Official Immortal

: Three thousand seven hundred and ninety-three thousand seven hundred and ten major emergencies

Chapter 3709 Big Sudden Case (Part I)

The words of early exercise seriously affected Chen Taizhong's mood. Soon after he went to work, he called Bai Feng to the office, took out the materials of the mobile greenhouse, and asked him to verify the cost. www.)

District Mayor Bai was very strange. He wondered how this matter could be his turn. After listening to the district head’s explanation, he smiled slightly, “You’re right. The project talks about what you pay for. Good thing, Lu Tianxiang’s quotation is likely to have his reason...The key is that we are Party A and we have to finalize the data."

He has been in charge of the Construction Committee for many years, and he knows the importance of this standard. The price difference between the two companies can be so much. The difference in materials is definitely not small. "This greenhouse is actually a simple steel structure. I arranged for the Construction Committee to issue a standard. "

"This standard is not easy to follow," Chen Taizhong shook his head distressedly, "If it is really done in accordance with the construction and installation project, the cost will be huge... I sometimes regret it a bit, and I shouldn't emphasize that everything is tendered. ."

He was really mixed up in his heart. First of all, he was a little doubtful whether Lu Tianxiang had failed his trust. Second, the price Xu Ruilin said made him a little embarrassed.

Once again... this is really a loss for the district. It is decided that the person who undertakes this work cannot expect to have a reasonable profit, just a meager profit.

But at the same time, there are strict requirements on quality in the district, which gives people the feeling that it is inevitably a bit weird-if you lower the quality requirements a little bit, you will save the old nose money, so why is this little money? Haw crooked?

Mobile greenhouses are originally a novelty. There is indeed a need to cross the river by touching the stones, and if the quality is slightly lowered, it may not necessarily happen, and if it is higher, there is no guarantee that nothing will happen. Once there is a mudslide, brickwork The house cannot be kept.

Anyway, Chen Taizhong's current mood is really not very good. He didn't mean to blame Xu Ruilin. It is better to say it than to be kept in the dark, but he really believes that some things may not be suitable for bidding, and a proper statement is still necessary.

"It's normal if you don't recruit. Special circumstances are treated specially," Bai Fengming answered naturally. "The purpose of the bidding. It is to standardize the procedures for purchasing items. You can't let the bidding dominate the decision-making level."

Chen Taizhong nodded and snorted slightly because the lawsuit was fought. He still can't get interested-I also want to make Beichong develop faster for everyone's sake. How did it develop into this way?

Bai Fengming saw that he was not in a high mood. A turn of the eye is another tactic, "Otherwise, we will bid for the materials, and the foundry company will be designated by the district. This should be fine."

This is a good suggestion. Chen Taizhong nodded before he suddenly thought about it, "If we bid on our own. Is the cost of purchase and storage must be lower than others?"

This question is very helpless, but it is the truth. Under the same scale, the public's ability to control costs is far lower than that of the private. Government procurement usually suppresses prices with large quantities, but private companies also have such a quantity. The tragedy person is still public.

As for storage, there are costs, not to mention, the public warehouse...isn’t it the same as your own?

"As long as you pay attention, it should be no problem," Bai Fengming answered with confidence. This is also the characteristic of a public family, when encountering a leader who is brave enough to do things. Once you pay attention to it, the people below really don't dare to fool around—sometimes they are lost, and there may be all that they pay for it.

"Then you go and do it," Chen Taizhong smiled and raised his hand. The complaint made him feel much better.

"Which way is this money going to go?" Bai Fengming didn't worry, he wanted to implement something. "I heard Tan Shengli and Xu Ruilin say just now that moving the greenhouse can follow the Spark plan."

"Hey, I said this kid is so active today," Chen Taizhong snorted, and the co-author of the heresy also took a fancy to this list, and wanted to help the Science and Technology Commission fight for the right to speak. "This is not his consideration, it is the Special Planting and Breeding Office. , And the Planning Commission... unified planning."

"The management of the Planning Commission is good," District Mayor Bai smiled and nodded, but felt a little disappointed in his heart. This project made the Planning Commission take care of things, but as the Planning Commission returned more and more to his position, he felt Upset.

The Planning Commission says that small is a retreat department, but it can manage everything. If this is the case, in the future urban reconstruction, the Planning Commission can replace the Construction Commission and become the one who speaks the most—this is also the Planning Commission. The area where you can reach.

Unexpectedly, Meng Zhixin's upward momentum was so strong. District Mayor Bai thought that he had even sacrificed the position of executive deputy for this, but in exchange for such an uncertain prospect. He really couldn't take it lightly, "I will take this as soon as possible. Estimated budget."

"If bidding is really needed, the construction committee will have someone to judge." District Mayor Chen saw him look a little dull, and said that he could not comfort him, then sighed and patted the table casually, "Why is it so difficult to do something?"

