Official Immortal

: Three thousand seven hundred and eighty-seven-three thousand seven hundred and eighty-eight second

Chapter 3787 Secondment Secondment (Part I)

Although Chen Taizhong is not sure how Liyang would be interested in sending cadres to communicate, the affirmation of Liyang people to Beichong still makes him happy. If he were not optimistic about the development of Beichong, would Liyang people do this?

Moreover, they belonged to different cities, so he didn't worry that Liyang people would come to pick peaches, so the next conversation between the two was very relaxed and pleasant.

At about 7:30, Cui Chongshan, the deputy head of the District Finance Bureau, came to report on the work. Mayor Wang saw that he was not fit to stay anymore, so he stood up and said goodbye.

Director Cui didn’t report how long, he talked for about ten minutes. Seeing that the district mayor just listened blindly and didn’t speak much, he also stood up wittily to say goodbye--want to be really close to the leader is not a matter of overnight effort. Take it slowly.

Liao Dabao sent him out, thinking that he could also leave. He suddenly saw a man in his thirties standing at the door. He looked at each other up and down, and found that he did not know the person, so he asked in a deep voice. "Who are you and what do you do?"

"I'm Liu Hua from the Commission for Discipline Inspection," the man bowed humbly, with a respectful and somewhat flattering smile on his face, "I was supposed to be seconded to the Planning Commission. I can't go now. I want to talk to District Chief Chen. Report the situation."

"Are you Liu Hua?" Liao Dabao frowned. He was originally the elder of the district chief and had a good relationship with Wang Yuanyuan, so he knew the name very well. "It is Fu Bin who will be seconded by the Planning Commission. I didn't point your name."

While talking, he whispered in his heart, I have never heard of the Discipline Inspection Commission and you are the number one person. Besides, not to mention your shabby clothes, just say that your temperament does not have that of the discipline inspection cadres. Just look at the humble smile. More like a beggar who asks for alms.

"Fu Bin is sick," Liu Hua continued with a flattering smile, "and the secondment letter in the district didn't specify him, so he said, ‘like Comrade Fu Bin’..."

"Okay, you stop, are you seconding Fu Bin? You said it doesn't count." Liao Dabao stopped him, "Who the government wants to second, that is the government's business, it is not the turn of the Commission for Discipline Inspection to help us call the shots."

"But I am also a comrade with a strong sense of party spirit and a high level of political work," Liu Hua's face straightened, and a trace of displeasure passed between his brows. "It meets the requirements on the secondment letter."

"That's your own business," Liao Dabao frowned. He was really annoyed at this person's confusion, but thinking that this was at the door of the mayor's house, he needed to help the mayor to maintain his image. In the end, he was still annoyed. He snorted, "It's getting late, District Chief Chen is going to rest, and I ask you to respect yourself."

Liu Hua's anger. It came fast and went fast. When Director Liao said so, he grinned and then squeezed a flattering smile. "It was Teacher Ji Shouqinji who suggested that I should reflect on the situation to District Chief Chen."

"Ji Shouqin?" When Liao Dabao heard these three words, he hesitated immediately. Regarding this old teacher, District Chief Chen did not come. He has heard it. Later, the leader went to Teacher Ji's house and helped her daughter with her work. Director Liao did not participate in these matters, but he knew it.

So for a while, he was a little difficult to make a decision. Of course, in order for the leader to have a good rest, he could dismiss the person regardless, but at the same time, as a caring person of the leader, he could not make decisions for the leader casually-this is a big taboo .

At this moment of dilemma, there was a soft hum from the yard, but District Chief Chen spoke, "Xiao Liao, let him in."

Liu Hua followed Liao Dabao into the courtyard and saw a young man sitting under the eaves with a golden sword, holding a bottle of beer and drinking. He stepped forward and smiled and said hello, "District Chief Chen, I’m sorry Up."

