Official Immortal

: Three thousand eight hundred and sixty one-three thousand eight hundred and sixty two

Chapter 3861

What surprised Chen Taizhong was that, except for a call from Shao Guoli, no one called himself on this matter. Not to mention Li Qiang did not respond, even Huang Erbo and Huang Sanshu did not make a sound.

If there is no response, there will be no response. Chen has a clear conscience and is not afraid of people's mouth. On the third day, the chief and his party left Hengbei, and District Chief Chen went to the Forestry Bureau to see a sample of the baby fish sign.

A total of three companies have sent samples, the specifications are not low, barcode, laser anti-counterfeiting and numbering, etc., everything, a serial number is from small to large-as the baby fish grows, the signs must be replaced continuously until the baby fish grows When it's a catty, the sign can be fixed on the tail, and it will be considered the final form. At least it will be seven or eight months later.

The manufacturer's design is very considerate, and the price is naturally considerate. A serial number is about two hundred yuan. Director Deng said embarrassingly, "People say that the cost of plate making is too high. If we have a large quantity, it will be much cheaper. "

"The quantity is large...then it costs 100,000, right?" District Mayor Chen didn't mind the price very much. Each baby fish invested two hundred to ensure his own identity and effectively avoid fisheyes. It was still very worthwhile. Three thousand tails, but only 600,000, "We can't reach that number in a short time."

"Yes," Deng Bosong nodded with a wry smile, "So I can only accept this price. In comparison, this one is cheaper and the technology is not inferior..."

He gave another introduction. After the introduction, he gave a dry smile, "We are already picky. I hope the leaders can take the time to give pointers."

Chen Taizhong glanced sideways at Xu Ruilin, "District Xu, which one do you think is better?"

"I think the difference is very limited," District Mayor Xu shook his head disapprovingly. "If you really want me to say it, I will emphasize two words: confidentiality."

"This is what the district chief Ruilin said. It's in my heart," the young district chief nodded with a smile, and he glanced sideways at Deng Bosong. "The Forestry Bureau is optimistic about which one and boldly recommend it to the district. There is only one requirement in the district... If there is a fake sign, only you Forestry Bureau will ask!"

District Chief Chen this gesture. It's really not low. Purchases worth 600,000 yuan will have some benefits. The district said that this measure is controlled by your forestry bureau. We only ask to guarantee no.

Deng Bosong was also slightly taken aback when he heard that all three manufacturers had contact with him. He naturally had some preferences, but he really did not expect that he could decide this matter by himself. You must know that the breeding of baby fish is not only The matter of the Forestry Bureau also involves the Agriculture Bureau and the Planning Commission.

and so. He subconsciously emphasized the difficulty. In order to express that he is not very concerned about the qualifications for recommendation, "Now that the technology is very advanced and there are too many counterfeit things, I can only try to ensure that there will be no fakes...There are fake RMB.

"I'm talking about Xiao Deng," Xu Ruilin became angry when she heard this. "Is the head on your neck?"

Don't look at District Chief Xu Wenya, he also has foul language in a hurry. This is how the grassroots work is done, and Director Deng is a soldier. Least cares about this way of expression.

"Did I say something wrong?" Deng Bosong asked angrily.

"You said that the plate-making is expensive, who would fake it?" Xu Ruilin pointed at him cried and laughed. "You have to find the have so many wild baby fish under the day?"

Deng Bosong was stunned at the time. He was bold and sloppy in his work. He really didn't think about this problem. There is a belief in the current society that it must be cheaper than the original version, but he didn't realize that without the market and profit, it would be impossible.

Some people have caught wild baby fish and want to sell them before they buy such signs. But after several times throughout China, how many people will buy such things every year? How many people can hook up with the owner of this sign?

The market is really too small, and the price of this sign is impossible to sell more expensive than the baby fish, spend a lot of money to make a plate-what kind of brain must be drawn to make such a decision?

But at the same time, it is still very convenient for someone to make fakes-there are ready-made versions.

Yes, this is really a chaotic era. Morality and conscience are the least valuable things. Manufacturers can sell genuine products at the same time. It doesn't matter whether it is right or wrong, it only depends on the level of profit.

Deng Bosong is a misguided master. He always feels that he is everywhere. He does not know that many of them are made by genuine manufacturers. However, he still has a considerable IQ after all. He suddenly realized when he heard that, "You are right. It is necessary to strengthen the education of copyright awareness for manufacturers."

With that being said, he also secretly complained in his heart. A total of hundreds of thousands of transactions, the manufacturer's profit is not very large, and we want to control others... it doesn't feel easy.

