Official Immortal

: Three thousand seven hundred three-three thousand seven hundred four

Chapter 3703

In the afternoon, Chen Taizhong heard the same explanation from Xi Yu's mouth.

Without Sui Biao present this time, Secretary Xi said it more thoroughly. We do not agree with some city leaders in attracting college students to return to their hometowns to start businesses. m

Regarding the substitute training agreement mentioned by District Mayor Chen, Xi Yu was a little surprised, and then nodded with a smile, "This is no problem, we can even pay a proper training fee... They are all good kids, just want them Insight into the rise."

"This fund...I heard that it was brought in?" District Chief Chen asked embarrassedly.

In fact, just when Xi Yu agreed to sign the Daipei Agreement, the alliance between Bei Chong and Jingde was announced-an alliance against Chen Zhengkui. Chen Taizhong was not afraid of Mayor Chen, but it was better to have one more ally than to stand alone.

Maybe Sui Biao thinks so too? That's why the two companies are actively brought together, and Secretary Sui's body is almost too strong.

"Most of the start-up funds are easy to say, after all, they are small projects," Xi Yu replied with a smile. "However, once the benefits are obvious and rapid development is necessary, it still needs the support of Beichong... After all, Jingde is too poor."

"For those with high-speed development, there is definitely no problem with financial support." District Mayor Chen said with a smile. He still has this kind of vision. As long as it is really beneficial to Bei Chong, what is money?

But at the same time, his curiosity couldn't be suppressed. "Secretary Xi, how do I feel that you are not very optimistic about Jingde's recent development situation?"

When Xi Yu heard this question, he was not anxious to answer, but looked sideways at Li Yifei. When Minister Li saw this, he went to the bathroom and stood up and walked away. Secretary Xi sighed angrily. "The city has stated its position and will not consider the development of Jingde in the short term."

"Impossible?" Chen Taizhong was stunned when he heard it. "Chen Zhengkui's level is indeed not high. But if he is not level, he won't be able to say such a thing?"

There were only two people left in the room, so he was naturally not afraid to name Mayor Chen by his name. And... Li Qiang brought together Bei Chong and Jingde, and this statement would certainly not come from Secretary Li.

"He speaks at a high level." When Xi Yu heard the words, he smiled coldly, then stretched out his hand, grabbed his hard box Zhonghua from the table, and took out one to click "He asked for respect and must make good use of the national poverty-stricken counties. This precious resource!"

"Oh" Chen Taizhong nodded. Xin said that you have precious resources, so you must cherish them, and then... he realized what this precious resource is. "what did you say?"

"A precious resource of a national-level poverty-stricken county." Secretary Xi's mouth twitched, repeating dumbfoundedly.

In fact. He is not angry because of this statement. Although the state-level poverty-stricken counties are unpleasant, the benefits are real. Not only can they receive special poverty alleviation funds, but they can also obtain policy support if they want to develop. The ordinary people may feel ashamed, but the county For the district officials, this is really a rare good thing.

However, cadres can know this kind of thing well, and what they say is really shameless.

However, Xi Yu’s anger is not yet this. He is angered. "Chen Zhengkui said that the city government is unable to fully open up huā. The focus of the current stage of work is to selectively build core regions and industries, which means that there is no respect. What's the matter with Germany, he suggested, let me run more to the province and the central government... Hey, if I really had that way, he would definitely not say that."

In fact, this is really a way! Chen Taizhong murmured in his heart that if Beichong is also a state-level impoverished county, he can use this to make some articles, but obviously, he can't say that now, he can only smile slightly. "It seems that he intends to support two key points. Regions, we will all be stepmothers."

He is concerned about the development of Bei Chong, Xi Yu hummed inwardly, then smiled and nodded, "That is, our grandma doesn't care about the uncle or uncle, so we should cooperate more to seek common development."

If I don’t cooperate with Mi, I have developed as well. District Mayor Chen is very disapproving of cooperation, but he has offended many leaders and colleagues a lot. For example, Ji Zhen in Huā city, if he offends all his colleagues Light, then another anger has been committed.

The former immortal was still very sensitive to the word "public anger", so he smiled and nodded. "That's what happened to Daipei, and it is a win-win situation. Daipei's fees and other things are the next thing... If this can be successful, it's okay. Increase other cooperation."

This doesn't sound bad, but in fact it is an attitude of rejecting people thousands of miles away. It is not easy for college students to return to their hometown to start a business. Success depends on three years later-the worst and worst one year.

"Since we are going to cooperate, it is naturally all-round cooperation." Xi Yu smiled slightly. "It's just a matter of college students returning home to start a business. It involves the party committee. So I first say hello to Lao Sui, Jingde cooperates with the Beichong District Government. That’s the point."

