Official Immortal

Vol 10 Chapter 4128: Flies and progress

Chen Taizhong got into the back seat of the Beetle, and he was also a little curious. He recognized that the BMW was Ma Xiaoya, and he also knew that Xiao Ma was very precious to this car. Why did Zhang Xin borrow it when he said it?

So he asked, "You give me face, are you afraid that Xiaoya will say you?"

"Xiaoya changed the car," Zhang Xin replied with a smile, "She is Mr. Ma now. She doesn't think the BMW car is heavy enough. She bought an Audi A8 again. The image of a serious and successful business woman... This car only has to go out. Only occasionally when playing."

"It turned out to be improved," Chen Taizhong nodded with a smile, and then a little emotion came into his heart.

I think that when he first met Ma Xiaoya, she was just a small attendant next to Mr. Yu. She was a horn with a bag, and she didn’t even dare to say anything casually. Drifting family.

At that time, Xiao Ma drove only a Honda, which was despised by everyone. After she followed herself, she started flying solo. It didn’t take long for her to buy a BMW. For this reason, Su Wenxin was not indifferent. Said "Pony has money, and changed to BMW".

And now Ma Xiaoya actually bought another Audi A8, which is also a car worth millions of dollars. However, the amount of money is still second, the key is that she gave up her ostentatious thoughts and started to take a calm route.

This is an adjustment of self-positioning and a sublimation of her mentality. She defines herself more as a successful businessman. At the same time, she does not need to drive a BMW to prove her worth.

The fresh-clothed angry horse was originally a young publicity-"At that time, the young chūn had a thin shirt. Riding on a slanting bridge, full of red sleeves on the floor."

And now President Ma is going to take the route of successful people, and people always have to mature step by step.

After Zhang Xin answered his question, seeing him not speaking, she had to look back at him, "Why, you are not happy?"

"No, just a little emotional," the young district chief shook his head and replied with a smile, "I have said, this is Xiaoya's improvement, it is a good thing."

"I might also want to improve," Zhang Xin glanced at him and replied with a grin, "We are here for double happiness."

"Are you going to make progress?" Chen Taizhong was startled when he heard it, then smiled and nodded, "It's a good thing...I remember you were promoted to deputy for less than two years, right?"

"Where is the enterprise so strict?" Zhang Xin smiled, "This time I came to the capital, I went to the head office to introduce my experience. The data business of Subo Mobile ranks among the top five in the is definitely the first in the prefecture-level cities. "

"Then you are going to be promoted to the director next?" Chen Taizhong asked. The phone rang, the number ending in 1888, Lin Ying smiled and asked, "Bad, where is it?"

"It's still forty minutes," District Mayor Chen smiled, "You...have you come to the capital as a group?"

"Where, it's the holiday, I'll accompany my dad to give gifts, so I just help the hotel purchase something," Xiao Lin replied with a smile, "I didn't want to come, Zhang Xin pulled me over to play."

"Then you and your dad are together?" Chen Taizhong was disappointed and could be heard over the phone. "I thought you were in the Junhua community."

"I came here to take care of him, not to take care of him. He is not in good health recently, so I went to 602 Hospital for a thorough examination," Lin Ying exclaimed, "Finally, it's okay. There is no major problem, but the fatty liver is too bad. "

"Where are you now?" Chen Taizhong is concerned about this.

"I'm with Catherine and I'm almost at the Junhua community," Lin Ying replied with a smile, "I just helped her block the wine a few times."

"It's ten o'clock right now. What kind of wine are you drinking?" Chen Taizhong snorted and pressed the phone, thinking that after he got in the car, he hadn't spoken to Elizabeth, so he smiled and greeted in French, "Isa recently returned to Paris. ?"

"I stayed in Angers for ten days last month. My grandmother passed away. She loved me the most," Elizabeth sighed.

"Oh, I'm so sorry," Chen Taizhong frowned slightly, and apologized sincerely. "You shouldn't mention your sadness, I think... She must be a very kind old man."

"She has a grumpy temper and is a French soldier. She once killed an Italian soldier with her own hands. She was nineteen years old that year. Everyone was afraid of her... Except me," Elizabeth smiled, "Fortunately When I went back, she was still awake, and she and I had no regrets."

"Respectable old man," Chen Taizhong nodded, "You are the best reward for her to live happily."

"It's just a natural life course," Elizabeth sighed slightly, her tone actually meant to see through the world. Chen Taizhong felt that her mood was not high, and she had to change the subject, "Catherine actually finished drinking with Lin Ying. In the past, your nightlife ...Are all so rich?"

"Catherine has always been like that, you know," Elizabeth laughed when she heard the words. "In fact, her performance in China is getting better and better. It's the end of the year. It's normal for her to be busy..."

