reliable, so he rushed to the scene to cheer, which can be regarded as respect for his own district head.

In fact, he was really curious, "Are you like that for such a small list?"

"The list of 30 million is still small? Just dare you say that." Kang Xiaoan gave him a dissatisfied glance. Don't look at Mr. Kang's tossing with him. There are not many orders he can call the shots, just like Fan Rushuang’s Pro Aluminum is a project of tens of billions of dollars at every turn. How much can Fan Dong do?

Of course, his real purpose is, "I have to let the people of Wufengshan see that I attach great importance to their affairs... Too loyal, after processing their inventory, there is no problem, right?"

"The price must be reasonable," Chen Taizhong glanced at him, "I am willing to be Lei Feng, and others will also believe it."

"Hehe," Kang Xiaoan smiled sly, why didn't he know. Are you a little worried? But he has good reasons, "The next step is to launch a large number of power plants to ensure coal supply. This is the focus of future work. Hengbei does not have coal."

"It's hard to say that Wu Fengshan appreciates or does not appreciate, Hai Chao must be dissatisfied with you," Chen Taizhong replied lightly.

"Isn't Wufeng Mountain close to Haizhou?" Kang Xiaoan gave a dry laugh, but muttered sadly in his heart. Is there any mistake. Even if the coal is imported from Tiannan, I am close to the Jushan Coal Mine. Why do I need coal from Zhangzhou?

"Haichao can help you. In fact, it is far greater than Wufeng Mountain," Chen Taizhong thought about it, and finally he said. Wufengshan is not a small coal mine, and its current capacity is insufficient, with an annual output of 3 million tons of coal, but even if their production capacity is expanded to 5 million tons, they still cannot keep up with the Shanghai tide.

Although Haichao’s self-produced coal capacity is only two million tons—some of which are just named, Haichao’s channels are too powerful. Word of mouth, capital, transportation and circulation are unique in Tiannan. The coal resources they can revitalize are no less than 10 million tons per year. This is just coal not including coke.

Correspondingly, although Wufengshan produces a lot, they are state-owned enterprises, with nearly half of the coal, which has passed the planned target. Regardless of the amount of payment, timely or not, they have to transfer coal outside.

That is to say, the taste of the market economy is getting stronger and stronger, and coal is becoming more and more in demand. Aiming at the large defaulters, the coal mines are also resorting to various means to delay shipments. That's why we can save some family assets and pick up the goods like this. They are naturally reluctant to sell it cheaply.

For ordinary people, it is not easy to inquire about these things, but as Chen Taizhong and Kang Xiaoan, they will know if they just know about it.

"The ocean tide is a bit far away, just say that the freight will cost a lot more," Kang Xiaoan smiled slightly. In essence, he still prefers to believe in Wufengshan. State-owned enterprises and state-owned enterprises should communicate better after all, especially the current private enterprises. Synonymous with greed and desire, Hai Chao is not related to him, so why sacrifice his interests to take care of him?

And he is a leader of a state-owned enterprise. Although he can spend money lavishly, when buying raw materials, he really doesn’t dare to be more lavish than the bosses of those private enterprises—can't stand the audit, so he can only smile, "I need help anyway. Too loyal you can't ignore it."

This is a very strange word, but Mr. Kang really didn't expect that four years later, whenever he thought of today's words, he would want to hit the wall with his head... Nima, why did I talk so much back then?

The two got into the car while they were talking. District Chief Chen did not drive his own car. There was a Mercedes-Benz 500 to sit and a driver. Why did he work so hard?

When he was in the car dealership for a while, Kang Xiaoan threw another topic, "Borui intends to inject capital into Haizhou Power Plant. Taizhong, do you think this can be done?"

"Oh...huh?" Chen Taizhong snorted indifferently, and then immediately felt his scalp numb. Is this the real purpose of Lao Kang's visit to Beichong today?

After pondering for a moment, he asked in a deep voice, "They used...not the money for Bei Chong, right?"

"That's not the case. I have never been a brother." Kang Xiaoan smiled and shook his head. "The people at Borui said, they don't have anything else in their hands, but they have money. As long as the project is good enough, they can consider investing."

Yes, Chen Taizhong nodded secretly. Borui is an investment company with good reputation and strength. It not only manages his money, but also manages other people’s money. He came to Hengbei to work for him, but he felt that the power plant If he can invest, he can also make two orders by the way. He is optimistic that his money will not be misused, and he can control other people's investment decisions?

"Then you guys are done talking, it has nothing to do with me," he said with a smile.