I forgot, District Mayor Chen is even more depressed than I am. Bai Fengming thought of this, and a lot of lumps disappeared in his heart. With the strength of the district head, he had to take care of the overall situation. What should I care about?

As soon as he left, Tan Shengli opened the door and came in. District Chief Chen was really angry from his heart to the guts when he saw him, and asked with a cold face, "What's the matter?"

"I...give some money back for the activities in the district," District Chief Tan was taken aback by his appearance, and he whispered, "District Chief, do you have time to listen?"

"Sit," Chen Taizhong immediately stretched out his hand, and a smile appeared on his face, "How much money do you have?"

When he did this action, he thought of the allusion of "sit down, please sit down, tea and tea and fragrant tea", but there is no way, who makes Bei Chong short of money? Who can get the money, then he has to greet him with a smile-especially the allocation, the more the better.

Of course, he is deeply suspicious of District Chief Tan's ability to move, but that is the sentence, if you buy horse bones, we have to show an attitude of importance-but you should not do too little activity.

"Seven hundred thousand, the provincial science and technology department appropriation," Tan Shengli replied cautiously, but he couldn't help showing a trace of pride.

Nima... Chen Taizhong drew out a cigarette so that he could take his mouth. Then he took a deep breath and held it for a long time before exhaling the cigarette slowly, "Is it not easy to get this money?"

"It's not easy. Originally, they only wanted to allocate 200,000 for the Spark Program, which is the pilot of this mobile greenhouse. At least 200,000 is enough for more than a dozen prototypes," District Chief Tan replied with a smile, "I will call today. I reported to Director Mu on the phone, and he heard that we are going to go to a thousand acres in Beichong, and he said that he would consider calling an extra 500,000 yuan."

Mu Hua was the head of the Science and Technology Hall, when Chen Taizhong went to the local telecom meeting. Have seen this person. But that guy basically didn't speak at the time, and he didn't have any impression of this person, "I have seen this person."

"This is seven hundred thousand. It's a bit missing," Tan Shengli said with a wry smile, of course he knew it. District Mayor Chen is planning to invest 20 million yuan to build this greenhouse. This 700,000 yuan is considered as a woolen yarn. "But this is an appropriation... District Mayor, the Science and Technology Commission of our district for the past two years. , And also allocated 300,000."

"If you make a phone call, he will add 500,000, which is pretty bold," District Chief Chen nodded. I don't know if this is a compliment or something, it is always a weird accent.

"His wife is my student, and we usually have contact. As you know, I have worked as a private teacher for two years," District Elder Tan honestly confessed his relationship. "Usually there are things that are difficult to ask him. But he still trusts him. I."

"He and your student... are their second marriage?" District Mayor Chen couldn't help but teleport. "I feel he is over fifty."

"It's a second marriage," District Chief Tan felt that District Chief Chen's performance today was a bit strange, but he still had to answer.

"Then this is 700,000 yuan. Let's go back and let the Science and Technology Commission buy a mobile greenhouse," District Mayor Chen didn't want to worry about this little thing anymore. "The money you want is up to you. You decide how you want to rent the greenhouse. The income comes from your income and you don't have to hand it in."

He thinks that his attitude is pretty good. You asked for 700,000 yuan in the name of Bei Chong, but this is your ability. I let you spend it, and you won’t take any of your points. You guys are picked peaches by others. After suffering, do not do to others what you do not want.

Moreover, this self-receiving and self-financing is also very considerate. There is no financial exploitation, and there is no need to wait for the above to return. In fact, it is a bit against the policy-the Spark Program is a national agricultural support project. Who has heard of collecting money? ?

"But Director Mu... he has an idea," Tan Shengli said vaguely. "It was decided to allocate 500,000 yuan temporarily. He must have his own demands."

The total is seven hundred thousand, what else do you think? Chen Taizhong is really a bit speechless, getting angry, buddies are not uncommon, he really has this confidence, but considering that this is funding rather than investment, he decided to bear it.

Those in the district that can reach the funding must be encouraged-that is, they buy horse bones. This is really a big shortcoming of Beichong.

"What's your appeal?" District Chief Chen took another cigarette and asked in a deep voice.

"Well, that's...they were very optimistic about the development of this mobile greenhouse in the early stage. We suggest that we do it," Tan Shengli smiled, "Well, they want to put a name on it."

"Felling?" District Chief Chen frowned, then snorted coldly.

"Actually, it's the same as the naming rights on TV," Tan Shengli explained with a smile. He really deserves to be in charge of radio and television. The reason is to open his mouth. "It's nothing more than spending money on sponsorship under the guidance of the Science and Technology Department. It’s a lot more than half a million..."

He waited to explain a few more words, seeing District Chief Chen's cold eyes, finally shut up.

