Official Immortal

: Three thousand eight hundred and ten-three thousand eight hundred and eleven luck

Chapter 3810

Good luck! Standing next to Chen Taizhong, Jiang Shuangliang naturally heard this conversation.

When Ji Erwa heard the words, she turned her head with difficulty. After she saw the incoming person, she struggled to get up, "District Chief Chen, Secretary Jiang...Why are you two here?"

"Don't move, lie down honestly," District Mayor Chen frowned, speaking with no anger and majesty.

"District Mayor Chen came to see you after he learned about your deeds," Jiang Shuangliang said with a smile. Although he is the party secretary, he has to beat the drum when he should be on the side drum. "District Mayor is the most approachable. You just need to lie down. ."

"I fell down, what can this be?" Ji Erwa replied with laughter and tears, and then he instructed his wife, "Dongmei, you quickly pour water on District Mayor Chen and Secretary Jiang, why don't you wince?"

"No need to be Zhang Luo, just greet Ji Erwa," Chen Taizhong waved his hand and said crisply, and then walked to the hospital bed, "I only learned about your news. It's too late... Don't worry, you are on official duties. I don’t know if I’m injured, as long as I know, I will definitely come to see you."

"What official duties are you doing? It's just to send a letter," Ji Erwa continued to smile. Although the world is not ancient, there are always people who are quite simple. Seeing District Mayor Chen came here without a word. At night, he was really moved.

In particular, District Chief Chen still smells of alcohol in his mouth. It is really difficult to be here at this time. Ji Erwa also knows that the leisure time of the leaders is more precious than working time. "That’s what I should do. I didn't expect to alarm your old man, the mayor."

"Come here," Chen Taizhong saw the nurse open his head at the door, and he waved, "Tell me about his injury, to be more precise..."

There was nothing to say about being fine, it was just a fall. After the Chief Chen asked, he put down the powdered milk and red dates in his hand. "Jujubes are specially provided, and milk powder is from abroad. They are all good things. Don't bear to eat them. The most important thing is to raise your body early."

"Thank you so much," Ji Erwa felt excited. Needless to say. Many people came to see him, but most of them were carrying eggs, pecans or local specialties. It was the first time he received such a high-grade item, "I didn’t look at the road myself, let you It’s a waste, I really don’t know how to repay you."

"This is nothing. It is the most important thing to maintain a good body," District Chief Chen waved his hand domineeringly, "This is what I should do. In fact, my reaction is a bit slower, and I can't let the comrades who work hard to bleed. Tears again."

Ji Erwa heard the last sentence. After stunned for three or four seconds, the huge man actually sobbed, and then the tears rolled down, unable to stop.

His lover first wiped his eyes with a towel, and then simply put the towel on his face, then turned to look at District Chief Chen, and asked timidly, "Then my man is hurt. It's a delay in working hours... can you give it? Point compensation?"

"Compensation is easy to say, what kind of compensation do you want?" Chen Taizhong nodded slightly. He didn’t know how to ask, he had actually heard of her request, and now he just implemented it again, Sheng Mien, Dou Miqiu, Chen doesn’t mind selling favors, but he has to sell it to someone who knows good or bad. .

"I want two thousand yuan in nutrition and lost work allowance," Ji Erwa's wife did not increase the price randomly, she even lowered it a little, "It's really not good. This will be a double grab immediately. The family loses at least five hundred, and the favors owed are also to be repaid. The family has just applied for the greenhouse quota..."

"Masters speak, don't interrupt women," Ji Erwa yelled at her wife, his face was covered under the towel, and there was no expression, "District Chief Chen, Secretary Jiang, women are not sensible... you The two will take more responsibility."

"The request is quite reasonable," District Mayor Chen nodded with a smile, "Secretary Shuangliang is a bit embarrassed if the account is reported separately, and everyone else is staring... I paid the two thousand dollars, and the warning came to each village. This was originally me. What do you mean?"

"Then where can I ask for your money?" Ji Erwa yelled majesticly, "Dongmei!"

"District Chief Chen, what are you doing?" Dongmei hurried forward and pressed Chen Taizhong's hand in her pocket. Although she wanted money very much, she also figured it out clearly, public money and private money. Money, that's really different.

"Let go," Chen Taizhong frowned slightly, and said in a deep voice, a strong domineering spirit suddenly appeared all over his body.

Ji Erwa's wife was taken aback, but she still held him tightly, not accepting his orders.

"This money came out of the village," Jiang Shuangliang said promptly. In fact, the two of them walked to the door and heard Ji Erwa's words "Shou Na Han Zhu", and they knew that someone was going to be lucky-luck It's really unstoppable.

So he didn’t mind taking the opportunity to be a good person, "District mayor, second daughter-in-law, don’t fight between you two, these two thousand dollars are out of the village... The district mayor has instructed you not to let the comrades shed blood and tears. ."