Did you know that I disturbed you? Chen Taizhong glanced at him, but the young district mayor had a very good impression of Ji Shouqin. He heard that it was Teacher Ji's suggestion, so he raised his chin slightly, "If you want to drink... Do it yourself, what will Ji Shouqian tell me?"

"Mr. Ji...that's my teacher," Liu Hua explained cautiously. "I went to Teacher Ji's house a while ago and told him about you. Mr. Ji has a very high evaluation of you."

Chen Taizhong listened to him chattering, did not speak, took a beer and poured it slowly-Ji Shouqiong spoke highly of me. Isn't this normal?

"...You respect the profession of teacher very much, and you have resolved the worries of teacher Ji, an old teacher," Liu Hua continued to babble, "but I have also been teaching in Qudao Township for more than ten years, and I have not yet implemented my position..."

"Wait," District Mayor Chen didn't want to drink beer when he heard this. He raised his hand and decisively interrupted the other party. "Aren't you from the Disciplinary Inspection Commission?"

"I was seconded to the Commission for Discipline Inspection," Liu Hua smiled wryly.

"That's right?" Liao Dabao was opening a beer bottle. Hearing this, he couldn't help but interject while passing the beer to the other party. "What did the Discipline Inspection Commission seconde your teacher to do in the past?"

"That is, it was seconded only two days ago," Liu Hua took the beer with both hands, then bent over, and respectfully nodded at Director Liao, "Thank you, Director Liao."

I was seconded only two days ago... This is what Fu Bin has done. The two obedient people can tell when they hear it. Fu Bin didn’t want to accept the secondment letter, but he didn’t dare to refuse. Send it to the district government.

This is really frustrating, and District Chief Chen pouted helplessly: Nima, one job is not as good as one job. It's just a match for one by one.

This is not what Liao Dabao is concerned about. The Disciplinary Inspection Commission wants to second someone, so the other party must have a related relationship.

If Liu Hua has no public status at all, this secondment will have a problem in principle—unless the surname Liu hasn’t figured out the meaning of the word “seconded” at all. In short, he needs to help the leader to dig out the problem. The problem.

"According to you, do you have a formal organization?"

"I must have a formal establishment, how about a secondment?" Liu Hua looked at him in surprise, "My relationship is with the county education committee... the district education committee did not give me a post at all, so I was directly seconded to Qugou Primary School. "

"What?" Chen Taizhong frowned. This is a bit too funny. "You are going to Qudao Township, also on a secondment?"

"Yes," Liu Hua smiled bitterly, spreading his hands, "I am in the 93rd class of the Provincial Normal University, and I don't have to worry about teaching a junior high school when I stay in Chaotian. When I graduated and assigned, I came back and forth. "

The Provincial Normal College used to be a junior college, but now it has a junior college, but it also has a junior college. Liao Dabao knew in his heart that college students who graduated in 1993 are indeed very popular in Yangzhou. I don’t have to say anything about the distribution of iron rice bowls—it’s one term with Director Liao. Director Liao is an undergraduate who graduated in 1994. Although he was so desperate to run a black car, he was still in the district government.

The gap between college and undergraduate is not small, but in that era. It's not so bad.

It is really incredible for Liu Hua to be like this. Liao Dabao couldn't help asking again, "Where did the dispatch certificate send you?"

"The dispatch permit is to send me to the Beichong Education Commission," Liu Hua replied with a wry smile. "As a result, the district said that there was a shortage of teachers in the towns and towns below, so I was seconded first, and the relationship is still with the Education Commission. I can’t go back to the district until now, and there are not many people in the Board of Education who know me."

"After the secondment, I will be seconded again," Liao Dabao shook his head dumbly. This situation was so strange that he didn't know what to say.

"It's not what you said," Chen Taizhong shook his head and pointed out Liao Dabao's misunderstanding. "This is a secondment letter issued by the Discipline Inspection Commission to the Board of Education. Liu Hua's secondment in Qudao Township is over."