"Well, what are you cooperating with?" Chen Taizhong asked calmly. If you want to talk about money with me, then hurts your feelings.

"There are too many places to cooperate. First of all, we can repair the roads between Jingde and Beichong." Xi Yu came prepared. "The cost of Jingde section belongs to us. Although the county is poor, we are very sincere. foot."

This request is not excessive. Chen Taizhong even thought of the inconvenience of traffic between Yongtai and Mengshan County due to poor communication between the two places. If the road can be renovated, it will indeed be a happy thing for everyone.

No matter what Beichong said to bury its head in development, it is also necessary to maintain the smooth flow of materials and population with the surrounding counties. "I support Secretary Xi's suggestion."

"Then some unrelenting invitations" Xi Yu finally said such words.

"Yeah" District Chief Chen snorted noncommittal, but he sighed inwardly. If you ask too much, you can only be sorry.

"The construction of Beichong is in full swing, and we have a lot of idle labor in Jingde." The request of Xi Yu was raised along the line. Under the instruction of District Mayor Chen, the construction of Beichong was mostly internal digestion. In the name of the county party committee, Jingde solemnly asked to participate in the construction. This is really...not an outsider.

Chen Taizhong really wanted to refuse, but he thought about it carefully. Beichong's next construction. Only more and more, and blindly protecting the people of Beichong, of course, benefited the village. However, it has not been eliminated by the market, it is only the huāduo in the greenhouse after all. It may not be able to compete with others. What's more serious is that over time, it may cultivate everyone's slackness.

Thinking about the drawbacks caused by the big pot of rice and the iron rice bowl, he felt that introducing appropriate competition is not a completely bad thing. Of course, this must be controlled at a certain level. "Are there many respectable skilled workers?"

"Very rare." Secretary Xi smiled bitterly and shook his head. "There are more labors and hard work. Of course. There are also carpenters and masons in the township who can do a little rough work."

Chen Taizhong pondered for a moment. Fang Shi slowly replied, "In order to put people in systematically, it is to grab the jobs of Beichong people... I think it's hard to deal with the masses."

"There is no need to establish a system." Xi Yu felt that the young district mayor’s words were a bit confusing. “You only need to allow respectable people to work in your district. District Chief Chen, you Bei Chong is now very close to migrant workers. The whole Yangzhou thinks so."

"Oh, there is such a reputation?" Chen Taizhong muttered softly. He really did not expect that he had created such an image. This is a good thing, but it is also time. We must consider introducing appropriate competition-that is, the old What Xi Jiu said on the table, without pressure, there is no motivation.

However, the introduction of this labor force does not seem to work without management. "I think it is better to be an established system. The township leaders can match up from it, which can better reflect the friendship between our two counties."

"This...yes." Xi Yu made a decision right away. He guessed that Chen Taizhong's suggestion was because he did not want locals and foreigners to have friction, which was in line with Chen's consistent image of protecting shortcomings.

In fact, the booming and prosperous scene of Beichong has already attracted the coveting of people in many nearby counties. Chen Taizhong can see it, and others can even see it. Small workers who move bricks cost 20 yuan a day. This is the same treatment for the construction site. They still want to grab higher-paying jobs. Outsiders want to come in, but they are not allowed.

Secretary Xi’s goal is very clear, to enter the low-end labor market in Beichong and hit the mid-end. As a neighbor, he knows a lot about Beichong’s development plan. Now Beichong hasn’t all started yet, only the new waiting room. The construction of the Welfare Institute did not start, and then there will be repairing district hospitals and flip schools.

Jingde also goes out to work, but no one has reached a high-end position. It is all dirty work and dangerous work, and the pay is not guaranteed. Some people pull villagers out to work, causing casualties, and some are deceived.

Therefore, there is a large amount of idle labor in Jingde at the moment. If you go far away, you may not be willing, but if you find a job in the next door, Beichong, few will refuse. It is basically in the neighboring counties where relatives and friends can find A lot of people came out, not only could make money but also greet the family, rushed to ride a bicycle and went home from the construction site.

Now Beichong is just a huge cake. The people of Beichong closed the door and chewed slowly inside. They were a little bit indigestion. There was a big pot of fatty braised pork stewed on the fire, and the neighbors outside. We clenched the sticks in their hands, but couldn't get in the door open-ended.

Secretary Xi’s wish was to knock on this door, and District Chief Chen replied that you can enter the door to eat, but you have to follow the rules, or don’t blame me for being polite.

Chapter 3704

Yes, this is Xi Yu’s understanding. Chen Taizhong said that the establishment of a system, and that the township leader took the lead, said that he wanted to sell him a lot of face, and once something bad happened, people could let it go and deal with it. Maybe you have to find him on someone's head.