"By the way, Miss Kennedy gave me a salary increase, and the annual salary was 20,000 US dollars. I bought a good cemetery for my grandmother, where her favorite poet François is buried. She loves him even more. My grandfather."

Chen Taizhong smiled when she heard her, and then thought of another question, "Does your French cemetery have a useful life?"

"Of course there is a time limit, and it can be renewed when it expires, but it can also be bought out forever," Elizabeth replied with a smile, "The cemetery I bought for my grandmother is permanent. It only cost 4998 euros... I can't just sit back and watch me. Grandma's cemetery was taken back ten years later."

Very considerate policy. Chen Taizhong opened his mouth to say something, and finally turned into a dry laugh, "So you have also improved."

After driving for a while, seeing that he was going to the community, he remembered the topic he had lost, "Zhang Xin, are you going to be the director of the provincial company?"

"I was just about to ask you," Mr. Zhang replied softly, "I can go to the provincial company to be the director or Zhangzhou to be the branch manager... Lin Ying is willing to help me."

"I said why you two got so close," Chen Taizhong nodded suddenly. In his impression, Lin Ying and Zhang Xin were acting like this. It turned out that there was a reason.

It’s definitely better to be a manager in a branch company than to be a director in a provincial company. It’s a separatist party and there is a situation. Moreover, there are not a few people in the Tiannan Province Mobile Company, and many offices have less than ten people. .

To talk about Zhang Xin’s qualifications, she can’t take the position of branch manager at all. Don’t think she is now the vice president of Subo Mobile, but there are several vice presidents in a branch, and there can only be one boss. The princes, Zhang Xin, the vice president who has been less than two years, why worry about it?

But with Lin Ying’s support, this is not a problem. Lin Haicháo is the richest man in the southern part of the country, and his influence in the province is quite huge. In Zhangzhou’s nest, he is basically the emperor of the earth, that is, Zang Hua. The secretary of the municipal party committee can suppress it. Like Zang Hua’s predecessor, Jiang Chuan, he can only suppress the Hai Chao Group by supporting another big family, Li Jingchuan.

China Mobile is a state-owned enterprise, and there is no need to be affected by the local people's personnel arrangements. However, if the local people are the richest man in the province, we still have to weigh it. The regulatory unit is more concerned about the relationship with the locality because of its dúlìxìng.

And Nie Qiming, the boss of Tiannan Province Mobile, was simply scared by Chen Taizhong—the cause was also Zhang Xin. Now that the Hai Chao Group has come forward to help Zhang Xin, he dare not say anything?

Therefore, Zhang Xin's promotion is unconventional and eye-catching, but with the support of bed partner Lin Ying, it is really not difficult.

Chen Taizhong reacted to these causes and effects in the blink of an eye, so he smiled, "It must be the boss of Zhangzhou. It can cultivate your ability to be on your own, and it will be better in the future."

"But I think... now life is very happy," Zhang Xin sighed quietly. She was originally a small woman with no big ambitions. She was always thinking about peace, but her man and father-in-law succeeded. Going to prison broke her peaceful life, and because of this, she was coveted by all kinds of squinting eyes and experienced various difficulties.

Later, she wanted to open it too. She should find a strong enough arm to protect herself. Fortunately, she was lucky enough to meet Chen Taizhong-this is not a man who always gives up.

But even so, what she thinks is that she can live a peaceful life from now on. As for later becoming a leader and having a car, it was only a matter of course. She even made a lot of achievements in data.

But now let her stand alone, she hesitated again, this... can it be done? In essence, she is still a very traditional woman, "If I don't do a good job, will I be ashamed of you?"

"If you don't want then you can be a director," Chen Taizhong understood her thoughts, so he comforted her aloud, "You stay at home, I will support you for the rest of my life...but To be honest, I think you are capable of serving as the boss of this branch. Don't be too arrogant."

"Really?" Zhang Xin looked over with wide eyes, and her eyes were full of expectation. No one is eager to prove herself. She wants to live a peaceful life, but she doesn't want to be regarded as mediocre. "Can I?"

"What's wrong?" Chen Taizhong smiled disapprovingly. "The best thing in the world is to lead. It's not easy to get results. Isn't it easy to mess with you? And Lin Ying cooperates with you, what are you worried about?"

"Moreover, you may not fail to achieve results. You do the business of Subo Mobile Data Port. You rank first in prefecture-level cities. You are not incapable."

"That's true." Zhang Xin nodded thoughtfully. In fact, she is really not afraid of others than her ability. She is just in awe of the bureaucracy. She knows very well that she is not very good at interpersonal relationships and belongs to the kind of lower EQ. of.

But since Taizhong encouraged her to do it, she was willing to give it a try-if someone supported her, she naturally had confidence.

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