Official Immortal

Vol 10 Chapter 3935: The earth is difficult to catch

Xi Yu waited until it was close to six o'clock, and did not see Chen Taizhong turning around. He turned over the newspaper on the table of District Mayor Chen. Let's call. Chen Taizhong's cell phone is not in the service area.

He was irritated in his heart. When the door rang, a lady came in. She had dark skin, but her appearance and temperament were good. He looked at the other person and pondered and said, "Where did I see you?"

"Yeah," the lady who came nodded her head, looking like she didn't want to talk, she looked cold and arrogant.

About four or five minutes later, when the door opened, another lady came in. She was also very good looking and had a good temperament. She gave people a feeling of knowing beauty. Secretary Xi thought that she was familiar, but he had already touched a nail. I don't want to talk anymore, otherwise the lady in front of him thinks that he is a demon, it would be a bit wronged.

The women who have friendship with Chen Taizhong should try their best to provoke them as little as possible. He made up his mind, but at the same time, he was also a little bit emotional: There seemed to be few ugly women who were dealing with Chen Taizhong.

What's interesting is that the two women still know each other, and the one who comes later greeted first, "President Shi is free today?"

The woman who called President Shi nodded lightly, "Can you reach him? This guy's cell phone is not in the service area."

"Then I don't know, I asked him to collect the debt," the woman later replied with a smile, "I wrote so much about the oil shale manuscript... It's fine if he comes back later, just in time."

"Oil shale?" Secretary Xi frowned, and a vague impression in his mind suddenly came alive. "Are you the foreign doctor from the Herald?"

"It's not Dr. Yang, it's just MPPM," Niu Xiaorui replied with a smile, "May I ask who you are?"

"I'm respectful," Secretary Xi did not directly report his name, "We also have oil shale..."

While talking, Chen Taizhong walked in and nodded casually when he saw several of you present, "I'm sorry, I'm coming back late, so you have to wait a long time."

"Too loyal, this loach breeding...can it be promoted in Jingde?" Xi Yu asked the oil shale directly in front of so many people, "You raise baby fish and I raise loach. Isn't this also an industrial chain?"

"Oh, don't mention it, today it was besieged," Chen Taizhong gave a wry smile, "Or I will come back now."

"Someone will besiege you in Beichong?" Niu Xiaorui blinked his big eyes, his tone full of incredible.

"It's okay, they doubt the prospects and science of loach breeding," Chen Taizhong sighed. What happened today told him that things at the grassroots level are really complicated and must not be taken lightly... Now is when the loach seedlings emerge. This thing is really not difficult to raise. After a brief training, it’s just looking for fry. Yangzhou and other places are not good at finding a large number of fry, but there is no shortage in big cities-some people sell loach fry to feed meat. xìng Ornamental fish.

Xu Ruilin sent people to the fish markets in Tongda, Raoyun, and Chaotian, and swept back hundreds of thousands of fry. The wholesale price of fry in those cities rose from one-third to more than one dime.

The fry will naturally be distributed when they arrive. Chen Taizhong went to several houses today to find out about the distribution and breeding of the fry.

The first two families were okay. The third family spent 1,000 yuan and bought 20,000 fish fry, but they were raised in a five-meter-square pond. District Chief Chen was a little surprised at first sight, "How can we raise them like this? Yes, don’t your house have a baby fish pond?"

"I don't want to raise it this way. I'm looking for the district to find out about the situation," the farmer sighed, "I only found out when I bought the fry. There is an immunity problem, so I dare not put it in the pond..."

This family’s surname is Liu, which is also very sad. If you want to talk about his family’s background, he is considered a rich family in Beichong. It is said that the family took advantage of one hundred thousand yuan. In 2002, it took advantage of one hundred thousand yuan, which is quite extraordinary. Chaotian is considered well-off.

Liu's family has studied baby fish farming very carefully. The family also spent more than 60,000 yuan. On the back mountain of their own, they built a baby fish farming pond with more than five points, and it was constructed in strict accordance with the requirements. There is absolutely no problem with the equipment and facilities. Not to mention the wawa fish, his family was conservative and applied for fifteen.

However, there are rumors in the district that the baby fish is not easy to raise. His family hesitated for a while, and as a result, they missed the sudden deadline. They regretted it for a while and wanted to hit the wall-even if one thousand, let's buy ten. Five, isn't it only fifteen thousand?

It can be seen that those people with ulterior motives who want to monopolize and harm the masses intentionally or unintentionally are actually too great—many harms cannot be included in the statistics.

The Liu family was pretty good, and didn't use loans. Instead, they used their own funds, otherwise the loss would be even greater.

This time the district organized the breeding of loach, his family heard that they should not miss this time, not only listened to the lecture in detail, but also decisively registered 20,000 fish fry-his fish pond is more than 180 square meters , The facilities are complete, theoretically up to 30,000 can be registered, but 20,000 is the upper limit, there is no way.