However, Secretary Xi did not agree with this condition. In fact, he knew very well that Bei Chong's takeoff was inevitable.

Just like after an investment is landed, there will be a cascading effect in the surrounding area. A prosperous Beichong will inevitably have a radiation impact on the nearby counties. What he has to do is to integrate into it as early as possible while Beichong has not yet made any effort. In this circle, the earlier the investment, the greater the benefit, and the later the investment, the higher the cost.

As the dignified secretary of the county party committee, it is really not easy to make this decision to be willing to become a subsidiary of Beichong. Xi Yu is an arrogant master, and his control of Jingde is very strong. After all, it is three years. Many county heads were then promoted to party committee secretary. With such a foundation, he also wanted to do something practical for the cadres and the masses in his jurisdiction.

But what Chen Zhengkui said made him really frustrated. The city let go of Jingde. Secretary Wang also left. It will not be easy for the county to ask for more money from the city in the future.

As mentioned earlier. Jingde is not ordinary poor, it is poorer than Beichong, and it is the bottom in Yangzhou. Many people in the city have two meals a day, and only three meals are eaten if the conditions are good. Especially last year, a daughter-in-law committed suicide because she put a handful of rice while cooking and was scolded by her mother-in-law by drinking pesticides. Secretary Xi When I heard the news, I really didn't feel good about it.

At the same time, Xi Yu is also very dissatisfied with Mayor Chen’s preferential policy. Beichong, Jingde and Yunzhong all have oil shale. Why do you want to put this processing plant in huā city? You give Bei Chong, I have nothing to say, but giving it to Huā city is too much. Such a big factory. If it can be put into Jingde, the pulling effect that can play should not be underestimated.

The city has no hope. I heard that when Bei Chong was working on the Qingyang River Hydropower Station, he finally could not sit still. He asked a few of his own people to discuss-whether we can change our mindset and stop insisting on me , Is it okay to concentrate on supporting Beichong? According to the development speed of Beichong, it will not take two years to surpass Yangzhou City.

You decide, then do it. Everyone has nothing to say. In fact, this is a group of poor people. If everyone is always so poor, it doesn’t matter. We are on such a condition, but we are looking at our former difficult brothers. The ground in Beichong District was soaring to the sky, no one's heart could be balanced.

But what about imbalance? Chen Taizhong’s skills cannot be learned. If you want to talk about creating friction and gaining some benefits... save the province, even the city leaders have offended a lot of things. Chen Zhengkui was beaten by him, and so far, nothing has happened. .

So later, everyone wondered more about how we should take this ride so that we can maximize the benefits without irritating Bei Chong-you know, Chen Taizhong is not a good talker.

After a lot of brainstorming negotiations, Xi Yu came up with such a highly targeted plan-no way, the city can't count on it, it can only count on the neighbors.

First of all, let’s talk about this college student returning to his hometown to start a business. This is Jingde’s loan of talents to Beichong. This person can land in Beichong and slowly accumulate a little influence. It is good to be able to take root. Some information is sent back to Jingde,

Fortunately, Jingde has at least a dozen children of middle-level cadres graduated this year. This is also very rare. Those entrepreneurial funds-you should think of ways to be parents. It is not bad that you can move to Beichong. The result is out.

As for the road from Jingde to Beichong, it must be repaired even if Beichong does not cooperate, the Jingde people must repair it. This is the road to prosperity, the road to closer distance, and the road to hope.

Before Xi Yu came, he was ready for difficult negotiations, but fortunately, although Chen Taizhong was really hard to talk about, he was as protective of his shortcomings as the legend, but it was not unreasonable.

To release Jingde’s labor force to Beichong, Secretary Xi is not here in vain today. Of course, he certainly hopes to get more "District Mayor Chen, there is a ruthless please..."

Are you a little bit more unrelenting? Chen Taizhong is really a bit entangled, but the favor is so wonderful. He has already given a lot of favor, and it doesn't matter if he has more. There is inertia in this thing. "Well, you said."

He has already made a decision. If Xi Yu crosses the line, he will fight back without hesitation. It is good to have an ally, but you have to understand that Bei Chong's cheapness is not so good.

"Beichong's greenhouse is doing well, can you support some of our technical staff?" Secretary Xi asked quizzically.

"It seems that some of you have come to listen to the teaching?" District Mayor Chen's voice was filled with a touch of coldness.

"I have heard it, but it seems that the attitude is not serious enough, and the harvest is not great." Xi Yu replied ardently. The county sent four people to attend the class. One of them was just taking the opportunity to go out to play, and the other felt that it would be of little use after learning. ——Jingde couldn't handle this kind of thing. He learned it at the time, and forgot it in a blink of an eye, and lost his notebook.

