Official Immortal

Vol 10 Chapter 4153: Take the blame

Qi Zhiwen was really upset when Chen Taizhong refused. "You buy ramie as a reserve, and you have money...I can ask for the next 15 million from the top, and I have figured out the supporting fee by myself. Can't you guarantee it?"

"Buy ramie?" Chen Taizhong glanced at him and laughed hard, "Secretary Li has spoken, and Secretary Qi, you are from the cloud again. Can I not sell this face?"

"Then just collect the hemp in the cloud," Qi Zhiwen replied with a calm face, "In fact, I have no relationship with Yunzhong."

"It's not as simple as simply collecting the hemp in the cloud," Chen Taizhong snorted and stopped talking.

"I actually want to work with you to create a better tomorrow for Beichong," Qi Zhiwen felt that his posture was low enough, and when he changed his partner, he would not speak in such a low voice, "Being an official will benefit one party."

"If you want to benefit Beichong, you should do a good job of the party committee." Chen Taizhong saw that he said sincerely, so he gave a reliable suggestion, "I have zhèngfǔ, let's take care of it."

"Zhèngfǔ must accept the guidance of the party committee," Qi Zhiwen said loudly, "Beichong's development plan, I...we have to discuss it, the party and government cannot be divided so clearly."

"For Bei Chong's plan, the party committee can suggest that you don't want to interfere," Chen Taizhong categorically denied what he said. "Many things, you simply don't know much about it. The local atmosphere...hehe, you can't finish it."

He sent this statement with feelings. Originally, he wanted to help the farmers who had lost their baby fish farming to recover their losses. Those who raised mud loach accidentally learned the saying that they were "reversed".

"Beichong's current development situation obviously lacks further overall planning, an advertisement to collect the province's ramie," Qi Zhiwen sneered, "You have to insist on doing this, I have to get it to the Standing Committee."

"Just say what you want," Chen Taizhong smiled slightly, "This is your right."

"I just think that the power exercised by the district zhèngfǔ is a bit out of control," Qi Zhiwen replied in a tactful but not polite tone. "The supervisory function of the party committee must be emphasized."

"Just relying on you? It's much worse if you want to supervise me," Chen Taizhong also sighed, "Secretary Qi, to be honest, you can honestly grasp personnel rights...We can still cooperate with each other, and everything else is delusional. ."

"This is impossible. The future development of Beichong must be planned by you and me." Qi Zhiwen saw that he was able to speak clearly, and Suo xìng opened the skylight to speak brightly. In fact, he didn't think Chen Taizhong had the ability to plan—nothing more It's just a polite, "This is a blank drawing...How to draw this picture well is very important."

"It's raining heavily, I can't brake well," Chen Taizhong replied faintly, "We are in Beichong ahead, Secretary Qi, you get back to your car?"

Qi Zhiwen returned to his Audi A4, but Chen Taizhong was not in a hurry, so he drove the Audi car and wandered in the winter rain. At this moment, he felt extremely lonely. The last time Dong Feiyan was overthrown was in the winter rain, but... …Is that last year or the year before?

Every year is similar to each other, and every year is different. He feels that he is a little old.

On the second day of the Standing Committee, he didn’t care very much. He knew the issues of the Standing Committee very well. There was nothing worth worrying about. However, just before the end of the meeting, Secretary Qi said, “I’m from the province. At the time, I knew that Beichong was quite poor and backward, so before I came, I brought a small project down..."

"Ha," the cadres in Beichong laughed. This is basically the norm. Secretary Qi is not a local cadre, nor is it deployed from the city, but an airborne cadre from the province.

When such a cadre comes to the local area and wants to open up the situation, he must show a little sincerity to the local area if he is in the mood and reason. Otherwise, who would be willing to kill you?

"I work a lot in agencies, knowing that it is not easy for cadres," Secretary Qi laughed when he realized that he had achieved his desired effect, "but it is also difficult for the masses, so I am engaged in a meat and poultry breeding project."

This project is very unpleasant, and there is no need to say more, but it is better than nothing, let alone the province’s 15 million appropriations-that is not a loan, it is an appropriation.

Everyone was chatting for a while, Secretary Qi turned his head and glanced at District Mayor Chen, "District Taizhong, the province has allocated 15 million yuan, and the local government has raised 15 million yuan, so the project can be done... This money is for me. You can help me coordinate, and the time zone zhèngfǔ will accept the account and pay the money."

"The district committee has started this project, the district zhèngfǔ will not participate," Chen Taizhong replied lightly.

"How can zhèngfǔ and the party committee be so clearly divided?" Qi Zhiwen snorted when he heard the words. Since Yangzhou TV broadcasted a notice yesterday, some things are well known. "Aren't we going to open up buying ramie? Money?"

You're a self-defeating rhythm. Others can't stop it. Chen Taizhong laughed coldly. "It's just a shortfall. I can't participate in it. The party committee wants to do it. Let's watch."