But the secondment letter from the Planning Commission to the Disciplinary Inspection Commission. If the other party pulls such a person out, it is considered to be seconded and then seconded, right? Director Liao dared not reply. Can only slander inwardly.

"I don't have to go there anymore, but now... I still have no job." Liu Hua smiled bitterly and spread his hands. "District Mayor Chen and Teacher Ji said, I have been working hard for ten years in the village. He You can testify for me. If it weren't for his words, I wouldn't dare to come to you. I dare to say something...The most precious youth in a person's life, I will sprinkle it in Qudao Township.

"Where is the home?" District Mayor Chen put down the wine bottle, lit a cigarette, and didn't let it go, so he smoked it on his own.

"My parents are in Gucheng District, but my household registration is in Chengguan," Liu Hua replied with a wry smile, "The household registrations of my wife and children are also in Chengguan."

"Did you think of a lot of ways to transfer back to the district?" Chen Taizhong can understand the other party's difficulties, just like the students who graduated from Beichong did not want to return to Beichong, the people who were assigned to the district were seconded to the towns below. , This secondment is still ten years, and no one can bear it. Qugou Primary School in Qudao Township, what a gadget?

"I have tried everything," Liu Hua could only respond with a wry smile. After the first few years, he has been diligently transferring back to the district—especially in the past few years. The Board of Education can’t even guarantee his salary. The employees who are seconded to the Board of Education can guarantee only basic wages.

Especially, considering that he is in the township below, in order to avoid arousing other people's dissatisfaction, the education committee will not give him the few benefits, and the salary will be paid as late as possible-otherwise there will be grievances below.

Therefore, he has been working hard. Fu Bin has been in contact with him a long time ago. This time he was seconded to the Disciplinary Inspection Commission. He was saying that he would come when he was willing to work hard, but he received a notice saying that he would be transferred to the District Planning Commission. .

After a while, he felt a chill in his heart, knowing that he was being used, but what did he say?

——A person who can be used by others proves that you are worthy of use. This is originally an affirmation of you.

Chapter 3788 Secondment Secondment (Part 2)

"I also sympathize with your situation," Chen Taizhong nodded after listening. He was originally a very hard-hearted person, and sympathy was rare in him. He believed that Liu Hua's passivity was entirely caused by Fu Bin. of.

And this matter itself is a provocation to the district government's secondment letter, so he will naturally not be sympathetic, "but we are seconded to the Discipline Inspection Commission, not the secondment of the Discipline Inspection Commission."

Seeing the district mayor’s statement, Liao Dabao also said something. In fact, he still has some tragic sympathy for this ill-fated peer. "Teacher Liu, it is a good thing that you can use this opportunity to transfer the Islamic Education Commission."

"How is this possible?" Liu Hua smiled bitterly and shook his head. He was seconded by the Disciplinary Inspection Commission. It would be difficult for the Islamic Commission to think about it. "I must have been out of work, so I want to ask District Chief Chen to give him food."

"Is it really Ji Shouqiong who introduced you?" Chen Taizhong said abruptly.

"I'm planning to go to sea," Liu Hua replied with a wry smile, "just come and try."

He really planned to go to sea. After spending ten years in remote towns and villages, he finally got the chance to be transferred back. It was because other people had other attempts, and he couldn't resist it. Faced with such a huge contrast, he thought to himself, Lord Play with you.

So he never came to Chen Taizhong to talk about it. Yesterday, he went to see his teacher. Teacher Ji said that District Mayor Chen could still hear what he said. He came to try again. It doesn’t matter whether he wins or loses. It's worse now.

"You are planning to go to sea. Then I won't say anything," Chen Taizhong shook his head.

"There are three points, I will not go to sea, I have old and young in my family," Liu Hua smiled bitterly, "Please also ask District Chief Chen to take in."

"I won't take you in." Chen Taizhong shook his head. He can adhere to his principles. Although the surname Liu's experience is really weird and it is really ridiculous, how can the work of the district government be interfered with by the Commission for Discipline Inspection ?

