Official Immortal

Vol 10 Chapter 3993: The wall fell and everyone pushed

Leaving the Ye family's small shop, Chen Taizhong asked Wang Yuanyuan, "Are all the people who learn to wind the coil organized?"

"It's organized," Director Wang nodded, "but if you count ten coils per person per day, even if you sell 3,000 inverters a year, it will solve an employment index."

"How can you count it like that?" Chen Taizhong shook his head, "Everyone is an amateur, so let's not talk about holidays. Who is not busy with farming or when there is something to do? And it's very possible that if things are sold well, they have to rush to work. Selling 3,000 inverters a year requires training at least 20 people... The key is to cultivate everyone’s skills and learn some principles, not to engage in iron jobs."

The two of them came to the district zhèngfǔ. It was almost five o'clock. District Mayor Chen came to the office and dealt with a lot of things. It was six o'clock and the first day of the long vacation was about to pass. He Asked Liao Dabao, "Did the Bureau of Agriculture send you the plan to reopen the agricultural school?"

"Come here," Director Liao came to the leader with a document. "In the initial stage, 800,000 yuan will be invested. If the number of trainees reaches 1,000, the minimum subsidy is 50,000 yuan per month."

"It's a long-running job," Chen Taizhong sighed. The initial investment of 800,000 yuan is nothing but to build some houses and classrooms. It is just a fixed investment. The common people will be able to do it. Only the dormitory uses bunk beds. Six square meters can fit ten people, and a single person can fit less than two square meters.

But once the agricultural school is in operation, it needs teachers, a canteen, water and electricity consumption, and some miscellaneous expenses, and the district does not intend to make money from the farmers. This part of the cost will only be borne by the district.

Chen Taizhong really doesn’t want to care about this, it’s too much trouble, but he doesn’t care about it. Xu Ruilin has always been very concerned about this matter. Yesterday he went to see Old Xu. Running out of the hospital, Cao insisted on this.

"Let's do it," District Mayor Chen took out a pen and circled the file. "You tell the old **** that the money is given to him. If the people scold me, then I will not just scold him...what else?"

"This...there are several letters to report on Director Li," Liao Dabao replied eagerly, "However, boss, I swear I definitely did not do it. Following you, he is no longer a threat to me. "

"From now on, you can just say the first half of the sentence." Chen Taizhong waved his hand casually, but remembered that when he first saw Liao Dabao, the first half of this sentence was often very amazing, which was impressive, but the second half Sentences often fall off the chain.

As it is now, you can just say the first half of the sentence, and the second half... You are my correspondent. Who do I support? Of course, this is his attitude as a leader. If Director Liao is so stupid that he only says the first half of the sentence, then his attitude is not correct.

So District Mayor Chen didn't plan to care too much, "Is the problem serious?"

"It's a bit sensational," Liao Dabao replied with a lowered eyebrow. "He accepted huge bribes by helping people open accounts, settling arrangements, collecting funds, and coordinating land planning, and forced multiple women to have that...xìng behavior with them. ."

"Land planning?" Chen Taizhong frowned. This is Bai Fengming's business scope, co-authored Lao Bai and Li Hongxing...Is it still unclear?

"The two acres of land in the People’s Shopping Centre was sold to Li Hongxing’s sister at a price of 20,000 yuan through administrative intervention,” Liao Dabao replied with drooping eyes. If you build a toilet, you pay for it."

"An acre of land is less than 10,000?" Chen Taizhong frowned when he heard it. The People's Shopping Center was diagonally across from the district zhèngfǔ, and the straight-line distance was only seven or eight hundred meters. This can be said to be one of the most golden locations in Beichong.

Now, let’s not talk about 10,000 acres of land in Beichong City, even 100,000 may not be able to get it. A while ago, Li Qiang wanted to raise funds. Some people wanted to use Beichong’s land as mortgage. The secretary of the municipal party committee didn't dare to open his mouth to Bei Chong, and he directly topped the investors-because he knew that Chen Taizhong would definitely not agree.

Of course, after the mayor Chen came, Beichong developed very fast, and the prospects were promising. The land price would rise to this point. The capital of capital was profit-seeking. If it was before Chen Taizhong came, in the city of Beichong, look for A piece of land that is not conspicuous, and then some benefits for the relevant people, one acre of land can be taken down from 50,000 to 60,000, which is not a big problem.

But the price of land in the prime area of ​​Beichong is definitely not like this. Even before the arrival of District Chief Chen, the land price of the People’s Shopping Centre would cost more than one hundred thousand acres. It has to be yours. If it doesn’t matter, twenty Ten thousand can not be bought.

To say that the two acres of land there are really valuable now, not to mention, six or seven hundred thousand is no problem, so now it seems that even Li Hongxing’s sister bought the land five years ago. Wan's price is too outrageous-why not one hundred thousand?