As if seeing his thoughts, Chen Taizhong said coldly next to him, "In fact, when we choose their products, it is an excellent promotion of their products. It is a powerful advertisement...what are they that can afford to eat baby fish? Kind of person?"

"Wow," Director Deng clapped his hands with excitement, "District Chief Chen, you are so right... if we don't charge him advertising fees, it will save him face."

"One yard goes to one yard," Chen Taizhong shook his head. Many people use the utility of advertising to offset the cost of expenditure. Chen pretends to be stressful, and feels that there is no clear and authoritative quantitative standard that may lead to some wrangling, which is really meaningless. It's practical, "We don't take advantage of them, just clarify the stakes."

Just after saying this, his cell phone rang, he looked at the phone number, frowned slightly, turned around and went out to answer the phone, "Hello Huang Erbo."

"What happened the day before yesterday?" Huang Hanxiang hummed heavily on the phone, and said dissatisfiedly, "Xiao Chen, it's not good for you to act like this."

"It has nothing to do with me," Chen Taizhong replied with a wry smile. He now knows why Huang Lao Er is not as good as Huang Lao San. Huang Erbo is too big and grinning. Sometimes he doesn't make a joke. Isn’t he big or small—not that he offended the older generation, but that he doesn’t look like an elder, isn’t it? It's all coming to cheat right now.

Of course, this is also how Huang Lao Er got along with him very much. If he changed his personal words, he was not qualified to be defrauded.

"Can't it?" Huang Hanxiang stretched his tone, sounding a bit like Zhizhu in his hands, "After hearing that the project was rejected, you are sad...I don't understand this emotion."

Can your old man not be so overly mindful? Only then did Chen Taizhong realize that he was a little dedicated in the final stage. That's why Lao Huang gave birth to such a guess. He laughed and cried and answered, "Isn't I going to actively cooperate? The project has been rejected. If I am happy, Secretary Huang... will he be unhappy?"

"It's San Shu, what Secretary Huang?" Huang Hanxiang heard the boss dissatisfied. He can manage his third child as Secretary Huang, but he doesn't want to hear Xiao Chen call it that. In fact, if Chen Taizhong really calls Huang Hexiang the third uncle, Huang Lao Er might be even more angry: Nima, you are obviously me People. Why are you trying to fawn on the third child?

In short, this is a very tangled mood. Huang always criticized the other party with satisfaction, and then said again, "That's OK, you are reasonable, but I always feel a little strange that the person expresses this way. It's really not you. ?"

"How can I be so big?" Chen Taizhong gave a wry smile. "I also find it strange, really."

"Then why don't you call and ask me?" Huang Hanxiang said suspiciously, "I don't think this is normal."

If I don’t call you, is that my second suspect? Mrs. Chen was faithfully speechless, "This is really Su Dongpo talking to Fo Yin, in fact, I think you did it. This phone call is not suitable."

"The matter about Ufa has nothing to do with you?" Huang Hanxiang ignored the thorn in his words. One more question.

"Ufa...what happened again?" Chen Taizhong asked in amazement. He couldn't say that everything in Ufa had nothing to do with him—in fact, he collapsed two bridges there. However, that was a long time ago.

"That counts, when I didn't ask," Huang Hanxiang heard that he was not pretending, and he lost interest in talking about it. According to his analysis, the drastic change in attitude should have something to do with Ufa's affairs.

But in fact, the chief executive went from acquiescing to the oil shale project to blatantly opposing it. No one can tell the real reason for this, and Huang Lao Er can’t understand it. There are really too many possible factors. His third son He couldn't explain it clearly-although he thought that the third child might understand it in his heart, he refused to say it.

He just knows that it will last for a month or two, or a year or two. This reason will naturally surface. If it doesn’t come out after this deadline, then he probably won’t know it again in his life. Really not too many puzzles.

The reason why Huang Hanxiang did not call Chen Taizhong for these two days was that he wanted to find the answer first, and the second was that the person was in Hengbei after all, and there is such a sensitive matter. Calling is not necessarily safe-this probability is very high. Young, but the second child of the Huang family sees too many things, and will give birth to a natural defense.

"Oh, I thought you would be happy," he sighed uninterestedly, repeating the previous words.

This man is old and his mouth is broken. Chen Taizhong was a little boring to hear and wanted to hang up, but the next moment, there was a flash in his mind, so he chuckled, "Huang Erbo, do you have any happy news to tell me?"

"Hehe, I don't know what luck you have gone," Huang Hanxiang smiled, "If this project is rejected, it is a good thing for you, not a bad thing."