Now that he said so, the two stopped pulling. Chen Taizhong glanced at Jiang Shuangliang, thinking that you know each other. If you sit back and watch him pay, plus the Sui Biao factor mentioned earlier, he doesn't mind being ruthless soon. Take care of this person-District Mayor Chen doesn't like this little money, what he values ​​is attitude.

It can be seen from this that someone’s mind is really not that big. If someone else pulls out of the guise of Secretary Sui, he will be uncomfortable for a long time, as it is now, "Secretary Shuangliang, Comrade Ji Erwa, has a high level of mental consciousness and has a good job Seriously...Is he on the list of helpers?"

"He... seems to have graduated from junior high school," Jiang Shuangliang was guarded against this question after hearing that sentence, but he didn't have a deep impression of Ji Erwa. He roughly knew that.

"I have been in junior high school for two months," Ji Erwa lay there and replied in a muted voice, "Later, I can't afford to go to school. This helper has to graduate from high school...I don't have enough education."

"Educational qualifications are for card people. I said that if you are qualified, you are qualified," Chen Taizhong stated directly. Facing the people under his control, he nakedly showed power. "Whoever is not convinced, he has the ability to do it. I broke my arm and leg in the affairs of the public house, so I opened the back door for him."

When Jiang Shuangliang heard this, he secretly groaned. He was really not ready for the next person today. He heard that District Mayor Chen was about to lift Ji Erwa up, so he began to figure out that among the ten people, he should be brushed. Who is more appropriate.

crucial moment. It was Ji Erwa's wife who helped out, "District Chief Chen. How much money can this helper get in a month? Is it better than the chief security officer?"

Strong is definitely strong. Chen Taizhong knows this very well. In essence, the security officer is elected by the people. This is also in the village. Resolving disputes may require force to deter. Many of the security directors are strong men. In cities, many of the security directors of the neighborhood committees are old ladies with small feet. When they are in the elderly, the security director does not have a penny subsidy, which is an honor. .

The assistant defenders are different. In other words, the district selects and settles the salary, and does not say that good performance can solve the establishment, only the things they face. It is much more complicated than in the village-to put it directly, there is a chance to make extra money.

But this gap. It's really hard to describe it shortly, and District Chief Chen didn't want to explain too much, so he could only smile, "It should be stronger."

"My house..." Ji Erwa's wife took a look at her husband and found that he had no response, so she said boldly, "My house is in the big shed... Lao Ji can also make a lot of money by working. I don't want him to do it."

That's it, Chen Taizhong sighed secretly. Now it is advocating to look to the money. There was even a popular saying on Lu Hai-"You can't do anything. Then you go to the office and sit." The private economy there developed early and developed so well that no one Interested in entering the system to earn a dead salary.

And the reaction of Ji Erwa’s wife right now is just a portrayal of this mentality. What is the basic salary of two to three hundred yuan? When the family’s two acres of land are planted in a greenhouse, at least they don’t have to worry about earning three to four thousand yuan. After a few years of work, they have money and experience, so they build their own greenhouse—this is what can be passed on to my son. industry.

"Then it's up to you," District Chief Chen shook his head. The road was chosen by himself. The medicine doctor does not die and the Buddha is destined. He prescribes the conditions. Others don't know how to cherish it, so there is no need to force it.

"District Chief Chen," Ji Erwa said at the critical moment, "If you mother-in-law's family, ignore her, do you think I, who graduated from elementary school, are qualified for the job of a defense assistant?"

If it weren’t for the idiom you couldn’t recite just now, I dared to take you directly into the system. District Mayor Chen answered with a smile, “Education is very important, but it’s not the only one. What I value is that you have a heart to serve the people. ."

"Since you said that, I'm determined to do this helper," Ji Erwa said immediately, "This is your praise. I can't help but praise me. Besides, I want to practice well in public. Do your best to the folks."

"District Chief Chen really praised you," Jiang Shuangliang held back for a long time, and finally said, "Second baby, you fell a bit, you fell out of luck, I have never seen Chief Chen open to anyone."

It seems that District Chief Chen’s bedding is not well-educated. Isn’t that also a net opener? Ji Erwa's wife pouted angrily, but even though she was a peasant woman, she knew that she couldn't say this.

Chapter 3811

Chen Taizhong and Jiang Shuangliang walked out of the district hospital. Without waiting for Jiang Shuangliang to speak, District Mayor Chen said, "The co-defense officer will not follow your indicator... You can put this model up for me."

"No problem," Secretary Jiang couldn't listen to his indicators, and he took a sigh of relief. As for saying that there is a model, does that matter? "But this Jierwa's ears are soft, and he listens to his wife especially... Don't look at how hard he said just now. As soon as we leave, his wife will have to toss with him again."