Not to mention that I didn't spend 20,000 yuan, just built a toilet and it was paid.

However, Chen Taizhong was not interested in being shocked, nor was he interested in understanding what Xiao Liao dared to say this way, ten things are true, otherwise - once he verified that the matter was false, Liao Dabao would be in big trouble.

"Bring the report letters to me," District Chief Chen groaned and made a decision.

The next step is to have dinner. Although Catherine has already left, a group of Whitney's entourage moved in. There are five women in the small courtyard. Chen Taizhong is not too obvious, so he can only come back for dinner.

After eating, District Chief Chen picked up his handbag and went out. He came to the Beichong Hotel and took a look at the building under construction. He ordered the waiter to bring in a chair and make some beer. He sat not far from the back door of the hotel. Drinking beer contentedly.

The on-duty manager of the hotel heard that the district chief was drinking there, and immediately asked the kitchen to fry a peanut, take a cucumber, and mix in a plate of jellyfish, which is a side dish for wine.

Chen Taizhong nodded his head for the hotel's hospitality. Even if he expressed his gratitude, he took out the report letter and looked at it slowly by the street lamp in the hotel courtyard.

After watching for a while, Tan Shengli came. Today is the first day after the long vacation. After the district mayor Tan came back from the city, he has not communicated with the district chief alone. Now I come here to ask the district zhèngfǔ local area network related bidding matters.

"Within a day or two, a few supervisors will come over and check them all together," Chen Taizhong instructed lightly. "The planning committee plans to set up a supervisory office and hire some external experts."

"Isn't the supervision placed on the construction committee?" District Chief Tan asked in amazement. Of course, he asked for a reason.

"According to you, the supervision of the construction of the local area network should be in the Science and Technology Commission?" Chen Taizhong gave him a glance. These people really have to grasp all kinds of powers. "The construction committee should play a supervisory role."

It stands to reason that the supervision should indeed accept the leadership of the construction committee, and the qualifications of the supervision must be recognized by the construction committee, but in the next step, Beichong will engage in urban construction. Let the supervision accept the leadership of the construction committee while supervising the construction—this is not the case Do it.

Therefore, Chen Taizhong can only put the supervision on the planning committee. If Bai Fengming has no extra thoughts, he shouldn’t be opposed to it. District Mayor Bai is looking for money, and Mayor Chen is looking for project quality and speed. These two are not. Absolutely opposite.

But as a result, the power of the planning committee has grown stronger and stronger. Xiao Wang, a young girl, has a heavier burden on her shoulders. Fortunately, she is someone Chen Taizhong can trust completely. .

"Yes, there is something else," District Mayor Chen wanted to tell Tan Shengli for a long time, and just used this to bring it forward. "These retired teachers from the urban area have responded to the masses, and some of them have a rough teaching attitude. ..."

Most of these retired old teachers were born in the 1930s and 1940s. When they taught students, corporal punishment was commonplace. They believed in "a filial son under a stick". But now most people are One child in a family is very precious, so this teaching method is not suitable.

This is still in Beichong. The children need to be more realistic. If they are in a big city like Chaotian or Subo, if the teacher dares to do this, the parents of the students may directly tell the teacher.

On Beichong’s side, there were also people who reported this to Chen Taizhong. This is not a major issue, but he has to take a proper stand. It’s not right to ignore it—or it’s really not easy to be a district head. You have to manage everything.

"Perhaps they thought that the children in the village should be pitiful," Tan Shengli laughed as soon as he heard it. "And to be honest, the children in the village are really naughty. Not being strict can not scare them."

"That's also going to talk about a method," Chen Taizhong nodded slightly Compared with the children in the city, the children in the village are indeed more troublesome, but that is also the child's day. "Let's pay them a lot of money. Come, I didn’t ask them to beat people...Use your brains, think of ways, and earn more, you have to be worthy of the salary."

"Then I will go back to the meeting to emphasize," Tan Shengli nodded. In fact, some teachers punish children physically, he also heard.

But this matter... how to put it? He knew very well in his heart that many teachers came to Beichong to make money. The idea was: teachers from our city come to your poor country and earn more. As for my teaching method, I promise to teach seriously. That's it, you can't make any restrictions.

To put it bluntly, it was due to the superiority of the city over the countryside. District Mayor Tan thought that it would not be easy to invite such teachers to come, so he didn’t take this matter seriously. Now that the district mayor brought it up seriously, he naturally wanted to Take it seriously.

After talking for a while, Lin Huan came over laudably, "District Mayor Chen will enjoy it. He ran here to have a drink. I'll go to your courtyard to find you... Waiter, get me a chair."

"What do you enjoy?" Chen Taizhong shook the report letter in his hand and put it in his purse. "The long vacation is's also an office sitting here. The Americans in the room are crazy."

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