The remaining two are deliberate. One has set up a greenhouse at home and resolutely refuses to teach others. The other said, I can teach everyone. You can invest some money in the district first and let me build a greenhouse. I Only willing to teach people.

This is a common phenomenon in poverty-stricken counties and districts. Secretary Xi didn’t know much about the situation of these four people. What he knew was that among those who came back from studying, he couldn’t bring hard goods to the county. He also saw this situation a lot. He was too lazy to care about those few people, but he was too embarrassed to explain too much to Chen Taizhong.

"Then I can't help. The pilot has just been rolled out. The next step is to be widely promoted. The technicians themselves are not enough," District Chief Chen replied coldly. Are you kidding me? You are embarrassed to mention this request. Next, do you want to learn the technique of raising baby fish from Beichong? What a dream.

"That can be slowed down." Xi Yu was not surprised by this answer. He smiled and replied, "Beichong will do it first, and then support us if we have the ability. When our greenhouse produces results, we can put it in three rounds of logistics. Central transaction."

"Huh?" Chen Taizhong heard this. This is interesting. I can't say that I can't look at him. Your greenhouse products don't go through their own channels. Are there plans to be placed in the logistics center of Sanlun Town?

Outsiders can know that Sanlun Town intends to build a logistics center, really not many, Jingde this neighbor can know. Not an accident. But it is also certain that the other party has taken care of it.

What Secretary Xi said. The taste is more than just a little bit. The greenhouse is really built and the technology is mastered. Then, don’t you just sell what you want? So this is really a bit false, District Mayor Chen smiled slightly, "This is not necessary, there is a vegetable wholesale market in the city, and Jingde can also set up a distribution center. This is not difficult."

"The distribution center should be divided into large, medium and small." Xi Yu smiled and replied, "Just like Chaotian's vegetable wholesale market, there are only two of the largest, but it radiates the entire Chaotian city."

Chen Taizhong was really shocked when he heard this. To say that everyone was talking about alliances at the beginning, hearing what Secretary Xi said now, he was going to lose honesty. Even though District Chief Chen had a high self-confidence, he couldn't help but ask for it. Secretly murmured: No?

The county’s autonomy was originally greater than that of the district. A county party secretary who had never met before, rushed over to his district head and said that he would cooperate with him, and he still wanted to be the younger brother. This is really...not scientific enough.

Suspicious to doubt, his reaction was not too slow, and he waved his hand with a smile, and replied lightly, "This matter will not be clear in a moment and a half later."

"Hehe, too." Xi Yu nodded and smiled, saying that this Chen Taizhong is not a real stunner, and he has made his points so clear that the other party can actually calm down and "see people's hearts over time."

"Well" District Chief Chen snorted absently, then looked at him again, saying that I can't let you "relentlessly please" anymore, so I should end it as soon as possible. "The few things we talked about today, just count Intentions, I want to communicate with other comrades and respect your opinions and suggestions."

You are ruthless! Secretary Xi sighed inwardly, but there was no expression on his face, "This is what it should be. It involves all-round cooperation between our two counties and districts. A consensus must be reached."

Admire, Chen Taizhong also secretly admired him when he saw his answer. Lao Xi, you really can afford it.

His last sentence was really ruthless. It sounds like soliciting the opinions of other people, but it exposed the cooperation between the two counties and districts in advance. These cooperations are not too big, and they can be promised privately. To openly solicit opinions from others, Jingde is about to face the anger of Mayor Chen.

Chen Taizhong is trying to force Secretary Xi to express his position, and put it's useless, if you can stand up to it, I will consider taking care of you. This is also the best way for you to express your sincerity. Bei Chong’s advantage is not so easy to take advantage of. of.

If Xi Yu really pushes three and four, then District Mayor Chen will treat these cooperations for nothing.

But Secretary Xi insisted on getting it, and he actually said that you go to discuss it, and I can hold it.

After sending Xi Yu away, District Mayor Chen asked Liao Dabao to inform the deputy district governors that they were going to work in the sky. Let's simply hold a meeting and ask for your opinions on something.

Five minutes later, Meng Zhixin and Lin Huan came to the district mayor’s office with him. Chairman Lin smiled and asked, "Leader, what is it, can you give me some advice in advance?"

District Chief Chen didn't like one thing to say several times, but he was a little puzzled about his respectful attitude, and Xi Yu agreed, not afraid that people would know, then he would simply talk about his intentions for cooperation.

After listening, Meng Zhixin shut up. He, the director of the planning committee, was promoted to deputy district chief. After all, his vision and accumulation are limited. Although he has a standpoint, he always needs to think before speaking.

Lin Huan has nothing to fear, he just smiled when he heard that, "Jingde, I'm afraid of being poor..."

(To be continued [(m)No pop-up reading]

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