Official Immortal

Vol 10 Chapter 4039: The leader is coming

Insufficient emotional intelligence is just the reason that Chen Taizhong found for himself. He thinks it is best to put a big banner on this kind of thing that he has lost first. Isn't it because of the lack of emotional intelligence, did the buddy be a tragedy?

In short, after a long experience in the world, he feels that he has a bit of obsessive-compulsive disorder: when he can be reasoned, he should be reasoned first, but if he can't be reasoned, he will also find an excuse for himself.

Unexpectedly, Wang Jiaqi didn't think so. He shook his head, "There is no such stupid person. There should be some other factors. There are really not many people who are so self-defeating. Businessmen are fighting against officials... He should know that things are sold. Are you in Beichong?"

"I know," Chen Taizhong nodded, his heart said that this is also an entry point-zhèngfǔ can forcibly intervene.

"It is a waste to destroy the mold when it is still valuable," Wang Jiaqi deserves to be the planning commissioner, actually looking at the problem from the perspective of the plan, "If I were you, I would just write an article and tell him zhèngfǔ will borrow it. Not convinced to come to a lawsuit."

The thought of being an official is quite powerful. Chen Taizhong was a little bit dumbfounded. "Then people really want to go to court?"

"If you really want to fight a lawsuit, then drag it," Director Wang replied disapprovingly, "The game is unreasonable. We are still afraid of a small businessman? You will kill him if you play."

This is the most common officialdom thinking. Chen Taizhong does this kind of unreasonable thing not once. Even if he is wrong at first, but if the opponent refuses to step down, don't blame him for being rude.

However, thinking that he still has to build a system in Beichong, and that the party in charge is different from being in charge of a game. At this time, the official voice is also very important-he doesn't want to leave the impression of being unreasonable. .

So the young district chief smiled and nodded, "I don't want to take such extreme measures as a last resort. I hope that guy will be more interesting."

"In fact, some people just owe it to clean up," Wang Jiaqi replied disapprovingly, "It's useless to say yes, they will be honest... I have a few friends over the end of the world, help you ask this Guangyuan."

"Thank you, Director Wang," Chen Taizhong smiled. Yongping is the second largest city in Tianya, where agriculture and industry are relatively developed.

District Mayor Chen doesn't know mediocre people, but he has a lot of relationships in Tianya. Apart from Cheng Keji and others, Jifeng's branch is located in Luoning, the provincial capital of Tianya, and the local influence is not small.

However, he still didn't want to ask for help, the reason was simple-it was a bit shameful.

Wang Jiaqi's actions were not slow. The next morning, he heard the news of Guangyuan. This is a high-tech company. It is a high-tech company that provides equipment for a factory of Tongdi Group in Yongping. From wire box to power supply, annual sales The amount is about ten million.

However, the company's production site is very small, it is said that it only has more than one acre of land, which means that it is actually a general assembly and warehouse, and it is also related to food. The people of Guangyuan do not hide this.

Of course, what they said is that we have a brand advantage, and it is normal for the parts to be produced under OEM.

"It's still a local relationship," Wang Jiaqi finally concluded. "The boss, whose surname is Chu, has a good relationship with the local municipal party committee. He is also professional. It is not easy for others to grab orders."

"How is this person usually?" Chen Taizhong pondered for a moment before asking.

"This person is not stingy, and he likes to make friends. He is more open," Wang Jiaqi said, and after a little bit, he continued, "He has a problem... better."

"Oh, for men, this is not a problem," Chen Taizhong laughed, disapprovingly, "How old is this person this year?"

"More than thirty, less than forty," Director Wang frowned and replied, "I asked why I was embarrassing Phoenix's mold factory, and no one said one, two or three... It seems that this person is quite unique. "

Chen Taizhong nodded and smiled again. After Wang Jiaqi was sent away, he picked up the phone and dialed a number, "Mr. Zhang, long time no see."

"Too loyal, hello, hello," Zhang Peilin smiled on the phone, "How many years have been, it's not easy to wait for your call... Any instructions?"

You don’t seem to call me either? Chen Taizhong curled his lips at hearing, "Where do I dare to instruct Mr. Zhang? Yes, I would like to ask, Do you have any acquaintances in the factory where Tongdi is in Yongping?"

"Oriental No. 1 Factory?" Zhang Peilin deserves to be in this business. He called out the name of the factory as soon as he heard it. "There are two acquaintances, but they have retired. Now the director Xiang is very young and very aggressive... Whatever matter, you can go to him directly, better than me spreading a message."

Chen Taizhong pondered for a moment before asking again, "Let Minister Jing find him?"

"Director Jing speaks, of course it's easy to say," Zhang Peilin smiled on the phone, but after a pause, he still said, "Actually, he is a little swift in doing things... and he knows that he is still young. Look up."

This is very clear. Many young cadres now only focus on money, but there are also some who are ambitious. They don't take money very much in their eyes, and they want to move up.