"What do you mean by this?" District Mayor Chen said he didn't understand.

"He didn't want to make compensation, it was his wife's arrogance, and he didn't have a strong opinion, so it's not easy to entrust him with important tasks," Jiang Shuangliang replied deliberately, "I mean... his wife may be small-minded, or I would recommend him exceptionally. "

Are you shirking responsibility? Chen Taizhong glanced at him indifferently. Chen is a male chauvinist and he can't see Sichen, but just like Li Qiang sees him, he doesn't think it's a bad thing for cadres to be in awe.

Especially, Ji Erwa still has a man’s style on the surface. So who is the master of the Ji family is really nonsense. He thought about it, and then asked, "Then this indicator...don’t give him ?"

"This... of course it should be given," Jiang Shuangliang heard that this question was not a number, so he laughed and stopped talking.

Chen Taizhong didn't speak, and after walking for a long time, he whispered softly, "Do you think that I am a little bit showy when I see him this night?"

Is this a show or something? It's just that you didn't bring the camera, but you want me to make him a model, doesn't it mean that? Jiang Shuangliang sighed inwardly, but at the same time smiled and shook his head. "I didn't think so. You care about the suffering of the staff below. I admire it very much. It is worth learning."

"You don't need to talk about those clichés," Chen Taizhong shook his head slowly, "I only found out when I visited Ji Erwa today. The grassroots staff below. They need to care, but they need recognition... We need to see them. Their efforts, their achievements, instead of turning a blind eye to indifference."

"Many times, a word of encouragement can strengthen their confidence in serving the people, but more often, our superior leaders ignore his work, which will have a series of bad consequences."

"Most people living in the world want to prove their worth. In contrast, a luxurious life. It's just a means of embodying personal values," District Mayor Chen said with a smile, "Everyone needs more. , Is the affirmation of the value of life."

"Well, it is true," Jiang Shuangliang nodded and replied solemnly, "District Chief Chen, your instructions made me startled."

Did not instruct you at all. District Chief Chen glanced at him and sighed helplessly. It took a long time to say, "The district government will pay attention to the grassroots cadres below, as long as they make outstanding contributions."

That’s right, this is what Chen Taizhong has gained today. He came to see Ji Erwa. He originally wanted to avoid socializing, but he didn’t expect to hear the voice below. Some grassroots cadres--not even cadres, were carrying There is tremendous pressure to do things silently, and the superior leaders ignore their efforts and only think it should be.

If things go on like this, people who do things will eventually lose motivation, because their efforts cannot be recognized, in other words, their personal values ​​cannot be reflected, and they cannot be confirmed-then, how many people can persist in silly air?

Leading cadres must be grounded, and the following emotions must also be paid close attention to!

This is what Chen Taizhong has gained. My buddies will visit privately from time to time to collect the following information in time.

The next day, the district got the list of defenders reported below. The district government did not hold a special meeting. The leaders had a copy, which was somewhat inappropriate, that is, one-on-one touches did not affect the overall situation.

At noon, the leaders of the district government gathered at the Beichong Hotel. One was to discuss the recent affairs in the district, and the other was for this list. In fact, this is just a cutscene, and each district mayor has its own sphere of influence. , I want to put someone in, so I won't get this occasion to talk.

But Chen Taizhong surprised everyone again, because he also invited Liu Haifang, an assistant investigator of the District CPPCC, "The district government is very busy recently, and Chief Liu is also familiar with Beichong. I borrowed her from the CPPCC for a Secretary Lin refuses to let anyone use it. Any competent candidates... and welcome recommendations."

This is a different kind of news, but Ge Baoling, who is most qualified to express an objection in the district government, said, "We can naturally trust the district mayor's vision. Recently, there has been a lot of pressure on road inspections. Let's make sure about the helpers first."

The three people recommended by District Mayor Ge were all specially approved. They used Mayor Chen’s indicators. She asked for something, so naturally it didn’t matter if Liu Zhutiao came—even if it wasn’t Liu Haifang, she would come. Li Haifang Wang Haifang, the deputy district mayor in charge, is not in her control, so why bother to oppose this?

"Then it's settled," Chen Taizhong said and decided, "Tomorrow the defenders will gather together, and the road checker will be selected first."

"The training of the district party school must be carried out," Bai Fengming said. He and Ge Baoling are rivals. The two can cooperate, but the relationship between competition is common. The three recommended by Ge Baoling are at least two. , The ability is not very strong.

When Chen Taizhong heard this, he felt that he was driving a broken ship, and each board had his own desires, but fortunately, he still had the ability to control the overall situation, "Well, training is necessary, but there are some practical situations. You have to face it, everyone has to walk on two legs."