So he made a suggestion, "The district has no intention of seconding should report to the helper."

"Assistant defender?" Liu Hua was dumbfounded immediately. Even if he came on a secondment, he was a formal employee of the Board of Education. Report to the helper, what's the matter? "Aren't those all pre-edited?"

"It's all temporary editors. Only you are a formal organization, so you are better, you know?" Chen Taizhong smiled slightly, "If you don't have this confidence, then you can go. I'll give you a lot of face today."

He really gave Liu Hua a lot of face—in fact, he was giving face to Ji Shouqian, based on the face of the old man who dedicated his life to education. I'll give you a post... Let's wash the sand in the helper.

Liu Hua hesitated. In the end, he nodded, feeling helpless in his heart. I was originally a teacher, but later went to the Disciplinary Inspection Commission, but now it’s better to be a helper...

Two days later, the Liyang people left Beichong. When they left, Secretary Sui and District Mayor Chen jointly sent the people to the highway intersection. Since the all-round cooperation between Jingde County and Beichong, this is the second intention to follow Areas where Bei Chong deepens cooperation.

Many cadres in the district are proud of the attractiveness of Beichong. After all, this is simply cooperation of unequal levels. They are still chatting on the way back, but few people realize that this is a great turning point. .

The current Beichong is basically out of the control of the city. Chen Zhengkui gave up the question, while Li Qiang remained sitting and watched. If the district cooperates more with the outside area, it will be even more outside the circle of Yangzhou. .

Chen Taizhong didn't care about this either. In the past two days, his mind was focused on assisting defenders. There are towns and towns in the selection method, and he also has 15 indicators in his hand. After giving Zhao Genzheng three, Lin Huan has to go two more. One.

Now Ge Baoling also came to him to ask for indicators. The inspection team has begun to check the overload on the highway these days.

The biggest project before the logistics center was a coal storage yard, but the coal yard in Xiwangzhuang Township has been built. The coal in the storage yard is dumping into the coal yard. The new convoy will directly unload the coal to the coal yard. Up.

As the operation center of the coal yard, the historical mission of the yard has been completed. What District Mayor Ge has to do now is to make the logistics center famous.

The current practice of Beichong is not for the purpose of fines, but to **** the overloaded vehicles to the logistics center and force them to transport the overloaded goods-if they do not agree, they will detain the vehicles and the goods and keep them.

This practice caused the drivers to complain, but Ge Baoling was never a timid woman. The more others protested, the more she had to face the difficulties. She almost fought with the drivers several times.

Because this resistance is too great, every time the inspection team is dispatched, it has to gather its staff and bring some guys to force the drivers to submit. Sometimes they have to call two policemen.

However, the drivers of the long sports car are well informed. The news of the road tyrants in Beichong has been gradually spread out. The worst thing is that these people do not just fine any money, and they just want to unload the goods. Worse than fines.

Some drivers began to observe the time when these people appeared, and some drivers simply detoured, but at the same time, there were also those who did not believe in evil, huddled together and tried to forcefully break through barriers, and the situation tended to get worse.

So Ge Baoling came to Chen Taizhong and said, "The investigation of overloading has reached the critical stage, can you give me some indicators of assisting defenders?"

District Mayor Chen was a bit disapproving of her investigation of overloading, which is certainly not right, but nowadays trucks are very overloaded, especially after she checked the goods, they have to separate the cargo on the truck. Many people found him through channels. Expressed dissatisfaction with this.

but. He also had no intention to stop District Chief Ge. She was willing to deal with the matter murderously, which was very good for Bei Chong, so he smiled and asked her, "Why, your inspection team is not enough?"