"But they want to get shares, not leave after taking back their principals and interests. This makes people scratch their heads," Kang Xiaoan said softly, "Too loyal, you also said that the power plant involves national security issues...have joined the WTO."

The investment attraction in 2002 is no more than the previous two years. Foreign investment is still very popular and the degree of preferential treatment is not bad. However, the innocent Chinese have gradually become smarter. Foreign investment is fine, but we also need to protect our own brands. When we talk about protecting the environment, we must also talk about... the national energy security.

Especially after joining the WTO, foreign investment has poured in. Everyone is willing to fight for more if conditions permit. The view of President Kang is that he does not want national security to be in the hands of others, and it fully reflects the role of a national cadre. Responsibility.

"You're too nonsense, right?" Chen Taizhong snorted disdainfully. "He doesn't have a controlling stake. What kind of national security are you worried about? There are still few joint-venture power plants in our country?"

In the 1990s, the country really built many joint venture power plants. At that time, it was really poor, and there was no technology. It was because of some things and received some sanctions, so the country targeted countermeasures... If someone systematically ponders the results of domestic investment promotion during that period, about It is very interesting to be able to judge the tendency of each stage.

In a nutshell. In the nineties. Joint venture power plants are not uncommon in China, and even if they are a bit less now, they are not much less. So Chen Taizhong felt that Kang Xiaoan's words were a bit strange.

"The province only needs its funds, in fact..." Kang Xiaoan pondered. Fang Shi laughed bitterly, "Borui can't offer shares, he can only appear as a financing or loan object. The equity participation in the power plant can be any strange company, or it may be a bank you have never heard of, but it cannot be Borui. "

"Although I don't understand, it sounds terrific," Chen Taizhong felt that this guy was talking hesitatingly, but he didn't want to inquire. "Then you guys go talk, I have a rough analysis, this has nothing to do with Bei Chong."

"Borui still values ​​your opinions and suggestions very much," Kang Xiaoan's reminder was a bit daunting.

"But do I need to value them?" Chen Taizhong asked with a smile, "That's just an investment company, and the money is not his. If he doesn't lend me money, I can still borrow he thinks of me, I need to care ?"

"Cough," Mr. Kang coughed twice and stopped talking. People don't even care about Borui, what else can he say? Anyway, he can be sure. District Mayor Chen is definitely not bragging-you know, Borui was introduced to Hengbei.

Thinking of Borui's abundant funds and background, Kang Xiaoan increasingly felt that he couldn't see through the young district chief in front of him...

When the car arrived at the district government, it was twelve o'clock at noon. For many bidders, the Beichong Hotel opened a small restaurant that can accommodate four tables of people, which is the standard for receiving leaders in the main hall.

Mr. Kang and District Mayor Chen are sitting at the bottom of the table, and Sui Biao is also here today. Recently Secretary Sui has been getting closer to the district government, whether it is a government hotel or Mayor Chen’s house.

Along with him was a middle-aged man surnamed Hu, who was probably the one that Wang Ninghu greeted him, but Chen Taizhong swept away at him, he didn't even have a simple polite, he just nodded slightly to President Xiaolin.

But just nodded, Lin Ying sat down next to him. Secretary Sui and President Hu sat down across the table. President Kang sat alone at the head. Today’s posture is really unusual. Don't say anything.

In the end, a dark and fat middle-aged man sat next to Kang Xiao'an. Everyone knew that this person was President Wang of Wufengshan Coal Mine. He looked at Lin Ying with enthusiasm, and said with a smile, "Lin It looks good."

"Well, it's not easy to do business, and my hair has turned white in these two days," Lin Ying counterattacked calmly, "It's actually that Mr. Wang has a lot of magical powers. It seems that he will gain a lot."

"You have to vomit blood when you are doing business," Mr. Wang glanced at her, yin and yang, and said strangely, "The low price hits the market, this is not something to encourage, Mr. Lin, what do you think?"

"Do you know how much I offer?" Lin Ying raised her head and looked at him with a smile, "You are right, and I will introduce you to another market, dare you bet?"

Chapter 3698

"If there is a new market, then I must lay down my life to accompany the gentleman," Mr. Wang drooped his eyes and answered with a smile.

"Wait, I have confidence in Bei Chong's secrecy system... so I bet with you," Lin Ying glanced at Chen Taizhong again and said with a smile, "If you win, I will admit it, but what if you lose? Take advantage of me... Give me your share?"

This kind of thing is rarely seen in bidding, but if the two bidders are very tough, you really don't need to mind the owner.

Lin Ying dared to gamble, but Mr. Wang didn't dare to gamble. He was a state-owned enterprise official and the bid was not successful. There were various reasons why he expressed dissatisfaction. There was no need to bet on his net worth, "Don't be so stingy."