Of course that is a good thing, do you need to emphasize it? Chen Taizhong snorted disapprovingly, but the next moment, he once again sensed something sensitively, "You mean...Because of this, Bei Chong has fewer obstacles?"

Chapter 3862

"So I think you are very suspicious," Huang Hanxiang pointed out. This is his third reason for suspicion of someone, and he emphasized one point, "I'm not the only one who thinks can toss, this is recognized by everyone. "

"If this is the case, then I will admit the suspicion," Chen Taizhong laughed as soon as he heard it, and Huang Erbo repeatedly suggested that someone should be happy, and he will tentatively ask-since I am the most suspicious, So logically, should I benefit the most?

This speculation is not without reason. Bei Chong used to apply for this oil shale project, in order to prevent others from climbing and comparing, it was done quietly, just to make a fortune.

However, this time the denial, while smashing the face of Zijia, also made Beichong's oil shale plan completely surfaced, and it was seen by too many people-although the director denied similar projects, it was not ten. It's been eight times. Everyone should be surprised, but this time is different. It involves the Zi family and the emperor's student Secretary Ma. It involves a lot...

To put it bluntly, this is a very eye-catching scene before the conference. It may not be a big deal a year ago, but it happened at this time, it was really a bit sensitive-billions of projects. There is still no expected profit, and it is not a small amount.

But if it really wants to surface, Bei Chong may not be so passive. First of all, the person who doesn't deal with the chief is gone. There are interests that are not dealt with, and there are concepts that are not dealt with-what is opposed is what others want to support.

Secondly, the face-slapped this time provoke a lot of people. Some people didn't show up, but it was inevitable that they were heartbroken.

Once again, Bei Chong was exposed to everyone's vision. This little broken place. Ambition is not small, but...Why does this small place dare to have such a big ambition?

As long as everyone is mindful and touches this vine, you will find that Bei Chong is in charge of the district head, and the district head is from Tiannan. Born in Phoenix City, he is a direct descendant of Phoenix Yellow.

The Huang family is in the domestic officialdom. It's a big force that is quite eye-catching, so try to keep a low profile on weekdays. Beichong is engaged in oil shale, and dare not play the banner of the Huang family, but once the skin is exposed, the fangs should be exposed.

In the past, everyone didn't know about it, so that's fine. Now that everyone knows because of an emergency, the Huang family can't let others take advantage of it. Otherwise, wouldn't it seem that the Huang family can be bullied?

A power, the big guys can think it's lost in their hearts, but they can't openly express that this person can be deceived, otherwise even if they are dying to struggle, they will be able to collapse your mouth full of molars. What's more, the Huang family is far from talking about it. Fell.

These causes and effects are quite a word count, but in Chen Taizhong’s mind, it was a flash. What he cared about was that the oil shale project in Bei Chong was a blessing in disguise and could be promoted again, so he asked overjoyedly, "That After the conference is over, this thing can be operated?"

"Look at you beautiful, why wait after the two sessions of next year," Huang Hanxiang scolded him rudely, "how much to save some face to others...I do things, it makes sense."

When you wronged me, did you ever make sense? Chen Taizhong pouted at hearing, but he was too lazy to care about Lao Huang, "Well, the project leader sent by the Zi family has the last name, and he intends to continue working with Bei Chong."

"That's a gadget, the son-in-law of the driver of the Zi family has a set of tricks to drill the camp," Huang Hanxiang snorted disdainfully, but speaking of conscience, it will not be ambiguous that it can occupy a place in Huang Lao Er's mind. Person-At least this person should be very strong, otherwise the Zi family would not send this person to such a big project.

"Yes, he is not a gadget, but he wants to continue to cooperate with Bei Chong," Chen Taizhong replied, laughing and crying.

"Is it embarrassing enough?" Huang Hanxiang murmured softly, and then snorted heavily, "Well, discuss this with your third uncle. If he wants you to cooperate, you can find me... You can't directly find Zhou Rui, shit, man The faults are all used to it."

Listening to the beep on the phone, Chen Taizhong slapped his mouth and shook his head helplessly.

There are some things that Lao Huang can't figure out. Think about Yin Jinghua who claimed to be a small person a few days ago. He couldn't help but whispered: Not to the highest point, after all, they are all small people. The dignified district mayor, hey Arriving at a distance of two hundred meters around that person, just because someone said something, I had to turn around and leave.

However, has it really reached the highest point? Maybe there is only the bitter "being cold" left?

In the next moment, the young district chief put away his literary and youthful feelings and began to think about serious things-if you guys don't engage in this oil shale, can you get the quiet development of Beichong?