Chapter 3710 Sudden Big Case (Part 2)

"That's it?" Chen Taizhong waited a while, then snorted, "Don't tell me about advertising, I don't know less than you, so I just ask, he robbed us of Bei Chong's political achievements... how much is this worth?"

Tan Shengli was at a loss for words. He couldn’t answer this question. He also knew Director Mu’s thoughts. This project could be brilliant, and Bei Chong had prepared the funds. The Science and Technology Agency came to pick up a hat and put it on. It was really a political achievement. Of...If not, which one can determine the extra 500,000 yuan? Not to mention that he is the teacher of the director's wife, it is nonsense that he is the director's wife.

However, this political achievement is actually a pedantler. The Science and Technology Department just wants to take a ride. This has a daring to try and correct evaluation, but the actual performance still has to fall to Beichong-a family paid 700,000. , A family has paid 20 million yuan, which one is more important... Does this need to be said?

It's really not a loss to buy a naming right for 700,000 yuan. Director Mu thinks so, and Tan Shengli thinks so. But after hearing Chen Taizhong's reaction, District Chief Tan reacted: Ingenuity and superior guidance, this is Different.

"Then what do you mean?" he asked cautiously.

"Forget it, let him, it's just seven hundred thousand," District Chief Chen endured and endured. Finally he said this, "It's okay to put a name on it, don't say he is leading, or we don't recognize it, what do you think?"

"This... is also good," Tan Shengli's purpose is also to make a name, and having 700,000 squandered in his own hands is quite a nourishing thing. So he asked another thing. "District Mayor, this will be on June 1st...this Hope Primary School?"

"Six Day is not working, try for the first ten days of June." Chen Taizhong shook his head, Jing Ziling had already agreed, spending half a million. Three Hope Primary Schools will be built in Yangzhou, and a reading room will be built in Beichong No.1 Middle School. Of these three Hope Primary Schools, two are in Beichong, and one is in downtown Yangzhou, to be determined.

However, Qianbaidu, as the leading search engine in China, has too many charity activities. On June 1st this year, Xiaojing always donates 20 Hope Primary Schools in a certain capital city in the northwest. At that time, the deputy governor in charge will participate, and Beichong will have to push back here.

After another two days, the cost of the mobile greenhouse was calculated. It was basically about 13 thousand per mu. This matter caused Lu Tianxiang to make a big oolong when he calculated the cost. Many things are sold at wholesale prices, but below this wholesale price, there is a cost price.

This cost price is not the real cost price. Anyway, the dealer is not making money. I want to sell you at this price. When the quantity goes up, the dealer earns the manufacturer's rebate-of course, this price can only be paid to buyers with good reputation.

If you don’t say that professional is professional, Lu Tianxiang’s booth is not too small, but also well-informed. He just stumbled on this matter. He was very guilty, "My offer is shameful to District Chief Chen. I am willing to bet and lose, I don't want this one."

"Even if you don't want it, you can't say it now," District Elder Chen instructed impatiently. "As long as you participate, they won't dare to make a false offer...Do you think I'm taking advantage of you?"

"Others want to be used by you, they have to have this honor." Lu Tianxiang's stand is very firm, showing loyal words, and he is really not afraid of numbness. "Actually, I have seen the plan Xu Ruilin made. Some interfaces are very inconvenient. "

"He realized it too," Chen Taizhong nodded, District Chief Xu's twelve thousand, keeping the cost too low, it's not that you can't do that, but if you do it, the mobile greenhouse will become semi-mobile." Today’s bidding information has been announced and will be broadcasted on Beichong Station to let everyone know."

In fact, the news of Beichongtai is not mainly for bidders, but to let people in Beichong know that the district is currently engaged in such an activity-people who are interested in greenhouse planting and breeding can go to the village to sign up.

Recently, the promotion of mobile greenhouses in towns and villages has also been very active. If you are interested in farming, we can fight with the district when you report it-the number is so large, there are early reports, but late reports are gone.

The key is that the rent of this acre of land is only 1,000 yuan a year. This is cheap and does not account for nothing. Some people think that although I know a little bit, I have to buy seedlings if I pay the rent, so there is no money. What should I do?

At this time, an outsider came over—I know you have this technology. I borrowed the money. The profit is two cents a year, which is cheap, but you have to help me make my house look like it.

There are many things like this, but the propaganda in the township may not be in place, and many people also hope to confirm through the district TV station whether the news is true.

District Mayor Chen wants to broadcast the news in the district. In this way, the number of applicants may be large and the applicants need to be selected. But this fairness is to be discussed. He said that I will also go to the TV station tonight to tell everyone Say this.

That's right, the government of Beichong District is so responsible. What you see is nothing wrong with a greenhouse of one acre and a thousand yuan to take home-as long as you dare to rent, we dare to rent it to you!