"It's really not enough," Ge Baoling shook her head frankly. "One is that drivers don't reflect on their overloading behavior. The confrontation is getting stronger and stronger, and the second is that our goal is not to fine, but to correct this kind of mistake. Behavior, so it’s not enough to just conduct random checks. It needs to be developed into a routine. In the future, the defense team will be established. I also hope that the district can give me about 20 people."

Hearing her say that, Chen Taizhong was actually a little ashamed. No matter what motives Ge Baoling had for checking the car, there is no doubt that there is nothing wrong with controlling highway overload. He would actually feel that this matter is a bit fussy, this realization It's really a bit short.

From this he even thought that some people think that Duan's second Mercedes-Benz Gasser is not a big deal. It became more and more disgusting in my heart. What is the reason that makes us turn a blind eye to these unreasonable phenomena?

Thinking of this, Chen Taizhong didn't answer the helper, but smiled and asked, "Check that this vehicle is overloaded. You are under more pressure, right?"

"The drivers in the district are all well-behaved. As for outsiders, the pressure should be pressure. I just interceded with Gu Zhen two days ago." Ge Baoling replied disapprovingly, but Gu Zhen is Yangzhou executive deputy. She even dared to say, "I told her that this is the decision of the district government."

I reined in, and you still pushed the matter to my head. District Chief Chen was quite speechless.

However, District Mayor Ge is not blindly stunned. She also has a good sophistry. "And I explained that the overloaded vehicles will damage the highways in Beichong very badly, and the normal maintenance costs are not enough."

"Then, when the helpers are recruited, you can allocate 20 places, but you need to be rotated," District Chief Chen replied with a smile. He recruited helpers mainly for the security of the district and to deal with emergencies. The event, in addition, can become a cradle for selecting talents, and giving Ge Baoling 20 indicators can only be temporarily borrowed.

"Should be rotated," District Chief Ge nodded. She is not very interested in the organization of these twenty people. "Checking cars is very hard. To maintain it, rotation is a must... I want two selves. The recommended indicators are selected from the non-staff inspectors, so it is convenient to lead the team."

It turns out that this is the case. Chen Taizhong finally understands that District Mayor Ge wants to seize the opportunity to solve the establishment of the two acquaintances, and he also has some mobile quotas in his hand, but if so, he still has to ask, "Let Shuangzhai Township It's not difficult to recommend it for you, right?"

"You can't fight for benefits for the village, and you have to go back to grab places with them... I really can't do this kind of thing," District Mayor Ge replied with a wry smile, "Moreover, the team is easier to take with the indicators that you have specially approved here. "

Chen Taizhong pondered for a moment, and finally nodded. In fact, there are really a lot of people under Ge Baoling who have no establishment. Just a transportation bureau can support a lot of mixed-job masters. She does serious things, so she simply sells them. Personal affection, who is it for?

Of course, what should be emphasized, he will also emphasize, "It's just the establishment of the helpers, not formal, only the basic salary."

"A basic salary is enough," District Mayor Ge nodded with a smile. The most common problems encountered by local cadres are some unshirkable relationships. Whether to take over the project or solve the establishment, it is actually quite a headache. She is no exception.

"Fortunately, there are some mobility indicators." Seeing her turning away with a smile, District Mayor Chen couldn't help but secretly rejoice, saying that I finally understand that when a leader always loves to keep some mobility quotas in his hands, if there is no such quota In a similar situation, rashly stepping in to say hello can easily chill the people below.

But recently... it seems something is wrong. I originally wanted to do something. Why have I been busy with personnel recently?

People were in officialdom and couldn't help themselves. District Chief Chen shook his head, raised his hand to see if it was late, stood up and cleaned up, walked outside and greeted Liao Dabao, "Go, it's off work."

The two walked to the entrance of the small courtyard and suddenly found a woman standing there. Chen Taizhong was taken aback for a moment, "Liu Haifang, you are... something is wrong?"

"There is something about work, I want to report it to you," the female assistant investigator hesitated and answered with courage.

(Updated, it's down to the sixteenth again, calling out the monthly pass.)

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