After learning, I bought the fry, the pond was soaked, and was about to put it in. A cousin of the Liu family came back to visit relatives. After hearing this, he resolutely stopped their behavior, "Will you raise baby fish next year? "

"From this year to next year, I can raise two loaches, and then raise baby fish. Doesn't this conflict?" Chen Taizhong was puzzled at the time, and then he suddenly nodded, "I can't bear the mud, right? You can fatten the field."

Raising loach is different from raising baby fish. Baby fish pay attention to the clean water quality, but like other fish, they require water, fertilizer and mud. Therefore, after raising the mud, the pond mud must be cleaned.

"It doesn't matter if you have mud in the pond. Our farmer can use it better than District Chief Chen." Liu's family is also a typical Beichong native, who went straight. "The key is that there is a problem of germ residue..."

The water used to raise loach is very fat, so it is impossible not to grow other things in it. Parasites and the like are trivial. The key is that there may be some germs. If the pool is not cleaned in the future, it may affect the breeding of baby fish.

This is too worrying, right? District Chief Chen felt that their scruples were a bit painful, but they couldn't say anything. "If you rinse it out a little bit, can you still have germs?"

"Really," Liu's family said clearly, "My cousin raises chickens in Chaotian. He raises tens of thousands of chickens for seven or eight years. According to his words, the chickens will be replaced in four or five years at most. If you don’t just feed the chickens with medicine, you don’t know how much to feed.”

This is also a talk of experience. Uncle Liu Jiatang is engaged in large-scale chicken farming. This farming mode is different from free-range farming, which is based on quantity. The chicken disease is controlled very strictly, otherwise the consequences will be disastrous.

Therefore, among the tens of thousands of chickens, there are a few chickens that have this or that kind of condition, so they must all be fed with medicine, and it is normal for such a large chicken farm to have some conditions from time to time.

But bacteria are also resistant and mutated. As time goes on, the chicken farm will have to feed medicine all day long, and fed with various medicines, the chickens that can be raised will continue to die.

When the cost of feeding medicine and the probability of chicken death reach a certain value, the chicken coop will be boring to operate. No amount of thorough disinfection and sterilization can change the increase in costs.

Then the operator has to change to a different place to operate, and then start all over again. For this phenomenon, the chicken raisers call it "cage inversion", that is to say, the chicken in this cage has used up the qi belonging to the chicken and can no longer Now that you have chickens, you can raise pigs, sheep and cattle.

A more scientific explanation is that there are too many kinds of bacteria for chickens, and many of them are mutated. They can't be killed. Just change the venue. And this venue, there is no problem with raising other animals.

"This statement is not unreasonable," Chen Taizhong is actually not quite clear about this, but intuitively speaking, he thinks this statement has a certain degree of credibility, "but...your cousin said, where the chickens are raised, It’s okay to raise other animals."

The place where the loach is raised, the raising of baby fish is not a big problem, right?

"You cannot raise ducks where you raise chickens," the Liu family replied helplessly.

"Fuck me," Chen Taizhong was speechless right away. He has a lot of theoretical knowledge, and he also has basic work experience. He thinks he is very grounded, but he is really honest about such strange remarks. Speechless.

The key is that people are the experience summed up through practice. Therefore, the earth Qi is really inexhaustible-you feel that you are very close to the people. If people just throw something out, you will find yourself In fact, they didn’t know anything. When they talked, there were people listening to them, and there was such confusion. There were more than one family and two families. They knew that the mayor Chen was close to the people, so they surrounded the mayor and refused to let him go. Understand.

Chen Taizhong explained from left to right At the end of the explanation, everyone must guarantee for themselves that there is no problem with raising baby fish in the pond for raising mud loach, and he is finally on fire.

"I'm just a district head, not an expert. I have never touched on these issues. Even if I promise you now, it will be nonsense and irresponsible. I don't understand... I'm not afraid to be ashamed. I tell you clearly. , I really don't understand," he yelled loudly, "The district wants you to build a pond. It was originally for you to raise baby fish."

He admitted that he didn't understand, but everyone was calm. Who can understand everything? The mayor is very sincere.

"Your baby fish pond is empty, and I feel distressed for you, so I helped you to contact you to raise loach," Chen Taizhong said, "I have done the guidance of a district chief. Are you willing to listen, I can't Force...but you can't say that I didn't try to help you."

"Then you put a few baby fish out, don't you just do it?" Someone booed in the crowd, "Only a thousand baby fish are released in the district. There are many breeding centers."

"I will release the baby fish, and it is not your turn to ask for it," Chen Taizhong snorted coldly. "If there is no rule, you can't make a circle. If I don't follow the rules, some people don't follow the rules... In the end, it won't be your ordinary people. ."

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