In the afternoon, Chen Taizhong and Bai Fengming, accompanied by leaders of the Transportation Bureau and Xiaoling Township Government, came to Xiangshuiwan to see the bridge blasting here-the road was almost repaired, the coal yard was almost built, and the old bridge was in bad shape. To use it, it must be blown up and a new bridge built on the old site.

"There is no need for so many people to huddle together," District Mayor Chen looked around and found that there were two villagers from the village committee, plus the planning committee and the TV station. There were three or four. The tenth... buddy has always felt that Bei Chong is short of people, now it seems. It seems that there is no shortage of people, "What should I do?"

He spoke lightly. How dare others do it? The leader came to inspect and didn't keep in front of him. That was an improper attitude, so some unimportant people could only leave in disbelief. Go to a farther place.

"That's why. District Chief, you run around alone, sometimes it's fine," Bai Fengming said with a smile when he saw this.

"I always have to participate in important occasions," District Mayor Chen slapped his mouth, then glanced at Huangfu Yichen, "What is the load-carrying capacity of that temporary bridge?"

The bridge will blow up, but the road cannot be broken. Secretary Huangfu specially mobilized villagers from the two villages for this purpose, and built a winding temporary trail with earth and stones next to it. A small bridge was also built, of which more than ten meters was paved with steel plates and reinforced concrete. There is no problem with passing people and cars, but it is difficult to say that there are overloaded cars.

"There is no problem with trucks under five tons. The upper limit is ten tons, but we have villagers on duty, and we can only put trucks with five tons at most," Secretary Huangfu sighed. "I can only hope that the bridge will be built soon."

"This can't be anxious," Chen Taizhong shook his head. Take another look at Bai Fengming. The bridge was built by the construction team of the Construction Committee. "Jinqiao Yinlu grass construction, Fengming, you have to check this well. It will be built as a century-old project."

"Well," District Chief White nodded and said nothing. District Chief Chen meant very clearly that bridge repairing is a very profitable project. The district chief is not afraid of making money. The only requirement is to be durable.

Since he took the initiative to give up the executive deputy, Chen Taizhong has to click from time to time-don't you want to make money? I let you earn, but you have to make things better for me.

"The same is true for you," Chen Taizhong glanced sideways at the traffic director nearby. "The road is to be built for efficiency, but at the same time, we must pay attention to the craftsmanship. Don't be afraid that the road will be well built. There will be nothing to do in the future. There are too many roads, understand?"

"Understand," the traffic chief smiled and nodded repeatedly, the district chief said so naked, how dare he pretend to be stupid?

Not long after, a few muffled noises came, and after the sky full of smoke passed, everyone took a closer look: The bridge did not collapse!

Chen Taizhong was stunned when he saw this. Everyone waited for more than a minute to confirm that the bridge did not collapse. Bai Fengming became angry. He raised his hand to call the person responsible for the blasting, "What's the matter?"

"It doesn't make sense," the person in charge was also dumbfounded. "How can it be impossible to blow up this kind of bridge with fifty catties of explosives?"

"Stop for two days and continue bombing." District Mayor Chen didn't ask why the bridge hadn't collapsed, but sighed at Huangfu. "The bridge 40 years ago didn't even collapse... This is the predecessor. They are motivating us and we can’t do worse than them, Secretary Huangfu, the times have advanced in science and technology, but this grassroots work still has a long way to go."

In fact, he said this to Bai Fengming, but in front of so many people, he had already ordered once, so it wouldn't be good to order again, or see what it looks like in others' eyes?

"Fifty years from now on the new bridge, I will also try to keep others from bombing it," District Mayor Bai didn't mind, and answered with a smile. "When someone asks, who built this bridge? Chen Taizhong and Bai Fengming built it... …I have to leave my Then I have to follow in the footsteps of the leaders and wonder how to leave a name," Huangfu Yichen answered with a smile, but muttered in his heart, the bridge during the construction of the third line , Who has the courage to falsify?

"It's not enough to just have an idea, you have to work hard," District Mayor Chen nodded with a smile, "As for keeping your name without leaving your name, as long as you have the masses in your heart, the masses will definitely have you in their hearts."

As soon as this kind of joke broke, the awkward atmosphere on the scene resolved a lot. At this moment, Chen Taizhong’s cell phone rang and it was Liao Dabao who called, saying that Shi Shuhua and Shi had come to Bei Chong with the extended Lincoln. In the district government.

"President Shi is here, I don't know what is there to do?" District Mayor Chen asked with a smile. This woman can play a very important role in the sales of Beichong products, and he should not offend him.

"There must be something good for you," Shi Shuhua smiled on the phone, "When can I be back?"

"I will rush back now, but it will take an hour," District Chief Chen said with a dry smile, "Can't Mr. Shi reveal some news in advance?"


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