Such people usually have a strong sense of the overall situation and will not easily offend irrelevant people-they may not ask for help. It is good to have one less stumbling block in the ascent.

"Oh, then I see, thank you Mr. Zhang, for bothering you," Chen Taizhong hung up, and after calculating, he still felt that he should not take the initiative to contact first-the more reasonable people are, the more he must pay attention to the conditions of not being on the road. mention.

Chu Xiang still doesn’t know what the relationship is with this manager. If the interests are deeply entangled, then it’s hard to say, and Guangyuan is the supplier of the Eastern General Factory. If he asks the manager to stop purchasing, this will Stretching is too long-it sounds like Director Xiang is particular about people, but the more particular about people, the less able to accept such excessive demands.

It seems that Wang Jiaqi’s suggestion can only be taken. Chen Taizhong made up his mind. Yesterday he wanted to convince people with morals, but today Director Wang’s words "good sè" made him sit again. Can't help it.

Chen's monopoly is very strong, but he will not be jealous while waiting. However, if a woman may be missed by others, he is absolutely intolerable, so he called Liao Dabao to come in and give orders.

Director Liao listened for a while before he realized that the boss had to do what he wanted to do by himself. After hesitating, he asked for instructions, "The fax to Guangyuan much is the wording controlled?"

"Neither humble nor overbearing, just clarify the problem and express the meaning of'what's the account, which can be counted on us?'," District Chief Chen said lightly. After thinking about it, he added, "For the follow-up development, we Bei Chong Seriously as soon as possible."

"Okay," Liao Dabao nodded and left. Chen Taizhong set aside the matter for the time being. He couldn't help but think of the changes in Tiannan. He felt aggrieved for Wang Qibin, but now he, if he can't use some abnormal means If so, it's probably only a sigh.

After a long pause, Liao Dabao came in to report, saying that Director Hu of the Bureau of Agriculture is here and there are important things to report. He slightly nodded, but he was a little strange: Lao Hu, you have had a lot of things recently, right?

As soon as Director Hu walked through the door, he rubbed his hands with joy, "District Mayor, the Municipal Bureau of Agriculture has notified. The Department of Agriculture hopes that we will distribute the fry again in three days, and the provincial chief will come to attend. This ceremony, the governor of Europe may also come."

"It's just a baby fish, isn't it like this?" Chen Taizhong was taken aback when he heard it.

"The hall highly affirmed the recent performance of Beichong's agriculture. I have repeatedly explained that this is due to the great attention, correct leadership and strong support of the district zhèngfǔ, only small progress has been made," Director Hu smiled with eyes full of eyes. I can’t see it, "Director Chu intends to conduct research in Beichong for at least three days...and the Provincial Agricultural Committee..."

"This is just a waste of time," Chen Taizhong murmured softly. Recently, many departments have come to Beichong for investigation and inspection, such as the Provincial Environmental Protection Bureau, who are too idle to investigate the air pollution caused by Kang smoke.

Yesterday morning, the leaders of the Provincial Meteorological Bureau came to check the danger prediction mechanism. Chen Taizhong did not go there at all, and there was no Meteorological Bureau in Beichong, so he just sent the party secretary Zhao Genzheng to receive him.

The party secretary is in charge of the weather. This is a bit outrageous, but Secretary Zhao accepted the task happily, and the leaders of the Provincial Meteorological Bureau can only grit their teeth secretly. The Provincial Party Committee’s Organization Department Minister Yue Huanghe contributed to this major danger plan. Leadership-or Zhao Genzheng can run so fast?

In comparison, people from the Provincial Health and Anti-epidemic Station came to Beichong to behave more exaggeratedly. Only one deputy director of the Health Bureau received the reception-the boss of the Health Bureau went to investigate and learn about other places. Medical insurance system.

When the people at the epidemic prevention station left, they said in an annoyed way: The people of Beichong have a big air, let's come down, and we haven't even seen a Zhengke. It's really bullish.

But Chen Taizhong doesn't think this is bullish. He still said, "Old Hu, don't be so excited. Has the Agricultural Commission promised to give us much money for poverty alleviation?"

"The Committee of Agriculture did not say about funding, but I heard that the minister at the beginning has stated that we will not be able to run away from the advanced counties and districts in agricultural development next year," Director Hu Guangming said, "In addition to the baby fish, we also have mobile greenhouses and tobacco kangs. Loans, greenhouse promotion...These are all registered with the provincial government, so he has to investigate for a few days."

His excitement is understandable. The agriculture in Beichong has been silent for so long-from the silence of the founding of the country to the present, it suddenly broke out and is highly recognized by the province. It is not only one or two projects, but also completed under his hands. , When a cadre can encounter this kind of exuberant occasion once in his life, there is no regret.

"What about advanced counties and districts? Give money?" Chen Taizhong curled his lips, coldly attacking his enthusiasm - if he doesn't give money, whoever loves to receive him will not serve him.

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