Chen Taizhong asked Director Liao to help write some manuscripts and list the main points. There is no need to write sensational words. The buddy played on the spot, it was no problem at all.

Looking at it at half past five, the rain was rushing outside the window, and District Mayor Chen was holding the manuscript in his hand, and he wondered, the weather is not good, let me go to the TV station and check the manuscript again by the way— The support of the district party committee should be emphasized. Everyone is shutting up the district government. This is not conducive to unity.

When he came to the TV station, he glanced around, a little strange, "That...the anchor is not there?"

There are two female anchors in Bei Chongtai, one is Wang and the other is He. There is also a male anchor who will not appear on TV more than 20 times a year, "Isn't that said, can't you leave the post for no reason?"

"Xiao Wang asked for leave and took the kids to Chaotian to participate in the piano competition," the TV director replied with a smile, "Xiao He was a night shift yesterday, and her home is in the city. Usually it's here now. Probably because of the rain. Come here for a while."

Before the voice was over, their cell phones rang at the same time. Chen Taizhong saw five nines and answered the phone, "What's the matter?"

"He Fei, the anchor of our TV station. He died. He was raped and killed," Liao Dabao replied gravely. "The police initially judged that it was house robbery and rape. The death time should be around three o'clock."

What's all this, Chen Taizhong's head buzzed loudly when he heard it, " the murderer caught?"

"No. It was the neighbor who heard the call and called the police," Director Liao replied vaguely, "After rushing over, no one knocked on the door to open. After prying open the door, I found that the person was dead."

"Yeah." District Mayor Chen thought that Liao Dabao's tone was a bit strange, but he thought Xiao Liao Chu heard that someone died so tragically, his mood was affected a little, "Well, let our branch to understand the situation personally. If they can't, our branch will take over. The murderer is always to be found... By the way, you tell Wang Yuanyuan to let her wear a set of stable clothes and come to the TV station."

"This kind of big case, the city will not let us sub-bureaus," Liao Dabao sighed long, did not hang up the phone, but did not speak.

"Hurry up and inform Wang Yuanyuan that we are waiting for the show here," Chen Taizhong said angrily, then he pondered for a moment before asking again, "What else do you want to say?"

" is said," Director Liao swallowed hard, "It is said that the house where He Fei lives is headed by Yang Mengchun."

"Fuck me," Chen Taizhong waited for a long time, when he heard such news, he couldn't help but swear for a while, and then he felt a bit dry in his mouth, "Wait a minute and then talk about it, you go and notify Xiao Wang first."

He sighed and pressed the phone, and glanced at the director who had just hung up, "Xiaohe has had an accident. Is there a suitable female anchor?"

"Xiao He is dead," the director of the station replied in a heartless voice, but it caused a low exclamation from the surrounding area.

"I won't let the murderer go. Please believe me about this. I must check him to the end of the world," Chen Taizhong replied in a deep voice. "But now the key to the problem is... find a female anchor. There will be important news in the evening area. Broadcast."

For the people of Beichong, after District Mayor Chen came to power, this Beichong news became unnecessary and must be paid attention to, especially for some important news, there are hints of floating words during the day-today also floating during the day. Words, big news in the evening.

He was angry, and the people on the TV station felt uncomfortable. After all, a colleague died-this news could not be broadcast yet. It was really troublesome, and the rabbit was sad. Who could focus on work?

"Director Wang of the Planning Commission...her pronunciation is very standard and her image is very good," the director said timidly. "District chief, can we invite her?"

"That's her," District Chief Chen nodded, the eyes of the crowd still sharp.

Not long afterwards, UU reading www.uukā Wang Yuanyuan came over. She was wearing an embroidered white short-sleeved shirt, but carrying a navy blue women's suit in her hand, which seemed to have made preparations with both hands.

Then she took the manuscript and tried to read it. When several people on the TV station heard it, they all nodded, saying that Director Wang's voice and pronunciation were very standard, but because of the news of He Fei's tragic death, the atmosphere at the scene was still relatively depressing.

It was during this time that Chen Taizhong realized the relationship between He Fei and Yang Mengchun.

He Fei’s father was in engineering. He found a way to find a job in the TV station. Now he has gone to Chaotian to develop. He Fei’s lover is a transporter. He accidentally suffered an accident and lost his family. Now the relationship is between the couple. No, she has always lived in the city-her family has an old house in Beichong, but the family basically lives in the city.

As for the relationship between her and Director Yang, some people have probably cheated on it before. He's father settled several projects in Beichong and got some help from Director Yang, but no one said it later.

But after He Fei's husband drank too much, he said from time to time that she was a vixen, seduce wild men or something, everyone just listened to this.

(Update to, summon monthly pass.)

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