He has never given up the idea of ​​engaging in oil shale in Beichong. This tasteless project actually has far-reaching development prospects. However, it is a bit intolerable for him to look at the eyes of too many people. If Beichong has been developing for five years with peace of mind, at the end of the fourth year, there will be funds to promote the development of oil shale projects. It is better to ask for yourself.

So after he hung up the phone, he didn't call Huang Hexiang again. The next step was to engage in the activity of "taking a step forward and using your brain".

Two more days later, Li Qiang still didn't call Chen Taizhong. The city party committee secretary was really able to sit still, but at this moment, District Mayor Chen had no intention of pondering Secretary Li's intentions. He himself was very busy now.

At noon. Sitting with Liu Haifang and Bai Fengming, he was eating and talking about the tender meeting in the morning. Beichong’s recent bids have been frequent, but most of the time, the deputy district mayors do not show up, especially Ge Baoling, Xu Ruilin and Tan Shengli. Almost never showed up, but District Mayor Bai, because he is the director of the bidding office, occasionally put on a head.

This morning, in addition to some tenders for building materials and machinery, there were also tenders for generators. Although Liu Haifang knew that his attention was a taboo. But she still went to the bidding site.

This is not because she has decided on the position of deputy district head. Naturally, she will take over as the deputy leader of the bidding leading group. It is because she has only coordinated the political process to the government. It is very necessary for her to do everything herself, and this time the bidding, It was also the first tender for her in charge of the opening, and it was really ridiculous.

Wine table. Mayor Liu reported the situation to the mayor. Among the five generator manufacturers, she selected three, but which of the three had a larger share and which had a smaller share, and hoped that the district chief would make a decision.

In these three houses, there is a Wellington generator represented by Ye Xiaohui's father-Risheng is really arrogant. When I heard that the agent wanted to sell 500,000, he refused.

But Chen Taizhong didn't care about this. He instructed, "Mingkang's share is a little less. The other two are ready for you, and you can make this plan in a short time. You have worked hard... urge them to arrive as soon as possible."

Liu Haifang took over the generator. It was really time-critical and task-heavy, so District Mayor Chen gave her some space to make the shots. He didn't expect the people below to be clean and clean, and just do things well while maintaining a good attitude.

District Mayor Liu was slightly surprised. Mingkang had this brand, but Li Qiang had greeted Chen Taizhong, and District Mayor Chen had also told her that this brand would be chosen, but now District Chief Chen made it clear that Mingkang’s share was high. Youngest, what's going on?

"District Mayor Liu, you can just follow the instructions of the district chief," Bai Fengming interrupted, but didn't say much. There is too much tricky in the bidding, and district chief Bai will not worry about the generator. Things-he will never intervene in others' mouths, but if others want to intervene in his mouths, don't blame him for being rude.

Therefore, seeing District Mayor Liu feel a little at a loss, he called aloud, which was somewhat of a sense of leaning on the old and selling the old. As for what happened to Mingkang, he didn't think about it, and he didn't bother to inquire.

"Okay," Liu Haifang nodded. In fact, after a little astonishment, she also reacted. District Mayor Chen wanted to give Secretary Li face, but the district head had the final say on how much face he gave. As soon as Secretary Li was in his early years, Bei Chong bluntly flattered him. What's the point of being an official?

She guessed right, Chen Taizhong thought so, especially if this generator is equipment or engineering, this kind of job that makes money on the flip side, there are too many people worry about it, and at the same time, it may not guarantee the after-sales service. Not used to those people's problems.

In a few words, the bidding was revealed. Everyone talked about other things. When District Mayor Chen decided to delegate, as long as the following were not smart, he rarely asked about specific matters.

For District Mayor Liu, this is a very new experience. Yangzhou is really poor. She has been in Yangzhou for many years, and she has seen too many leaders who want big money and small money to grab them. Leader Chen like this, really Extremely rare.

After thinking about this, she understood why the deputy district mayors all turned their ears down to Mayor Chen. Regardless of his cruelty, Mayor Chen was not only able to get money, but also willing to delegate power. Who wouldn't want such a leader? Follow?

It is very strange that she actually thought of her predecessor: just because of something under the crotch, she missed such a seat, Meng Zhixin is now, afraid that her intestines are regrettable?

Just when she was secretly rejoicing, District Chief Chen's phone rang. After taking a look, he answered the phone, "Old Xu, what's the matter?"

"Tsk, this is annoying," Xu Ruilin's voice came from the phone, looking a little helpless. "The results of the distribution of fry have been announced. The farmers who have not been assigned to the fry have surrounded the breeding center..."

(It is three times later. It is currently ranked 21st. It is called a guaranteed monthly pass. Is there a double at the end of the month, or two.). . )

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