There was a good show. When the other nine members of the Standing Committee saw this, they all fought with each other. The legendary battle between the leaders of the party and government is about to be staged in Beichong.

"I spent less than a month in office, and spent 30 million on the acquisition of ramie, and spent 20 million before the chūn holiday. These data are all from you," Qi Zhiwen replied nonchalantly, "150 million. Ramie reserves and the construction of the ramie factory will be enough for one year, District Chief Chen, am I right?"

"Yes," Chen Taizhong nodded.

"Then why do you want to throw another 100 million ramie? There is no need at all, there is already a whole year of reserves," Secretary Qi said, really angry, thinking of doing something practical, zhèngfǔlian A guarantee of 15 million yuan was not willing, but it was spent in useless places.

Anyway, he knew that it would be okay to reason with Chen Taizhong, so he was not afraid to open it up. He slowly scanned a circle of standing committee members present, "This is a huge waste... I think it is necessary to discuss this issue carefully. ."

First discuss it, and then if the situation is favorable, Secretary Qi intends to let everyone vote.

All the members of the Standing Committee did not answer, they just kept their ears up and listened to District Chief Chen's response.

Chen Taizhong sighed, "As for why we need to increase the storage of ramie, I suggest that Comrade Wang Yuanyuan, the Planning Commissioner, first give you an explanation."

"Let her come quickly," Qi Zhiwen nodded, not believing that you can still tell the flowers.

Seeing that the atmosphere was loose, the Standing Committee members also relaxed. Some people drank water, some got up to the toilet, and others grabbed the melon seeds in front of them and licked them. No one spoke.

However, everyone is very clear in their hearts that things cannot be done well today. The new secretary has already started with zhèngfǔ affairs. Whether it succeeds or not, this is a signal.

Some people felt that Chen Taizhong had done a little too much. He spent 100 million to buy ramie to press the warehouse-I have seen someone who wasted money, and I have never seen such a waste of money.

Seven or eight minutes later, Wang Yuanyuan appeared at the door of the meeting room, holding a file bag in her hand, standing there dazedly.

"Send some information to the leaders," Chen Taizhong said lightly, squeezing out the cigarette **** in his hand, and then took out another one and lit it.

Is it really expected? Qi Zhiwen allowed the director of the planning committee to put the document in front of him, and took a cup of water to drink. He was not anxious to read the information, but glanced at the standing committee members present to see who picked up the information first.

However, his style is the style of the provincial organs. The people in Beichong don't eat this set. Everyone picks up the information at hand. Only the Minister of the Armed Forces Hong, who is in the army, is not interested in these things.

After the Standing Committee members read the information, basically no one had any changes in their expressions. Only Ge Baoling looked at Wang Yuanyuan and Qi Zhiwen with complicated eyes.

Secretary Qi noticed her look, and then looked down at the information. There are five pages of paper. There are densely packed forms in front. The new secretary glanced at her. He wanted to figure it out, but after another thought, if he did this, It is a bit big, not only does not respect the Standing Committee members, but also may anger Chen Taizhong.

So he asked to turn to the last page. As expected, here is the key point. Because hemp was cheap and hurt the farmers last year, the sales of ramie manufacturers were good and the inventory was not large. The Planning Commission of Beichong District believes that since April this year, it has been At the end of the stubble, ramie should have a relatively large increase.

I'll take it. Is that okay? Qi Zhiwen suddenly became dizzy and his face became hot. He thought of too many possibilities, but he did not expect that this year's ramie might have a skyrocketing price.

He lowered his head for another half minute, looking like he was trying to figure out information, but he was actually controlling his emotions. Then he raised his head and slowly glanced at everyone-I don’t know why, this time he saw from the eyes of many people. There was a lot of ridicule and gloat.

The situation is born from the heart, Secretary Qi touched a cigarette and lit it, "With this information, what do you want to say?"

Chen Tieren knew that he had raised his hand this time After getting permission, he glanced at Wang Yuanyuan, "This is just a prediction. The Planning Commission can guarantee that Ramie will definitely go up?"

"The probability is more than 70%," the young and beautiful director of the planning committee replied blankly. The information is clearly written, and you want me to promise. What does this mean? "Now we are thinking more about how far ramie can rise."

"If misfortune becomes that 30%, can you afford this responsibility?" Secretary Chen asked coldly, "Or do you think the Planning Commission can afford it?"

"Cough," Chen Taizhong coughed heavily, and raised his hand to drink a cup of tea, kid...You're almost ready, you have the ability to rush to me.

"This is our report. The decision-making is not in the planning committee. Leaders will make the decision," Wang Yuanyuan replied neither humble nor arrogant.

"This report has been out for so long, December 26, 2002," Chen Tieren asked coldly, "Why the party committee has not been aware of it?"

"The Planning Commission is only responsible for reporting to the district zhèngfǔ," Wang Yuanyuan's face was very calm.

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