"Don't bet, you shouldn't make irresponsible remarks, it hurts your anger," Lin Ying smiled coldly. She is the princess of Haichao Group, why is she afraid of such a small deputy mine manager? This is really rich and compelling!

"The coal of more than six thousand and one hundred calories has never been sold at such a low price," Mr. Wang sighed, his face becoming more and more unsightly, "Lin's family does not care much..."

"Mr. Wang. Let's still drink the bar." Kang Xiaoan's heart is so hot, there is really no way to talk about it. This is not too much drinking, but it is too much if you don't drink. It's okay. What do you provoke Lin Ying to do? Considering that the other party would be helpful to him in the future, he had to suppress his anger and said with a grin, "If there is a dispute, you can communicate slowly. District Chief Chen. Secretary Sui, shall we start?"

Chen Taizhong smiled slightly and didn't care. It's normal to be noisy in business, and there are all kinds of fights.

As soon as they went to work in the afternoon, Bai Fengming and Meng Zhixin came to the district mayor's office. After screening, the bidding office roughly delineated four, and this is to report to the leaders of the bidding group.

However, although the tender is rigorous and the effort is out of the game, just look at the four delineated companies. Huaheng Industrial, introduced by Wang Ninghu, was elected. The coal provided by this company is about 5,200 kcal, with moderate sulfur content, and is open. supply. The quotation is 205 yuan per ton-this is the price of entering the coal yard.

Li Jian’s coal is more than 5,000 kcal, and the quotation is 200 per ton, and the quantity is limited to 50,000 tons. His appetite is not very large. He emphasized when bidding that he is a truck transporter and the wagons are not well coordinated. .

There are several types of Haichao coal. Roughly comparable, Lin Ying's price of 5,500 kcal of coal is 220, which is really small profits but quicker sales, in fact. The price of coal does not depend entirely on the combustion value and the sulfur content, and cannot be divided into that detail. When purchasing coal, there is only a lower limit and no upper limit.

In other words, the coal buyer has set a standard. How much it exceeds the standard is your own business. If you are willing to sell coal of 5,500 kcal as 5,200, then I will buy it, but it may not be. Check out more for you-if you have the ability, you can sell it to those who want 5,500 kcal.

In fact, the pricing of coal is very interesting. I won't discuss it here. The main reason is the transportation method and distance, and how much coal mine owners want to earn.

The price quoted by Lin Ying is really fair. If you look down at 5,500 kcal of coal, this is good coal. If you look up, you can barely meet the standard of thermal coal. You can make coking if you choose.

But the 6,000 kcal of coal she reported was not very kind. It was actually 281 tons. However, the price of the car plate she reported was not high, only 155. It was basically excluding taxes and fees. It is tantamount to a busy schedule-the price of the wagon is the price when coal is loaded into the wagon, which means that the railway and other expenses must reach 130 yuan per ton.

In fact, everyone will change the trick. At this time, most of the merchants who make a fortune are guilty of original sin. The price of the car board she quoted seems to be low, but Haichao has a bit of advantage. As a private enterprise, reasonable tax avoidance is really true. Don’t be too much, and the cost of coal in small coal mines should be lower.

Wufengshan is completely defeated at this point, but they also have their own advantages. The wagons of state-owned enterprises can go according to the plan, even if they ask people, it will be over at a point. It is not comparable to private enterprises like Haichao, only this one. Save old money.

Therefore, they did not report the price of the car board, it was directly the price of the inbound and unloaded goods. About 6,100 kcal of coal, they only need 241 tons, which is a full 40 yuan lower than the tide. One hundred kcal is not a big problem, the key is forty yuan per ton, 100,000 tons is four million!

"The sincerity of this Wufengshan is very full," Chen Taizhong wanted to laugh when he saw it. He could only pick up a cigarette to cover up his expression, "150,000 tons are not enough. Order them 200,000 tons."

"What about the other shares?" Bai Fengming asked the district mayor, "Li Jian this is 50,000 tons, and the total of the two is 250,000 tons. How much is it to Huaheng?"

"The price of Hua Heng is very tasteless," District Mayor Chen pondered for a while, frowning slightly, "Give me 50,000 to 100,000 tons, and you can discuss it. The rest order Haichao's 5,500 calories. "

"Okay," Bai Fengming and Meng Zhi News said to stand up. The district mayor temporarily gave Wufengshan 50,000 tons, which made it a little difficult for everyone to do. Originally, the two combined, they wanted to give Huaheng 100,000 tons. , Give Hai Chao another 200,000 tons, which is a scene of joy for everyone.

Now the district chief has said that he can give Huaheng 50,000 to 100,000 tons, but that is squeezing Hai Chao’s share... It’s really stupid to go straight to squeeze, I’m afraid it’s also troublesome.

Both of them dared not directly ask the district chief about this kind of thing. It was okay. There were still leaders in the bidding team who dared to ask. They found Lin Huan, and said like this, Chairman Lin was not afraid of things and raised his hand. Just dial Chen Taizhong, "Taizhong, this Huaheng. Is 50,000 tons or 100,000 tons appropriate?"

District Mayor Chen said something over there. Chairman Lin put down the phone and looked at the two deputy heads in front of him helplessly. "District Mayor Chen said, it’s up to you to decide... I have to force him to take it back. ?"

"Make sure, we are relieved," Meng Zhixin replied with a smile. Not really annoyed by the district chief's words. In the first place, it is necessary to ask the leaders more.

It was about five o'clock in the afternoon, and the opinions of the relevant leaders of the bidding team had been obtained. The Tender Office invited eight bidders, and the four that did not win the bid, each gave two "Sufeng" mobile phones. Thanks for their participation-dinner and accommodation will also be taken care of.

Then, the four investors who won the bid were notified. Based on the principles of fairness, turbine and openness, the four companies sat together at the same time to listen to the 500,000 tons of winning bids.

Li Jian received 50,000 tons as he wished, and Hua Heng also knew that he could not monopolize them. One hundred thousand tons was their expectation. They didn't say much, but Wu Fengshan was a little surprised that he won the 200,000 tons bid.

To be heard, Haichao Group only accounts for 150,000 tons, and it is all 5,500 kcal of coal. Mr. Wang felt that something was wrong, so he could not raise his hand and ask, "I am the only one with more than 6,000 calories?"

"Hai Chao also reported it," Bai Fengming replied calmly. He didn't want to say it, but he had to say it. On the one hand, this news will spread out sooner or later, and on the other hand, once the supply is exclusive, it is inevitable that something will happen to the supplier.

"I'm embarrassed to squeeze 50,000 tons of total forest." Manager Wang smiled apologetically, and then asked again. "What is Haichao's offer?"

"You don't need to inquire about this, do you?" Meng Zhixin asked in a deep voice, you know who won the bid at what price, and inquire about the price others did not win the bid-what does this mean?

"There's nothing to say, 285 per ton," Lin Ying replied with a calm face. She was already annoyed at the loss of 50,000 tons of goods. She was so irritated when she heard this guy asking again, she couldn't say so hard He fought back, "Think of what you said at noon, and I don't know who hit the market at a low price."

"You!" When Mr. Wang heard this, his face suddenly changed. The next moment, he glared at Wang Yuanyuan intentionally or unintentionally, then sneered and said, "Really... admire!"

"The sea tide is the price of entering the coal yard," Lin Ying deliberately stimulated him, "you will finish unloading at the platform, and I have one more link."

"There is a way, there is a way," Mr. Wang laughed angrily. How much money can he spend from the platform to the coal yard? But the price of Wufeng Mountain is 40 yuan lower than that of Haichao, 200,000 tons is 8 million.

"President Wang, are you planning to overturn your offer?" Meng Zhixin asked him unhurriedly when he saw him like this.

"We are considering the supply of 150,000 tons. For the temporary increase of 50,000 tons, we have to ask the leader for instructions." The anger in Wang's heart was really beyond words. He stood up and walked out. I will call now."

A ton of two hundred and forty-five is also considered profitable, but...I really didn't bully people so much!

"As soon as possible, give you one day to make a decision, while the others are still there," District Chief Bai did not keep him.

His first call was to Kang Xiaoan. After Mr. Kang answered the call, he quietly listened to him before asking, "You mean... Two hundred forty-five, even if you don't make money?"

"Yes, I will earn an errand fee," Mr. Wang faced future customers, and he would not tell the truth together. "As a result, Hai Chao reported This is a big loss!"

"Why do you still report this way when you have lost a lot of money?" Kang Xiaoan said that he didn't understand. Since you reported this way, there must be a reason for you to report this way.

"Hey, don't mention it. I originally planned to report two hundred and sixty-five," Mr. Wang sighed. In fact, he did intend to report two hundred and six. You have to report to me-150,000 tons of coal, five yuan is 750,000 yuan, it is normal for the big boss to intervene.

"That Wang Yuanyuan is not a gadget," he cursed with anger. "She said that Hai Chao is almost two hundred and six. I asked the boss for instructions, and only approved it to two hundred and forty-five... You said Bei Chong Why are there such a group of people?"

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